Chapter 145 The Movie King's Kindness

The Lion Knights who came with Malbert this time have a lot of people, about 800 people, including more than 100 Lion Knights, and the rest are Lion Followers.
This is more than the total strength of Bailu Fort and Maixiangling.
Moreover, the Lion Knights were fully armed, riding two horses each, and looked like they were carrying out a combat mission that required a long journey.
Obviously, this was to prevent Li Ang from becoming desperate and leading his troops in rebellion.
King Ulrich obviously took this matter very seriously.
But Malbert himself was not a Lion Knight, and he did not have much communication with these Lion Knights. It was probably only because of his father that he led the team.
This second-generation high-ranking official didn't even wear knight armor, but a set of gorgeous aristocratic half-sleeved leather armor - this thing is a summer outfit, not for going to the battlefield, but for hunting, it has short sleeves and is cooler.
Even the horses they rode were all-black, unarmored thoroughbred hunter horses, which were very valuable racehorses that were generally not used on battlefields, let alone long journeys.
Whether looking at his attire or the state he behaved, he didn't look like he was leading people to capture traitors, but more like he was sightseeing or hunting.
This made the Lord feel very strange - Malbert's attire did not support his going to Sarleon City at all, and he didn't even bring his personal belongings.
It is unlikely that a young man from a duke's family would share a tent with the Lion Knights at night, right?
Unless he has some special hobby...
But even so, you will still have some followers, right?
Malbert didn't bring any followers with him...
So what was his intention?
Is he going to kill himself before dark?
Lord Malbert brought the Lion Knights and escorted - or rather, escorted - Leon to the vicinity of Troublen.
This is the temporary base of the Owl Knights.
After the last battle, Leon gave this place to the Night Owls. Anyway, no lord would come to claim this empty village for a while - this was Madam Bella's property, and Madam Bella was now imprisoned in the prison of Sarleon City and would probably never be released in her lifetime.
Malbert suddenly came to Leon at this time and whispered: "You should know that owl, right? They may be able to help you escape..."
The lord felt very disappointed.
Malbert knows the Owl Knights are here!
He also knew that he knew the leader, Ors...
He also hinted that he could use the abilities of the Owl Knights to escape?
But is Malbert doing this out of the kindness of his heart?
No...if I had really good intentions, I would not have read the letter in the first place, but would have returned the item to its original owner.
This should be a lie to myself...
The Owl Knights might be able to take him away, but if he really ran away, it would mean he was absconding from the crime, which would basically confirm the charge of treason!
With Ors's way of thinking, he would definitely not protect himself.
Moreover, in order to ensure the survival of the Owl Knights, if Ors is sure that he will be identified as a traitor, he will most likely report himself...
Malbert...does he want to kill me here?
But why?
Duke Brunus has no grudge against me, so it's not necessary!
Just as I was thinking about it, a few 'hooohoooo' owl calls were heard.
No, Leon realized, Malbert didn't want to kill him.
This is the whistle of the Owl Knights. With the abilities of the Night Owls, they should have discovered the Lion Knights long ago. Malbert must know this too.
He didn't want to kill anyone, he had other intentions.
But what was he going to do?
Leon glanced at Malbert and felt that this guy Malbert was obviously an actor - there was a worried look on his face, as if he was really worried about Leon.
"Lord Malbert, what are you talking about? What has the power to escape?"
The lord decided to play dumb.
"Oh, nothing. I think I saw a night owl flying by. It's good to have wings. It can escape the pursuit of most enemies..."
Malbert also started to show off his acting skills, pretending to be even more stupid than the lord.
"But it's daytime now... Well, Lord Malbert must be tired and dizzy, how about we go to that village and rest for a while?"
Leon was a little unsure about Malbert's intentions, so he decided to go into the village and give it a try.
"Yeah, okay, okay, I am indeed a little tired."
Malbert smiled shyly and rode towards the village.
Leon frowned behind him.
