Chapter 10: The Final Battle Between Men Part 3

The moonlight was diffuse, and the clouds were like mist, surrounding the bright waning moon. The sparse stars looked like a few broken diamonds scattered in the Milky Way, blooming with starlight brighter than the crescent moon.
"Are you really leaving so soon?" Standing under the big locust tree, I looked at Baron Rosa in front of me with some reluctance. He looked like a big tabby cat, with bruises and red medicine smeared all over his face.
"Yes! My mission is completed, why should I stay here and be an eyesore?" Baron Rosa raised his eyebrows reluctantly, but instead of trying to be cool, he pulled the wound on his face, and the pain made him swear.
"Mission?" I frowned in confusion. I smelled a conspiracy.
After the medical staff arrived, because Joseph was seriously injured, they immediately sent him to the city center hospital. Fortunately, Joseph only suffered some skin injuries and a slight concussion, so he is still in a coma.
Baron Rosa, whose wound had been bandaged, came to the ward to visit Joseph, and said goodbye, saying that he was going back to Austria!
There was no winner in this game, but Baron Rosa, who claimed to be a winner in life, admitted defeat!
Although I don't like this arrogant Baron very much, he is leaving after all, and it is polite to see him off before he leaves!
"Haha! I told you girls are all idiots! Do you think I came all the way from Austria to this godforsaken place to get involved in this mess between you and Joseph? Why do you think your grandfather, who was transformed from a thousand-year-old fox, sent you to this academy for no reason?" Baron Rosa rolled her eyes impatiently and smiled contemptuously at me.
"Isn't it because no college in Europe is willing to accept me?" I asked. I kept causing trouble and blowing up labs, so who would dare to accept me?
"Haha! With the strength of your Wen family, even if Wen Rui builds ten colleges, it will be as easy as buying you a toy doll. Moreover, every time you blow up a laboratory, Wen Rui will compensate the college with a new teaching building. There are many colleges begging you to study there !" Rosa shook her head helplessly, as if she was very worried about my IQ.
"Then why did grandpa abandon me to Ande College?" I asked, even more confused. Did grandpa think I was an eyesore at home? Woohoo, was I abandoned?
"Alas! You are definitely not Wen Rui's granddaughter. You didn't inherit his shrewdness at all!" Rosa shook her head helplessly. "From the beginning, he decided that Joseph was the person who could accept you and clean up your mess. He even tricked you into signing a contract. The so-called fiancé was Joseph! But the semester is almost over and there is still no news about you two. He got anxious and asked me to come and stir things up."
"Joseph and I are both in grandpa's plan?" I widened my eyes in disbelief. This old fox had planned everything, but I never thought he would take such a big detour just to "sell" me!
"Of course! If I didn't owe Wen Rui a favor, I wouldn't give up my job as a baron and come here to waste my time, surrounded by crazy girls every day. I feel like a circus monkey!" Baron Rosa raised his proud chin with a look of disgust, as if he defined everything that happened here as "a past that is unbearable to recall."
"You can go now!" I cursed in annoyance when I heard that. It was too much. Everything that happened in Ande College this semester was the happiest time of my 16 years of life.
Hearing this, Baron Rosa shrugged indifferently and walked into the extended version of the Rolls-Royce luxury car.
"Dear Feifei, no matter what, meeting you and Joseph is the most beautiful scenery of my journey!" Baron Rosa looked at me and said sincerely before closing the car door. After he finished speaking, he did not forget to blow a kiss, "Say goodbye to Joseph for me! Bye!"
"Whoosh" four Mercedes-Benz led the way, followed closely by the stretched Rolls-Royce carrying Baron Rosa, and behind them were four BMWs on the left and right to guard them.
Baron Rosa left just like that, just like he landed at Ander College in a grand manner, and when he left, he was still very impressive. However, perhaps because he chose to leave at night, and it was a sudden decision, there was no exaggerated farewell team of fans, but the high-profile motorcade still made people think of two words in their minds - showing off wealth!
Watching the huge convoy leaving, I smiled with relief. In fact, the appearance of Baron Rosa was also an unusual scene in my student life at Ande College.
