Chapter 143: Training is over and rewards are given upon return

One day in the fourth year of training, the surviving war lord apprentices who were waiting suddenly heard the voice of their respective mentors:
"Get ready. In a quarter of an hour, the academy will teleport you directly back to Blackrock Spire."
Li Qing nodded and quickly called back several of his men.
The other apprentices who had gathered in the makeshift castle were also preparing, gathering their subordinates to prepare to leave.
By the time Li Qing had finished dismantling the temporary castle, the time had arrived and an invisible force restrained them from breaking through the space.
Mastering the origin of space, Li Qing could feel that the transmission distance this time was very far and the transmission time was also very long.
In other words, the Blackrock Tower of the academy is not an ordinary wizard tower. There is a true god-level vice-president's incarnation resident there all year round, plus dozens of legendary wizards are in charge, who can pull them directly back from the distant plane fragments.
After an unknown amount of time, Li Qing felt his feet lighten, and suddenly he was standing on solid ground. The distorted space that enveloped him disappeared, and he found himself in a huge hall, surrounded by apprentices who had been teleported in one after another.
He looked upwards and saw all the instructors there, including two five-star instructors of legendary strength, several other academy leaders of legendary strength, and an incarnation of a true god whose appearance was distorted and shrouded by a strong divine power and could not be seen clearly.
It was still the same group of people. Li Qing had seen the two five-star mentors before, but his strength was too weak before and he could not feel how strong they were at all.
Now that he has been promoted to a transcendent level and awakened the bloodline of the gods and the ancient dragon, his vision is no longer that of a mortal. He can see the power of the legendary warriors at a glance.
Just by looking at them, one can feel a faint pressure. There is a circle of distorted force field around them that is invisible to the naked eye. It is a bit dazzling if one looks directly at them.
Of course, their gazes were even more glaring.
The moment Li Qing was teleported over, he could feel a large number of physical gazes falling on him.
Or amazement, or envy, or relief.
By now, Li Qing has come to know the strength of the mentors. Except for two five-star mentors, the remaining mentors are all at the tenth-level holy realm, only one step away from becoming a legend.
But this one step has held them back for a long time, and they have not been able to get promoted.
This shows that it is definitely not that easy to break through to the legendary level, otherwise they would not be stuck at this level.
Even though Li Qing has two destiny points, both of which can be exchanged for divine grace to forcibly break through to the legendary level, the problem is that destiny points are not so easy to obtain.
He was able to obtain divine favor this time because of the newcomer BUFF bonus. Under normal circumstances, without this BUFF bonus, even if he killed ten Scourge Lords in one breath, he would not be able to obtain destiny points.
Normally, it is impossible for a prepared disaster lord to produce something like destiny points.
If you don’t get it during the first rookie training, you will have no chance later.
In the future, if you want to get destiny points under normal circumstances, you must kill a very powerful Scourge Lord and have a very impressive record before there is any possibility.
However, Li Qing felt that it was too difficult for a formal war lord to obtain destiny points. It would be more reliable to obtain other rare treasures and sacrifice them to the Eternal Tree to obtain a divine grace.
When all the people were teleported here, including some other mentors and their apprentices who did not choose to train in the snakeman plane, the total number added up to nearly two hundred.
At this time, a senior member of the Legend Academy stood up and said to them with a smile:
"Congratulations to everyone for successfully completing this training!"
"During this training, the apprentices who went to the fragments of the Serpent Plane faced the most dangerous dangers in the past ten training sessions. Many apprentices died in the plane, but many also completed the training, accumulated a lot of experience and gained a lot of strength."
"Among them, the two students who performed best were Li Qing and Gu Qingxin."
The college instructor did not point out who Li Qing and Gu Qingxin were, but continued to speak:
"After discussion by the school committee, it has been decided to issue a subsidy of 100 million to all students in this training session, and an additional 100 million to all students training in the snake-man plane."
"In addition, for every Scourge hero killed during the training period, you will be rewarded with one point of Eternal God Tree's Favor. For every reserve Scourge lord killed, you will be rewarded with ten points of Eternal God Tree's Favor. Depending on the number of kills, you will also be awarded a place in a different advanced war academy and a scholarship package."
"Among them, the two students with the best performance, Li Qing and Gu Qingxin, will have the opportunity to study at the Supreme Order Academy, participate in the Super Freshman Summer Camp held by the Supreme Order Academy, and receive an excellent scholarship package issued by the academy."
"In addition, ordinary students will graduate in a week, and the academy will issue graduation certificates at that time."
"Students who are eligible for further studies will have their holiday in a week. They will have a two-month holiday and will be ready to go to the college for further studies within a week after two months."
