Chapter 110 I am threatening you

Before long, Changhe Town returned to normal order and everything seemed to be peaceful again.
Ten minutes later, Amy was taken into the administrative hall by the cavalry.
After seeing the lord, Amy rushed over directly.
Amy was a little excited, she didn't even use the usual term 'teacher'.
"I thought I was going to be stuck there forever!"
Originally, it seemed that he was planning to give a hug, but after she ran up and saw clearly that Leon was hugging Fotherg, she stopped.
Obviously, she realized how Li Ang rescued her...
The knife in the lord's hand never left Fothert's neck. Although outsiders might not be able to see it, Amy was quite familiar with this scene - this was the same action her teacher did when he kidnapped the two Governors of Bucks at White Hart Castle.
Amy could naturally imagine that kidnapping Fawcett might not end well, and the matter was not over yet.
"Teacher, you'd better go to the inner castle and have a look..."
Li Ang realized that there were still many things he didn't know: "Amy, what's going on?"
Amy looked at Fawcett and said nothing.
Li Ang nodded and took off Fothert's helmet: "Sir Fothert, cooperate with us, let's go to the inner castle and talk."
Changhe Town, the main building of the inner castle.
Klose has been guarding here, and Amy didn't let anyone enter the main building.
"Klose, close the door and find a rope to tie him up..."
It must be tiring for the lord to drag a hostage all the time. Now there are no outsiders around and there is no need to hide it. It would be more appropriate to tie up Fotherg.
But Fothert was a little unwilling to cooperate this time: "Leon! If you treat me like this! The Horton family will not let you go!"
Li Ang shook his head and moved closer to Fothert. "I have no doubt that your family is capable of forcing me to flee to the ends of the earth. But as long as I am alive, I promise that your whole family will not be able to sleep from now on... I am helping you solve the problem now! If you don't cooperate, I may not die, but you will!"
This threat was quite useful. Fothert took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and nodded: "If you can solve the problem, I swear I will not retaliate against you!"
Klose came up and stuffed a torn towel into Fothert's mouth: "Sir, I will keep an eye on him!"
The Lord nodded approvingly at Cloze and said, "Guard this building and don't let anyone in. Amy, tell me what happened?"
Amy nodded and took Li Ang directly to the fifth floor.
Mrs. Bella's hands and feet were tied, she was still unconscious, and her breathing was very weak.
Amy quickly explained the whole story, and after more than ten minutes, the lord finally understood the cause and effect.
"I was just buying food, but I didn't expect it to cause so much trouble... and even bring up heresy..."
Li Ang shook his head and smiled at Amy: "There are so many people pursuing you. You are the most popular girl in Sarleon Kingdom, right, Amy?"
"Teacher, you are still in the mood to joke! You kidnapped Fotherg, Duke Alma will definitely not let it go..."
Amy is still a little nervous. Her troubles have been resolved, but Leon is involved in a kidnapping case.
Amy was more anxious now than when she was trapped.
But looking at the unconscious Mrs. Bella, Leon felt much more relieved.
"I originally thought it was difficult and I didn't know how to deal with this Fotherg—I didn't want to become a mortal enemy with an archduke at this time. But since their family is harboring and concealing heretics..."
Li Ang grinned and shook his head: "That's actually an easy problem to solve!"
Amy frowned: "But Duke Alma must also know that Madam Bella is a heretic, right?"
"Amy, it is precisely because Alma must know that this can be properly resolved... Didn't Fawcett want me to testify that you are a heretic? I plan to have him testify that his father is harboring a heretic... Ha!"
But just as he said this, Li Ang suddenly frowned: "Wait a minute... Amy, has she been in a coma for three days?"
Amy nodded.
Leon walked over to the unconscious Mrs. Bella and took a closer look.
The wounds on Mrs. Bella's body were very small. Although they were densely packed like scales, they were not enough to keep her unconscious for so long.
