Chapter 14

Chapter 14

◎Wait until I get tired of it (repair)◎

Chen Jing'an has seen his methods, and now he is even more shocked by his shamelessness. He probably has his own set of logic. In his logic, he is the only human being. Who cares whether they want it or not. Whatever he wants, he must get.

Shen Lie definitely didn't like her, how could he like her. It was nothing more than the possessive desire to see the flowers blooming profusely and beautifully on the road, so he would rather break them, even if the flowers would not survive a day.

It doesn't matter, just throw it away when it dies, there will always be another one.

What is she, just a thing, an object.

"Don't you think you are shameless?" Chen Jing'an asked coolly.

Shen Lie looked at her, with nothing in his eyes that lacked empathy: "If this will make you feel better, you can assume that I think so too."


In fact, it is a meaningless question.

Do people who do a lot of evil really think that they are doing bad things?

The room fell silent. Neither of them spoke. There was no sound of cutting, frying or grilling food. Listen carefully, all the sounds came only from outside. Chen Jing'an was flustered and anxious. If she could, she wouldn't want to stay here for a moment, but she couldn't. She saw the cigarette case and silver lighter on the dining table, stared at them for a long time, and asked him if she could try them.

"Okay." Shen Lie was a little surprised, "But it's not a ladies' cigarette, and the taste will be more mellow. It shouldn't be a good experience for you for the first time."

"I still want to try it." Chen Jing'an insisted.

Shen Lie didn't stop him. He watched Chen Jing'an touch the cigarette case, take out a cigarette, put it to her mouth in a decent manner, and then lit it. The moment the cigarette butt burned, she was in a daze, her eyelashes trembled, and then she jerked almost clumsily. After taking a breath, the smoke entered my lungs and was spit out again.

She choked, grabbed the countertop, and began to cough violently, as if she wanted to spit out the remaining smoke in her lungs.

When Shen Lie handed over a glass of water, it was not difficult to guess her reaction.

Chen Jing'an grabbed the cup and filled it with water. The smoky breath in her throat faded away. She coughed until her face turned red. Shen Lie took the cigarette in her hand and put it out in the ashtray.

It was indeed not a good experience, and it was enough to teach her to stay away from him for the rest of her life.

After calming down a lot, Shen Lie asked, "Want to see this?"

Chen Jing'an shook her head and then nodded. She would rather go see the house than continue to eat and listen to him talk about cooking knowledge.

Shen Lie took her to the front yard. The turf was newly planted, and some flowers and plants were also newly planted. He bought this house a few years ago. It had been empty and had not been lived in much. On a whim, it was dug out and renovated. There is actually nothing to see on the first floor. The living room occupies almost the entire area. Go up to the second floor and open the room at the end of the corridor. It is a music room with all the equipment. There are several pipa hanging on the wall. Chen Jing'an recognized them. The most top-notch, priceless treasures.

Behind the piano bench is a floor-to-ceiling window, and the curtains are opened, revealing the dusk when the sky is getting late, the red sun is setting, and the day is about to meet the starry night.

The room was filled with piles of gold and jade, and Chen Jing'an felt a chill running down his spine. He still asked, "It must have taken a long time for Mr. Shen to collect so much."

"It didn't take long, but it was certainly not easy." Shen Lie replied speciously.

Chen Jing'an knew very well that no matter how powerful Shen Lie was, these things could not be accomplished in a few days. No matter how fast it was, it would still take several months.

And it had only been more than two months since they first met and performed.

In other words, he had expected this day from the first day.

"You can try it." Shen Lie said.

Chen Jing'an shook his head and said no: "It's a waste to be played by someone with my qualifications."

"No matter how expensive the piano is, it is just for use. If you don't use it, it has no value."

Chen Jing'an still didn't play, she didn't even go in. Shen Lie took her to other rooms, a bedroom, and a separate cloakroom. They were all clothes without labels. There were too many long skirts, cheongsams, and dresses to handle. Accessories, shoes, bags... The bathroom countertop was filled with a full range of cosmetics. , all unopened.

These are all waiting for the hostess who is about to move in.

She thought about it and smiled reluctantly: "Is this the golden cage made by Mr. Shen?"

Shen Lie didn't understand it that way: "It's just convenient for you to come and live here. It doesn't matter if you stay for a day or a few days."

"I don't know you very well. If you like it, I have to prepare some. If you like it, you can ask for it."

"Mr. Shen,"

Chen Jing'an called him, "I don't agree."

"I know. He raised his eyes and said, "It's getting late. I'll find someone to take you back."

He didn't ask any more questions or force him. He just showed the cage he had prepared. When she was feeling uneasy, he suddenly stopped and said calmly and kindly. Said she should go back.

Chen Jing'an did not relax, but drowned in it.

