Chapter 1 Summer Breeze in Qinglu City

A butterfly on a dead leaf with broken wings cannot reach its own paradise.
The chirping of cicadas in midsummer could not wake up the boy who was pretending to be asleep.
No matter how beautiful the sunset is, it is not as beautiful as you walking towards me against the light.

At the end of May, Qinglu City was surrounded by . Along the roads and along the riverbanks, as they drove by, it seemed as if they were going to swallow up the entire town.
I still remember that ten years ago, this was just an ordinary small fishing village by the sea. When I came back ten years later, it had completely changed. The originally low-rise houses were turned into high-end sea view rooms. That lonely sea area has thus become a prosperous scenic spot.
"This is the hometown of skylarks!" The tall young man Tang Ruize stood beside me, looking into the distance, his voice with a hint of smile, "It's a beautiful place !"
"Let's go!" I dragged my suitcase, facing the rising sun, and walked towards the small town that was both strange and familiar.
Tang Ruize followed me, asking me questions about the town from time to time. We chatted casually along the way, crossing the river bank, walking through narrow alleys, and finally stepping onto a gravel path.
After passing the first intersection on the gravel road, the scenery in front of me suddenly changed.
Unlike the high-end residential area we passed by before, time seemed to have frozen here. The houses, paths, and the huge tung tree at the next intersection all remained intact as they were ten years ago.
It seems that this place is not completely renovated, but some parts have been developed for commercial purposes. This small and quiet residential area closest to the sea has been preserved intact.
At this moment, I actually felt a sense of relief in my heart.
But, I once wanted to escape from this place so much!
"That must be Yunque's home. It looks exactly like the house in the photo." Tang Ruize said, pointing to a two-story building in a Western retro style not far away.
"Yes, exactly the same." I retracted my drifting thoughts and looked at the place called "home", feeling very subtle.
On the way back, I kept thinking that I must be very excited to be back here again, because ten years ago I left with the feeling of escaping from hell!
However, standing here now, what surges in my heart is nostalgia.
I want to take a step forward, but my legs feel like they're filled with lead. Is this what they call homesickness?
It’s really strange. Ten years ago, I didn’t think this was the place for me. Why do I still feel this way now?
Could it be that, in these ten years, I have actually been nostalgic for this place? What I thought I hated was actually what I had always missed?
"Skylark?" Tang Ruize had already walked a long way. Seeing that I was not catching up, he stopped and turned back to call me.
I followed, dragging my suitcase.
The sun rose higher and higher above our heads, and the quiet little town began a noisy day.
Occasionally, when the wind blows, the tung tree behind me will drop tung flowers all over the ground.
A lot can change in ten years.
Ten years ago, my home was the only duplex building in this residential area; ten years later, what I see are villas of various unique shapes.
But at first glance, my house is still the most special.
That unique little building was built by my parents when I was born. It was their birth gift to me.
On the day the small building was completed, I had just learned to walk, and my family took a family photo in front of the building with great enthusiasm. However, before the photo was taken back from the photo studio, my parents left me at home in the care of my grandmother, and the two of them boarded a plane with their suitcases and flew to the other side of the earth.
I followed Tang Ruize and thought about these past events. When Tang Ruize stopped, I realized that we had arrived in front of the small building.
I took a deep breath, gently pushed open the iron gate, and walked along the bluestone path. There were many roses planted in the yard, and there was a parasol in front of the small building, with a bamboo rocking chair under the parasol.
When I was very young, my grandmother held me in her arms and sat me in a rocking chair. At that time, when I looked up, I could see a sky full of stars, the Milky Way was right above my head, and a band of light composed of countless stars spanned the entire sky.
"My little skylark, you're finally back!" Hearing the sound of the door being pushed open, grandma walked out of the house excitedly.
Grandma is a kind old lady who is half a head shorter than me.
I stared at her blankly. The grandmother in my memory was much younger than she is now, at least her face didn't have so many wrinkles, but the smile on her face and the look that doted on me were exactly the same as they were back then.