What on earth does this guy want to do?
But no matter what, with the Owl Knights in the village, he would definitely not kill anyone.
And since the Owl Knights know Rayman, they will naturally know some people from the Lion Knights, and there shouldn't be any conflict between the two knight orders.
"Lord Leon, Lord Malbert! I saw you coming from afar. Where are you going...any official business?"
As soon as we entered the village, Ors came to meet us. He had indeed known that this team was coming.
"Sir Ors, you actually know me..."
Malbert also looked a little surprised.
"There's no other way. Only by getting to know more people can we save our lives... Do you and Lord Li Ang want to take a rest? Why don't we sit in the house..."
Ors was obviously a smart guy. He realized at a glance that something was not normal - Leon never went out alone.
So he politely took Malbert and Leon into a stone house, then turned around and called the Lion Knight, running very fast.
Maybe he was afraid that if he stayed a second longer, he would find out something he shouldn't know...
Leon looked back and saw that the Lion Knights did not follow him in.
Lord Malbert smiled at Leon and said, "Baron Leon, I didn't expect you to leave White Hart Castle alone."
"I don't want to leave either. Isn't this what you asked for?"
Leon also smiled at Malbert.
"King Ulric sent this team of lion knights to capture you and bring you to Sarleon. I just helped them find their way. I will be returning to Changhe Town soon. I did not ask you to go with them alone. In fact, I hope you can bring more people to Sarleon..."
Malbert curled his lips.
"Why? Is there any problem with the number of people?"
The lord felt that there was something else behind these words.
"If you are alone and something happens to you, I'm afraid you won't even be able to spread the news..."
Malbert smiled strangely.
"Hey, it's quite laborious to talk like this, and I don't think anyone is eavesdropping, so why don't we just be direct?"
The lord looked back, sighed and decided to ask for clarification.
"Okay, I'll be frank. I did pick up a carriage, and that letter and box of money. I also know that it was probably a divisive plot by the Bacchus Empire. But it is my duty to report to Sarleon City. Lord Leon, you should understand, right?"
Malbert was quite happy.
Li Ang nodded. This was indeed his duty as a government official in Changhe Town. There was nothing wrong with Malbert's approach.
"Just three days after I reported to Sarleon, this group of Lion Knights arrived, bringing the king's order - the order I received was to bring the Lion Knights to arrest you. I couldn't disobey the king's order, so I led a way and didn't let your subordinates in the Magherie know, so as to avoid conflicts with you or Lord Godric. Then I gave you enough time to prepare at White Hart Castle. I thought you would run away, or at least bring more people..."
Malbert curled his lips.
"I didn't commit treason, why would I run away..."
Li Ang also curled his lips.
"Yes, you didn't run away, and you came out alone... But since you didn't run away, I have to run away. I don't want to follow this team of lion knights to Sarleon City - I don't know what King Ulric really wants to capture you! You should also know that it is usually Leiman who leads them to carry out missions... But Leiman is not here! Do you understand what I mean?"
Malbert shook his head and sighed.
"Lehman... He has to garrison Qicha Fortress. It's normal that he can't come, right?"
In fact, Leon already understood a little bit. Lehman probably didn't want to do this job, and Malbert probably didn't want to do it either.
"Well, Lord Leon, let me put it this way... All along, the only job the king has given to Leiman and these Lion Knights is to kill the rebels. I have never seen anyone captured by these Lion Knights return home alive - Leiman has been to this village before, and you should know the result..."
I see……
Li Ang recalled the several times when Leiman seemed to be hesitant to speak to him.
Given the nature of Rayman's job, there are indeed many things he cannot say to others. Only the king and the Grand Master of the Lion Knights know his actual mission...
However, Li Ang knew that there should still be people who could return home alive—the three prophets. Of course, they might not be considered human.