She didn't speak and listened to Shen Lie calling the driver. When she was waiting for the driver, the sunset had completely disappeared. The sky that was bright just now seemed to have turned dark suddenly. Shen Lie turned on the light, and within a few minutes, the car had arrived at the gate. She politely said goodbye, went downstairs, and crossed the courtyard.

Chen Jing'an knew that Shen Lie was looking at her, and that gaze had a presence that was hard to ignore. When she was about to push the door open, she couldn't help but look back.

Shen Lie was on the balcony, and all the lights behind him were turned on. They were too bright and dazzling. The two people's eyes met briefly, and then quickly separated. Shen Lie had turned around, and the lights were extinguished one by one, returning to the darkness of death.

This sudden darkness seemed to confirm that she no longer had any power to resist, so thorough and decisive, it was more frightening than any heated noise.

Chen Jing'an got in the car.

Ruan Ling called. She answered the call and put it to her ear. She heard the thankful exhale on the other side of the phone. Ruan Ling asked if anything happened, if she was bullied, and what conditions he proposed.

There were many questions, and Chen Jing'an didn't know which one to answer first, and he didn't have the energy to answer them. He just said that he would talk about it when he got back. Ruan Ling could hear the tiredness in her voice and comforted her with a gentle voice.

The next day, He Songwen called and said that the matter at the project had been resolved. She praised Mr. Shen as a good person and thanked her teacher Zhou Zhengqing. She was able to get through this time thanks to his help.

But Chen Jing'an couldn't be happy at all. If it weren't for her, her uncle wouldn't even have suffered this unreasonable disaster.

The next few days were calm again.

But Chen Jing'an already knew that silence did not mean the end. She was struck down by this silence, as if in the silence, another person appeared who suffered because of her. Who would be next, the teacher or her parents? Chen Jing'an didn't dare to think deeply. She was shrouded in invisible fear. No matter how calm she appeared, she couldn't hide the fact that she was on the verge of collapse.

In this psychological game, she lost completely.

Chen Jing'an's palms were sweating while holding the phone. She seemed not to know Pinyin, and it was difficult to spell every word. It took more than ten minutes to spell just a few words - OK, I promise you.

Finally, click send, and a string of numbers without notes is already familiar to me.

A few minutes later.

The other party replied: [Okay, I will pick you up on the weekend. 】

Chen Jing'an suddenly gave up his strength. He is a prisoner and he has received the final sentence. He can do nothing but accept the facts.


the waiting time, Chen Jing'an didn't have the slightest sense of reality that she had become Shen Lie's girlfriend. Apart from the last text message, the two of them had no contact. She knew that Shen Lie was busy, and she was even a little lucky. If she only contacted her on weekends, the days would seem like It's not that hard.

Then the weekend came as scheduled and she walked into her own execution ground.

Shen Lie was in the car, probably coming out of the company. He was still wearing formal clothes, but the cufflinks were in the position of the cuffs. This sense of familiarity made her feel more at ease.

He put the cup in his hand on one side and said with a gentle and gentle smile: "What do you like to eat?"

Chen Jing'an got in the car and said anything was fine. She was not picky about food.

Shen Lie then mentioned the name of the restaurant, Huaiyang Cuisine, which is the cuisine of her hometown: "Maybe it's not authentic enough, but I can't judge. I still need you to evaluate it after you taste it."

Chen Jing'an said yes, and after a while, he asked about the past few days. The question I always wanted to ask but never remembered to ask - "When will it end?"

This kind of abnormal relationship will never last forever.

How long, she needs an exact time.

Shen Lie was not surprised that she asked such a question. Instead, he propped up his chin and seemed to be thinking seriously: "Maybe soon, maybe a long time. No matter which way it is, I can't seem to give a specific time."

"I hope you can give it. A specific time."

"When does Miss Chen want it to end?" Shen Lie asked.

Chen Jing'an examined his expression, wanting to know what his motive was for asking such a question, but his expression was normal and she couldn't see anything. She didn't answer, and then asked: "I can tell you Does it count?"

"No." Shen Lie answered quickly this time.

Chen Jing'an laughed angrily.

"But I can still make some reference."

That's right, it wasn't up to her to decide from the beginning, so how could she decide when it would end. After thinking about this, I'm not too angry. She pursed her lips and said nothing, waiting for his answer.

When the car had completely driven out of the university town, no longer needing to stop and start, and started to drive smoothly, Shen Lie slowly said, "When will I get tired of waiting, it will end."

When do I get tired of waiting?

Chen Jing'an wanted to ask, but felt that the question was even more stupid. Who could know? She nodded and said yes. Although there was no definite time, there was hope.

Love is inherently difficult to keep fresh. People like Shen Lie no longer have the fun of chasing the game and will probably get bored faster. Her self-confessed personality is boring and boring, which will probably only speed up the process.

