Chapter 102 Jumping Back and Forth

At this time, the commander of the Black Umbrella Group's special forces faced a very difficult choice.
The space-time activities did not stop, and it was unknown when the communication would be restored. At this time, there were ambushes in front of them and pursuers behind them. They were caught in the middle and could hardly move.
The key is that the time fog is getting thicker and thicker. Originally, they thought that the time fog would be more advantageous to them, but in this chaotic situation, the opponent is high and low, and has a better field of vision. And they have no way to make a strong counterattack against the opponent in the thick time fog.
At this moment, for them, whether to forcibly seize the two buildings or turn around and fight with Fujido Group is a choice that will result in great losses and is too unwise.
Thinking of this, the commander decisively ordered, "Change the route and break out to the side!"
Although the main task is to slow down the pace of the Fujido Group as much as possible and be ready to meet up with other members of the Black Umbrella Group at any time, plans cannot keep up with changes, and it is impossible to take shortcuts.
In this case, it is better to bypass it quickly. Although it will take a long way, as long as the Fujido Group can be led away, the result will be the same.
The others also realized that the situation was not good. They gritted their teeth and their synaesthesia power exploded rapidly. Under the influence of the time fog, their metabolism was raised to a very high level, and they broke through to the side directly!
Although Lishan Technology and Fujido Group were shooting at them, these people with synesthesia were relatively tough and only three bodies were left.
Two of them were killed without any warning. One was killed by a mechanical mechanism set up by Zhao Zhen and Lin Luxi, and the other was shot in the head by Zhang Sirui.
Although other ordinary members were injured to varying degrees, there were not too many casualties.
Fujido Yusuke looked at the two buildings in front of him with suspicion. It was obvious that he didn't know which force suddenly appeared and helped them. But this was not the time to worry about this. His primary goal was to eliminate these people from the Space-Time Knights and find the specific whereabouts of the Space-Time Knights as soon as possible.
After a brief thought, Yusuke Fujido immediately led the people from the Fujido Group to chase after them again.
At this time Chen She also breathed a sigh of relief.
Fortunately, these people pretending to be the Knights of Time and Space did not rush up to fight with him.
Because Chen She didn't want to fight them to the death. If this group of people really rushed up to fight to the death, then Chen She could only command everyone to start evacuating. However, there might still be casualties during the retreat. Now this situation is the best.
But Zhang Sirui was not satisfied.
He originally wanted to wait for the other party to rush up for a big fight, but he didn't expect that the other party was so cowardly. When he found himself being suppressed by firepower, he immediately changed direction and fled.
Chen She stood up and said, "There's no need to feel sorry. We will meet again."
"Everyone pack up and follow me immediately!"
This place can be said to be Chen She's home ground. If he could catch these people the first time, he could naturally catch them the second time as well.
Chen She was not in a hurry to eat up all these people in one breath, as that would cause them to suffer greater losses, and the forces left behind by the Fujitang Group would be difficult to deal with.
It would be best if the Fujido Group could continue to deplete the strength of both sides in the process of chasing this group of people, so that Lishan Technology can easily reap the benefits.
At this time, Chen She was also paying attention to the situation on Gao Jingwu's side and considering the progress of the investigation team.
At present, the progress of both sides is within an acceptable range.
Once Gao Jingwu was a little overwhelmed, Chen She had to act decisively. Even if there were some casualties, the group of people pretending to be the Knights of Time and Space and the Fujitang Group had to be quickly eliminated.
Only by eliminating this group of people can Chen She use them to revive Gao Jingwu and others. With the addition of these people in Chen She's hands, there is hope to kill Snow Ley, William and others!
Disguised as a special forces commander of the Space-Time Knights, he commanded his men to break out in another direction.
However, their actions were delayed for a while as the Fujido Group was chasing them closely.
As a last resort, a fierce battle broke out between the two sides, resulting in casualties on both sides.
On the Black Umbrella Group's special forces side, three people caused a small space-time explosion at the cost of losing control, killing five soldiers from the Fujido Group. The others took this opportunity to continue evacuating.
Although they have once again distanced themselves from the Fujido Group, this kind of loss is somewhat unacceptable for this special force.
Because according to the initial estimate, the possible casualties in completing this mission should be controlled within five people, but now the number of people killed in the battle alone has exceeded this number.
The commander still felt very puzzled. Logically, he had already taken into account all the forces that had entered the underground this time. So who were the people who had ambushed them in those two buildings in advance?
Fortunately, this should be the only ambush.
However, just as the commander had this thought, gunshots were heard from a high platform ahead!
And it is the only way for them to move forward.
What was even worse was that the time fog below was showing some signs of fading, but the time fog above was very dense. They were not well shielded from the fog below, and could not see the people ambushing them from above.