"Students Li Qing and Gu Qingxin, please report to the Super Freshman Summer Camp in one month. Overdue will be considered as giving up. The training date for the Supreme Order Academy is also two months from now, so please be on time."
The legendary mentor said a lot in one breath, then he stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers, and beams of light fell from the sky and enveloped all the apprentices.
Li Qing was also enveloped by a beam of light, and then the light spots in front of him condensed into a treasure chest.
When I opened it, I saw several cards inside.
First came the academy's 200 million grant, then he received 43 extra Eternal Tree of Favor points for killing 23 Scourge heroes and 2 Scourge Lords, and an outstanding scholarship package.
This Eternal Tree Favor Point is an extra reward. Adding to what he already has, he now has a total of 86 points of Eternal Tree Favor, which can be exchanged for a lot of good things.
As for the college's outstanding scholarship package, it includes:
200 million in subsidies.
20 points of Favor of the Eternal Tree.
100 Essence.
100 Tier 5 Imperial Elite Armored Cavalry Promotion Cards.
200 Tier 5 Imperial Elite Sharpshooter unlock cards.
200 unlock cards for the fifth-tier Imperial Elite Mo Dao soldiers.
200 Tier 5 Imperial Dragonscale Heavy Infantry unlock cards.
I can only say that it is indeed a big gift package, big enough, and full of super practical goodies that can be used right away.
After distributing the rewards, the legendary mentor said some encouraging words and left.
Without the leader, everyone felt a lot more relaxed. All the apprentices were called together by their instructors. Li Qing was also called aside by instructor Nie Yang. Including himself, there were only nine apprentices in total, and nearly half of them died in this training.
Returning to the mentor's Blackrock Spire floor, the mentor began to distribute rewards.
Instructor Nie Yang was the big winner in this training, so he was naturally not stingy. He gave all apprentices a bonus of 100 million yuan, and then gave each apprentice 20 fifth-level Imperial Dragon Scale Heavy Infantry unlocking cards, 20 fifth-level Imperial Elite Mo Dao Soldier unlocking cards, 20 fifth-level Elite Sharpshooter unlocking cards, and 20 Imperial Elite Armored Cavalry promotion cards.
It's the same for every apprentice, and when all the money is added up it's a huge loss compared to the wealth of Master Nie Yang.
After distributing the rewards, the instructor gave some encouragement and had a private conversation with each of the apprentices.
Except for Zhang Jishan who still has the opportunity for further study, the other apprentices will soon graduate and enter the society and have to rely on themselves to support themselves.
This batch of fifth-tier troop unlocking cards is better for them than any other rewards, because after leaving the academy, it is not so easy to get this kind of fifth-tier troop unlocking cards again. The best troop card they can normally buy outside is the normal fourth-tier imperial troop system.
If you don't do well, you may not be able to get any empire arms, and you will need to use other arm systems.
The fifth-level military system is extremely expensive outside, and it is often impossible to buy it.
Zhang Jishan's studies were not in the same place as Li Qing's. He studied in a higher education academy jointly established by the Black Stone Realm and several surrounding divine thrones.
Li Qing was going to the Supreme Order Advanced Warfare Academy which was founded by the Supreme Order Throne himself. They were both going for further studies, but their levels were not at the same level.
Li Qing waited outside his tutor's study for a while, and Zhang Jishan came out. He bowed to Li Qing at the door:
"This is to thank you for saving me once in the snakeman plane. Thank you very much!"
"Maybe there won't be a chance, but if you need my help in the future and I can help, please tell me."
Li Qing smiled and patted his shoulder and said:
"I have received your thanks, and I hope you will do well in your further studies."
Zhang Jishan nodded and clasped his fists and said:
"I believe that with your strength, you will perform well in the upcoming Supreme Order War Academy."
There was no need for much conversation between men. The two men shook hands, Zhang Jishan turned and left, and Li Qing also pushed the door open and walked in.
In the study, seeing Li Qing pushing the door open, Nie Yang showed a sincere smile on his face, took the initiative to stand up and motioned him to sit down, crossed his fingers on the desk, and said:
"Congratulations on getting first place in this experience. The teacher will be proud of you."
Li Qing replied modestly:
"It's the mentor's good teaching!"
Nie Yang waved his hand and said:
"No need to be modest. Your performance is obvious to all. Your strength and potential are the strongest that the teacher has ever seen. I believe that it won't be long before you can surpass the teacher, become a legend, or even become a god."
"If that day really comes, the mentor will be very pleased and honored."
