Chapter 13: Accompany You to the End of the World

Sunday, August 5th, sunny
When all the truth is revealed,
I didn't have any anger at all.
My heart is filled with countless emotions.
Yuan Cheming, thank you for protecting me for so long.
Chinatsu, thank you for staying with me for so long.
Xu Yi, you are such a fool for breaking your promise.
This time, I won't let you leave!
No matter where you are,
No matter what we have to face in the future,
Ye Xiya will accompany Xu Yi until the end of the world!

There was thick fog everywhere. The only thing I could see was my body. Apart from that, I couldn't see anything else. Everything was white.
Where am I?
Suddenly, a beam of sunlight fell, and although the fog did not disperse, the world became brighter, and there was a vague human figure where the light fell.
Who is it?
I slowly approached him.
The closer I got, the clearer I could see—golden hair, brown eyes, a clean chin… Suddenly, the air smelled of roses…
"Che Ye?"
I whispered the name and slowly reached out my hand towards him.
His eyes, which were originally filled with smiles, were suddenly filled with sadness. After my voice sounded, his face was shrouded in fog and gradually became unclear. A strong sense of fear suddenly swept over me.
My fingers stayed five centimeters away from his body and did not move forward any further.
The facial features are exactly the same as Cheye's, but I feel it looks so strange.
Is he Cheye?
No! He is not! He is not Cheye! Not Cheye! He is not Yuan Cheye!
I turned around and ran forward desperately, running towards an unknown white world...
I woke up from my dream, sat on the bed and took a deep breath. I felt panicky and my forehead was covered with cold sweat.
Is this a dream? Haha, I smiled bitterly, if it is a dream, it would be great...
It was slightly bright outside the window, and I sat on the bed hugging my knees. The scene of yesterday was still so clearly imprinted in my mind, the email, the content of the email, and the address in the email.
It turns out that there are so many secrets between Xu Yi, Qianxia and Yuan Cheming...
Tears began to fall continuously, one drop after another hitting my arm...
I couldn’t figure out anything, my head just hurt and my mind was in a mess!
Slowly, the sky outside the window brightened quietly. When the first ray of sunlight fell on the bed through the window, a sudden sound woke me up from my sadness.
I picked up my phone and found a text message from Yuan Cheming.

I'm waiting for you in the Firefly Meadow, and I'll tell you everything you want to know!