"I've been waiting at the door since I received the call. This must be Ruize, come in, come in! You rushed home as soon as you got off the plane early in the morning. You must not have had breakfast yet?" Grandma was busy inviting Tang Ruize and me to come in, and then turned around to prepare breakfast.
Looking at her busy figure, I can imagine how happy she is at the moment.
"Ah, it's been ten years, and our Skylark has grown into a big girl." Grandma chattered, bringing out a lot of food from the kitchen and putting it on the dining table. "Although I have seen a lot of your photos on my phone, our Skylark is prettier than those, and Rui Ze is also very handsome. Really good!"
"Eat, these are all Yun Que's favorites. Ruize, I don't know what you like to eat, you can tell grandma and I'll make it for you." Grandma stuffed the chopsticks into Tang Ruize's hand and said with a smile, "Yu Que's parents have told me about it. Ruize, you can just stay at home with peace of mind! I've already prepared the rooms for both of you."
"Thank you, grandma. It's really troublesome for you." Tang Ruize picked up a bowl of preserved egg and lean meat porridge. "This is fine. I like porridge."
I looked at the table full of breakfast, and I would be lying if I said I wasn't touched. To prepare all this, grandma must have gotten up very early.
I ran away from this place ten years ago, and grandma has been living here alone since then.
I let her live here alone for ten years.
Thinking of this, my heart suddenly felt blocked, as if someone was grabbing my heart, my nose felt sore, and my eyes felt a little warm.
I stood up, bent down and hugged grandma, buried my face in her arms, and said muffledly: "I'm sorry, grandma."
Grandma stroked my head gently and said kindly, "Oh, Yun Que, you must be missing grandma! It's really amazing that you still need grandma to hold you even though you're so old."
"I'm sorry." I leaned into my grandma's arms, tears streaming down my face. "I'm so sorry."
"Why do you have to say sorry? Yunque didn't do anything to let grandma down." Grandma's gentle voice was right beside my ear, but it seemed to have penetrated the long ten years and echoed in my ears when I was eight years old.
"But I left grandma alone..." I whispered, "She left so capriciously without even saying goodbye."
"No need to say goodbye!" Grandma laughed, "Won't our skylark come back sooner or later?"
My heart suddenly trembled and I looked up at grandma's face.
There was a gentleness and calmness in grandma's eyes that was washed away by the years.
"Yulark just went out to relax, didn't he? It's just that the relaxation time was a little long." She reached out to wipe away my tears, "So there's no need to say goodbye or sorry. Just smile and say to grandma, 'I'm back', that's all."
"Yeah." For the first time, my heart was surrounded by something warm. I smiled broadly at my grandma and said loudly, "Grandma, I'm back!"
"Welcome back!" Grandma patted my head and said to me with a smile.
Yes, I'm back.
Ten years later, I returned to this place again.
When I pushed open the door of the study, the furnishings inside had not changed. There were books everywhere, as if they were going to fill up the entire room.
In the middle of the study, there was a red lazy sofa, and next to the sofa were piles of books. I walked over and sat on the sofa, picking up the book next to me.
It's "Quantum Physics". This is probably the last book I read before leaving here.
I looked up at the skylight above my head.
The sunlight shone in from there, and the dust in the air was still spinning and floating, hanging in the air and refusing to fall down.
When I was a child, I always thought the skylight was very big because I could see a lot of things through it, especially on summer nights, I could see Sagittarius and Andromeda.
I don’t know if my memory is wrong, but when I look at the skylight now, it seems much smaller than I remember. Not only the skylight, but also the lazy sofa under me. When I was a kid, I thought the sofa was so big that it made me feel lonely.
"Read as soon as you get back!" Tang Ruize walked in, bent down to pick up a book from the ground, and flipped through a few pages, "These books..."
"I have read all these books." I looked at him quietly, "These are my 'bedtime stories', my 'Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tales'."
"You can understand it?" Tang Ruize frowned. "How old were you at that time?"
"I understood some of them, but not others. I knew a lot of words when I was two years old. When I was three, I would look for story books and fairy tales everywhere. When I was four, I read A Brief History of Time and felt like I was in another world. Later, I finished reading all the books my parents bought for me and walked into this study. All the books in here are the books my parents collected before they became researchers abroad."
