Chapter 160: Death Agent (1)

This situation has continued since the day when time and space activities on the old land became frequent.
Many people have speculated about how long this space-time activity might last, but in the end, it turned out that they were all wrong.
A few days? A few months? Or... a year?
The actual time is much longer than they imagined.
Only Chen She himself knew that such space-time activities would continue, and it was Epsilon that forever opened a rift between the old land and the space-time world.
The possibility of it changing in the future cannot be ruled out, but based on Chen She's understanding of Epsilon, this change will never be for the better.
As the bad weather continues, subtle changes are also taking place on all the continents of the old land.
The influence of Mewtwo in "The Congressman Also Has His Son" far exceeds the imagination of most people.
This is certainly because Mewtwo itself is well-made, but Mr. Guanqi's interpretation of it is also crucial.
Whether it is regular Mewtwo or Black Mewtwo, its influence is not limited to the Northern Continent.
Instead, it was more widely spread in the Western Continent.
In Chen She's conception, the Western Continent has always been a potential market for Black Mewtwo. So after the development of Black Mewtwo in "The Councillor Has His Own Son" was completed, it was specially shipped to the Western Continent along with a large number of firearms.
As for the main customers, they are of course the old customers, various wanderer tribes, and the rebels over there.
This Mewtwo played a big role in the resistance.
The two factions within the resistance had already started a fierce quarrel.
After the honeymoon period with the old consortium, frictions began to arise between the two sides.
The rebels did temporarily avoid the crisis of being wiped out by the corporate coalition army through the old consortium, and even obtained good weapons and equipment from the old consortium, but soon they were forced to engage in a major war with the new consortium.
The new consortium headed by the Black Umbrella Group is by no means weak in power on the Western Continent, and in the course of fighting, the old consortium will of course let the rebels take the lead.
Although both sides were scheming against each other and suffered losses, the rebels were not stupid, and neither was the old consortium. In the end, the rebels suffered greater losses.
But once you get on the pirate ship, it is not easy to get off.
Quarrels often break out within the resistance army, but if they withdraw now, they will immediately return to the original situation where they are attacked by a mixed group of new and old consortiums, and the situation will likely become even worse.
The performance of the Old Consortium has led many members of the resistance to have unrealistic fantasies about the Old Consortium. Perhaps they really have this fluke mentality: if the Old Consortium wins, perhaps they can show leniency and allow the resistance to survive on the Western Continent like those wanderer tribes, without interfering with each other?
Even if we don't occupy the most advantageous area in the Western Continent, as long as we can set aside a part of the area for the rebels to recuperate, that would be enough.
On one side there is chronic death, and on the other side there is sudden death with a chance of survival. The resistance forces are also arguing fiercely among themselves.
And at this special moment, Mewtwo, "The Congressman Also Has His Son", appeared.
By the time this Mewtwo was introduced to the Western Continent, people had already largely completed their interpretation of it, including Mr. Guanqi's explanation of its connotation, as well as the two versions of regular Mewtwo and black Mewtwo.
Therefore, the ideas that Chen She wanted to express to the rebels were also clearly conveyed.
A big discussion started again within the resistance, and this time, the resistance forces that refused to continue cooperating with the old consortium gained the upper hand.
They may not have been able to find a good argument or a powerful theory before, but this Mewtwo puts what they need right at their fingertips.
The old and new consortiums are birds of a feather.
The only result of the rebels helping the old consortium is to be abandoned.
It is impossible to defeat the new consortium with the help of the old consortium. The only result is to be constantly worn out and consumed, and eventually become a victim of the struggle between the old and new consortiums.
This is not a very difficult thing to figure out, but in that special environment, those involved are often confused.
However, this Super Dream from Lishan Technology ruthlessly shattered the fantasies of many people.
After a long discussion, although no clear conclusion was reached, those members of the resistance army who refused to cooperate with the consortium successfully united.
They can't really get anything done, but they're good enough to mess something up.
Therefore, under the call of these people, many people in the resistance army began to become negative and passive in the fight against the new consortium, and this trend was naturally captured by both the new and old consortiums.
Then, there was a brief period of silence.
The war between the old and new consortiums began to become strange. It was vigorous at first, but slowly, the intensity of the war began to decline. Although it was not to the point of dying down, and there were still small-scale frictions, the intentions of the three parties were naturally hidden.
What’s strange is that this phenomenon is not only concentrated in the Western Continent. Corporate wars in other continents have also entered a brief buffer period.
To some in the resistance, this seemed like a good thing.
In this way, the rebels can follow this trend, reduce battles with the new consortium, and preserve their own manpower to the maximum extent possible.
However, a small number of people, led by Gao Jingwu, knew very well that this was by no means good news.
However, Gao Jingwu was already far away from the core of the resistance army at this time, and he had not yet revealed his true identity, because such a thing was too far-fetched and once proven would expose too many secrets. Chen She had not had much contact with the resistance army at all, so this concern could not be widely conveyed.