Although I knew that my grandfather had schemed against me and I felt a little unbalanced, I was sincerely grateful. Thank you, Grandpa, for letting me reunite with "Little Fox" and letting me meet such a good knight!
Ah! How come I still have time to sigh here?
Is Joseph awake yet? If he wakes up and doesn't see me, he will definitely be disappointed!
Thinking of this, I immediately turned around and trotted back to the ward. I must let Joseph see me the first moment he opens his eyes!
"Oh!" Looking at Joseph who was still sleeping soundly on the hospital bed, I sighed with great heartache. He had been sleeping for so long, was he really not in danger?
Isn't it common in novels and idol dramas for the protagonist to suffer a concussion and then lose his memory? Will Joseph suddenly forget about me?
Woohoo, what should I do if Joseph forgets me?
"Don't worry! We have a proverb in the East that goes, 'Good people don't live long, but evil people leave a legacy for a thousand years! A evil person like Joseph who has been a spirit for a thousand years will definitely live a hundred years!" Ning Chengcheng saw that I kept sighing, and finally couldn't help but came forward to comfort me.
"But he has been in a coma for a whole day and night!" I looked at Joseph worriedly. Can you please wake up soon?
"Hehe! You should have heard the story of "Sleeping Beauty". Maybe if you kiss him, he will wake up!" Ning Chengcheng raised her eyebrows at me mischievously, and an evil smile created ripples on her neutral and handsome face.
"Is it effective? Didn't Joseph always say that fairy tales are lies?" I asked dejectedly. If a kiss could wake him up, then what was the point of having doctors?
"How do you know if you don't try?" Ning Chengcheng still smiled unusually brightly. Alas, she must have been too worried about Joseph that she even believed this fairy tale for children!
"Oh!" I sighed again, "I think Joseph and I are definitely incompatible. Every time Joseph meets me, there are always disasters. He was injured when he was a child, and this time is even more serious. Maybe, if I leave, he will be safe!"
"No!" A deep and magnetic voice suddenly came to my ears, and Ning Chengcheng and I looked at the source of the voice at the same time - Joseph!
"You're awake?" I ran to Joseph in delight, hugged him tightly, and couldn't help crying again, "That's great, you're awake!"
"What nonsense were you talking about just now?" Joseph asked me coldly, looking at me unhappily, "Who said that you and I are incompatible? The members of the gossip club all said that you are my lucky star!"
"But..." I pursed my lips in grievance, looking at Joseph's body covered with scars. How could I have the face to say that I was his lucky star?
"Not only did you not hurt me, but because I wanted to protect you, I kept making myself stronger. Do you understand?" Joseph looked at me and said firmly, "The injuries I got while protecting the princess are a gift from God! Including the brand, they are all medals that show my bravery!"
"Really?" I looked at Joseph anxiously, asking if he thought I was a disaster.
"Yeah!" Joseph looked at me firmly with his bright eyes and nodded vigorously.
"Haha! I knew Joseph was the best!" I smiled happily, hugged Joseph, and leaned into his arms. Listening to his sonorous heartbeat, my flustered heart finally settled down.
"Hey, hey, hey! Can you please be considerate of others?" Ning Chengcheng said unhappily, looking at us who were unashamedly "showing our affection" with contempt in her eyes.
I then shyly let go of Joseph, lowering my head with a blushing face. Alas! All the manners I had learned for more than ten years were gone!
"You tomboy, how dare you say that? As soon as I woke up, I heard you say I was a nuisance. I was so mad!" Joseph glared at Ning Chengcheng and said gritting his teeth.
"You still blame me! I tried so hard to help you get benefits and let Xiao Feifei kiss you! Who knew that you, a pig, would jump up stupidly." Ning Chengcheng felt no guilt at all and looked aggrieved, thinking that Joseph was "a dog biting Lu Dongbin".
"You also know that Joseph has woken up?" I asked Ning Chengcheng in surprise. I said Ning Chengcheng would never believe in any fairy tales!