The cause of her unconsciousness should be the wound on her chest, which had turned into a bloody hole and looked quite scary.
Leon tried to touch Mrs. Bella's wrist and still had a faint pulse.
"Which tall woman did you say could use poison? And she also mentioned the prophet?"
The lord turned and asked Amy.
"Yes, teacher, you mean Mrs. Bella..."
Amy came over with a frown on her face. "We were worried that she would die, so we didn't dare to touch her. Is she unconscious because of the poison?"
Leon took off the water bag on his body, took out the Artemisia annua powder from his waist pocket, mixed it with water and poured it into Mrs. Bella's nostrils.
The lord was not worried about whether a heretic would die. This was the method Anson had mentioned before of waking up people who were knocked unconscious by the Snake Heart Stone, and he planned to give it a try.
The Artemisia annua really worked, and Mrs. Bella actually woke up with a cough.
But this way of awakening is indeed dangerous for someone who has not eaten for several days and is covered with scars - a stream of blood spurted out of Mrs. Bella's chest because of coughing.
The way she looks now, it seems like she is experiencing a last burst of vitality.
After weakly opening her eyes , Mrs. Bella looked at her bound hands, then turned her head to look around.
When she saw Leon, she slowly spoke in a hoarse voice: "Humph... foolish people... Goddess Erida will not let you go! The Prophet's Legion will avenge me!"
Still looks a little crazy.
Li Ang waved his hand to tell Amy not to speak, and said softly, "Mrs. Bella, we are here to help you!"
Madam Bella looked at Leon seriously again, then turned her head to look at Amy: "Amy... Goddess... Is he the hero you summoned?"
Amy nodded somewhat helplessly. She really didn't know how to deal with a madman.
The lord realized that this seemed to be a good opportunity to obtain information. He handed the water bag to Lady Bella and said, "Madam, drink some water. The prophet guided me to help you!"
Hearing the 'prophet's guidance', Lady Bella laughed and looked at the lord as if she had seen a relative.
She pushed the water bag away. "I am dying soon. I can feel my life fading away...Sacrificing my blood will indeed get the goddess' response...Hero of Pendor, have you occupied Changhe Town?"
Li Ang nodded thoughtfully: "I have already controlled Fotherg, how do you plan to deal with him?"
Madam Bella was stunned for a moment, then sneered: "Let him die! The Horton family deserves to die! I will dedicate Changhe Town to the goddess Erida! The prophet's army will be here soon... I will welcome the goddess's arrival here!"
Her eyes gradually became dull and her hands stretched out into the air, as if trying to grab something.
Then, she turned her head and looked at Amy: "Amy... Goddess... She is right... It turns out that only a perfect virgin can become the carrier of the goddess and bring the heroes of Pendor..."
The voice gradually faded away.
Li Ang put his finger on the tip of her nose and tested: "She's not dead yet, but she may not be able to be saved."
Amy hadn't recovered yet: "Teacher, what does she mean by these nonsense?"
"I don't know, but I think she doesn't seem to be talking nonsense. She may just be brainwashed by heretics."
After careful consideration, Leon went downstairs to find Fotherg.
"Fother, now, we have to end this together... I don't intend to go to war with the Duke of Alma, but I think you don't want to be hunted down by me and Lord Godric, right?"
Leon stared at Foussett closely and pulled out the rag that Klose had stuffed into his mouth.
Fothert retched twice, his eyes full of anger, but he still nodded slowly: "So, how are you going to end this?"
This guy was indeed very calm, but it was a pity that he was not decisive enough, otherwise he would not have been held hostage by Leon.
"I have to find out the reason first... Sir Fothert, are you making such a big fuss because you are worried that the Duke of Alma will know about your affair with your sister?"
Li Ang was a little surprised: "But it's just a small matter. Isn't it normal for a rich and noble family? There's no need to make a big fuss!"
