Chapter 170: The scumbag is good at disappearing

There is no doubt that Alma is indeed good at scheming to gain power, but in the eyes of most people, he is a clouded and insurmountable mountain.
But no one would have thought that this mountain would fall into the hands of a villain who coveted power.
Milgan didn't consider the consequences of Alma's death at all. He just wanted to use Alma's daughter to seize the power that did not belong to him.
However, Milgan may be a daring adventurer, but he is definitely not a qualified assassin.
After the assassination was successful, the mercenary leader obviously did not control his mentality. He did not immediately clean up the scene, nor did he hide on the spot. Instead, he planned to escape at night...
This is actually something that only an inexperienced novice assassin would do.
After the assassination is successful, the best way is to lurk in the city and wait for the city to become chaotic because of the death so that it will be easier to escape.
If you have time to clean up the scene, you should definitely do it, or create some misleading information to increase your own safety.
Most novice assassins die within an hour of their success.
Calmness and meticulousness are the most important qualities of a killer - people like Lisa Dilan, who can remain calm even after being caught, are considered high-level assassins.
But Milgan was neither calm nor thoughtful, not even very composed.
So, it was no surprise that Milgan's hasty escape from the scene after he succeeded was discovered by Alma's men.
What followed was that the entire inner castle became extremely noisy. The soldiers discovered that Alma had been assassinated, and hundreds of people began to hunt down the assassin.
However, Milgan was indeed an extraordinary warrior. Although all the masters he brought in died in the inner castle of Changhe Town, he himself managed to fight his way out of Changhe Town alone.
In other words, it is not called "killing out", but "jumping out".
Many things are always surprisingly similar.
Like the previous Doombringer, Milgan was also trapped in the room at the corner of the fifth floor and was forced into the corner. Then he accidentally discovered the secret door that could be flipped over and jumped from the fifth floor into the lake.
But Milgan didn't grow up by the lake... He wasn't a very good swimmer, and the equipment he was wearing was relatively heavy. Although he didn't wear the blue heavy armor for the assassination, he still almost drowned.
But he was lucky, or rather Eric was lucky, Milgan met Eric in the water.
In fact, this was not a coincidence - Eric was a native of Changhe Town, and his best skill was swimming. He had originally planned to sneak into Changhe Town by water with twenty or thirty men.
But he couldn't get in for a while. Changhe Town was on high alert, and there were many soldiers guarding the river transport terminal in the city. So he kept wandering around the lake, preparing to try to swim in from the lake behind the inner castle.
As a result, the two met in the lake behind Changhe Town.
There was a commotion in the inner castle with someone trying to hunt down Milgan. The lights were all on. Someone jumped into the water from the fifth floor. It was so noisy that Eric could of course see it from the lake.
So Eric rescued him from the lake
In other words, Milgan fell into Eric's hands - in the lake, his life and death were indeed in Eric's hands.
Although Eric is not good at martial arts, that is on land.
In the water, there are not many who can compete with this white shark.
Milgan was certainly a man who knew the times. Besides, he knew Eric and they had just walked hundreds of miles together not long ago.
Although we are not friends, we are at least acquaintances.
Moreover, Mirgan actually possesses the good quality of repaying kindness - of course, he can only possess it when it is necessary...
After knowing that Eric was planning to enter the city, Milgan said that most of his mercenaries were still in the city and he could take Eric in.
He also told Eric in detail everything he knew.
But Milgan was no fool, he did not mention at all that he killed Alma.
Eric had been having a headache about how to get into the city, and now he finally found a way. So with Milgan's cooperation, Eric finally got into Changhe Town.
But Eric was no pushover, and he was familiar with the environment of Changhe Town. He could certainly imagine that since Milgan fell into the water from the inner castle, he might have done something - so he tied Milgan up and took him to the Changhe Express base.