I changed my clothes casually and ran towards the firefly meadow.
At this moment, I was eager to know what was going on.
Why am I the only one who is like an idiot and knows nothing? This feeling makes me feel so powerless and scared...
I ran with all my strength. Now I felt like I was running in a tunnel. There was nothing around me. I couldn't stop. If I stopped, the monster behind me would swallow me. I could only keep running.
The end of this tunnel is called, the truth.
When I arrived at the firefly meadow panting, I found that there was a girl standing next to Yuan Cheming.
The girl's fluffy chocolate-colored hair fell casually in front of her chest, her eyes were like clear lake water under the sun, her brows were slightly wrinkled, and the corners of her mouth that should have been raised were now tightly pursed.
Chinatsu! Why is she here? Didn't she go back to America? Suddenly, my whole mind went blank...
"Chinatsu, you..."
Just when I was about to ask her why she was here, Chinatsu came up and grabbed me.
"Xia, I know you must have a lot of questions now, but can you please listen to Yuan Cheming's explanation first?"
After hearing what Chinatsu said, I nodded stiffly.
Yuan Cheming looked at me, suddenly sighed, then gently opened his mouth and told me a truth that I had never known.
"My name is Yuan Cheming, and I'm Yuan Cheye's twin brother."
"What?" I was completely shocked after hearing the first sentence. Why had Cheye never mentioned this to me?
"I don't think many people know that Yuan Cheye has a twin brother. When I was born, my father gave me to my uncle who lived abroad but had no children. My mother's opposition was always no match for my father's determination. This is the biggest reason for their bad relationship."
Having said that, Yuan Cheming smiled bitterly. I'm sure no one wants to be sent away.
"In fact, I didn't know any of this until I was twelve years old. It was not until I was diagnosed with leukemia that I met my brother. My brother was very kind to me. In order to protect me, he fought with those foreign kids who bullied me."
When talking about this, Yuan Cheming kept smiling, with an unconcealable happiness on his face, and then he suddenly looked at me deeply: "Later, I learned that my brother liked a girl, the kind of girl he liked very much, but they were not together. Later, I got the news of my brother's death. I knew that my brother had a car accident because he wanted to give the diary to that girl, so I hated that girl. If it weren't for her, my brother wouldn't have had a car accident, so I decided to come back and take revenge on that girl. But... after reading my brother's exchange diaries, I was moved by the girl's kindness, optimism, and strength. I found that I liked that girl, and I liked her very much!"
Yuan Cheming had a faint smile on his face the whole time. But I was completely stunned and could only stand there stupidly waiting for Yuan Cheming to continue telling the shocking truth.
"Due to a small accident, Xu Yi accidentally discovered that I was not Cheye, so he asked me why I approached that girl. I had no choice but to tell him all the truth and confessed to him that I fell in love with that girl."
Yuan Cheming suddenly looked at me tenderly: "I don't know why Xu Yi made that promise with me. He hoped that I could protect that girl on behalf of him and my brother and make her happy! So I agreed!"
"So, that time when Chinatsu and I saw you guys talking on the Ryonan playground, you were talking about this..." I murmured, my eyes seemed to travel through time and return to that day.
I lowered my head, feeling sad. No wonder Xu Yi told me that he wanted to pursue his dream and wanted me and Cheye to be together.
Hearing this, my eyes became blurred and Xu Yi’s figure kept circling in my mind and wouldn’t go away.
Through tearful eyes, the smile on Yuan Cheming's face slowly disappeared, transformed into a sadness as deep as the sea. His brown eyes, like Cheye's, also contained an indelible sadness.
"Xia, I wanted to keep it a secret from you forever, but you discovered it accidentally. I have been hesitating whether to tell you the truth until Qianxia suddenly showed up last night. I decided to tell you the truth because I know that once you know the truth, you will definitely return to Xu Yi... In fact, for so long, the person who has truly devoted himself to you is Xu Yi. I don't think I can compare to him at all!"
"Cheming..." I called out this unfamiliar name, then blinked. As tears fell from my eyes, I saw tears flashing in Cheming's eyes.
"Xia, I've let you go. I just hope you can live a happy life. You have to work hard to be happy with my and your brother's blessings..."
After saying this, Che Ming turned his back and raised his head stubbornly.
The breeze blew through Che Ming's hair. His back didn't look strange at all. For so long, it was actually this back that had been protecting me...
Thank you, Yuan Cheming!
"Xia." Qianxia, ​​who had been standing by and listening to the whole story, walked up to me with red eyes, "Xu Yi will have surgery in a few days. In fact, his eyes have never healed. The doctor said that his life would be in , but the success rate of surgery is only 30%. If you really love Xu Yi, you should go to the United States with me immediately. This is Xu Yi's recorded diary. You will understand everything after listening to it... It's up to you to decide whether to go or not."
After saying this, Chinatsu put a black recorder in my hand.
I covered my mouth tightly, tears streaming down my face...
I bit my lips hard, pressed the play button while crying and trembling.
Xu Yi's voice appeared on this firefly meadow, in everyone's ears, and in my heart...

Tuesday, February 14th, sunny
When I found out I was blind, my whole world became dark, and I was in so much pain that I would rather not wake up. But when I heard Xia crying, I tried hard to force myself to pretend that everything was fine and that I was not sad at all.
I once naively thought that I could still protect you even if I was blind. But it was not until I met Jingsen and Weiwei that I realized that I no longer had the ability to protect you. I would only become a burden to you!
So I decided to go to the United States to treat my eyes, but I didn't have the courage to tell you about my inner weakness, so I left a letter to the housekeeper and asked him to give it to you, so that you would understand why I left.
Xia, do you know? Actually, I really don't want to leave you at all. I really, really want to be with you forever!

