Chapter 141 Chapter 303, 304

Returning to the room, Lin Yilan still followed the same procedure, first drawing the curtains and then turning off the lights, and then checked the room again.

It can only be said that fortunately in this era, the kind of micro-monitors are not as easy to obtain as they would be in later generations, so she, an outsider, still has the ability to check the safety of the room by herself.

After making sure that nothing unexpected appeared in the room, Lin Yilan breathed a sigh of relief, fell down on the sofa and closed her eyes to rest for a while.

After lying down for about half an hour, she got up again and left the room, preparing to find a place to call home to report that she was safe.

After she stepped out of the elevator, she found the hotel housekeeper she had met before.

"I want to make a call to the mainland. Is it convenient for your hotel to make a call today?"

The housekeeper bowed slightly apologetically, "A few days ago, a customer reported that the phone signal was not very good, and the maintenance workers just came. If you are in a hurry, We can arrange a place for you."

Lin Yilan paused and waved her hands casually, "It's okay, I don't have anything important to do. I'm not in a hurry."

When she came out of the hotel, she immediately felt the brightness around her. A few flash lights.

She was used to reporters.

She was thinking about the phone repairs at the hotel just now.

How could it be such a coincidence? What a coincidence!

She looked around and decided to have dinner first.

At the same time, I decided to exclude all the shops around the hotel that I could call. In the future, I would no longer be able to call the shops I frequent.

Thinking of this, she pulled up the scarf around her neck and covered half of her face.

Although there are cold times in the port city in winter, days when the temperature drops below ten degrees are very rare.

The temperature has not been high these days, and it is rare for Lin Yilan to wear a thicker coat in the winter in Hong Kong City.

She wrapped herself in her coat and walked down the street.

The sea breeze mixed with the cold winter has a special feeling.

She took off the hair tie on her head and let the wind ruffle her hair.

Walking so aimlessly, when she stopped, she found that she was in a lively night market.

Not far away there is a shop where you can make phone calls to the mainland.

She bought a hot dog on the side of the road and went straight to the store.

By this point, not many people were calling.

After all, it is not an era when every household in the mainland is connected to the phone. There are very few people who can answer the phone at night.

After Lin Yilan asked her boss about the price, she casually sat down in front of a telephone.

She pressed the number and waited for the call to come through.

"Grandpa, it's me. You haven't gone to bed yet, right?"

"Xiaowu, grandpa, I'm old, but I don't have the habit of going to bed so early."

Grandpa Lin's voice sounded very energetic.

"By the way, are you in Hong Kong City now?"

Their phone was reinstalled for him some time ago just to facilitate communication with Lin Yilan.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to receive a call from Hong Kong City.

Lin Yilan sighed, "Yeah, there are some things happening here temporarily, so I guess I won't be able to come back in a short time."

"Please help me tell my parents not to worry."

Grandpa Lin comforted her . , "You are not playing outside. If you have something to do, you have to finish it before coming back. As for your parents, don't worry. They are both almost fifty years old. There is no need for you, a junior, to worry. " The

couple are living a happy life. A few days ago, your grandma and I went to see them in their newly assigned house, but the two of them ran out to go to a restaurant."

When Lin Yilan heard this, she felt funny in her heart. He breathed another sigh of relief.

After all, her parents can really do this kind of thing.

"Where are the other people in the family?"

Grandpa Lin sighed. Among all his grandchildren, Xiaolan was the one he worried about the most.

"...They are all very good, don't worry, just worry about your own affairs. By the way, your second sister Qichen, I heard that she has very good grades. She is only in the second year of graduate school, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has come to the school to ask for someone. Your father came to the house that day and said that she planned to intern at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs during the next winter and summer vacations, and then she might be assigned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs after graduation. In the future, she would go abroad to work in embassies in other countries. "

He had to talk about these things. He admitted that his youngest son Lin Jiangang was lucky. All of my five children are excellent, so no one needs to worry about them.

Oh, no, it’s still a bit worrying.

I heard that of these five children, except for the eldest who got married and had a child, the other four are still alone.

Those who study should concentrate on their studies, and those who work should concentrate on their work.

Everything is fine except finding a partner.

Lin Yilan was not surprised. She had known about her second sister's ambition since she was a child.

For so many years, she and her second sister have been working hard to achieve their goals.

After chatting about the housework, it’s time to start talking about the real business.

"Grandpa, what I told you last time has been settled. I have established a relationship with them now, and the first batch of goods will probably come in after a while. The person who contacted me over there said It's home appliances."

When Grandpa Lin heard this, his tone became much more serious than before.

"Is there anyone around you?"

Lin Yilan glanced around, "No one is there, but there are probably reporters outside the store where I called, and maybe there are people watching me over there."