Fother shook his head: "You don't understand, it's normal in other noble families, but my father won't tolerate such things... If my father knew about it, I would be exiled!"
Li Ang was very surprised: "Duke Alma cares about this?"
Fothert was silent for a while, hesitated for a while, and said: "My father doesn't care how we play outside, but within the family, relatives are not allowed to..."
He shook his head, as if unwilling to expose his family's dirty laundry.
"Teacher, the Horton family has always pursued pure bloodline, and brothers and sisters in the family were completely intermarried. But by the time of Duke Alma's generation, more than one-third of the Horton family were dwarfs and morons..."
Amy looked at Fothert with disdain and explained the reason: "More than 20 years ago, Duke Alma personally killed more than a dozen of his brothers... It is said that they were all inhumane morons who could do nothing but harm the family territory. They also killed his youngest sister. This incident caused a big fuss at the time, and Alma even lost his territory because of it - his previous fiefdom was Changhe Town, and Lion Lake City was obtained later because of his great achievements."
Fothergill gritted his teeth, probably because he didn't expect Amy to know these old stories, and his face looked a little ugly.
Leon nodded. Alma rescued the Mad King from the last Lion Knight and thus obtained the Lion Lake City territory. He heard about this from Lady Philina in the garden of the Noble Court in Sarlion City.
With such experiences, it is easy to understand why Alma would have such strict requirements for her family.
If Alma knew about the affair between Fawcett and his sister, Fawcett would most likely be kicked out of the house and would most likely lose his inheritance rights.
No wonder he took such a risk, both to cover up the affair with his sister and to conceal the fact that Madam Bella was a heretic.
"Fother, you know about Mrs. Bella's situation...your father, Duke Alma, knows about it too, right?"
Li Ang patted Fothert on the shoulder and said, "You concealed the fact that she was a heretic in order to find a child from the Horton family and take back Changhe Town in the name of the heir of Elfwan?"
"Yes, Elfwan has no heir, and my father must take back the territory that originally belonged to the family... Leon, let me tell you the truth. Duke Elfwan was murdered by Madam Bella! He was paralyzed in bed a few years ago because of the poison Madam Bella gave him! My father took over Changhe Town because Elfwan sent a letter for help before he died!"
Fawcett's words shocked Leon, and Amy was also stunned.
"You're not lying to me, are you? Lady Bella murdered her husband?"
Li Ang felt that there was a huge amount of information in the homes of these great nobles.
"I was the first to receive the letter for help. This is absolutely true. Changhe Town was the territory of my Horton family a hundred years ago. My father lost Changhe Town because of his impulsiveness. He did want to take it back... But my father would not kill Duke Elfwan in order to regain the territory. They were once close comrades-in-arms!"
Fothert frowned and told the inside story: "Use the child of the Horton family and take back Changhe Town in the name of Madam Bella's posthumous child. This was the suggestion of Duke Elfwan before his death. He has no heir. Rather than being inherited by Madam Bella who murdered him, he would rather let my father take Changhe Town back!"
Leon looked at Fothergill carefully and felt that he was not lying.
The lord had never expected that Alma's plan to seize Changhe Town was actually suggested by Elfwan himself.
This means that Lady Bella could have obtained Changhe Town naturally, but Alma ruined the process... She said she wanted to dedicate Changhe Town to the dark goddess Erida, and she did have the motive to kill Elfwan.
"What's going on between Madam Bella and these female soldiers? Don't say you don't know."
Leon pointed at the bodies of the female soldiers and asked Fotherg .
The bodies had been collected, covered with cloth, sprinkled with lime, and were neatly placed in the hall.
"That's someone under Madam Bella's command. I know that Madam Bella worships the evil god, but I'm not interested in what she's doing specifically... After all, I just need her to be alive!"
Fothert seemed to know about these female soldiers. "In fact, I have never been in this building. These women never let my people in. In order to keep Mrs. Bella's cooperation, I didn't force my way in... After all, her only request was that men were not allowed to enter this building."