Thinking about it now, I can still remember the excitement and joy in my heart when I first saw "A Brief History of Time".
It was as if I had accidentally opened a door and saw another colorful world.
At that moment, I almost burst into tears, and felt that these were the things I had always longed to see.
"From the age of four to eight, in four years, I read all the books here." I looked at the skylight above my head and said slowly, "Now that I think about it, this must be a very remarkable thing."
"Skylark, you are really amazing." Tang Ruize put the book back, "Too amazing."
"Maybe!" I leaned against the back of the sofa and said softly.
"It must be very hard." He walked up to me and looked down at me. "Skylark, you must have worked harder than me! Having a higher IQ than your peers and understanding more profound knowledge than your teacher, it must be very hard!"
Is it hard?
I guess so!
Otherwise I wouldn't run away from here and leave like a coward like a deserter.
Thinking of this, I suddenly felt a breathless feeling, so I stood up, walked to the window, and gently pushed open a window.
A summer breeze with the scent of the sea blew towards me, and the hair beside my ears was blown up by the wind, making my cheeks itchy.
Pure white waves can be vaguely seen, and the boundless sea level in the distance blurs the boundary between heaven and earth.
"Let me take you out for a walk." I turned around and suggested to Tang Ruize behind me.
Tang Ruize looked out the window and nodded.
As soon as you walk onto the beach, you can vaguely hear the noisy voices coming from the sea where the scenic spot is located not far away.
That’s right, there should be a lot of people going to the beach to play at this time of year.
"When I was a child, I often came here to read by myself, sometimes for the whole day, and many times my grandmother would take me home for dinner." This beach has left me with many memories, but when I count them carefully, there are not many worth remembering.
"It's very comfortable here." Tang Ruize took a deep breath. The sea breeze blew his hair into a mess. In the sun, his eyes seemed to glow. "Unlike me, when I was a child, all I saw were iron fences and rainy days."
"Really?" I smiled and looked into the distance. "Come to think of it, there was something that happened here. Right here on the beach, ah, it seems like right here where you are standing, I once picked up a little boy."
Tang Ruize was stunned for a moment: "You picked up a little boy?"
I nodded. "Yes, a little boy with a pair of blue eyes. He was the only one I could talk to. Other children and even adults refused to listen to me. He was the only one who was willing to listen to me talk about things that were boring to others."
"Is that child also from here?" Tang Ruize asked.
I shook my head gently, "No, he's not."
That happened when I was five years old.
That day I went to the beach with a book and found a little boy lying on the beach.
I still remember the surprise and joy that surged in my heart the moment the child opened his eyes. Even now when I think back on it, I can recall that feeling.
Those were a pair of blue eyes that were deeper than the ocean. They were such a beautiful color, but the look in them was so empty.
Later I found out that it was because he had been drowning for too long and his brain had been deprived of oxygen for too long, so he remembered nothing after he woke up.
The adults handed him over to the police, but because he didn't remember anything, they couldn't find his hometown and relatives. When they were about to send him to an orphanage, a childless couple adopted him.
"Come to think of it, I was the one who gave him his name." I couldn't help but smile.
Tang Ruize said jokingly: "You were only five years old at that time, and you knew how to give people names?"
"I don't know why everyone let me, who was so young at that time, give him a name. Maybe it was because his adoptive parents thought that it was me who discovered and saved him, and that they thought I was his reborn parent." I said casually.
"What name did you give him?" Tang Ruize was curious.
"Haining." I looked at the calm sea, and a feeling of peace and tranquility came over me, "Shu Haining."
Tang Ruize nodded and said, "It's a nice name. Skylark, you could really be described as a 'child prodigy' when you were a child!"
"Hahaha, I think so too." I said with a smile.
"That child must be very special to you, right?" Tang Ruize suddenly asked after a while.
I was stunned. Is it special?
"Why do you ask?" I asked.
Tang Ruize looked into my eyes and said softly, "I don't know, just a feeling. By the way, are you going to school tomorrow?"
"Yes," I answered. "I have to go through some formalities. Although my student status has been transferred back, I still have to go in person. What about you? When will you register at the university?"