As a result, this clumsy assassin who was planning to escape from Changhe Town immediately was brought into the town again and placed next to the inner castle of Changhe Town - the Changhe Express’s headquarters was right next to the inner castle.
At this time, the inner fortress of Changhe Town was in chaos.
Due to Milgan's rookie behavior, almost all of Alma's men who remained in the barracks in the Inner Castle Square knew that the Duke had been assassinated, and now they were all in chaos.
These troops from Lion Lake City are now leaderless and at a loss as to what to do.
Perhaps out of a sense of responsibility and instinct, they split into two groups. One group went outside Changhe Town to look for the assassin who jumped into the river, while the other group left the inner castle and attacked all suspicious persons in the city.
Changhe Town fell into full-scale riot within an hour.
A few soldiers from Lion Lake City with poor military discipline began to take the opportunity to plunder, kill people and steal their property.
Some ruffians in Changhe Town also began to take advantage of the chaos to fish in troubled waters.
Fortunately, Godric launched a "severe crackdown" when he first took office, and the bandits in Changhe Town were basically wiped out. Otherwise, the consequences of the riots would have been more serious.
The members of the Sword of the Griffin mercenaries scattered in various taverns in the city became the first victims of these chaotic troops - they were indeed the most suspicious personnel...
Although this was an unexpected conflict, in fact, Alma's men did find the right target - this was originally done by the Griffin Sword Mercenaries.
The members of the Sword of Griffin Mercenaries had no news of Milgan, and they thought their leader had been killed. Naturally, they would fight back desperately when they were attacked. The female warriors of this mercenary group were indeed very loyal to Milgan.
As a result, Alma's troops and the Sword of Griffin mercenaries fought in the city.
The top leaders of both sides were not present, so the Lion Lake City troops had the advantage in numbers; and although the Griffin Sword Mercenaries were small in number, they were highly elite and had stronger individual combat capabilities.
The two sides were evenly matched, and the result was a deadlock in the street fighting in the city.
This strange war lasted until the second half of the night. Since half of the Lion Lake City troops went outside the city to search for the assassin who jumped into the river, only half of the people were left in the city. As a result, they fought with the Griffin Sword Mercenaries and both sides suffered heavy losses.
The correct judgment Eric made before played a decisive role at this time.
All the escorts who were hiding in Changhe Town now put on their emblematic robes and gathered at the Changhe Express station again.
While the troops of Lion Lake City were fighting fiercely with the Sword of Griffin mercenaries, Eric and his escorts easily captured the inner castle of Changhe Town and successfully rescued Godric.
Later, Godric discovered that Alma had been assassinated and saw the imperial decree on Alma's desk.
Godric certainly understood that King Ulric would not transfer Long River Town to Alma, but he did not know that this was done by Prince Alanric. He thought that Alma had forged the imperial edict and falsely conveyed the king's order.
So Godric raised the banner, announced that Alma was rebelling, and together with Eric and the escorts, he began to suppress the rebellion.
Godric, who had been the captain of the Royal Guard, was probably the best person in the entire Sarleon Kingdom at clearing up chaos in the city. He and Eric, with their escorts, suppressed the rioters street by street, always outnumbering the enemy in every street, and soon regained control of the situation in the city.
In the early morning, Eric cleared out Changhe Town. Alma's men had no will to fight, so they all evacuated Changhe Town and retreated to Lion Lake City.
The Sword of the Griffin mercenaries were forced to fight an extremely difficult war in the city, with frighteningly high casualties. In addition, Milgan never showed up, so the remaining 200-plus mercenaries left Changhe Town and fled towards Trubrunn.
At the same time, Sir Roland, Sarah and Leslie, who were rushing to Changhe Town, met Raphael on the way.
Sarah and Leslie knew Raphael, of course. After listening to Raphael's explanation of the situation, Sarah keenly realized that this was a trick used by the Duke of Alma, and she also realized that she might not want to try to jailbreak.