"You didn't kill the people around her?"
Li Ang found this unbelievable - he wanted to control Lady Bella to seize Changhe Town, and left so many people around her. Was Alma a fool?
"We tried, but Lady Bella is not someone who is afraid of death... In fact, she has always been reluctant to cooperate with us. My father also told me not to force her, lest it would be bad for anyone if she was forced to death."
Fother explained: "We need her cooperation, so we didn't push her too hard. Changhe Town will change hands in three months anyway... We need her to show up occasionally during these three months."
So it seems that Mrs. Bella hates this father and son the most, but she seems to be just pretending to be nice.
Li Ang suddenly thought of what the Countess said - Madam Bella from Changhe Town came to her to buy a large amount of food!
"Fother, have you ever bought food from the Countess of Brave Shield?"
Fother shook his head in confusion: "There is a lot of food in Changhe Town, there is no need to buy..."
Amy looked at Fawcett with anger on her face and gritted her teeth, probably because she thought of Fawcett's plan to use 300,000 pounds of food to make her respond to his pursuit.
Fothergill looked at Amy, with a hint of loneliness in his eyes.
But Leon breathed a sigh of relief - the food was not bought by Alma and Fothergill.
Mrs. Bella bought it herself.
So, Madam Bella…she bought it for the Legion of Prophets!
Li Ang closed his eyes and shook his head, then turned around and looked at Fotherg seriously: "I think you will be in big trouble... I'll give you a solution, it depends on whether you are willing..."
Fothert was a little confused: "How to solve it?"
"You take Madam Bella to Sarleon City to surrender, and make public the fact that Madam Bella is a heretic, and accuse your father, Duke Alma, of harboring a heretic... There is enough evidence here to prove that Duke Alma is indeed harboring Madam Bella. He will probably not be able to return to Lake Lion City for several months. You are his eldest son and the first heir, I think you can understand what I mean... As long as you do this, the matter between you and your sister will not matter at all."
Li Ang said this with a frown, but he knew that this guy would probably not agree immediately.
If Lady Bella's heretic identity is made public, her "posthumous child" will also become a heretic's child. There will be no one to inherit Changhe Town, and it will be taken back by King Ulric.
The Horton family gets nothing.
Sure enough, Fother shook his head: "This is impossible. Even if I die, I will not let my father..."
But he stopped talking halfway, and Fawcett lowered his head and fell silent.
Li Ang smiled, his smile full of contempt: "Have you figured it out? If you don't want to, then Archduke Alma will soon know about your and your sister's affair, and I will hand you over to Lord Godric. As for how Lord Godric will deal with you, I can't control it... Madam Bella's heresy will still be made public by Amy and me, and your family will still not get Changhe Town. And you... heh... make your own choice."
Amy was puzzled: "Teacher, we can just use the second option..."
Li Ang shook his head and glanced at Amy: "Let him choose."
Amy didn't say anything else. She saw a hint in Leon's eyes. Although she didn't know why Leon wanted to let Fothert go, she chose to believe her teacher.
Fothert was silent for a long time, then he sighed and said faintly: "Sir Leon, you are threatening me!"
The Lord nodded as a matter of course: "Yes, I am coercing you. You should know that I can even kill you now and put the blame on Madam Bella, the heretic. In fact, I have every reason to do so... But you gave me a chance to choose outside the city, so I will give you a chance to choose as well."
But in fact, Leon knew that he couldn't kill Fothert - he couldn't even take Fothert away. The two hundred cavalrymen knew that Fothert had come to him, and if Fothert died here, he would definitely face the Duke of Alma's revengeful army.
He was merely intimidating Fawcett, just as Fawcett had intimidated him.
Fothert finally chose to surrender himself to Sarleon City.
It seemed incredible—that he chose to accuse his own father, Alma, of harboring heresy.
Jun 18, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024