Chapter 069 Inexplicably upgraded

Sunday evening, May 11th.
Chen Group headquarters, underground resistance high-level meeting.
"Captain, we can say that we have gained a lot from this operation. We have obtained a total of 1,500 units of space-time particles, more than 100 infantry fighting vehicles and heavy armored vehicles of various types, more than 700 guns of various types, and many other gains."
"The only pity is that during the battle, the base of the Fujido Group was severely damaged by the space-time beast tide. Many supplies in the warehouse were directly damaged, and we were a little hasty when we retreated and were unable to transport them out."
"But no matter what, our operation was a great success. Compared to the gains, the losses we suffered were almost negligible."
"This is the biggest victory we have had in three years!"
After Zhao Zhen reported the results of the operation, everyone present showed very excited expressions on their faces.
Obviously, such a resounding victory was like a shot of adrenaline for the rebels, it boosted their morale!
The battle lasted until late at night, and by the time the rebels successfully retreated to their base in the wilderness, it was almost dawn.
The whole day on Saturday was spent treating the wounded, counting and sorting out the captured supplies, and completing the aftermath of the battle. It was not until today that the follow-up work of the operation was finally completed.
And this afternoon, the corporate army responsible for supporting the Fujido Group finally arrived, but what was left for them was a field base that was almost flattened to the ground.
There is no doubt that the Fujido Group will dig deep into the ground and search for clues throughout the base in order to find the remaining results of the Naraku Project and find out the real culprit behind the attack.
But their efforts were certainly in vain, because the intense space-time activity caused serious corrosion to the site, and the explosion from the inside threw a large amount of space-time matter created when Grantham died into the air, and the entire base was unrecognizable.
When the incident occurred, the intense space-time activity blocked all communications in the surrounding area, and not a single detail of what happened in the base could be transmitted out.
Even if the Fujido Group had suspicions, they would only suspect the Spacetime Knights. After all, all the evidence pointed to the Spacetime Knights, and the Spacetime Knights had attacked the Fujido Group's base before.
In short, the rebels can be said to have reaped the rewards this time. These space-time particles alone are enough for them to use for a long time.
After quickly settling these supplies at the base in the wild, the Chen Group quickly returned to its usual working state to prevent anyone from noticing any clues.
Chen She also breathed a sigh of relief. He had checked in his own consciousness before the meeting and found that the speed of the pendulum had obviously slowed down.
In particular, the risk of attention has been reduced to a very low level.
This shows that a large part of the previous attention risk came from the Fujido Group, especially Fujido Yuki.
Although Chen She had tried every possible way to paralyze Fujido Yuki, this man was really difficult to deal with and was always suspicious of Chen She.
But fortunately, he has finally been physically eliminated.
However, Chen She noticed that the profit risk increased slightly, while the morale risk increased significantly.
Although overall the risk level has dropped significantly compared to before, this victory has also brought an unprecedented morale boost to the rebels.
And this is not a good thing.
Chen She asked, "What are our casualties?"
Zhao Zhen answered truthfully: "A total of 43 of our soldiers died and more than 160 were injured. However, this number of casualties is almost negligible compared to the results of this operation."
For these rebels, as long as there is war, there will always be casualties, which is inevitable.
When the rebels were being wiped out by the corporate coalition, the casualties in a battle could reach several thousand. Now only 43 soldiers were sacrificed, which is of course a negligible number.
But Chen She didn't smile: "43 lives, do you call this negligible?"
"I think on the contrary, this number of casualties must arouse our attention, because there are many accidental factors in this battle. Luck is on our side, but we can't always count on such luck."
"For me, it's acceptable only if the death toll drops below 10, and it's truly negligible only if the number drops to zero."
"Our goal now is development, development at all costs."
"In this battle , you all clearly saw the terrifying strength of the Fujido Group, and this is just a branch base of an old consortium in Liming City. If the corporate army from the Fujido Group headquarters arrives, what chances do we have of winning?"
“Therefore, we must not be carried away by this battle, but must be more determined to preserve our strength and develop our power at all costs.”
"This action is actually a forced choice. The Fujido Group and the Space-Time Knights have posed a serious threat to us. In order to eliminate this danger once and for all, we must take this risky action. But now the threat from these two organizations has temporarily disappeared. We must seize the time to develop well, otherwise it will be equivalent to wasting all the results of our action."
After Chen She finished speaking, the expressions of everyone present became serious.
Indeed, what the captain said makes sense!
There were indeed many accidental factors in this operation.
If the Time and Space Knights and the Fujido Group had not fought to a mutual defeat, and the rebels had not reached the vicinity in advance through the base vehicle and attacked at the most appropriate time; if there had not been Aunt Li's off-field assistance, and if the Time and Space Knights priest Grantham had not lost control strangely at the end, causing the knights of the Time and Space Knights to be buried together, then the current script might have taken a different turn.
Perhaps Fujido Hiroki has successfully escaped with the results of the Naraku Plan, perhaps the Fujido Group's corporate army has already come knocking on their door, or it is possible that the resistance forces will be forced to fight a bloody battle with the severely weakened Time and Space Knights, resulting in a mutual defeat and heavy losses.
The current results were actually the result of many luck factors. If there were any mistakes in the whole process, the losses of the rebels would be multiplied.
