Chapter 120: Settling in Changhe Town

The prophet's fighting ability seemed to be completely beyond the reach of humans - no normal person could easily send a knight weighing two or three hundred pounds, including his equipment, flying with a single wave of his hand...
The huge broad-bladed knife in her hand, which was two and a half meters long, emitted a strange light in the sun. There was no trace of blood on the blade, and it looked like it was definitely not an ordinary item.
Her dark red armor began to show strange phenomena after being soaked in blood - the lining of the armor seemed to be trembling!
It looks like pouring a ladle of boiling hot oil on a piece of fresh meat!
Then, the armor revealed their true appearance... It was dark red flesh and blood, intertwined with gray-white bones, forming a strange texture.
The bloody flesh and bones swayed slightly in the sunlight, and it felt as if the flesh and blood were alive...
That is armor made of flesh and blood!
In other words, it wasn't armor at all, it was probably some kind of witchcraft item made by the three prophets using human flesh, blood and bones...
It may look like a gorgeous red armor at normal times, but once it is stained with blood, its original bloody appearance will be revealed!
The lord was obviously frightened... He gritted his teeth, took out an arrow, turned around and shot.
The arrow flew through a distance of dozens of meters and accurately pierced the chest of the prophet, but it only pierced it lightly and fell off as the prophet casually touched it!
Is the defense so high?
The prophet was charging towards the arrows, but this one couldn't hit him?
The Lord's heart sank - he finally knew what the voice of the goddess of justice Astalia had brought about...
The three prophets not only have outstanding deception and adaptability, but their own fighting power is also so strong!
This can no longer be considered a witch, this is completely a female ghost...
No wonder they didn't retreat even when their camp was burned down - they didn't need to retreat at all!
I originally thought that I could give them a fight by making them lose touch with each other, but now it seems that it would be good enough if I don't risk my life!
But the horses of the three prophets were very fast, and most of Li Ang's troops were infantry, so running like this was definitely not a solution...
The Lord gritted his teeth, slowed down Alice's pace, turned around and stopped: "Stop! Spread out and fight back!"
There is no way. Running is not an option. Now that there are only three prophets and a dozen doom bringers rushing over, let's rush forward and give it a try...
Although the outcome is unpredictable and the losses are bound to be huge, we have to give it a try anyway!
Looking at the three prophets coming towards him, the lord took down the lance on the hook - this was the one that King Ulric "gifted" him.
I wonder if all beings are still equal under the lance this time?
Seeing Li Ang raising his lance, the thirty cavalrymen also raised their lances, turned their horses, and prepared to follow their boss in a counterattack.
"Cavalry, prepare!"
Just as Leon was about to launch a counterattack, the whistles of the Owl Knights suddenly sounded from far behind him.
The three prophets who were rushing towards them actually slowed down their horses, then made a small circle and retreated with the doom-bringers!
Leon turned around and saw the team that Baron Leofric had set on fire returning a few hundred meters away!
This time I came just in time!
Although there were only more than 200 lightly armed soldiers riding draft horses, at this moment, Leofric's team became the key to determining victory or defeat!
Their draft horses were obviously not suitable for combat. In fact, Leofric might not even be aware of the current situation - but in the eyes of the Prophet's Legion, this was a cavalry unit of nearly three hundred people!
If this is really a 300-man Sarleon cavalry, once they enter the battlefield, the Prophet's Legion will most likely be destroyed in the melee...
Maybe it's because he hasn't cheated in front of the goddess recently, so the lord feels that his luck seems to have improved?
The three prophets obviously stopped charging after seeing this cavalry. Even if they were female ghosts, they probably weren't strong enough to use twenty people to fight against three hundred cavalrymen...
Just after the three prophets returned to their trusted female soldiers, a sharp voice like a ghost's cry rang out.
It was like the sound of metal rubbing against each other, extremely harsh and disturbing.
That should be the order for the Prophet's Legion to withdraw.
Just after this shrill voice sounded, the team of blood-sworn priestesses launched a violent charge.
They seemed to have completely lost their minds and no longer cared about their own lives. They rushed madly towards the various Doom-bringer teams, as if they wanted to free the female soldiers trapped in the melee.
Their strength was so amazing and the incident happened so suddenly that hundreds of soldiers around them were unable to stop them.
Afterwards, the Doombringer of the Prophet Legion, with the help of these crazy Blood Oath Witches, led the team out of the battlefield and quickly retreated to the position of the three prophets.
But in this melee, only a little over half of the soldiers were able to successfully withdraw from the battle. Many female soldiers were completely trapped in the melee, and even with the support of the Blood Oath Priestess, they could not get away.
The blood-sworn priestesses who launched a forced attack suffered even greater losses, with only a few dozen able to retreat successfully, and most of the others had their heads chopped off.
The three prophets would rather suffer huge losses than withdraw their troops. They were obviously worried about being attacked by this "cavalry regiment". They obviously paid more attention to their own safety.