"You want to kick me out so soon?" Tang Ruize reached out and tapped my head. "The day after tomorrow, I'll go to your school with you tomorrow, and then report to my school the day after tomorrow."
I thought it was too much trouble, so I said, "I can go alone."
He patted my head and said, "Don't be polite to me. Don't forget that I am your brother!"
I was stunned, then smiled at him and said, "Okay."
Tang Ruize became my brother when I was nine years old, which was the second year after my mother took me abroad.
I remember it was a snowy day, to be exact, it was Christmas.
I sat in front of the window of the research institute, watching the snowflakes falling from the sky boredly.
Christmas songs are playing everywhere on the streets. Being in a foreign country, the atmosphere of Christmas is so strong.
My mother came in from outside, shook off the snow on her body, took off her outer long coat, revealing the academician's long gown underneath, and then led in a young boy, pushed him in front of me, and said to me in a calm tone: "This child will be your brother in the future. Your father and I adopted him."
After she finished speaking, she picked up the folder and prepared to go to work. Halfway through her walk, she turned back and said to me, "By the way, his name is Tang Ruize."
I looked back at him, said nothing, and continued watching the snowflakes falling from the sky.
"Do you like snowflakes?" He sat next to me and leaned against the window like me, looking at the snow outside.
"Not really," I said.
"Is that so?" He suddenly grabbed my wrist and pulled me away from the window. "Then I'll take you to do what you like."
I was still in a daze when he pulled me out of the institute.
As a result, he took me out to eat ice cream in the snow that day .
"There's no girl who doesn't like ice cream." He said, "Do you like this?"
"Not bad." I responded lightly while eating ice cream.
"Oh, that's a real headache. I wanted you to like me." He seemed very sorry that I didn't like ice cream.
"Why should I like you?" I don't understand.
He smiled and said, "Because from today on, I will live with you! I will share the things that originally belonged to you. If you don't like me, won't I be troubled?"
I looked at his face, and I couldn't tell what I was feeling at the time, but I remember that I smiled.
I said, "It's okay, even if I don't like you, we can still live together."
Looking back now, it was a really strange conversation, between me who was only nine years old and Tang Ruize who was only eleven years old.
But for the first time, I felt that what I said could still be understood by others, even though the consequence of going out to eat ice cream in the snow that day was that Tang Ruize and I both had to stay in the hospital for several days because of fever.
After he was discharged from the hospital, Tang Ruize officially moved into my home and became a family member. I did not ask about Tang Ruize. It was not important to me whether there was one more person or one less person in the family.
I really started to think of him as my brother when I was ten years old. One day when I came home from school, I saw Tang Ruize reading a book about "Relativity" in the study room. The book was in English.
It’s like there’s suddenly one more person in a world where I was the only one there. Some people say that only similar people can understand each other, and the feeling that you can be understood by others is not an illusion.
Tang Ruize really understands what I say, even my mood.
That day, Tang Ruize and I sat on the floor, talking about everything from "Relativity" to "Quantum Mechanics", from "A Brief History of Time" to "The Origin of the Universe". For the first time, someone not only listened to what I said, but also kept up with me and responded to me with ease.
Was the feeling that Yu Boya had when he met Zhong Ziqi the same as the joy that I felt when I met Tang Ruize?
At night, I lay in bed, listening to the sound of waves hitting the rocks. I felt relieved to hear the sound again, which I hadn't heard for many years.
I closed my eyes and planned to go to bed early. Tomorrow I had to go to school, which was a little far from the beach. Actually, I came back not for classes, but to take the college entrance examination.
My registered residence is here, and my parents have already helped me complete the relevant formalities half a year ago, so I just need to go to the school to go through the necessary procedures.
I remember there were two children of my age on our beach. In addition to Shu Haining, who I picked up when he was five years old, there was another girl named Hua Yuemian.
I wonder if they are also taking the college entrance examination this year?
Thinking about this, I fell asleep unconsciously. In my dream, I dreamed of five-year-old Shu Haining.
Five-year-old Shu Haining, wearing a white shirt and black overalls, stood under the huge tung tree, looking like he was about to cry.