The commander couldn't be sure whether the people who ambushed them this time were the same group of people as before.
If they were the same group of people, how on earth could they accurately locate their positions in the intricate underground and run ahead of me? This is too outrageous!
But if they were not the same group of people, why would so many unidentified armed forces suddenly appear underground? And they were all targeting them? This was even more outrageous!
The commander now had a thousand question marks in his head, and he had no idea what was going on. After being blocked for a while, the people from the Fujido Group caught up again.
These people pretending to be the Time and Space Knights had no choice but to continue fighting to the death with the Fujido Group.
The Fujido Group was also very stubborn. Both sides fought and suffered casualties, but the Fujido Group was the first to kill. They just wanted to kill these people of the Space-Time Knights as soon as possible, and then continue to look for the branch of the Space-Time Knights.
Fujido Yusuke shouted, "Surrender now and I will spare your lives! As long as you lead us to the branch of the Space-Time Knights and let us get what we want, we will leave immediately!"
The commander of the Black Umbrella Group felt like he was screwed.
He really wanted to say: How would I know where the branch of the Time and Space Knights is? We are just here to carry out the mission and delay your progress.
But he couldn't really say this. On the one hand, even if he said so, Fujido Yusuke would definitely not believe it. On the other hand, once this matter was exposed, it would be almost equivalent to the Black Umbrella Group and the Fujido Group declaring war. The consequences would be too serious and he, as an ordinary commander, could not afford it.
Unless he had the confidence to kill all the members of the Fujido Group underground without leaving a single one alive, but he obviously did not have that confidence.
After thinking it over, there is still no solution. I can only grit my teeth and continue fighting!
The special forces of the Black Umbrella Group are all people with synesthesia and strong combat capabilities. So even in this extremely difficult situation, they did not collapse, but retreated while being ambushed and chose a new route to escape.
In fact, the commander really wanted to act on impulse and rush to the commanding heights with his men to find out the people who were ambushing them and kill them all.
But as a commander, reason prevailed over emotion.
He knew very well that the enemy could ambush him at a favorable location, which obviously meant that they knew the terrain very well. If they rushed forward rashly, they would probably end up empty-handed. Moreover, while they were attacking the ambushers, the Fujitang Group would stab them in the back. Even if they were lucky enough to eliminate all the ambushers, they would all be killed by the Fujitang Group, which was not worth the loss.
So no matter how angry he was, the commander of the Black Umbrella Group could only grit his teeth and lead his men to break out in another direction.
This time, the other people from Lishan Technology packed up their things without waiting for Chen She to say anything.
Zhang Sirui was somewhat dissatisfied the first time, thinking that the battle was not satisfying enough, but this time he no longer had such thoughts.
Isn’t this battle enough?
It’s so addictive!
You don't have to do anything at all, you just need to find a high point with excellent terrain every time, and beat the opponent up. And the opponent can't do anything to you, no matter how angry you are, you can only run away and dare not fight back.
If all battles were fought like this, it would be such a blessing!
Chen She didn't say anything, but led everyone to the next ambush site.
On the other side, the number of rebel fighters around Gao Jingwu and Grantham was decreasing, with only the last two left.
The investigation team once again approached the core area of ​​the Space-Time Knights branch , and the remaining two resistance fighters stood up and said goodbye to Gao Jingwu and Grantham.
Gao Jingwu said: "Go ahead, we will meet again soon in the other side of the space."
The strength of these people becomes stronger as time goes by. These two rebel fighters were originally two knights with level three energy fluctuations. After intensive training and improvement during this period, their strength has reached the peak of level three energy fluctuations, and in the critical state of being out of control, they can even reach level five energy fluctuations!
Although this state can't last too long, this state of space-time matter flowing throughout the body is like a walking time bomb for people from other paths. In the case of being afraid of the consequences, the opponent's masters can't exert 100% of their strength.
These two rebel fighters can delay the enemy for a long time.
In the end, only Gao Jingwu and Grantham were the last line of defense.
As a servant of Chen She, Grantham's real strength was only the third level of energy fluctuation. Although he had a strong ability to control space-time creatures, he had basically no ability to fight back against a top master like William.
Chen She's plan was to sacrifice this servant at the last moment, which was nothing more than 5 units of space-time particles.
However, in this way, Chen She will no longer be able to obtain information here through Grantham, and he will have to be more cautious in every move.
Gao Jingwu asked: "Captain, what's the situation over there?"
Chen She said: "Don't worry, it will be soon!"
"This is an ultimatum. I repeat, you surrender immediately and lead us to your branch. As long as we get what we want, we will leave immediately, and none of you will die."