Before anyone could react, the situation on the battlefield changed drastically.
The corporate war suddenly ceased overnight.
All this seemed like a child's play. To outsiders, the new and old consortiums started fighting over a disagreement, and after fighting for more than half a year, they suddenly and tacitly ceased fighting at a very fast speed without revealing any news or reasons to the outside world.
Then, the old and new consortiums launched attacks on the unprepared resistance forces on West Avenue.
Caught off guard, the rebels suffered a severe blow and were no longer able to maintain their original state. Instead, they were quickly broken up into many groups, making it difficult for them to establish effective connections with each other.
It turns out that from the moment the rebels cooperated with the old consortium and began to have hope in it, this fate of being stabbed in the back was doomed.
The only suspense is how long these rebels, who have been scattered and hidden in the mountains, can hold out under the joint encirclement of the new and old consortiums.
At this time, Chen She had no energy to pay attention to the situation in the Western Continent, because the situation in the Northern Continent was even more serious for him.
The reason for the ceasefire between the old and new consortiums was simple: after this corporate war, they redefined their spheres of influence and redistributed some interests.
After both sides had figured out each other's strength, it was meaningless to continue the corporate war because they could not completely swallow each other. Moreover, the Silver Star Federation, which had originally had an ambiguous attitude towards this, began to gradually become tougher at this time.
Because the corporate war has reached its current stage, it has begun to seriously affect the economy of the Old Land.
The economy of the Old Land was already suffering from the continued strengthening of space-time activities, and the corporate war made this worse. After the war reached a stalemate and both sides basically defined their spheres of influence and business scope, the Silver Star Federation mediated between the two sides considering the materials needed for the future construction plan of Silver Star.
Therefore, after the two sides secretly signed a ceasefire agreement, they tacitly directed their attacks at the by-products of this negotiation: the Western Continent Resistance Army and small marginal consortiums, such as Lishan Technology.
When the new and old consortiums decided to start a war, these were originally the intermediate forces that they were fighting for; but after the ceasefire, these became the cake that was easily swallowed up.
Whoever swallows it faster owns it.
Lishan Technology is facing the same problem as other medium-sized consortiums, no, it should be said that it is even more serious because they are truly fat sheep.
Originally, the top management of Lishan Technology did not pay much attention to this matter. After all, Lishan Technology is protected by special corporate laws. However, as a corporate army of a medium-sized consortium surrounded Lishan Technology's field base, they discovered that things might not be that simple.
They were not exposed, but that did not stop other consortiums from wanting to devour them.
Special corporate laws do provide certain protection for small and medium-sized enterprises, but Lishan Technology is no longer a small enterprise.
The development of Lishan Technology can be described as rapid. The successive success of Mewtwo brought them a large amount of funds. The subsequent assistance from several consortiums and even the transfer of some production lines have made Lishan Technology's rating within the Silver Star Federation continue to rise.
As for medium-sized conglomerates, the special corporate law stipulates that they can engage in corporate warfare, but there are some special matching mechanisms. Super-large conglomerates cannot bully the small ones, but medium-sized conglomerates can have some "rule-compliant" friction.
But sometimes, the consequences of this friction can be quite serious, for example, some companies may be inadvertently removed from the map.
Everyone at Lishan Technology realized that some of the big companies, especially the old consortium, had probably provided them with other purposes in their assistance. Because not long after the truce between the old and new consortiums, Lishan Technology had grown to a level within the Silver Star Federation that allowed it to engage in corporate warfare.
Because these ratings are not transparent, it is difficult for Lishan Technology to estimate them itself.
Originally this was not a very serious problem. After all, the combat effectiveness of Lishan Technology's corporate army was absolutely overwhelming that of any company of the same level. But after the battle, they found that things were not that simple.
The corporate army that came to attack the door clearly had the shadow of the Icefield Defense Group behind it.
The old-school consortium did not offer any help. On the one hand, this may be because they were very dissatisfied with the ending of the previous Mewtwo in "The Congressman Also Has a Son". On the other hand, it may be because the new consortium had already agreed on how to deal with Lishan Technology in their armistice agreement.
The old consortium actually doesn't think it can truly control Lishan Technology, so it would be better to swallow it up before it grows up.
Have a piece of the pie.
This war was not fair. Everyone at Lishan Technology witnessed how powerful the Icefield Defense Group’s most advanced weapons were.
According to the new consortium's idea, it would not take too long to capture the Lishan Technology Field Base, perhaps two or three days would be enough.
As long as everything can be settled quickly, there will be no changes.
What surprised them was that the strength of the Lishan Technology Field Base was far beyond their imagination.
Chen She had previously firmly disagreed with the development of offensive weapons, and instead continued to invest a large amount of resources in the defense facilities of the field base. This decision, which had seemed a bit overly conservative before, played a crucial role at this time.
These powerful and novel defensive facilities posed a huge obstacle to the enemy, and the high fighting spirit of the Lishan Technology Enterprise Army also left the enemy dumbfounded.