But family knows family business - Godric also saw Leofric's team, and he knew very well that this "cavalry" riding on draft horses was simply incapable of fighting, so he did not order a pursuit, but led his team to quickly clear out all the enemies still on the battlefield.
Li Ang also immediately led the team to start clearing out the remaining enemies.
None of these female soldiers would surrender. They would all fight silently until death, making them quite difficult to deal with.
Moreover, after discovering that they could not withdraw from the battlefield, some trapped Doombringers became as crazy as the Bloodsworn Priestess - they suddenly burst out with the same strength as the Bloodsworn Priestess, and then began a chaotic battle without paying attention to life and death.
But this sudden outburst seemed to come at a price - they gained amazing power, but seemed to have lost their original dexterity and wisdom.
They no longer dodged or even defended.
Although they did cause a lot of casualties to the Allied Forces, they were also besieged and killed even faster.
After clearing out the female soldiers trapped on the battlefield, the coalition army regrouped. After the experience just now, Godric would never let the army disperse again. Facing these women, fighting in formation was the best way.
Soon, the battlefield gradually calmed down.
The Prophet's Legion lost more than 300 people, which is one-third of their strength. Currently there are about 60 Blood Oath Witches, 100 Doombringers, and more than 500 female soldiers.
More than 200 Allied soldiers were killed in the battle, plus about 300 wounded of various kinds, so the battle losses reached one third.
No one got any benefit...
In fact, if the fighting continues in this chaotic manner, the Allied Forces will surely collapse first.
No matter how elite the human army is, it is impossible to maintain extremely high morale as casualties continue to increase. Sooner or later, it will reach a critical point - unless they have firm revolutionary beliefs.
But the current situation is that the troops with firm beliefs are these heretical witches... They look like they will fight to the end even if it means fighting to the last soldier, but the coalition forces cannot do that.
But now, the Legion of Prophets has gathered around the three prophets and formed a circle.
The Blood Oath Priestess wearing heavy armor stood in the front row, while the trusted female soldiers holding long-handled swords stood in a dense array, and the other women were in the middle, holding bows and arrows in their hands.
Obviously, this is a purely defensive posture, and it seems that the long-handled sword is used to guard against cavalry attacks.
It seems that the Prophet Legion also knows some simple battle formations - but judging from their equipment, this is the only formation they can use.
"It seems that they are worried that we will use cavalry to charge the battle? Do they think that Leofric is leading lancers?"
Godric also saw this trend, but in fact, there were not many traditional Sarleon cavalrymen in the coalition army...
Ralph's rangers were heavily armed horse archers. Although they could charge like the Sarleon knights, they used spears and bows instead of lances.
The length of the spear was not even as long as the long-handled sword in the hands of the prophet's confidant. Except for the specially made extended spear in Ralph's hand, the other rangers would probably get into trouble if they rushed forward.
In fact, the spear was originally used to deal with the lance - the rangers had been fighting against the Jatu people for a long time, and the relatively shorter but more flexible spear was a close-range , not for lance thrusts.
The knights under Godric and Leofric were all traditional noble knights of the Sarleon, but they were few in number. Excluding the casualties, there were only about forty of them in total.
Moreover, these knights are grassroots lords. Once they die, the troops they bring will most likely no longer obey orders.
The cavalry under Li Ang could be considered traditional lancers, but their number was too small.
The rest are all infantry and archers...
As for the nearly 300 guys riding draft horses that Leofric was bringing with him, they were just the soldiers he had brought with him to transport food and grass. Most of them were not cavalry, but they could drive and ride horses...
Therefore, the allied forces could not charge with cavalry, but the Prophet's Legion was unaware of this. They thought that all the cavalry brought by Leofric were Sarleon cavalry, so they could only form a defensive formation...
With the rangers of the Horn Summoning Rangers watching them, the Prophet Legion did not dare to retreat directly - they would definitely be pursued, and being pursued by mounted archers is very tragic.
The battle just now has already demonstrated the strong combat power of the Prophet's Legion, so Godric did not dare to attack directly...
As a result, both sides formed an array and confronted each other several hundred meters apart, and no one acted rashly.
A strange standoff formed on the battlefield - if there weren't corpses and blood all over the ground, people who didn't know would have thought that the fighting had never started at all.
If the fighting really didn't start, then the current situation would definitely be in line with the Lord's wishes - the Prophet's Legion's camp and food supplies were burned down, and they had no supplies.
However, Leon and Godric were no longer sure whether they still needed to eat - the Dark Goddess could even bring the dead back to life, what if she could also allow them to achieve the freedom of fasting?
"If we keep wasting time like this, will there be other dead bodies that will be turned into Fallen? After all, it seems that many people died near their camp..."
The one who spoke was Klose.
The lord also thought that when the two sides were approaching each other, the Prophet's Legion was organizing its troops, and they could see them from afar hacking and killing those chaotic men.
But why didn’t they see any fallen ones crawling up near the burning camp when they were praying just now?
In other words, they cannot create Fallen at will?
