Chapter 085 Standard Teaching of Perfect Mode

Friday, August 30th.
Chen She was preparing to start making the perfect mode of "Embers of Demise" in the Super Dream game cabin in his office.
Chen She did not intend to summon the embers again in reality, as that would consume a lot of space-time particles.
After all, Yu Jin was upgraded together with Chen She. It takes 5 units of space-time particles to produce a level 3 energy fluctuation servant.
Although Chen She is now wealthy, there is no need for him to spend so many space-time particles on creating servants. After all, he is not in a combat state now, and the embers will not be of much use after they come out.
You have to be thrifty! All that money was saved up.
Since the embers exist in his own conscious world, Chen She can directly use his consciousness to connect to Mewtwo and use it to create the perfect mode of "Embers Will Go Out".
Chen She noticed that as his energy fluctuation level increased, his world of consciousness was constantly expanding and his spiritual power was becoming stronger and stronger.
Before, he only had a vague understanding of Mewtwo's editing mode, but now it is as simple and easy to use as using one's own arm.
Chen She even had a vague feeling that as his energy fluctuation level continued to increase, his affinity with space-time particles would become higher, and his understanding of Mewtwo itself would become deeper. At that time, perhaps Chen She could directly create in Mewtwo with his own consciousness, just like he sculpted in reality.
Judging from Chen She’s current upgrade speed, this day may not be too far away.
After entering the editing mode of "Embers Are Going Out", Chen She could feel that the whole world was in his control. He was like overlooking the entire Mewtwo world in God mode.
However, Chen She did not intend to make any changes to the levels and scenes this time. All he wanted to do was adjust the monsters.
As soon as Chen She thought about it, the embers appeared in the Mewtwo Editor.
"Go ahead."
Chen She dropped the embers and immediately rushed towards the first enemy he encountered, a villager holding a fork.
The villagers rushed towards him with the grass forks in their hands, but Yu Jin dodged them easily, narrowly avoiding the grass forks that passed by him, and then the short knife in his hand accurately stabbed the villager's throat, killing him instantly.
The moves used by Ember are the simplest, most direct and least strenuous.
Some veteran players, such as Li Yunhan, can also deal with these monsters without taking any damage, but their movements will be more complicated and their attack efficiency will be lower.
Although judging from the results, both players can pass the level without any damage, and the time difference will not be too big, but once in actual combat, this subtle gap will be continuously magnified.
Because in actual combat it is often a melee, there are rarely pure one-on-one duels, and in the process of a melee, any unnecessary action may be the difference between life and death.
What's more, the difference in attack efficiency also determines how much physical strength can be preserved after a fierce battle.
Chen She remembered that the bayonet skills in the army in his previous life were all about how to deflect the enemy's attack and counterattack in the simplest, most direct and least physically demanding way. All kinds of fancy moves were not necessary.
Embers has condensed the essence of all Mewtwo players through repeated deaths, turning every attack into the optimal solution in battle.
Chen She was of course very satisfied with the embers. After entering the third level of energy fluctuation, his physical fitness became stronger and his various skills were brought into full play.
However, Chen She was not satisfied with the performance of the super dream monster "Embers Are Going Out".
He began to try to modify the properties of these monsters in the editor. This was a special training version prepared for the resistance fighters.
The stronger the monster, the better the effect of the special training will be. Of course, the premise is that it cannot exceed your own level too much, otherwise you will be tortured all the time without any improvement.
At present, the resistance fighters have basically passed the level successfully, and it is difficult to effectively stimulate them with the current intensity of the battle.
Increasing the difficulty of fighting these monsters with "The Embers Are Going Out" should once again pose a huge obstacle to the resistance fighters.
Of course, Chen She does not intend to use this special training version to the outside world. After all, this Mewtwo can really improve people's combat skills.
"Try it first and increase the attack distance."
"It seems that there is no change. He still fell down after one blow."
"Then change the attack speed and attack frequency. "
"Think of some new moves."
Chen She had no scruples at all and modified these monsters one by one.
Anyway, with the touchstone of Embers, it is very easy to know whether the player can theoretically defeat this monster. Just look at the performance of Embers against this monster.
If Embers kills instantly with one strike, then it is normal difficulty.
If Embers takes a little more effort, it's Hard difficulty.
If Ember not only went through a lot of trouble but also got hurt, it would be a nightmare difficulty. For ordinary players, I'm afraid they may .