She thought that the whole drive would be quiet, and then she would go to the restaurant, finish her meal, and then go back to school as if she was checking in for a task, but Shen Lie asked her how she should talk about love.

"What?" Chen Jing'an thought he heard wrongly.

Shen Lie's expression was not unnatural at all. He repeated: "What should I do when falling in love?"

It seemed as if he had asked her about her taste, what she liked to eat, and what her taboos were.

Seeing Chen Jing'an's thoughts, Shen Lie said that this was the first time. She instinctively didn't believe it. How could it be possible? How could the young master and young master who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth fall in love zero times? But Shen Lie didn't bother lying, and there was no reason for it in this matter either.

Chen Jing'an frowned, feeling complicated.

Shen Lie asked: "It seems that I have talked about it many times?"

Chen Jing'an did not answer, which was a kind of acquiescence.

"You are the first."

Shen Lie smiled, "Although I am a beginner, my mind is not bad. As long as the teacher is willing to teach, I think it should not be difficult to learn."

The teacher pointed at her? But how to teach this kind of thing? When Chen Jing'an was lost in thought, her hanging hand was suddenly held. The warm and cool touch made her pay attention to the time to react. The space in the car was not rich. There was an obstacle for placing a water cup in the middle of the passenger seat, but there was nothing on it now. , Shen Lie held her hand and put it on the table.

He has strong and well-defined bones, slender fingers and well-defined joints. On the back of his hand, you can vaguely see the blood vessels hidden under the cold white skin, and the veins are clear and distinct. Compared with him, Chen Jing'an's hand is smaller. Although the fingers are slender, they can't be squeezed tightly. Can be completely wrapped.

Shen Lie held her hand with ease and asked, "Is holding hands the first step in falling in love?"

Chen Jing'an's arms stiffened and he hesitated for a moment before saying yes.

"You should relax a little." Shen Lie's fingers were already pressing on her forearm, following the texture of the muscles. Now it was early summer. She was wearing a simple T-shirt and there was no material on her arms. She could clearly feel the temperature of his fingertips, inch by inch. With one inch of pressure, she felt as if her throat was being strangled and her breathing was stagnant. Not only did she not relax, but it made her even more nervous.

Shen Lie felt it and smiled happily: "Probably not a good teacher."

Even more clumsy than his student.

He knew it was because he was afraid, but he didn't care. He held her hand all the way to the restaurant. Her palms were wet. Before getting off the car, he wiped them off with paper. He later asked if this was a kind of desensitization treatment. ?

It took Chen Jing'an a long time to react, and then he realized that he was self-deprecating, and then he realized that this was probably his own hellish joke.

After a meal that she didn't know how to taste, Shen Lie asked if it was to her liking, but she could only answer randomly.

Shen Lie had a good appetite tonight. He tasted several dishes with several chopsticks, and then he held the chopsticks with great interest to pick out the fish bones for her. The chopsticks were immersed in the fish meat, with a slight arc, and then passed across to the tail of the fish... He did it Meticulously, he also picked out the soft fish bones, leaving a complete fish skeleton on the plate.

He is probably the only one who has such patience when it comes to eating.

After dinner, Shen Lie did not send Chen Jing'an back to school. Tonight's date seemed to have just begun. She had been to the last place where the car parked, which was the club where Qin Yinian took her to meet friends.

Probably because the memory here is not good, Chen Jing'an instinctively rejected it.

After getting off the car, Shen Lie held her hand, his palm thick and wide, and held her hand completely.

Unlike being in a car.

It was the first time to be outdoors, under the light, openly.

"I'll show you something interesting this time." Shen Lie led her in, and was treated like the stars holding the moon that she was familiar with last time. He saw that Chen Jing'an was not used to it, so he waved her hand to go to work, leaving only the manager. Serve.

Arriving in the lobby, Chen Jing'an saw a familiar figure frozen in place. It was Qin Yinian, holding a cigarette and smoking. There was a woman with good taste beside him. The woman put her arm around his shoulders and chatted and laughed with others.

Qin Yinian saw her and the hands she held with Shen Lie, and his expression froze on his face.

Chen Jing'an instinctively looked at Shen Lie, hoping to read something from his face. Did he mean Qin Yinian by "playing something interesting"?

Shen Lie turned his head to look at her, pulling his lips into a smile. The shadows on his eyelids became heavier. He leaned forward slightly, as if whispering love words in her ear: "I said I was gentle last time, which is the truth. This time, don't you think about it?" More serious? "

Last time in the hospital.

He once commented that she slapped Qin Yinian lightly.

Jul 19, 2024
Jul 19, 2024
Jul 19, 2024
Jul 19, 2024