"But if you still refuse to change your ways, then we will annihilate you completely!"
Fujido Yusuke's words have become more and more impolite, and he is also very anxious.
Judging from the time, the investigation team is very likely approaching the location of the Spacetime Knights branch!
The Fujido Group had wasted too much time on this branch of the Spacetime Knights. Although they had eliminated many members of the Spacetime Knights during the several pursuits, leaving only three or four members of the Spacetime Knights who were still resisting, their own losses were also quite heavy.
Fujido Yusuke also fought with the knight who was leading the battle. He was a ghost walker who could travel through the cracks of time and space, appearing and disappearing at will, and had a very comprehensive fighting method. Fujido Yusuke had always been very confident in his swordsmanship, but he didn't expect that he didn't get too much advantage from the opponent.
Seeing the time passing by, Fujido Yusuke's patience was exhausted. He could only eliminate all these people at all costs, capture the leading knight, and do everything he could to make him speak.
At this time, Yusuke Fujido wanted to search for the location of the Time and Space Knights branch by himself, but it was too late and he had to find someone to lead the way.
The commander of the Black Umbrella Group was so angry that his teeth were itching.
At the beginning, he did harass the Fujido Group's troops to chase him, trying to delay as much time as possible. But later, as the losses of the troops became more and more severe, the commander had already begun to retreat and stopped attacking the Fujido Group frequently, wanting to avoid fighting.
But I didn’t expect that the Fujido Group would be chasing after us!
The reason is very simple. At the beginning, Fujido Yusuke was not so determined to pursue them, but they kept harassing them, making it impossible for the Fujido Group to patiently search for the location of the Space-Time Knights branch.
Later, Fujido Group had invested so much sunk cost that it was impossible to let them go . Because catching a live person to lead the way was the only way for Fujido Group to get to the Spacetime Knights branch first.
As for the remaining three or four members of the Black Umbrella Group, they are now desperate, with the Fujitang Group chasing them closely. Every time they run to a place, they will be ambushed inexplicably.
If this continues, there will be only one way out, and that is death.
Thinking of this, the commander of the Black Umbrella Group gritted his teeth and said, "No matter the cost, kill them!"
He also had no idea how he had fallen into such a desperate situation step by step. Logically speaking, the entire underground space was so spacious that he should have many places to escape. However, it was like he was trapped in a cage. No matter which direction he turned, he would die!
Now the only way for him is to fight to the death.
Don't worry about whether the mission can be completed. They have delayed the Fujido Group for so long, and although the communication has not been restored, the mission has obviously been completed in excess. Now, for them, as long as they can escape alive, it will be a victory.
The commander did not want to reveal his identity as a member of the Black Umbrella Group unless it was absolutely necessary, because that would mean that a corporate war between the two companies would inevitably break out immediately after the Fujido Group left the underground.
But if it really comes to the last moment, the commander can only reveal the secret to save his own life.
The commander of the Black Umbrella Group shouted, and his figure quickly disappeared in the space-time rift, and then instantly appeared more than ten meters away, stabbing a soldier of the Fujido Group to death with a sword.
The three people who persisted with him to the end were obviously the elite among them, driving the space-time creatures to pounce on the Fujido Group.
The struggle of trapped beasts can often unleash extremely powerful potential, not to mention that these people are all strong people in the synaesthesia path. When they are forced into a corner, they have one last resort, which is to lose control and expose themselves.
Just then, gunshots rang out again in the distance.
The commander of the Black Umbrella Group was shocked at first, he didn't expect that the other party would follow him again like a thorn in the flesh!
A feeling of despair surged in his heart. Being attacked from both sides, it was obvious that he had no chance of survival.
But then something he didn't expect happened. The elusive sniper rifle on the high ground was not aimed at him, but at the soldiers of the Fujido Group!
Although the Fujido Group was badly wounded, they still had more than ten people left. Although these ten people were injured, they still had a clear advantage in numbers compared to the three or four people from the Black Umbrella Group.
But caught off guard, these people from the Fujido Group were attacked by fire from above!
The Fujido Group had never expected this to happen, because they had already faced this mysterious force several times. The other party had never attacked them, but only chased after the people of the Space-Time Knights.
Therefore, the Fujido Group speculated that this might be the armed force of a certain consortium in the investigation team, and their purpose of entering underground was the same as theirs, which was to destroy the Knights of Time and Space, so they cooperated with each other.
But now the communication has not been restored, so we cannot verify it with the other party.
But they never expected that just when they were about to destroy the branch of the Spacetime Knights, this group of people actually turned against them!
It is obvious that the opponent's target is not the Time and Space Knights at all, but to eliminate the Time and Space Knights and the Fujido Group together!
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024