Malbert pointed outside the stone house. "I don't care if you've committed treason or not. I just want to go back to Changhe Town and enjoy my life. But you didn't bring anyone with you. If something happens, no one can prove that I'm innocent... I was the one who reported the news, and I was also the one who led the team to catch you. If you die in Sarleon, your friends will definitely think that I killed you! I know your relationship with Lord Godric, and I don't want to take the blame..."
"But if I run away... then I'll really become a traitor who's on the run..."
Li Ang let out a long sigh.
Malbert nodded. "You're right, but if I don't run, I'll probably die... Anyway, the Owl Knights are here, so they can prove that I didn't harm you. I'll get 'sick' soon, and then go back to Changhe Town. After all, the order given to me is just to lead a team to capture you, and I don't want to escort you to Sarleon City... It's up to you to decide what to do next. I don't want to get involved in this anymore."
"Thank you for your frankness, Monsieur Malbert. How do you intend to be ill?"
Li Ang nodded to express his gratitude.
"Hey! Hiss... Ouch... Lord Ors! Help me! My stomach hurts!"
Lord Malbert went back into actor mode in just a second, holding his stomach with a worried look on his face. Even Leon felt like he was really about to poop in his pants.
Lord Malbert said this to him out of kindness - although this kindness was only because he did not want to be retaliated by Godric and Amy. After all, he still had to serve in Changhe Town.
But what should I do now?
Is it really like Lord Malbert said, running away?

Fletcher Village.
As a place directly facing the Jatu Grasslands and the Noldor Forest, Fletcher can be regarded as a place of deep water and fire...
But in the past six months, this place has been unexpectedly quiet.
Ever since they dealt with the three prophets together last time, the contact between Godric, Ralph, Charles and others has become closer.
Godric is actually a very responsible person. He was reluctant to move into Changhe Town at first because of his personality. Since he no longer served as the captain of the royal guard, he has not been very keen on power.
But now that he has become the Chief of Military Affairs of the Eastern Region, he will still be quite responsible.
But his strategy was different from that of Count Oden.
Count Oden is good at using cavalry and mounted infantry. His strategy against the Jatu people is mainly based on head-on confrontation, and he pays more attention to the use of cavalry or mounted infantry.
Therefore, the defensive tactics that Oden had arranged were often about attacking instead of defending, or chain defense, combining defense and attack to eventually form an encirclement and siege, which was actually the usual method used by the Horn Summoning Rangers.
Therefore, at that time, most of the funds and energy of the entire eastern army were put into horses and archery, and there were very few defensive fortifications on the border.
Godric is good at organizing defense with a large number of archers. He prefers to build fortifications and use infantry to cooperate with archers for regional defense.
While this is passive due to their mobility disadvantage, infantry is cheaper to build and faster to train, which can make the overall defense less vulnerable.
It’s just that this relatively passive defense method is unlikely to achieve particularly great results.
There is no difference between these two strategies, it’s just that the leaders have different personalities - the former is pioneering and enterprising, while the latter is cautious and defensive.
A pioneering and aggressive approach is more likely to destroy the enemy's manpower, while a cautious defense is more conducive to preserving the civilians under the rule. Each has its advantages.
Of course, this is also related to the current actual situation.
Count Oden has been gaining military exploits on the Jatu people for thirty years... When he was alive, the Jatu people did not dare to invade Changhe Town from the direction of Brave Shield Castle.
But now that he is dead, the Jatu people have no scruples anymore and will probably become more arrogant.
Therefore, we should indeed switch from offense to defense and build more defensive fortifications.
Recently, Godric has been working with Fletcher Village and BraveShield Castle to build various defense facilities.
Such as arrow towers, chevaux de frise, trenches and low walls.
As a new member of the Changhe Town Sentinels, Charles was of course happy to cooperate with Lord Godric's strategy - this was the most suitable defensive method for the Changhe Town Sentinels to give full play to their expertise.
Therefore, the current Fletcher Village has many more watchtowers and arrow platforms, and there are trenches everywhere.