Sarah had been socializing among the nobles for many years and was very familiar with these schemes. Alma first released Raphael, and then immediately declared Raphael a traitor, most likely in order to shift the blame to others.
At the same time, releasing Raphael would let everyone know that Godric was captured by him. Since he dared to make this public, he was probably deliberately trying to attract people to jailbreak.
So they did not go to Changhe Town, but took Raphael and dozens of rangers to Trubrunn first, intending to gather some information first.
As a result, they ran into the remnants of the Griffin Sword Mercenaries who had fled to Troublen.
The Sword of the Griffin Mercenaries arrived in Changhe Town earlier than Alma's troops. They actually knew that Raphael had attacked Alma. Since they had a common enemy, there was no conflict between the two sides.
But after coming into contact with the Griffin Sword Mercenaries, Sarah's complexion became worse and worse...
Because some female adventurers of the Griffin Sword Mercenaries referred to Mirgan Kirick as 'Kir'.
Sarah knew the name.
Eight years ago, when she was eighteen, she knew...
The handsome knight she was infatuated with at that time, her lover who suddenly disappeared, called himself "Kil".
No wonder he disappeared, no wonder he had so many adventures...
It turns out that he has taught so many girls how to use swords...
Sarah felt dizzy and lost almost all her strength.
In fact, for Milgan, not only can beautiful girls not tie him up, but even Eric's rope can't tie him up...
What is a scumbag best at?
Of course, it's disappearing...
After completely controlling Changhe Town, Eric returned to the Changhe Express base, but only saw a few broken ropes on the ground - Milgan had disappeared!
This is actually inevitable. If he didn't have this ability, this number one scumbag in Pand would have died eight times already.
Mirgan and Leon have the same habit, they both like to carry a concealed knife with them.
However, the Lord carries a knife mainly for kidnapping, while Milgan mainly uses it to escape...
In his more than ten years of adventure, the knife saved him at least eight times...
But Milgan did not find his mercenary group. After escaping from Changhe Town, he went to Lion Lake City alone.
Li Ang was unaware of the chaos in Changhe Town. He was now busy facing a group of strange enemies.
In other words, two groups of strange enemies.
One group is the Jatu people.
The other group was mostly wrapped in animal skins, and they all looked like Misty Mountain Savages...
The reason why it is strange is that, how could these two groups of people get together?
The lord doesn't understand why the Misty Mountaineers would attack the Noldor elves together with the Jatu?
But at least now, he understood why Aldarian was defeated and why the Jatu dared to go deep into the Noldor Forest.
Because many Misty Mountain Wildlings held the heraldic shields and maces that originally belonged to the Knights of the Ebony Gauntlet, and a small number of Misty Mountaineers held the Noldor swords and Noldor shields.
It is obvious that these Misty Mountain people have been fighting together with the Jatu people.
Most of the Ebony Hammermen who were responsible for luring Aldarian are now dead, and their weapons have fallen into the hands of the Misty Mountain Wildlings. Their fate is obvious.
It is estimated that the Jatu and Misty Mountain people jointly set up an ambush, and ambushed together with the Ebony Gauntlet Knights.
According to Risadilan, Aldarian hated the Jatu people so much that he would probably not let them go if he saw them. It is understandable that he was ambushed by the Jatu people and the Misty Mountain people.
Li Ang is now next to a forest horse farm, hiding in the dark and spying on what is going on inside the farm.
He did not bring many people with him, only two hundred, including his non-commissioned officers and some newly recruited soldiers, with the ratio of new recruits to veterans being one to one.
This is intentional, as the one-on-one approach allows new recruits to grow quickly.
To go into the forest to help the Noldor fight, he could only bring his own subjects. The knights and soldiers of White Hart Castle would definitely not be willing to do such a job.
After discovering the traces of the Jatu people, Risadilan quickened his pace and led the team all the way here, just in time to encounter the enemy launching an attack.
As he did not have many men, Li Ang did not rush into the battlefield immediately, but waited for the opportunity.