At this time, Sarah answered: "It shouldn't be... Only those who believe in the Dark Goddess can become Fallen. What I mean is that one must dedicate their souls and flesh to the Dark Goddess to obtain the so-called power... Moreover, without sacrificing souls on the altar, those Fallen are useless. As you can see, they will kill each other..."
"Sarah, have you seen these heretics?" Li Ang was a little surprised: "Why didn't you tell me before?"
"I've never seen a Fallen before... and it's not a glorious thing. Many years ago when I was in Cliff Bay, I was almost tricked into becoming a follower of the Dark Goddess!"
Sarah shook her head, showing a rare shy look - this expression that often appeared on Anson's face was really unbelievable on Sarah's face.
"Being tricked?"
Li Ang looked at Sarah in surprise: "You? Were you deceived by others? You didn't say the opposite, did you?"
"Sir, everyone has a time when they are young and ignorant..."
Sarah's tone was a little depressed. "I was only eighteen years old at that time. I had just left my hometown not long ago. I fell in love with a knight who I shouldn't have liked. He was a believer of the goddess of justice, and he was also a decent person. Because of him, I also became a believer of Astalia - you didn't expect that a bard like me actually worshipped the goddess of justice..."
"He taught me swordsmanship and took me to an auction of elf girls... but that was the last time I was with him. After that, he suddenly disappeared."
"I thought he had abandoned me... Later, in a bar, I met a woman who said he was a playboy and fell in love with someone else. She said she would take me to find him. I was so naive at the time that I actually believed her."
"Then I was taken to the swamp north of the Misty Swamp Castle. There was a secret lair, and I heard the prayer of the goddess of justice there. This was the prayer he often recited, and I believed that he was indeed here..."
"But I didn't expect that it was a heretic group that seduced girls. They worshipped the dark goddess Erida... I saw their altar."
"I already knew that heretics would gain power by sacrificing flesh and blood, so I was on guard. There, I learned that the dark goddess Erida has no entity, no fixed appearance, and her statues have no faces. After the heretics peel off their skin, the power of the dark god can be imposed on them. Of course, this is just what I heard there. At that time, I actually didn't see heretics like the blood-sworn witches, nor did I see their rituals with my own eyes..."
"Because after I saw the altar covered with blood and flesh, I quickly escaped... After all, I am not that ignorant girl who knows nothing."
Sarah smiled bitterly at the lord. "It's just that my mind was full of that man at the time, and I didn't observe too carefully... Later, I traveled everywhere, actually wanting to find him... But now it seems that the heretic group I met was probably helping the Three Prophets find believers."
Li Ang sighed: "Sarah, the group you met may not be looking for believers - judging from your appearance, I think they are most likely looking for skins! Fortunately, you escaped... Otherwise, one of the three prophets we see now might look like you!"
Sarah gasped.
This is indeed very likely...
"But what should we do now? We can't afford to waste time like this... If we continue to waste time like this, our team's morale may get lower and lower. After all, no one has slept all night. We are not sure if we attack... But I don't want them to run away, Leon, do you have any ideas?"
The one who spoke was Godric, who had joined Leon's team at some point.
We really can’t let the three prophets get away like this. With their abilities, as long as they are not dead, they will probably come back soon - it’s nothing more than organizing another pig-killing scheme of seduction and brainwashing...
"Since the Prophet's Legion is worried about our 'cavalry'... let Baron Leofric and the Rangers work hard to keep an eye on them from a few hundred meters away, and we will lead the other troops into Changhe Town. Anyway, it is unlikely that they will launch the main attack. With a large number of 'cavalry' watching them, they will definitely not dare to retreat like this..."
The lord felt that things were easier now. At least he knew what the enemy was afraid of, and the three prophets were obviously no longer able to summon the Fallen.
"But we must first strengthen the soldiers' faith... Sarah, go tell the soldiers that these are the most evil demons. Their skins come from the women and children they killed, their property comes from the deceived knights, and their armor and strength come from the flesh and blood of the villagers... If we fail to kill them here, no village around will be able to escape their clutches in the future! We must fight them to the end - you know what to say."
Li Ang turned around and looked at the soldiers behind him, and signaled Sarah to go to the team to do propaganda first.
Godric also recruited Ralph and Charles and asked them to lead the Rangers to spread the horror of the Prophet's Legion among the United Army.
Afterwards, the allied forces split into two groups. The main force maintained their formation with the wounded and began to advance slowly towards Changhe Town, while Leofric led his "cavalry" to clean up the battlefield, and Ralph's rangers patrolled behind the Prophet's Legion.
The Prophet's Legion did indeed maintain its circular formation without moving, and just watched as the Allied Forces' infantry formation bypassed them while maintaining a distance of about 300 meters.
Both sides were on guard and neither took action. The Allied Forces advanced slowly and cautiously, watching the Prophet Legion move slowly. It took more than an hour to move four miles and arrive outside Changhe Town.
The journey into the city was smooth, as Amy had been negotiating with the garrison before.
However, as soon as they entered the city, the lord saw Amy coming angrily: "Teacher, these guys are too selfish and don't want to fight at all! It's not a big deal to let you enter the city..."
Jun 18, 2024
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Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024