Grandpa Lin didn't know what happened to his little granddaughter . To be honest, he, and those in the family who are soldiers and police officers, would not be so nervous if they were involved in such a thing.

After all, this is their duty.

But I didn't expect that the person who would get involved in this kind of thing would be their little girl who was still studying.

Thinking of what the organization had ordered a few days ago, he gave a few words of advice.

"I'll give you two phone numbers later. One is from Shenzhen City. But in the army, you can only call him if you have something particularly urgent. Otherwise, you will be easily exposed.

The other one is from Hong Kong City. This one is from Hong Kong City. He is the person who will be in charge of communicating with you in the next period. If you have anything to do or any news to convey, you can go to him. "

"By the way, this one from Gangcheng used to be a subordinate of Brother Qiangjun, so you can rest assured. "

Immediately afterwards, Grandpa Lin gave her his phone number.

She had already prepared a notebook and wrote it down.

"Xiaolan, you will be in danger in the next period of time. You must be careful and be vigilant. If you feel something is wrong, don't linger and retreat immediately." Grandpa Lin thought about this period of time and asked his comrades. He carefully warned her about the things she needed to pay attention to when doing undercover missions.

Lin Yilan listened patiently, nodding in agreement from time to time.

She glanced at the time and found that they had been chatting for almost ten minutes, so she reminded her aloud.

"Grandpa, it's time for me to hang up."

"Xiaolan, please be safe and call grandpa if you have anything." Grandpa Lin finally couldn't help nagging.

Lin Yilan smiled and comforted her grandfather, "Grandpa, don't worry, I know several powerful people in Hong Kong City."

Grandpa Lin said helplessly: "Yes, yes, you are the most powerful."

After hanging up the phone, Lin The smile on Yilan's face disappeared immediately.

She carefully hid the notebook with her phone number in the inner pocket of her trousers, then stood up with her bag on her back to go to the boss to check out.

Walking out of the store, she set her sights on the vendors on both sides of the night market.

Collected his own dinner.

While smelling the smell of oil smoke floating everywhere, he thought about his current situation.

To put it bluntly, she is now a three-faced "spy".

Not only did he have to deal with Chen Jian and Wenxu, but he also had to filter the information he got from him and send it to Conway. At the same time, he had to spread all the information to the mainland.

Finally, she had to find out the information to deal with the Liao family from these messages.

She pinched the bridge of her nose and inhaled the scent in the air.

Have a meal!

"Boss, bring me a bowl of fried rice with eggs and meat."

Lin Yilan took out her wallet and stood in front of a stall.

The boss glanced at her and said, "Twenty-five."

Hiss, it's so expensive.

After slandering, Lin Yilan silently handed the money to the boss.

Carrying the packed foam lunch box, she walked to the hotel.

Judging from the situation during this trip, she doesn't have to worry too much about her safety now.

After settling down, she returned to the hotel and finished cooking the fried rice. She then dug out the contract Chen Xiaomin gave her and checked it out.

The contract will come later, and she has to go to the hotel to find a fax machine to fax it to Leo.

After a busy day, when she went to rest at night, the trophy was not even taken out of the suitcase.

On a new day, the sun shone into the room, and she stood by the window and stretched.

"Dong dong dong -"

Hearing the sound of knocking on the door, Lin Yilan first checked the person through the peephole before opening the door.

After confirming that the person outside the door was the hotel housekeeper, she opened the door.

"Ms. Lin, this is the fax document sent to you by the United States last night."

"And these are today's latest newspapers, which contain your news."

Lin Yilan thanked her and took the things.

After closing the door, she read Leo's revised contract first, and after making sure there were no other problems, she took out the newspaper.

As a result, the headline of the first newspaper was a photo of her standing in front of a stall buying fried rice last night.

"???" "


"Are you sick?"

She was really speechless.

Glancing at the title, [Won an international award and not forgetting his frugal nature. 】

Looking at the content of the article, she also wrote about how she asked her boss to add meat and eggs.

Thank you so much for being so careful.

Damn *#@*&*&*(...&!

Damn it, I can tell, these reporters are really boring.

In addition to the news about her going to a stall to buy fried rice, there is also the news about her getting off the plane and being taken away by Chen Xiaomin , the news about having coffee with Chen Jianwen.

Some reporters even revealed the identities of the bodyguards who followed her at the airport yesterday.

Then she and the Pei Yan family were in the news again


Lin Yilan really has nothing to say.

There are not so many celebrities and Hong Kong sisters in Hong Kong City at this time, why are you staring at the mediocre her? !

She glanced at the headlines of these newspapers and threw them aside. She had no interest in what was written in it.

At this moment, the phone in her room rang.