Thursday, February 16th, cloudy
Today is my first day in the United States. After a series of examinations, the doctor told me that the situation is not optimistic. If the blood clots that compress my brain nerves cannot be eliminated for a long time, my life will be in danger. However, the chance of successful surgery is only 30%.
So, Chinatsu and I made a promise of protection. I hope Chinatsu can temporarily protect you on my behalf.
Chinatsu's family and ours are old friends. My mother has always wanted me to be with Chinatsu, but actually she is one of my best friends.

Thursday, March 1st Light rain
Over the past half month, my eyes have slowly been able to see the outlines of nearby objects. I am really happy, and today Chinatsu has officially entered Wing Wind.
But soon, I learned that you were going to be expelled from school, so I asked Chinatsu to find the housekeeper, and the housekeeper used my father's connections to settle the matter.
Xia, even if I am not by your side, you must believe that I have asked the angels to protect you!

Monday, March 5th, cloudy
Xiaya, my eyesight is much better today. I can see things nearby a little more clearly, but things far away are still blurry.
But today I got a piece of news that shocked me -
The boy named Yuan Cheye is back!
But, I clearly saw Yuan Cheye get into a car accident, so why did he suddenly appear again? This is simply impossible. Is this person really Yuan Cheye?
I'm really worried about you, I hope nothing unexpected happens!

Thursday, March 22 Cloudy to overcast
Haha, Xiaya, I can see a lot of things clearly now!
I heard from Qianxia many things about you, how you fainted while doing frog jumps for Yuan Cheye, how you were bullied by Weiwei, how you and Qianxia became best friends, how Qianxia took you out for a drink...
Also, when I saw the photo of you and Chinatsu at the cup shop, my eyes got wet from laughing...
Xia, I really miss you!
I hope you can be happier, so I sent a lot of gifts from the United States and asked Chinatsu to bring them to you.
Haha, even though you don’t know it was sent by me, but whenever I think of your happy face, I will feel happy unconsciously.

Tuesday, March 27 Cloudy
Xia, you must be sad now. No one understands better than me how important that exchange diary is to you.
I don't believe Yuan Cheye would do such a thing to you.
Is this person really Yuan Cheye?
Chinatsu said she has already sought justice for you. Haha, I feel much more at ease with Chinatsu by your side.
Xia, I hope the chocolate I gave you can make you feel a little better.

Heavy rain on Friday, April 20
Today the doctor told me some bad news.
The improvement of my eyesight was actually just an illusion. The coma that occurred in the morning was a warning from my body. The blood clot that was pressing on the nerves in my brain had not been eliminated at all, and my condition was getting worse.
If I don't have surgery, I might only have a year left.
But, Xia, I would not be willing to die like this, so I decided that before the operation, I must come back to see you and leave behind some beautiful memories.
I told Chinatsu that I was coming back, but I didn't tell her that her eyes were getting worse, so Chinatsu and I planned a surprise for you.
Shia, I'm coming back...

Monday, May 14th, sunny
I finally waited for Yifeng’s campus cultural festival and could finally meet Xia openly.
But the moment I really saw Xia, I felt so sad. I knew that the housekeeper didn't give the letter to Xia. This is fine. Since I have no future, there is no need to explain anything.
Shia, you know what?
The first time I saw Yuan Cheye, I felt that he was not Yuan Cheye. Although they looked exactly the same, the feeling he gave me was very different.
And God soon confirmed my intuition.
When I went to find Yuan Cheye, a small accident made me discover that he was not Yuan Cheye, but Yuan Cheye's twin brother Yuan Cheming. And he changed from wanting to take revenge on you at first to liking you slowly!
I think, after I leave this world, I may have found someone who can continue to protect you for me...

Friday, May 18th, sunny
The timely arrival of the campus band competition gave me a good excuse. If I won the competition, not only would it allow Ajie and the others to realize their dreams, but I could also use this as an excuse to leave Xia with a clear conscience.
So Yuan Cheming and I made another protection agreement.
As long as he can protect you well on behalf of me and Yuan Cheye and make you happy, I will stay away from your world.
Although I feel so sad, but... as long as you can be happy, it is worth it!