Li Qing pursed his lips and said nothing. This was the truth, and it would be a bit fake to be more modest.
Nie Yang continued:
"I found a lot of information about the Supreme Order War Academy from the vice president. I have compiled it into a book and will send it to you later. You can take a look at it yourself."
"In this training, the instructor has made further progress because of you, but with your current strength, there is not much the instructor can do for you now. Here is a card pack for the promotion of the military type. I hope it can help you."
As he spoke, he took out a few cards from the desk drawer and pushed them in front of him.
“Thank you, mentor!”
Li Qing did not refuse and took it.
100 Tier 5 Imperial Elite Armored Cavalry unlock cards.
200 Tier 5 Imperial Elite Sharpshooter unlock cards.
200 unlock cards for the fifth-tier Imperial Elite Mo Dao soldiers.
200 Tier 5 Imperial Dragonscale Heavy Infantry unlock cards.
One hundred 10,000 Kobold monster cards.
They are all very practical and good things, plug and play.
After giving the reward, the instructor smiled and asked:
"You have reaped a rich harvest this time. You have received a lot of favor from the Eternal Tree and a few destiny points. What are your plans?"
Li Qing did not hide anything and directly revealed his plan:
"I plan to use these favors to expand the area of ​​God's Domain, increase the number of hero slots, building slots, and the population limit of God's Domain. As for the destiny points, I haven't figured out how to use them yet. Does the instructor have any good suggestions?"
Nie Yang nodded and said:
"There are indeed a few suggestions that you can refer to."
"First of all, you must not sell it, but use it for yourself."
Teacher Nie Yang said seriously:
"It is more difficult to obtain destiny points than you can imagine. This is your first time to receive preferential treatment for newbies. In addition, you will encounter the Wind of the Undead and the descendant of the God of Calamity during your newbie period. It is a combination of these factors that will reward you with destiny points."
"Under normal circumstances, you must kill a very powerful Calamity Lord head-on to have a very small chance of drawing destiny points. Only by killing a True God-level Calamity Lord can you definitely get some destiny points."
"The Supreme Order War Academy you are about to attend only accepts the most elite apprentices. They all have at least five-star talents and upper-level bloodlines. They are often descendants of gods or have legendary talents or bloodlines. It is not uncommon to find people with powerful bloodlines comparable to your upper-level dragon bloodline, but most of them cannot possibly get destiny points at the initial stage."
"You should know the function of destiny points, so I won't explain it. My mentor advises you not to use them to directly advance to a formal war lord."
"This promotion to a full-fledged war lord is neither high nor low, and it wastes your potential."
"Don't keep it until you can become a Legendary in the future. With your talent, Legendary is just your starting point. It would be a waste if you keep it."
"Not to mention granting the hero the divine realm of awakening. I know your parents are not war lords, but the teacher wants to tell you that, relatively speaking, it is better to use this little destiny point to improve your own potential. When you become stronger in the future and it is easier to obtain destiny points, it will be more appropriate to give back to your parents at that time."
"Other options are fine, and you can decide based on your own situation."
The instructor finished speaking in one breath, took a sip of water, and continued:
"If possible, the instructor hopes that you can use the power of the Black Stone Tower to connect to the Eternal Tree in the academy and use up your destiny points in the academy to avoid any accidents when you return to the family."
Li Qing frowned slightly:
"Teacher, what do you mean?"
Nie Yang said expressionlessly:
"I'm saying it's possible, but it won't necessarily happen."
"It's not that easy to leave the academy and officially descend to an alien plane. Even if you just descend to an ordinary plane, you may not be able to successfully gain a foothold. Exploring an alien plane is very dangerous, the mortality rate is very high, and improving strength is not as easy as imagined."
"Don't think it's easy to be promoted to Extraordinary just because you have only been promoted to Extraordinary in just a few years. Also, don't think it's easy to be promoted to Legendary just because there are so many Legendary instructors in the academy."
Nie Yang pointed at himself and said:
"Teacher, I look middle-aged, but I am actually over . I have been stuck at the Tenth Order Saint Realm for more than forty years, and I have not seen the possibility of being promoted to Legendary until now."
Li Qing scratched his head in great surprise and said:
"I remember when I was in class, the teacher said that the War Lords have a divine domain, which makes it easier for them to come into contact with the laws and become legendary."
Nie Yang curled his lips and said:
“It is easier, but not necessarily.”
"It's easier if your God's Domain is strong enough and the rules are self-evident. But if you are not strong enough, your God's Domain won't be that strong either. So the strength of your God's Domain and your personal strength are both important. Don't just focus on managing your God's Domain and ignore the growth of your personal strength."
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