At this time, Risadilan showed great obedience. Knowing that the lord was planning to ambush the enemy, he neither urged nor was impatient. Instead, he hid in the woods to guard the flank to prevent Leon's troops from being discovered.
The lord's troops hid in the dense forest and probably were not discovered.
Li Ang was lying in the front position, and in front of him was an open grassland in the forest.
This is the largest horse farm of the Nordofinwy family, breeding hundreds of elven horses.
This is probably the place with the sparsest trees in the Noldor Forest. Wherever Leon looked, there were tall yew trees, but the distance between the trees was mostly more than twenty meters.
This was obviously done deliberately by the Fenway family, making this horse farm the only place in the forest where horses can run.
There were about eighty people from the Fenway family left at the horse farm, led by two Twilight Knights and divided into two teams.
One team was guarding a large stable, while the other team was at the front, shooting any enemies that showed up.
In fact, eighty Noldor elves are already a very strong fighting force . If they were in the woods, they might be able to deal with enemies ten times their number.
But now, they were in this sparsely wooded area, lacking the cover of trees, and the Noldor elves could only fight head-on.
In fact, there are not many Misty Mountaineers appearing in front of them now, only more than a hundred, but after obtaining sophisticated equipment, the combat effectiveness of these savages is not weak.
The most important thing is that they, like the Jatu people, do not care about their own lives at all and continue to charge forward under the rain of arrows from the Noldor.
Although dozens of corpses had been left behind, they were always at the forefront, quickly approaching the Noldor formation.
There were probably more than three hundred Jatu people, but they were spread out and basically did not engage in close combat. Instead, they consciously stayed close to the stables.
It seems that the Jatu people's purpose is indeed to obtain the elven horses of the Noldor.
The Noldor who were unwilling to fight for their lives with the enemy had a more difficult fight. Those in the front row retreated step by step and gradually retreated to the side of the stable.
Now, they couldn't retreat. Behind them was the stable. If the Jatu people got on the horses, it would be a serious problem...
Due to their numerical disadvantage, and the need to protect their horses from the Jatu, the Noldor elves seemed to be forced into hand-to-hand combat with the enemy.
This was something the Noldor wanted to avoid at all costs; they were unwilling to exchange their lives with others.
"Brothers, charge!"
When the enemy was still twenty or thirty meters away from the Noldor elves, the lord gave an order and then rushed to the front.
The lord's troops rushed over from the enemy's side. Just after entering the battlefield, Leon shot down a Jatu with one arrow.
Then he simply dropped his bow and rushed towards the other Jatu, brandishing his sword.
Rushing out from this direction happened to be the direction where a part of the Jatu were encircling. The nearest Jatu was only twenty meters away from him. He shot an arrow at the beginning just to express his position to prevent the Noldor from hitting the wrong person.
At this time, Lisadilan also rushed out and ran towards a Twilight Knight.
Both sides of the battle saw the group of human soldiers rushing out, dressed in neatly-dressed robes.
But the Noldor had no time to pay attention - the Misty Mountain Wildlings had already rushed up to them and started fighting hand-to-hand.
The Jatu people were a little hesitant, probably re-evaluating the battlefield situation...
But Leon's troops did not hesitate at all. The two hundred people gathered together and rushed directly towards the Jatu people who were already in a scattered state.
Although it was impossible to deploy any military formation in the forest, the local superiority in forces, coupled with a dense formation against the skirmish line, quickly demonstrated the effectiveness of this charge.
In just one minute, dozens of Jatu people fell at the hands of Leon's troops.
Leon heard the Jatu words that meant retreat again, and the Jatu people on the periphery slowly began to retreat.
But the Misty Mountain people were still fighting hard, because they were now fighting with the Noldor Elves and had no way to retreat.
It seems that the relationship between the Jatu people and these Misty Mountain people is not very close. Those Jatu people actually sold out their teammates...
Jun 18, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024