Ralph has also been involved in real estate recently. He has built the camp by the river into a wooden fort and is currently building another small fort a few miles across the river.
This would form three garrison points together with Fletcher Village, and this horn shape would make the area easier to defend.
However, Fletcher Village is different from Brave Shield Castle - there are no high walls here, which may become a breakthrough point for the Jatu people.
In order to strengthen the defense capabilities of Fletcher Village and prevent the village from becoming a channel for the Jatu people to enter in the future, Godric decided to provide some support here.
Of course, this is partly due to the duties of the Chief of Military Affairs of the Eastern Region, in order to ensure the defense of the border.
On the other hand... Fletcher is Leon's territory after all, so Godric will still take special care of it.
He allocated a batch of equipment to Fletcher Village, mainly some studded armor and swords and shields, which were actually infantry equipment.
——In fact, this can be regarded as abusing public power for personal gain. Originally, this was the inventory of the inner castle of Changhe Town and was the property of the late Duke Elfwan. Now it should be considered the property of King Ulric.
Of course, as the Chief of Army, he does have the authority to dispatch these military supplies.
Ralph and Charles found a batch of extended bows from the inventory of the Horn Call Rangers.
This kind of longbow is a single-body bow with low cost, short production cycle, and is not afraid of moisture - the bow back is a complete piece of yew wood, and the whole bow is more than 1.8 meters long. It was once the weapon of the sentinels in Changhe Town.
The reason why I said 'once' is because the sentinels in Changhe Town now use compound bows.
In Changhe Town, where there is no shortage of bowstrings and yew wood, this single longbow is very cheap.
But it has long ceased to be the main weapon of the Changhe Town sentinels.
The longer the bow body of a single-body bow, the greater the force it can bring, but the longer bow body will result in too much pulling force and it will be difficult to control.
Moreover, the longer the bow is, the greater the vibration when shooting arrows. It is not as stable as a small compound bow in actual combat, and the requirements for the archer are very high.
Moreover, since this kind of longbow is longer than a person's height, it is not very convenient in actual combat and marching, and it cannot be used for horseback archery, so they became stockpiles...
However, as a weapon for training new recruits, this extra-long single bow is very suitable, as it can train both strength and control.
Such a longbow just fits Godric's idea of ​​training infantry.
Therefore, Godric personally led the team to train the peasant soldiers recruited by Charles into a combination of infantry and archers - mainly to make up for their courage in facing the enemy directly, and how to organize defense without city walls.
Charles recruited nearly a hundred soldiers from Fletcher, which was a very large proportion of the population, as the entire village actually only had 700 people.
However, these conscripts are not professional soldiers. They are farmers in their spare time and soldiers in wartime. They can be regarded as militia to defend their hometown.
In order to inspire the courage of these recruits, their inlaid armor was all painted red - red can make people more courageous and also allow the recruits to adapt to the color of blood.
In late May, when there was no farming work, they also organized an archery competition to motivate the recruits to train better.
Godric and Charles had originally planned to ask Leon to come and participate, but at that time Leon and Amy went to Bucks and couldn't find anyone.
But what was unexpected was that the final champion of the archery competition was taken away by a traveler who ran over from the Stern Raven Territory...
This really stimulated the group of new recruits, so they trained hard for two months like the regular army, and now this special archer unit looks quite capable.
Because they were covered in red armor and held longbows, this unit was called the "Red Arrow Longbowmen" by Godric.
In order to give this unit some practical experience, Godric and Charles took the unit to the grassland hills northwest of Fletcher Village.
That was where Ralph and his rangers raised horses, and small groups of Jatu people often appeared in that area.
Traveling with them was Ralph's son, Raphael, the young man who had exchanged his eagle-strike bow for Leon's visor.
Raphael brought a small team of rangers with him to give courage to these newly-minted longbowmen.
Godric and Charles did encounter enemies near the hills, but the problem was that they were not Jatu...
But a large group of bandits.
There are over a thousand people.

Jun 18, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024