Chapter 1 My Dreams Are Cheesy Xiang Qianlan03

The girl said she would not let me go, and I did not intend to let Qi Beichen go. So I slowly walked in front of him, and he turned his head to look at me with a surprised look on his face, maybe he thought I had left.
He didn't move.
The wind blew my hair, I raised my head and asked him, "How do you thank me?"
"Hmm?" His eyes were still cold and distant. After a few seconds of hesitation, he asked me, "Why should I thank you?"
"I need the prize money from the Mathematical Olympiad."
I said something completely irrelevant, but he must have understood what I meant.
"So that's how you get first place in the beauty contest?" His smile was full of sarcasm. I responded coldly, "What I mean is that if I lose, the prize money will be mine, and it can be considered as your apology."
"So unconfident?"
"No, I will definitely defeat you. I want you to remember that you owe me a favor."
"Oh, favors." He repeated my words, leaning against a tree, took out a cigarette, lit it and held it in his hand. I had a strange idea and really wanted to take his cigarette away.
He looked at me with some confusion, shook his cigarette box, and asked coldly, "Want one?"
In fact, I didn't take his cigarette, but I threw his cigarette box away, and the white cigarettes scattered all over the floor. He looked at the empty cigarette box, lost interest, threw the cigarette between his fingers to the ground, and looked like he wanted to punch me.
I was satisfied and said to him with a smile: "Hey, don't litter."
He was frightened by my smile. After a long while, he slowly said, "You girl are really..." I walked around him and went to the classroom. After walking for a while, I stopped and saw him bending down, reaching out, picking up the cigarettes reluctantly, crushing them and throwing them into the trash can next to him.
That day, my mood became as light as the clouds.
At the same time, headaches kept coming.
Chai Quan somehow found out what class I was in, got my phone number, and started following me around.
He hung a banner outside my classroom that read "Xiang Qianlan, I like you!"
He was wearing a white T-shirt with my portrait printed on it, holding a bunch of roses, and kept following me around the campus. I admired him a lot because the pattern on his T-shirt was the portrait on my admission ticket.
I couldn't stand his pursuit of me like a madman. After school, he stopped me on the path and shouted at me: "Lanlan, be my girlfriend."
Behind him, there were a few gangster-looking students, almost rolling on the ground laughing.
"Sister-in-law, promise Brother Chaiquan!"
My hands were dirty from beating him, and at this moment, I saw Qi Beichen. I thought he would walk away without looking back, or at least make some cold remarks to me.
Qi Beichen looked at me, then at Chai Quan and the others, and soon understood what was going on. He was holding a stack of test papers, and suddenly he asked the boy next to him to take the test paper from him.
Then he smiled, walked behind me, looked around and said, "It seems that you are too beautiful and have caused trouble again." "You're welcome," I said sarcastically.
"I've come here specially to repay you a favor. By the way, do you need my help?" After saying that, he put his palm close to my cold face and leaned over to look at me, his movements extremely ambiguous.
I tried to control my fists and kept a straight face.
"I want to know..." His face suddenly enlarged in front of my eyes. I was still waiting for him to finish his words when his lips covered mine.
The world stopped for a moment.
As soon as I saw his look, I knew it was a prank, but others didn't think so. Chai Quan walked over quickly and punched him, but Qi Beichen took me to the side and avoided his attack.
Men like to use violence to solve problems, especially when it comes to dealing with women.
"Stay away from her, believe it or not, I will destroy you!" Chai Quan shouted at Qi Beichen.
These days, I have been very annoyed by Chai Quan. No matter what method I use, getting him away is a good thing. I don’t have the heart to care about what Qi Beichen did to me.
Chai Quan rolled up his sleeves and shouted in a rough voice: "Lanlan, move aside. I have to teach this bra a lesson today."
"No thanks," I said. "I want to go home for dinner."
"Don't you want to know why I kissed you?" Qi Beichen said.
"Don't you think that those who bite randomly are mad dogs?"
I saw his temple throbbing and the corners of his mouth twitched a few times.
The goal was achieved.
When I returned home, the smell of food wafted from the kitchen. I didn't care at all about Qi Beichen and Chai Quan.
Life is still dull, like a stagnant pool of water.
July 15th was my birthday. Like every other day, there was a cake in the living room and my mother had prepared a table full of dishes.
"Our Lanlan is eighteen years old."
"Happy birthday," I said.
"Silly child, it's your mother wishing you a happy birthday."
"I want my mom to be happy."
My mother's expression suddenly became sad, and then she burst into tears. For a moment, I wanted to reach out and hug her, but I didn't do it in the end.
I waited patiently for her to finish crying.