The next morning, Tang Ruize woke me up. After breakfast, I took the necessary materials and boarded the short bus to school with Tang Ruize.
"I'm really worried about this year's candidates!" Tang Ruize sat next to me and said with a half-smile, "If a monster like you takes the exam, you will definitely take first place!"
"Now that you've said that, if I don't take first place, wouldn't I be unworthy of the title of 'Monster'?" I said with a smile, but a distant voice echoed in my mind.
"Monster! Skylark is a monster!"
The childish voice revealed fear and terror.
Since when have I been able to face people calling me a "freak" calmly?
The bus arrived at the destination, and Tang Ruize and I got off the bus together. It was still class time, and the campus was very quiet. It was a kind of silence with a sense of oppression , which was probably the unique temperament of the school, which could calm people down instantly.
I explained my situation to the security guard, who made a phone call to confirm and then let me go directly to the principal's office.
This is a fully enclosed school with all students being boarders. Normally, no one is allowed to enter the school, nor is anyone allowed to leave the school easily.
The principal's office building is behind a teaching building. The distance between buildings is very close, with a gap of less than ten meters. Like now, I look out from the corridor of the office building and can easily see the students sitting by the windows in the teaching building in front.
When I looked away, I caught a glimpse of someone out of the corner of my eye.
I stopped unconsciously, my eyes fell on that person, and I didn't take them away for a long time.
He sat by the window, his chin resting on one hand and the other on a book.
He had fine hair and a very beautiful profile, but that wasn't what stopped me. The boy gave me a sense of familiarity, and I felt like I knew him, and not just recently, but for a long time.
"Shu Haining?" I subconsciously pronounced this name.
Why do you think he is Shu Haining?
It was clear that when I left ten years ago, Shu Haining was only eight years old. Now, ten years have passed, and I have no idea what the eighteen-year-old Shu Haining looks like.
Ten years can change a person's height, appearance, voice, and even temperament.
"Where is he?" Tang Ruize asked, "Have you seen him?"
I came to my senses all of a sudden: "No, I just saw someone who looked a bit like him, but it shouldn't be him. Let's go."
When I entered the principal's office, the principal had just finished a phone call. When he saw me coming in, he stood up with a smile and said, "You are Yun Que, right? Your father was my student before! In the blink of an eye, the children of my students have grown up so much. I still remember that your father was the smartest student I ever taught. I heard that he studied all the way to a doctorate and is now doing scientific research abroad. I am very pleased!"
"Hello, Principal. My father often mentions you!" I handed the information to the principal and said with a smile.
"Haha, really?" The principal took the information and placed it on the desk. "There's only one week left until the college entrance examination. Do you want to come and feel the atmosphere of our school?"
"That's fine... no thanks." I said, "I'll just review at home so as not to disturb other students."
"Yeah, that's right. With your grades, you can easily pass the college entrance examination in China." The principal took out a paper bag from the cabinet and handed it to me. "But I still want to give this to you. This is the girls' uniform of our school. If you are interested, you can come to class at any time. In the last few days, the teachers don't have much to teach. They are mainly to help everyone sort out important knowledge points. If you don't like it, you don't have to come."
"This..." I wanted to hand the paper bag back, but Tang Ruize who was standing next to me took it for me.
"Thank you, Principal." Tang Ruize said to the principal with a smile, "I'm her brother, so I'll keep the school uniform for her."
Next it was time for Tang Ruize and the principal to have a chat, as they felt they had met too late.
In fact, it was Tang Ruize who did most of the talking. He was indeed a very responsible brother, and in a sense, he was much more flexible than me.
He can chat and laugh with anyone, but I can't. I can't learn his way of socializing.
When I came out of the principal's office, the students had already finished their classes, and the originally quiet campus suddenly became noisy. Many people's eyes fell on Tang Ruize and me, because among a group of students in school uniforms, Tang Ruize and I were particularly conspicuous in our daily clothes.
Tang Ruize and I were walking against the crowd. Halfway through the walk, I realized that they were going to the cafeteria to eat.
I glanced aimlessly at the crowd, and suddenly a figure unexpectedly came into my sight.