"Also?" Joseph raised his voice an octave and glared at me sinisterly.
Oops! I swallowed guiltily.
There's nothing I can do! You can never wake up a person who is pretending to be asleep! I was anxiously watching Joseph, so when I noticed his eyelids moving, I knew he must be trying to trick me and make me anxious! That's why he said that he and I were incompatible!
Just kidding, even a moron knows that I am Joseph's famous ghost, how could I leave just because I want him to be safe? I will definitely stick to him until we go to see God together!
"Hehe! It seems that I still underestimated Xiao Feifei! I won't bother you anymore! Bye!" After saying that, Ning Chengcheng fled in a hurry like a "Hot Wheels".
Woohoo! This ungrateful guy actually ran away!
"Hehe! I, I just want you to wake up earlier!" I looked at Joseph and said innocently, blinking my big watery eyes hard. Please don't bear grudges!
"There's really nothing I can do about you!" Joseph pinched my nose, not knowing whether to laugh or cry. Perhaps he has gotten used to me causing him trouble all the time!
"Don't you blame me?" I looked at Joseph and asked cautiously, please don't hold it against me later!
"When have I ever blamed you!" Joseph said, blushing unconsciously, "From the first time I saw you, you've been eating me up!"
"Hehe! I will never bully you again!" I fell into Joseph's arms with a smile. With Joseph's participation, my life seemed to be complete!
"And!" Joseph suddenly said seriously, "You are not allowed to accept flowers from others except mine!"
"Oh!" I nodded shyly. This stingy guy is still holding a grudge against Baron Rosa for giving me roses. It's been so long, and he's still fussing about it!
"If you dare to take Rosa's flowers again, I will make you eat all of them." Joseph glared at me and threatened.
"I know!" I rolled my eyes impatiently and looked at Joseph and said, "By the way, Rosa has left. He said that he would come here because grandpa wanted to bring us together! Do you still know my grandpa?"
"I didn't know you at first, but after I found out you were a little princess, I knew what your grandfather was planning." Joseph shrugged indifferently. Sure enough, nothing could be hidden from Joseph's eyes! He was so smart!
Indeed, when I was a child, my grandfather always told me: Since you like that little brother so much, when you grow up, I will let him marry you, okay? Let you be his bride, okay?
Hehe! It turns out that grandpa had already taken a fancy to Joseph at that time!
"Then you don't mind? We have all been schemed by that old fox grandpa!" I stared at Joseph with my eyes wide open. In my opinion, Joseph is not someone who would just sit there and wait to die!
"Why should he mind? He allowed me to reunite with the little princess I have loved since childhood, and tacitly allowed me to stay with you for the rest of my life. I can't thank him enough!" Joseph smiled as a matter of course, and in his deep eyes, I could see me with a blush on my cheeks.
"Shameless!" I lowered my head shyly. In fact, I was also very grateful to my grandfather for allowing me to meet such an excellent Joseph again!
"Um, is that Joseph? Take off your pants and get a tetanus shot!" The nurse suddenly opened the door and came in, holding a long syringe with a chilling liquid in her hand.
"Gululu..." I heard a loud swallowing sound. I looked up and saw Joseph staring at the syringe in the nurse's hand with cold sweat on his ears and silently moving his hips.
"Wow! I don't want the injection! I don't want to take off my pants! Wen Feili, I hate you..." Joseph's shouts were deafening and echoed throughout the hospital.
Hehe! I forgot that Joseph's buttocks have a "smiley" mark!
Haha! I'm sorry, Your Highness Joseph, your nightmare seems to be starting again!
Looking at the big locust tree in the distance, two orioles rubbing their ears together seemed to be frightened by Joseph's shouting. They were looking around stupidly, afraid that a needle would fly out from somewhere and prick one of them!
Hehe! I just heard recently that there is a kind of music in the East called "Huangmei Opera". There is a song that goes like this...
The birds in the trees were in pairs;
Green water and green mountains bring smiles;
You and I are like mandarin ducks;
Flying together in the world!
Hehe! With Joseph, my life has changed from now on!
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024