Soon, Chen She adjusted all the monsters in Mewtwo. Those that originally had no special skills were given special skills, and those that originally had special skills continued to use their special skills or gained new special skills.
In short, the Mewtwo in "Embers Are Going Out" was changed to the point where Ember himself had to go through some trouble to pass it.
"That's it for now. After all, I'm not a devil."
"If it's changed to a state where even Embers can only pass it with difficulty, the difficulty may be too high. For the rebels, although it has a morale-destroying effect, they can't get any training effect from Mewtwo at all."
Then, Chen She saved all the footage he had recorded of Yu Jin fighting monsters as standard teaching materials for the perfect mode.
At that time, ordinary players can correct their actions by referring to the actions of Ember.
It is conceivable that by then many players who feel good about themselves will have their thoughts completely overturned and realize the fact that they are still just a small scum.
After all the changes were completed, Chen She came out of the Mewtwo game cabin and went to the Mewtwo R&D department.
The employees in Chaomeng's R&D department are all busy.
Li Yunhan and Lin Luxi were particularly busy. They were currently busy completing Chen She's request to produce an online game version of "Battle of Despair".
Chen She said to Li Yunhan: "The perfect mode of "Embers Are Going Out" has been recorded, and the adjustments to the training mode are almost done. You can try it and make some minor modifications."
Li Yunhan immediately perked up, nodded and said, "Okay, Mr. Chen, I'll take a look."
It was a pity for Li Yunhan that he was not able to record the perfect mode himself.
After all, in his opinion, he is also a hardcore player of "Embers of Demise", and the performance he has displayed so far is still top-notch.
Who makes him a master of cold weapon combat?
It’s a pity that Li Yunhan has too much work to do, so Mr. Chen arranged for someone else to record the perfect mode, but he also wanted to see what the recorded perfect mode is like.
However, the recorded perfect mode was not directly written into Mewtwo, which required some changes to the basic functions of the game. So after Li Yunhan assigned this task to his subordinates, he first entered the special training version of Embers of Demise. He wanted to see how much difficulty this special training version had increased.
For ordinary players outside, the death version of "Embers of Demise" is enough to make them cry out.
But for Li Yunhan, the difficulty of the death version was just that. Although he suffered some setbacks at the beginning because he was not familiar with this weak body, he soon adapted to the rhythm and passed it quickly.
The difficulty of the special training version will definitely increase, but Li Yunhan has already gotten used to the difficulty of the death version, so he thinks the special training version shouldn't be that difficult.
Thinking of this, Li Yunhan lay down in the Mewtwo game cabin and started a new game.
He very skillfully obtained a weapon from Mewtwo , and then without continuing to search for other items, he confidently rushed towards the first enemy - a villager holding a pitchfork.
According to the original method of fighting, this villager is basically a free kill. When the villager raises his pitchfork to stab at you, the player just needs to quickly move aside and take a big step, and the villager will lose his balance due to excessive force. At this time, the player just needs to go to his side and rear and give him a few casual slashes to kill him.
Li Yunhan also planned to do so.
The villager still rushed over with pitchforks in his hands as before. Li Yunhan skillfully dodged to the side and waited for the villager to lose balance before finishing him off.
However, something happened that shocked Li Yunhan.
After the villager stabbed out with the pitchfork, he did not lose balance immediately. Instead, he retracted the pitchfork at an extremely fast speed and stabbed it a second time.
Li Yunhan was startled, but luckily he was quick and managed to turn his body again, allowing the pitchfork to pierce his tattered clothes by a hair's breadth.
At this time, Li Yunhan had already lost his balance and had almost no way to fight back.
But the villagers' attack was not over yet, the pitchfork was retracted and stabbed out again.
The villager actually stabbed out three times in a row before losing his balance!
This time Li Yunhan couldn't dodge. He felt a piercing pain and his body was pierced by the hayfork.
The villagers had no intention of stopping and did not pull out their pitchforks. Instead, they used the pitchforks to push Li Yunhan forward.
Li Yunhan was stabbed by a pitchfork and could not move. He could only watch himself being killed by enemies coming from other directions.
After resurrection, Li Yunhan's doubts still did not disappear.
He really wanted to ask if this was reasonable?
How could a weak villager stab three times in a row? Does this conform to the basic laws of physics?
However, Li Yunhan changed his mind and realized that such a difficult challenge was obviously a stronger stimulation for him. He felt like he was fighting a boss by defeating any small monster on the roadside.