He was a young boy with a pair of blue eyes, and next to him was a girl who was chattering non-stop.
They were walking towards me, and for some reason, my heart suddenly tightened and I was actually a little nervous.
I was nervous and looking forward to it.
Will that guy recognize me?
I subconsciously slowed down my pace.
At this time, a group of people walked past me, and when I looked again, the two men had already walked behind me.
I can’t describe what kind of feeling I was having, I just felt like my heart, which had been hanging in the air, suddenly fell to the ground, and I felt like all the strength in my body had been drained away.
In fact, I have thought about what it would be like to meet my only friend again. I have thought about it many times, and even thought about what expression I should have on my face, what the scene would be like, and what the weather would be like that day.
The only thing I had never expected was that I would accidentally pass by that boy who was different from the one ten years ago against the crowd like this.
No, I should say that I had not thought that a situation like this would happen, where he walked towards me from the opposite side without recognizing me at all.
"Do you feel lost?" Tang Ruize asked softly beside me, "That boy must be Shu Haining!"
I froze for a moment.
Lost? This feeling of feeling that your heart is hanging in the air and suddenly falls down, and all the strength in your body is exhausted, as if you want to grab something but can't grab anything, is this what loss is?
"So this is what it feels like to be lost!" I never understood this feeling.
Because before this, I didn't think this kind of emotion existed in the world.
The strange and disoriented emotion turned out to be loss!
Tang Ruize laughed softly: "Skylark, sometimes you don't have to be so frank."
"Why?" I didn't understand. "Isn't it right to say what you think?"
"It's not wrong." Tang Ruize explained, "It's just that few people would admit it as frankly as you do. Oftentimes, people prefer to hide their thoughts from others. However, this is what Skylark is like. Skylark, just stay like this. Sometimes being frank requires courage."
I didn’t quite understand what Tang Ruize said. I looked back and saw that Shu Haining and the girl had already disappeared in the crowd.
You haven’t seen me for ten years, it’s normal that you don’t recognize me!
As I thought about this, I felt inexplicably angry.
In the office building, he was just a profile, and I recognized him by intuition without even seeing his iconic blue eyes .
On this busy main campus road, he was walking towards me. I recognized him again from a distance. He was actually walking closer to me step by step, and finally when he passed by me, he didn't recognize me even at such a close distance.
I found him on the beach!
I gave him his current name!
I was the first person to make friends with him and also his only friend at that time!
How could he not recognize me after I recognized him?
"Yuque, are you angry?" Tang Ruize pulled me, and I looked up at him, with tears in my eyes.
I quickly wiped it with the back of my hand, shrugged and said, "It seems like he is a little angry. How could he not recognize me? But after all, we haven't seen each other for ten years. This is how it is between people. No matter what kind of feelings can withstand the washing of time."
No matter how close two people were, once they are separated and the time exceeds a certain length, any bond they had will disappear.
And to put it in perspective, between Shu Haining and I, from the day I picked him up, I was the one who kept pestering him to talk, and it was my one-sided wish to be friends . Thinking back carefully, he didn't respond much to me.
At that time, I was very fragile inside and always longing for something, such as friends and companions.
Thinking about it now, if I hadn't been so eager to get that thing at that time, I wouldn't have run away in such a miserable way later.
At that time, I actually wanted a lot of friends and a lot of companions. What a naive idea! How could I, who had been a "monster" since childhood, have such things?
There will be no hurt if there is no expectation. I had already understood this truth deeply when I was eight years old. After that, I no longer had such feelings towards anything or anyone. Therefore, in the ten years from the age of eight to eighteen, I did not feel sad or lonely, and I did not even feel lost.
At night, I lay in bed, tossing and turning, thinking about what happened during the day, and couldn't fall asleep.
Today, I couldn't help but look forward to something.
Oh, come on! How come everything starts to become like the old days right after I come back?
I covered my eyes with the back of my hand, hoping that the slight pressure would calm me down temporarily. I do this , and it usually works.
However, for some reason, this trick didn't work today.
It's no use. I feel anxious and irritated. Shu Haining's eyes always appear in front of me.