During this process, Chen She also took action personally and played a very important role in several key battles.
At this time, many resistance fighters discovered that Captain Chen She had become such a good fighter without realizing it.
But even so, Lishan Technology is still on the brink of collapse.
Just like the rebels on the divided Western Continent, failure was only a matter of time.
But then, something happened that surprised everyone.
The already raging space-time activities have intensified!
Longer and wider time snow, higher-level space-time creatures, and more unpredictable and irregular space-time rifts...
The already abnormal space-time activities suddenly upgraded to one or several levels.
No one can tell exactly how much it has improved, because such terrible space-time activities have never appeared on such a large scale in the old land.
Not only that, a special mental illness has appeared in the wild.
Originally, the time snow only accelerated the passage of time and made the materials in direct contact age faster, but now, time and space activities in the wild seemed to bring about a special spiritual influence, causing people who were exposed to the wild for a long time to tend to go crazy and become lunatics like those in the Time and Space Knights. They may even suddenly collapse and turn into a pool of black time and space matter or directly turn into time and space creatures.
The serious consequences that were originally caused by the mental attacks of the Space-Time Knights were now widely appearing among the crowds in the wild.
This plunged the entire Old Land into unprecedented chaos.
Although the major consortiums quickly found a solution and worked hard to develop protective helmets or shields that could block such mental influences, and also discovered that such influences could be effectively isolated in underground bunkers or other places, all large-scale wars on the ground could ultimately no longer be fought.
Because it takes a long time to produce and equip the entire army with these new equipment, not to mention that even if they are assembled, it will be a huge additional expense, the original plan has undergone major changes and has to be stopped.
If we don’t withdraw our troops, we will have to bear the huge loss of the entire army turning into space-time creatures in the wild.
What's more, the intensification of this kind of space-time activities is an even more serious blow to the business activities in the Old Land. These big conglomerates have been hit so hard that they have to do their best to maintain their own business activities and have no spare energy to support any war.
As a result, the resistance forces in the Western Continent hid in the mountain valleys, while Lishan Technology hid in the underground fortifications that were already well connected, becoming the beneficiaries of this time and space activity.
As to why this happened, no one could guess.
In fact, it was because Chen She had upgraded again.
His upgrade resulted in a closer , and the high priest took another big step towards his ideal goal.
From Epsilon's perspective, the Old Land is one step closer to becoming a paradise for space-time creatures.
The commander who was besieging Lishan Technology was in a bad mood , just like when he was about to win a war in ancient times, but a meteorite suddenly fell from the sky and only hit him but not the other side, causing the army to be defeated...
This once again casts a certain mystery over Lishan Technology.
But no matter what, a military operation against Lishan Technology was inexplicably resolved.
There will be a next time, but no one knows exactly when it will be.
Now, he was unwilling, but he could only leave in shame.
In this special environment, Chen She began to lead the research and development of the new Mewtwo.
The name of this new Mewtwo is "Death Agent", and its inspiration comes from a movie called "Lord of Arms" that Chen She watched in his previous life.
"Death Agent" is no longer an interactive Super Dream, but an experiential Super Dream. Its protagonist is an arms dealer wandering in the gray area, negotiating business with some arms production consortiums, and transporting a batch of outdated but reliable and durable weapons to the chaotic Western Continent.
During this process, he encountered many things. Sometimes, he was tracked by the investigators of the Silver Star Federation and was almost imprisoned several times for smuggling arms; sometimes, he made a lot of money by doing business with some military organizations in the Western Continent and was well received in the chaotic Western Continent; sometimes, he encountered dangers in the process of selling arms, and encountered a powerful wanderer tribe or a small group of rebels and was almost killed...
But as Chaomeng continued to develop, his strength continued to grow, and the level of the people he knew continued to improve. He had been carefully hiding his identity not to be discovered or caught.
As a result, his channels began to expand continuously, from small consortiums to large consortiums, and from small arms dealers to large arms dealers.
He even began to learn how to stir up disputes in the Western Continent in order to open up sales for his arms.
Until one day, he incurred the wrath of the public. Investigators from the Silver Star Federation found evidence of his arms smuggling, and in the Western Continent, many wanderer tribes that suffered huge losses because of his provocations also set their sights on him.
He completed a deal in the Western Continent but was attacked shortly afterwards. He was on the verge of death, but a mysterious army rescued him and sent him back to the Northern Continent safely.
Just as he got off the plane, the investigators from the Silver Star Federation caught him and wanted to bring him to justice. But he was eventually released because the Icefield Defense Group found the investigator's boss.
So the mystery was solved, and the forces that had helped him before appeared one by one. Behind those forces stood different large conglomerates, and the Western Continent was just a testing ground for these large conglomerates.
In Mewtwo's final scene, he is so tall, mighty, and invincible because behind him stand countless large conglomerates.
Those big corporations are the chess players, and he is just the white gloves they wear on their hands.
Ordinary people are just chess pieces on the chessboard that are manipulated at will.
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024