Chapter 171 Curse

The curse of the bleeding dog is a very troublesome thing.
It is not like an ordinary curse that directly or indirectly damages people's bodies.
This curse is a destruction of the entire human body system.
According to Ren Lian Lingyi's speculation, this curse is more like the embodiment of the corrosive power of the Beast Realm Hound than a curse.
If we regard humans as a small world, then the curse of the bloody dog ​​will erode the boundaries of the world, or it would be more accurate to say that they erode the protection system, just as they erode the boundaries of Teyvat.
However, unlike the huge border of Teyvat, the single human body border is indeed quite weak in resisting the curse.
Moreover, ordinary shields have no way to resist this erosion curse.
Those with life energy levels below LV30 who encounter this curse can basically say goodbye to the world, and they will die in great pain , because the way the Beast Hounds erode the borders of Teyvat is by dissolving it.
Only sufficiently powerful life forms can recover and rebuild their own defense systems under the erosion of the curse.
Ren Lian Lingyi was a little confused about this curse, but after careful experiments he still found two ways to lift the curse.
One is to fill oneself with the Qi of Yingwei, to resist the invasion of the curse after it comes, and to quickly reconstruct the eroded 'border'.
The Ying and Wei Qi are a special kind of human . They come from the essence of water and grain. The Ying Qi is rich in nutrients, circulates in the meridians, and is an important component of the blood. The Wei Qi is strong and smooth, circulates outside the meridians, and has a defensive effect, which can prevent external evils from invading the body.
After being can effectively resist the curse and reconstruct the body's defense system. This is a method of purification and recovery after being cursed.
The conditions are also quite difficult, requiring the coordination of the Thunder Pill Technique and the technique of stimulating one's own nutritional and defensive energy. And the most crucial thing is that Ren Lian Lingyi had just invented this technique of stimulating one's own nutritional and defensive energy, and it had not been simplified yet.
Another method is to construct a false boundary to transfer the curse out. This method can be used when the curse has not yet been borne or has just been borne.
Ren Lian Lingyi felt that this was quite simple. He knew both the technique of transferring the curse and the technique of creating a virtual boundary. He just needed to combine the two and simplify them.
When Ren Lian Lingyi was about to upload his two results , he received news about the Huzhai Palace experiment.
Hu Zaigong's idea is obviously different from Ren Lian Lingyi's. Her idea is to draw the curse directly out of the wound and then use elemental power to directly eliminate it.
As for the wounds and the damaged areas due to the curse, the traditional methods of exorcism and purification were still used. For recovery, the Thunder Pill Technique from three major versions ago was used.
Emmm, Huzaigong, you are a lazy guy. You didn’t even update your Thunder Dan technique.
Uh~ It seems that it’s not Kitsusai Palace’s fault, because the last three versions of the Thunder Pill Technique are no longer something that ordinary people can learn.
It contains not only a large amount of knowledge on pharmacology and lightning element mechanics, but also a large amount of knowledge on other subjects such as barrier science and energy matter.
Fortunately, Ren Lian Lingyi designed the Thunder Pill Technique of Immortality with basic intelligence and fool-proof operation when he first designed it.
Otherwise, without this basic intelligence, it would take most people a long time just to learn the corresponding use of the Thunder Pill Technique.
The combined effect of these techniques is actually quite good, but the recovery effect is still not as good as the combination of the Yingwei Technique and the Leidan Technique newly developed by Ren Lian Lingyi.
Therefore, when Ren Lian Lingyi sent the data to [Resurrection] for calculation, he also made an underground communication to Huzai Palace.
After a series of beeping sounds, the figure of Kitsuzai Palace was projected in front of Ren Lian Lingyi.
"It's Ren Koba, what's the matter?" asked Kitsusaigong.
"I want to discuss the development of magic with Lord Kitsuzhaigong." Ren Lian Lingyi was indifferent to Kitsuzhaigong's teasing and stated his request very directly.
After saying that he was bored, Hu Zhaigong said, "I wonder what the Blade Master has to say?"
Then Ren Lian Lingyi began a long speech, from the analysis of the curse of the Beast Realm Hound, to how to discover the restraint of the human body's nutritional Qi on this curse, to how to research the technique to stimulate one's own nutritional Qi, and finally talked about how to use the Thunder Pill Technique to expand and activate one's own nutritional Qi, and combine and simplify them.
However, what Ren Lian Lingyi did not notice was that Hu Zhaigong's eyes were a little dull.
The research on curses by Kitsai Palace is still the same old way. After all, there are few monsters that are not affected by curses, and Kitsai Palace is very good at using its own curses.
Her theory was to exorcise the foul energy representing the curse and then use magic to heal the wound in a simple and traditional way.
Of course, Kitsusai Palace himself also noticed that this curse was not easy to deal with, so he used the Thunder Pill Technique in the end.
Now that she had listened to Ren Lian Lingyi's explanation, how should she put it? She might not have any idea about the method to remove the curse, but she had a lot of experience about curses. If she was given some time, she felt that she could also replicate this curse.
Kitsaigong felt a little numb.
He rubbed his numb ears and face and continued to listen to Ren Lian Lingyi explain her second idea.
Hu Zhaigong understood this idea better. After all, it was a traditional spell, which Hu Zhaigong was quite familiar with.
Soon, Ren Lian Lingyi finished explaining the second idea. After all, the second idea was simpler.
After finishing his speech, Ren Lian Lingyi said with emotion, "This curse is really troublesome. Conventional purification and restoration spells have very average effects on this curse, and ordinary spells are very slow in reconstructing the boundaries of the human body. If the opponent is allowed to stack this curse, even big monsters like you and me will not be able to withstand it."
Hu Zhaigong's expression froze visibly, and it was obvious that he had never expected that there would be a superposition of curses.
"However, Master Kitsusai's technique of extracting the energy of the curse is still very good. This can effectively prevent the curse from further expanding."
But Kitsai Palace said, "This is very troublesome, and this extraction technique requires a lot from the caster. I am working on simplifying this technique, but I have no idea. And you also know the danger of this curse. This curse cannot be cast casually."
"Uh~ is that so?" Ren Lian Lingyi stroked his chin and began to ponder.
As Ren Lian Lingyi was thinking about it, he somehow remembered the talismans from Liyue and the talismans from Inazuma, and then he thought of the chip, and then he said that he had a way.
Without waiting for Hu Zhaigong to speak, he hung up the phone and went to study.
"Hey!?" Hu Zhaigong was also a little crazy. What did this guy mean? What was the solution?
"Superposition, emmm, I seem to have a real solution." Lian Lingyi said uncertainly in the cave of the testing ground.
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