Lin Yilan picked up the phone and said, "Hello, this is Lin Yilan, what's up?"

A familiar voice came from the phone.

The hotel butler still spoke to Lin Yilan in his gentle yet enthusiastic voice.

"Ms. Lin, there is a lady and three gentlemen looking for you in the hotel lobby. The lady said she is your friend, another gentleman said he is someone you know, and the remaining two gentlemen said they are here to discuss cooperation with you. "

Lin Yilan yawned halfway, why are so many people looking for her.

The hotel housekeeper on the other end of the phone continued to talk, "Ms. Bertha is from the United States and is the editor of "Design Style" magazine; Mr. Zhou Xinhui is a reporter from Hong Kong City, the gentleman you know; the other two are from Bay Island. Real estate company."

Lin Yilan scratched her head in confusion. She was silent for a while and said, "Please take them to the hotel's cafe. I'll be here right away."

The hotel housekeeper said politely, "Ms. Lin is polite. "Well, do you want to divide them into three tables, or let them sit together?"

"... Let them wait for about ten minutes. I will just clean up and come down." Lin Yilan was a little tired.

Putting down the phone, she immediately rushed to the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash her face.

By the time she changed clothes, came out of the room, and got in the elevator, thirteen minutes had passed since she made the call.

She was so anxious to go out that she didn't even have time to put on lipstick.

In order not to look too haggard, she put the mirror on the windowsill and applied lipstick while squatting.

This feeling reminded her of when she first went to work a long time ago.

I still remember that in order to get a few more minutes of sleep, she would wait until she clocked in at the company and put on makeup at the company every day.

Whenever this happens, she envies the group of male colleagues in the company who don't have to face customers.

Designers like them don't know when they will face clients. Even if their eyes are black from exhaustion, they cannot meet clients with unkempt hair.

Otherwise, you have to be careful not to know when you will be complained.

I heard the "ding" of the elevator door opening.

She immediately put away the mirror, took her lipstick, and rushed into the elevator.

As she went down the elevator to the cafe, she used a mirror to check whether there was any lipstick on her teeth.

Finally, facing the reflective elevator door, he made sure that he was neatly dressed and looked clean and energetic, and then he smiled with satisfaction.

"Ding——" "

Ms. Lin, you are here." The hotel housekeeper bowed.

Lin Yilan didn't expect that he was still here. She glanced at the housekeeper in surprise, "Thank you

for your hard work." The housekeeper shook his head, leaned over and pointed in the direction of the cafe, "No hard work, it's my job to relieve your worries."

"Before you came, I decided to order a breakfast for each of the four guests. They are all eating now, so you don't have to be too anxious."

Lin Yilan paused in her hurry and looked back at the housekeeper appreciatively. .

"Excuse me."

The housekeeper smiled politely again and said, "No trouble. By the way, Miss Lin, do you need breakfast? I have already prepared it and you can push it to the coffee shop now."

Lin Yilan couldn't help but compare. A thumbs up, "Thank you so much."

No wonder people can receive high-end VIP customers in high-end hotels, look at this ability.

If she had such a person by her side, she would probably develop the character of opening her mouth and extending her hands.

If her grandfather knew how much she enjoyed life every day, he would probably give her a hard beating to prevent her from being corrupted by capitalism.


Such a life is really happy. Otherwise, she wouldn't stay at Mandarin every time she comes to Hong Kong City.

After entering the coffee shop, she immediately hugged Bertha and said hello, and then shook hands with the remaining three men in turn.

Bertha looked at the busy Lin Yilan and patted her shoulder, "My dear, I'm not in a hurry. You can communicate with the man over there first."

Lin Yilan winked at Bertha gratefully, "Thank you. "

Bertha spread her hands and said with a smile: "Who made you a famous person now? I understand."

After solving one problem for the time being, she turned and walked towards Zhou Xinhui.

"Max, why did you come to see me today?"

Zhou Xinhui was not eating. "I came to you for an interview, but I'm not in a hurry. You should resolve the matter with the two gentlemen from Wandao first. Don't do it because of me. , delaying your work on the project."

Lin Yilan nodded and walked towards the two strange men.

When she walked over, the two people stood up immediately, and one of them walked around half a circle and pulled out the chair opposite.

"Ms. Lin, please."

Lin Yilan smiled gratefully, "Thank you very much."

After the three of them sat down, they went straight to the topic without any small talk.

Lin Yilan drank the warm water that the waiter had just brought, "I wonder why these two gentlemen came to see me?"

The older of the two men spoke first.

"Designer Lin, we took the liberty of visiting you today to ask if you are interested in doing design work in Wandao?"

As he said this, he took out a company leaflet.