The cold blue color was different from what I saw at first glance. It was completely unfamiliar and something I didn’t understand at all.
I have never thought about what kind of person he has become in ten years, because Shu Haining is Shu Haining, the kind of person who gives people a sense of tranquility like the sea.
But when I met him again, he became a complete stranger to me.
I mind, although I don't know why I mind so much.
I kept tossing and turning like this, and finally, I gave up on this unsolvable problem.
When I woke up the next day and had breakfast alone, my grandma told me that Tang Ruize had gone out early in the morning because he was going to report to S University today.
S University is in our city, but it is a bit far from the beach. It takes three bus trips and two hours to get there.
However, I heard that the subway will be opened soon. It will be opened in three months. Then I can go to S University to study and live at home every day.
S University is a well-known university in China, and many people apply for admission every year, so the admission score is very high. The reason why Tang Ruize was able to transfer to S University is that the university he attended abroad is itself a world-class university.
I am not worried about not being able to get into S University. For people like me and Tang Ruize, studying may be the easiest thing. Things with answers are always simple, and those without answers are the most difficult.
After breakfast, I sat down on the sofa and planned to find a book to read, but I reached out and touched a paper bag. I picked it up and took a look. It was the high school uniform that Tang Ruize brought back.
I grabbed my school uniform and entered the room, suddenly wanting to see what I would look like in my domestic school uniform.
After changing into school uniform, grandma walked in and said with surprise, "It suits us very well."
I stood in front of the mirror and looked at myself carefully.
The school uniform was very nicely made, with a delicate white shirt with a doll collar, a dark red plaid skirt, and a bow tie in the same color as the skirt. If I went to school like this, I would definitely not stand out in the crowd like I did that day.
"Are you going to school?" Grandma looked at me with a smile. "That's good. Our Skylark went abroad when he was eight years old, and he hasn't had time to experience campus life in China! There are still a few days before the college entrance examination. It would be nice to catch the tail of high school students and experience it well!"
I had never thought about going to school to experience life. For me, domestic schools are just a painful memory, with all kinds of loneliness, exclusion, and ridicule. However, what grandma said makes sense. There are only a few days left in high school. When I go to college, the learning environment and lifestyle will be completely different.
I should take advantage of the last few days to feel it seriously and experience it with my current mindset.
Anyway, I haven't had a good education since I left here. When I was abroad, the school discipline was more relaxed. I passed the exams easily every time, and the teachers didn't care about my attendance rate.
So I packed a few books into my black backpack, said goodbye to my grandma, and went out.
When I arrived at the school, the class had already started. Although I was late, the principal had greeted the security guard, and after I gave my name, the security guard opened the door for me.
When I stepped into the school again, I felt different. The slightly oppressive silence was gone. I walked around for a while and then went to the principal's office to ask him which class I could attend.
The principal told me that since there were only a few days left, I could freely choose any class in the senior year to attend.
After thinking about it, I finally didn't go to any class, but went into the library with my bag on my back. While looking for books among the shelves, I accidentally saw a familiar figure.
This is the third time I have seen him since I came back.
I didn't expect to meet him here during class time.
Maybe the senior high school students don’t have any new classes to take, so they can stay in the library during their free review time.
He was three rows of bookshelves away from me, and I noticed him when he walked out from one of the bookshelves.
But just like yesterday, he still didn't notice me.
I took a book and put it in my hand, then walked towards the bookshelf in front. At this time, Shu Haining had already walked to the opposite side of the bookshelf, and I could see his eyebrows and eyes through the gap between the bookshelves.
He walked slowly to the side, and I followed his pace in the same direction.
If I pulled out a book, would he notice me?
What would his expression be if he recognized me?
My hand was on a book, and he stopped in front of me, and the distance between us was less than 50 centimeters. He stood opposite me across a row of bookshelves.
Shu Haining, can you recognize me this time?
What would be your reaction the moment you recognized me?
My hand gently twitched the book that was lying between us.
I really want to see the expression on his face later.
Although I knew that if I had any expectations, I would get hurt, but I still slightly looked forward to seeing his expression of surprise and surprise.
Shu Haining, are you ready for our official meeting ten years later ?

Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024