Finally, I patted her on the shoulder and said, "Okay, you'll get old if you cry too much. Today is your baby girl's birthday."
I don’t know why, but my mother always cries on my birthday, so I particularly hate birthdays. But every year on this day, my mother always celebrates for me.
After a brief moment of excitement, the living room returned to its quiet state.
My mother was still busy with her needlework. I walked outside. Tongluo Lane was unusually quiet and I didn't know where to go for a moment.
The sun, like a fireball, was scorching the earth. The trees were drooping their heads. Dogs were lying in the shade with their tongues hanging out. Cicadas were screaming desperately in the trees.
I'm looking for a part-time job.
Before, because I was a minor, no store was willing to hire me. On the day I turned 18, my wish was to find a job.
I was lucky. After wandering around the community near my home for a while, I saw a flyer for a restaurant recruiting waiters. I had classes during the day, and the boss agreed to let me come over on weekends and evenings, and the salary would be paid by the hour.
The Mathematical Olympiad is next week, and after the competition the final exams will begin, and after the exams it will be summer vacation.
I have plenty of time to make money.
There were not many people participating in the Mathematical Olympiad, and the test site was not far from our school. After the test, I went there according to the list posted on the door.
In the last classroom, I found the name, Qi Beichen. In the remarks column, there were two words written with a water-based pen: absent from the exam.
Before the exam, I was still thinking about what I would do if I didn't get the 5,000 yuan bonus. But now, I swear to God, I don't feel any joy at all, I even feel angry.
I took a ride back to school, wanting to look for Qi Beichen. I knew that in the eyes of many people, I was difficult to get along with and unwelcome. When I stood outside Qi Beichen's class, hoping that a girl would call him for me, she pretended not to hear. I knew that in the eyes of many people, I was difficult to get along with and unwelcome.
I glanced at their classroom and didn't see Qi Beichen. Did something happen to him?
As I was thinking, I went to the bathroom at the end of the corridor to use the toilet. After I closed the door, I heard messy footsteps and laughter outside.
I felt something was fishy and almost reflexively wanted to open the door, but found that it was locked from the outside. Through the gap, I could see a blue clothes hanger and a rope.
I pulled : "I'm warning you, open the door."
"Hey, you're so awesome! Then come out on your own." A voice said proudly, and I recognized it as the girl in the woods that day.
I picked up the toilet brush from the bathroom and reached out, trying to hold the door shut. They didn't tie it tightly, so I reached out and grabbed the handle, using all my strength to open the door.
There was a horrible scratch on my right hand from the thumb to the wrist and arm, and blood was flowing from it. When I came out and stood in front of the girls, they all looked at me in disbelief.
The moment she opened her mouth, I saw a bucket of dirty mop water next to her. I picked up the bucket and poured the water on her head mercilessly .
"Ah——" the girl screamed like a ghost, and tears flowed down her face.
There were two girls standing behind her. When they saw the girl screaming and crying, they wanted to attack me. But maybe because my expression was too gloomy, or maybe because they were scared by my bleeding arm, they hesitated for a moment and dragged the girl out.
I washed my arm nonchalantly with cold water, revealing a deep scar. I sniffed and said to myself, "Xiang Qianlan, why bother? Is it worth hurting yourself for such a small matter?"
The wound kept bleeding, and I endured the pain and walked to the infirmary. When the school doctor saw my wound and asked me the cause, I just said that I accidentally fell.
When faced with provocations from others, I am always so ruthless, a bad habit that I can't change.
When I returned to the classroom, some classmates expressed their curiosity about the gauze wrapped around my arm. To be honest, I felt like a failure because no one asked me what happened.
Today was my duty day. I walked slowly to the blackboard, picked up the chalk, raised my injured arm, and helped the teacher arrange the homework for the next class. When I was writing, I felt the blood seeping out again. I wonder if it will leave a scar.
Before going to work in the restaurant, I bought long-sleeved clothes and ointment. I was afraid that my mother would find out about my injuries, and I was also worried that the restaurant owner would fire me.
There was no telephone at home and my mother didn't have a cell phone. When I got home at ten o'clock, my mother was still waiting for me. I lied and said that I had tutoring for the last two months and would be home late, and my mother believed me.
My mother reminded me to be careful, and I nodded in agreement.
This was the first time I lied to my mother.
I squatted beside my mother, the incandescent light shone on her face. I saw a strand of white hair at her temples and saw my mother grinning.
"Our Lanlan is so nice."
Her face glowed with relief, she looked at me and ruffled my hair.
I heard a soft sigh in my chest: "Xiang Qianlan, you really are not born to be a good daughter..."
The night is silent.
I closed my eyes, thinking of this lie, and the tide of pain gradually flooded my eyes...
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024
Jun 28, 2024