Monday, May 20th, sunny
Today is the confession day. Miori suddenly found me and hoped that I could help her act out a scene. I accepted her confession. However, the moment I saw Xia, I felt so painful.
Xiaya, I know you must be sad, but...if I am not resolute now, I will definitely make you even sadder in the future.
So I can't say anything.
Xia, I like you, I really like you, I like you so much that I can even endure all the pain in my heart to protect you.
As long as you are happy...
If it weren't because I have no future, I would never give you to Yuan Cheming!

Monday, June 11th, sunny
Chinatsu's father has already started urging her to go back.
And now I am slowly distancing myself from you. I know that only if I am cruel to you now, you won't be so sad and upset when I leave you in the future.
But when you are in danger, I can't help but stand up for you!
I think if I could have been so cruel as not to hurt you, maybe you would have given up more completely. But I couldn't do that, because I couldn't bear to watch you get hurt!

Monday, July 1st Cloudy to sunny
You know, Xia, being away from you always makes me feel very hard.
In fact, Miori and I are just friends, but in order to make you give up, I have to pretend to be very close to Miori. Seeing you run away so sadly, I want to chase you so much, but my reason tells me not to!
Because I wanted to see you so much, I couldn't help but agree to the suggestion of a four-person date.
But when I came out of the ice and snow world, I found that my eyes seemed to have really started to deteriorate.
I think the day I leave is getting closer...

Friday, July 6th, sunny
At today's celebration party, you finally found out the truth about Miori and I pretending to be in a relationship.
Originally, I really didn't want you to know, so I let you misunderstand that I was a playboy, but Miori knew that I liked you, I liked you very much, so she insisted on telling the truth.
And another truth was almost discovered by you.
Because I told Ajie that I couldn’t go abroad with them for training because I had to go back to the United States.
I beg everyone not to tell you about this, I just want to use this excuse to leave.
Everything will end perfectly, so I can leave with peace of mind, and even if I die, I can die happily.

Sunday, July 8 Cloudy to rainy
Shia, you know what?
In fact, I heard your confession at the railway track even though the noise of the train was so loud, but... I pretended not to hear it!
At that moment, I really wanted to tell you that I like you too, I like you very much, but I couldn't say it.
In ten minutes, I will board the plane...
I was really happy during these two days of dating. After such a long time, I could finally be myself and finally muster up the courage to hold your hand.
I have been looking at you all night long. Perhaps, I will never have the chance to see you again... So I want to carve your face deeply into my heart...
With such wonderful memories, even if the operation fails, I can leave with a smile...
Xiaya, I am leaving, you must live happily, you must!

Friday, July 13th, sunny
Today is the fifth day since I returned to the United States. My eyes have completely deteriorated and now I can't see anything. The doctor decided to schedule the surgery in a month.
One month later, perhaps, I will no longer be in this world...

Friday, August 3, sunny
Today is Chinese Valentine's Day, you must be very happy if you are on a date.
It’s a pity that I don’t have the chance to celebrate Chinese Valentine’s Day with you.
But, Xia, if I have the chance to spend Chinese Valentine's Day with you, I will definitely arrange a grand fireworks display for you, in a remote place, to set off the most beautiful fireworks for you alone, and then kiss you when the fireworks are at their brightest...
Haha, it’s a pity that I don’t have the chance. It’s a pity that I… don’t… have the chance… anymore…
Xia, if there is an afterlife, I will definitely pray to God to let me meet you, to be with you, to give you happiness... must live must be very, very happy...
Yeshiya, I really love you!
By the time the last syllable died away, I was already sobbing my eyes out.
I held the recorder tightly and looked up at the blue sky.
Cheye’s face seemed to appear in the sky. He smiled at me, as if telling me to be brave and to pursue my love bravely.
The white clouds in the sky formed Xu Yi's figure. He still had a sunny smile on his face. My figure was reflected in his black eyes, and the corners of his mouth were raised with fondness.
I wiped my tears, looked up at the sky, put my hands to my mouth and shouted with all my strength: "Xu Yi, wait for me! I will never let you leave me again!"
Xu Yi, do you still remember the pinky promise we made?
We're committed to a promise not to change for a hundred years!

Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024