It really deserves the title of special training version.
So he learned his lesson and this time he carefully dealt with the villagers' attacks. After dodging three times in a row, he waited until the villagers could no longer maintain their balance before he stepped forward and killed them with a single blow.
“The difficulty has indeed increased, but overall it still requires more patience, and the skills haven’t changed much.”
Li Yunhan thought about this special training version, which was nothing more than changing the monster's attack action and attack frequency, changing the original stab once to stab three times. As long as you are familiar with it, it shouldn't be difficult to deal with it, it's just a little troublesome and takes time.
Of course, this is just a small monster at the beginning. The bosses with rich skills later may become even more perverted.
But no matter what, Li Yunhan continued to experience it with full confidence.
Half an hour later, Li Yunhan climbed out of the Mewtwo game cabin.
The resistance fighters in Mewtwo's R&D department asked one after another: "How about the special training version?"
Li Yunhan laughed, "It's not that difficult. It may cause some trouble to you, but it's easy for me."
Seeing his swollen look, Chen She kindly reminded him: "The function of the perfect mode just now has been completed. You can enter the game and experience it again."
Li Yunhan had just crawled out of the game cabin and was a little uninterested. After all, in his opinion, the so-called perfect mode was nothing more than making himself like this. How more perfect could it be?
Take the first villager holding a pitchfork as an example. The only way to deal with it is to dodge the three thrusts of the pitchfork continuously, and then find the opponent's weakness to attack. Even in the perfect mode, it is nothing more than a more handsome dodging posture and a shorter moving distance, which will not make any essential difference.
However, having said that, Li Yunhan still lay down in the Mewtwo game cabin, updated the version of Mewtwo, and prepared to experience the perfect mode.
Perfect mode can also be seen as a teaching mode. When the player is killed by a monster, he can view the image of the phantom fighting the monster in perfect mode. He can also slow down or pause the game to observe various actions up close.
Li Yunhan deliberately allowed himself to be killed by a villager with a pitchfork, and then he clicked to view Perfect Mode.
A classic image that was exactly the same as the character in the game appeared in front of Li Yunhan, and then the villagers staggered towards him with pitchforks in their hands.
Li Yunhan knew very well that the villagers' staggering steps were just a kind of confusion. In fact, after the revision, the villagers' deadly three forks were more fierce than the last one! If you were not prepared at the beginning, it would be easy to be choked by the three consecutive forks.
Of course, since it is a perfect mode that has already been recorded, it can definitely be dealt with more appropriately.
Li Yunhan felt that even if the other party did a good job, there might not be any fundamental difference from himself.
But the next second he was stunned.
He clearly saw that Yu Jin just dodged the attack of the pitchfork at an extremely delicate moment, and then rushed forward in an instant and killed him with one blow.
Li Yunhan was stunned. Is it possible to play like this?
Where is the promised three-shot stab?
Li Yunhan tried to replicate Yu Jin's moves himself, but found that it was not that easy.
It's either too early or too late.
If he had dodged earlier, the villagers would have reacted quickly, retracting their pitchforks and stabbing a second time. At this time, Li Yunhan would have been easily hit because his movement range was relatively small and he had little room for subsequent adjustments.
If he had dodged a little later, he would have been stabbed through.
The phantom in perfect mode dodged at the perfect moment, preventing the villager from retracting the pitchfork and stabbing a second time, while at the same time preventing himself from being hit by the pitchfork, and then seizing this momentary flaw to successfully kill the opponent.
"It's actually possible to do this. How did they come up with this way of dealing with it?"
"How could he know that there was a split-second opportunity to counterattack between the pitchfork's attacks? The key is that he saw the opportunity and was able to seize it accurately, which is outrageous."
"If I were to record a move like this, I would be lucky if I could do it once out of 30 attempts. After all, I am using a very weak body, and many moves are beyond my ability. It's too scary to expect to do a perfect job in this state."
Li Yunhan couldn't help but imagine what the scene would be like if he met Ember in perfect mode?
If both parties have the same physical fitness, I would probably be killed instantly and be beaten to death without any possibility of resistance.
"It seems that I am still far behind. Compared with the real masters, my skills are still too immature."
"There are always people who are better than you, and I shouldn't be proud and complacent!"
Li Yunhan put away his contempt and carefully observed Yu Jin's movements again, repeatedly studying the timing and details of the movements. He tried again and again, trying to replicate this movement.
Although he died again and again, he never got tired of it.
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