"We went to Hengchang Real Estate's latest real estate a few days ago to learn about the situation. We really like your design concept."

"If it weren't for the fact that our next trip to Singapore cannot be delayed, we would not be so presumptuous. Come to the door."

After saying that, he pushed the young man next to him.

The young man took out a folder from his briefcase and said, "Designer Lin, this is the situation of our company."

Lin Yilan took the folder and put it in her hand without looking at it.

To be honest, she had no idea that the first person who came to her for design would be a businessman from Wandao, and it seemed that he was from a real estate company.

However, she must regretfully admit one thing. Except for Hengchang Real Estate, she will not do any commercial housing projects from other real estate companies.

Commercial housing projects have many more design restrictions than other types of buildings.

If Hengchang Real Estate had not owned her shares, she would have resigned by now.

The two men opposite saw her actions, and their hearts skipped a beat.

It seemed that the young designer was not very interested in their project.

"Designer Lin, do you have any concerns?" the older man asked cautiously.

Lin Yilan explained her thoughts with a helpless smile, "...In addition to my own considerations, I am still in graduate school. If I go to Bay Island to do a project, I will probably miss a lot of classes.

So I'm sorry, in a short time I’m not considering any more commercial housing projects for the time being.”

Such an explanation was understandable to the two men.

If nothing else, reading is really important.

The young man asked tentatively, "Miss Lin, if it is not a commercial housing project, would you consider taking over the design work of other projects?"

Lin Yilan nodded readily, "I will consider it, of course it depends on the time."

Young The man didn't know what he thought of and nodded.

The older man didn't know why his companion was asking, but it was getting late and their flight would be delayed if they didn't leave.

He took out his business card and handed it to Lin Yilan, "Ms. Lin, if you have ideas about our company's projects after you go back, you can contact us again."

Lin Yilan took his business card and handed her own business card. past.

"If I consider doing another commercial housing project, I will definitely contact your company."

At this time, the young man took out his business card and said, "This is my business card."

Lin Yilan smiled and gave him one of hers. business card.

After sending the two to the elevator, the smile on her face gradually faded.

When she returned to the cafe, the butler came in with a trolley.

She looked at Zhou Xinhui and Bertha, "You two came to me, don't you both want to do interviews?"

Bertha and Zhou Xinhui nodded in unison, and then said in unison: "You can have breakfast first."

Lin Yilan said She picked up her chopsticks and sighed, "What can I do to interview? It's been a long time since I did a new project since my last project."

After saying that, she picked up the noodles in the bowl and ate them.

As one of the top reporters in Hong Kong City, Zhou Xinhui has some understanding of some things that have not been exposed.

Thinking of this, he comforted her.

"I heard that Chairman Chen is already having people tidy up the land at the resort, and the church project will start soon."

Bertha looked at the two of them blankly.

Lin Yilan ate all the noodles in the bowl in a few mouthfuls. She wiped her mouth and explained the situation, "It is also my own credit that the church project can start so quickly."

"Thanks to this project, I will really I don’t dare to accept projects casually anymore.”

Although she said this with a smile, there was no less complaining in it.

The two people in front of me are both human beings, how could I not tell that?

But Lin Yilan did it on purpose.

Chen Xiaomin was plotting against her, so he wouldn't think that she would really let go of him so gently.

Although she felt that Chen Xiaomin would be even more angry if it was finally revealed that Xingmin was related to smuggling.

This does not prevent her from collecting some debt from Chen Xiaomin now.

When dealing with people like reporters and editors, she knows that the moment she sits down, her interview begins.

Waiting for the waiter next to him to take away the empty bowl, Lin Yilan leaned on the back of the sofa and looked at the two of them.

"What do you want to interview me about? Do you want to interview me separately or together?"

Zhou Xinhui glanced at Bertha, and Bertha looked back.

Although the two are friends, there is no such thing as humility in the face of competition.



Zhou Xinhui didn't expect that Bertha wanted to interview with him. For newspapers and magazines, getting exclusive interviews was more important.

Bertha didn't think that much. She just felt that Zhou Xinhui knew something that she didn't know, and she was very interested in these things.

Lin Yilan looked at the two of them speechlessly, "How about you guys come together to agree?"

Conflict transfer is a great method. She has a lot of things going on recently.

Let the two of them discuss it for a while first, just to give her time to deal with her own affairs.

While the two were arguing and discussing, Lin Yilan walked to the service desk of the coffee shop.

She asked the waiter to borrow a phone.

When the call was connected, she went straight to the topic without exchanging pleasantries.

"Hey, Dennis, the project contract has been modified. You can have someone come over and get it."

Jul 19, 2024
Jul 19, 2024
Jul 19, 2024
Jul 19, 2024