Chapter 119: Tower of Paradise

"It's hard to imagine... It's simply hard to imagine..."
Seeing Kira returning home shaking his head, Disper asked, "What's so hard to imagine?"
"What I'm saying is that it's hard to imagine that someone like you who pursues the ultimate in swordsmanship would stay here just because of a few novels..."
"Although I don't think that's what you just said," Disper took his eyes off the novel in his hand, "However, there's nothing wrong with a life like this. I don't have to travel hard, and there's no fighting. I don't have to do anything except eat, sleep, shop, and read. I've been living a very comfortable life these days."
"Hey, I asked you to run the store, you didn't do any business, did you?"
"What's so difficult about doing business?" Disper said lazily, "As long as you lower the price a little, whether it's customers or unsatisfied wives, they will come to you like ants tasting sweets..."
"Your metaphor is so strange..."
Kira felt that if Disper continued like this, he might become a wasted person. Especially as a boss, he didn't want to support an employee who read books every day and didn't even do business, even if this person didn't want any salary.
Thinking of what would happen after this, Kira said, "Come with me, I need your help with something!"
"In this world, is there anything I can do that you can't?" Disper put down the novel in his hand, looked up at Kira, and gave him a meaningful look. "I say, you haven't really received a task assigned by some unsatisfied rich lady, have you? I won't do such a thing!"
I will let you do this kind of thing... No, would I accept such an improper task?
"I'm going to bring something back. Since it's quite large, I need your help to chop it up."
Disper looked at Kira curiously and said, "Cut something? I know your magic. Even if it's a mountain, you should be able to bring it back without any effort, right?"
Kira replied as he packed up his gear for the trip, "So that's more troublesome than a mountain."
"What on earth is that?"
"Hehe...Tower of Paradise!"
Near the coast of Karrum, on a familiar sailboat, under a huge parasol, Kira and Disper were lying leisurely on lounge chairs , drinking cold drinks, how comfortable!
Two identical people, doing similar actions, look like brothers, but only they themselves know that they are only brothers in appearance and are actually boss and subordinate.
"So, what is the Tower of Paradise?"
Hearing Disper's question, Kira gathered his thoughts and told him what he knew.
"About 400 years ago, there was a powerful and talented black magician named Zeref in this world. He designed a magic that could revive people, referred to as the R system."
"Then about ten years ago, a group of magic cults that believed in black magic got this plan from somewhere, so they invested a lot of manpower and money to build eight such tower-shaped buildings and named them the Tower of Paradise."
"Eight years ago, the Council successfully wiped out this magic cult and destroyed these towers of paradise that blasphemed life."
"Oh, I see. According to the development of the plot, there must be some fish that slipped through the net!" Disper interrupted Kira's next words, "Otherwise you wouldn't ask me to come over and chop it down!"
It is impolite to answer questions quickly, especially when you are interrupted in the middle of your speech. I don’t know why this guy is so inferior to me in this aspect, but Kira has always been generous to others.
"That's right. The Council has only destroyed seven of the towers. There is still one that has not been discovered yet, and it is almost completed. The only thing missing is a huge amount of magic power."
"Immense magical power? How huge?"
"The magic of 2.7 billion concepts!"
"Well... it's not easy to collect so much magic power. Even if all your magic crystals are added together..."
"Yes, less than one in ten thousand."
Hearing Kira's words, Disper became more certain of his guess and said meaningfully, "If there is any person or force that can collect it, it should be the Council."
"That's right. In order to complete the R system, the owner of the only remaining Paradise Tower has infiltrated the Council, attempting to obtain this magic power and use the satellite magic array to launch the ultimate space-time destruction magic and magic spirit power."
"Wow! This is a bold idea!" Dispere praised. "But even if you join the Council, you must be at least one of the councilors to be able to intervene in the launch of magic spirit power. The fact that you are taking action at this time means that the owner of this tower is one of the current councilors."
After so many years in Aslant, Disper is certainly not a stupid idiot. On the contrary, he is very smart, and his analytical ability is not inferior to Kira. He can understand many things at a glance and make accurate judgments in a short time.
"That black magic cult was destroyed eight years ago, which means that this councillor most likely joined after that. If he had been one of the councillors, he would not have disclosed his actions. And if it was really a leak of intelligence, he would not be in the Council now."
"Based on this deduction, the only two people left to own this tower are Zikrein and Urrutia. They both became councillors in the past ten years and are young enough to be easily led astray. Their family structures are also simple, so they don't have much burden to do such a thing."
It seems that Disper also knows something about the members of the Council. He is not completely ignorant. He can infer suspicious candidates . His handsome face is not in vain. Kira can't wait to applaud him.
"The person who created it is long dead. The one who is in charge of it now is Gerard!"
"Jellal... So it's Zikrein?"
Disper's tone became more confident. "When I first saw his face, my first reaction was that he was another prince. After all, they look the same, and their identities as a councillor and a prince are also very similar."
"But when I heard his name was Zikrein, I felt that he was not a simple person, because princes don't have twin brothers, and Gerard here naturally can't have one either. And the probability of finding two identical people in the same world is even lower than the probability of you meeting love, so..."
Seeing that Kira seemed to be getting angry, Disper changed the subject directly: "So, you want me to cut down the tower directly?"
He stretched out his right hand and pointed his slender index finger at the isolated island in the sea in the distance. At this time, he could already see the tiny black dot in the sea, like an upside-down nail.
“No, no, no, I want you to wait until the magic spirit power is activated before you cut it.” Kira said, “The true face of the Paradise Tower is a huge magic crystal. After it absorbs the magic power, I can…”
"Oh, I understand!" Perhaps because the two of them had a special connection, Disper could immediately understand Kira's intention as long as he said it, "You want to take the magic power for yourself!"
Kira nodded silently and admitted that there was nothing to hide about this matter.
"But I think that this system that can revive people is more practical than magic. Also, you should be able to take it away directly with your magic, right?"
"Resurrecting a person requires sacrifices. I'm kindhearted and I don't want to do that!"
"I do not believe!"
"Well, I think this is a blasphemy against life, I despise it..."
Disper interrupted Kira again: "Forget it, forget it. If you don't want to tell me, forget it. I don't really want to know."
Why magic power is needed instead of the R system? Of course, it's because Kira wants to make it into an energy drive for large-scale magic. With such magic power as the core, let alone building mechas and spaceships, maybe it can realize space travel. At that time, the world barrier can be broken through to connect to another world full of magic , Elentia.
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