Moreover, during this battle, everyone also witnessed the terrifying strength of the Fujido Group and the Space-Time Knights, and this was only the power of these two organizations in Dawn City. If their power in other cities were added together, what a terrifying sight it would be.
If these rebels are exposed and retaliated against, they will be doomed.
Thinking of this, many high-ranking rebels who were originally immersed in the mood of victory finally woke up and realized the situation they were facing.
Zhang Sirui asked: "Captain, what should we do then?"
Chen She said: "It's very simple. The next step is to gradually transfer most of our operations to the wilderness. We will build a base that looks ordinary and threatening, but is actually impregnable."
"At the same time, we must be more cautious and avoid too much friction with other big chaebols, and focus on improving our own strength."
"We would only risk such military action if we had no other choice."
The responsible persons looked at each other and nodded.
Zhao Zhen said: "What the captain said makes sense. We can't let this victory get to our heads. We need to realize that we still have some shortcomings."
"We should still develop seriously and seek a good retreat. After all, the number of resistance forces in the entire Old Land has been decreasing. We must be prepared to fight alone. We cannot afford too much loss."
Chen She nodded and added: "In my opinion, our resistance army currently has two biggest problems."
"The first is the lack of manpower, which makes it difficult to sustain in the long run."
"The second is the lack of training, especially the lack of targeted training."
"Although the losses this time are not large in terms of numbers, we can't be so lucky to win this kind of battle every time. What if we encounter a battle that we have to fight next time and the resistance army suffers heavy losses? We don't have any reinforcements at all now. Those little hooligans can screw in screws in the factory, but it's not realistic to ask them to become resistance soldiers and take up guns to fight on the battlefield."
"We only have so many brothers. If we fight more, there will be fewer of us. Not only will our military operations be affected, but we won't be able to maintain our daily operations, let alone grow and develop."
"And currently, the resistance fighters still spend a lot of time on their daily work. Although they have a lot of time for training after the 8-hour workday, this kind of training is mainly in Mewtwo, which can only hone the combat techniques of firearms and cold weapons. There is no training in other aspects."
"These fierce wars require close cooperation between teams and coordinated operations among multiple arms. It is also necessary to adapt to local conditions and formulate corresponding tactics according to the actual situation of the battlefield and combat equipment."
"The rebels don't have any of these training!"
"In this battle, we did manage to avoid these problems, but we may not be able to do so next time."
After Chen She said this, everyone nodded again, thinking that what the captain said made sense.
Seeing everyone's reactions, Chen She couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.
Very good. After this action, we not only successfully established our own prestige, but also changed the rebels' combat objectives from active offense to strategic defense.
Previously, the high-ranking members of the resistance army and the ordinary resistance fighters were all focused on attacking the big chaebols. Chen She felt that this idea was very problematic, but at that time, his words might not work. On the one hand, his prestige was not enough to completely change these people's views; on the other hand, many resistance fighters had not really experienced this large-scale cruel battlefield and had a certain fluke mentality.
But this time, after seeing the true strength of the Time and Space Knights and the Fujido Group, most of the resistance fighters clearly realized the shortcomings of their current strength.
Therefore, Chen She's words can have a very good effect.
For Chen She, the current goal is simple.
It can be summed up in eight words: keep a low profile and wait for the right time!
On the one hand, we need to continue to strengthen the image of Lishan Technology as "a completely harmless company except for a few Super Dream games that were made by luck." On the other hand, we need to move all the resistance forces and some risky and attention-grabbing content to the field base. We need to make the field base as ordinary as possible, but in fact it has a strong defensive force.
At the same time, he tried every possible way to continuously reduce the three risks so that he could develop safely. He would not lead the rebels to take the initiative and carry out some dangerous military operations until a situation like this one arises again.
Zhang Sirui asked: "Captain, recruiting soldiers is easy to say, but difficult to do. The reason why we have not recruited new members to join the resistance is because we are afraid of leaking secrets. After all, you can only know a person's face but not his heart."
“How do we resolve this?”
Chen She was silent for a moment, then said, "I know this too. I think this matter needs to be considered carefully."
"On the one hand, we need to carefully screen and identify and establish a screening mechanism. I think we can start with the foundry."
"Incorporate some beggars, hooligans and unemployed people into the factory, and gradually instill in them the idea of ​​resisting the big chaebols. And constantly observe their changes. Only when reliable candidates are identified can they be absorbed into the resistance army."
"On the other hand, we can start with ordinary children and train them from scratch."
"Don't worry about the time. It won't be quick to overthrow all the big chaebols in the old land. Our goal should be extended to 10 years, and 10 years is enough to train some children into qualified fighters."
Of course, there are some things Chen She didn't say to these people. For example, in addition to traditional screening methods, Chen She can also establish close time and space connections with these workers through the foundry, and use the special skills of the curse scholars to judge whether they are a threat.
This will be the final step in the entire screening process.
On the other hand, Chen She hopes to arrange as many long-term and slow-acting tasks as possible, such as training and educating children from scratch, strengthening the daily training of the resistance army, improving the security measures of the base, developing the military industry from scratch, and so on.
These things would take several years to produce certain results, and before all these tasks were completed, Chen She had sufficient reasons to refuse to participate in the daily military operations of the rebels.
Survive in peace for 10 years and preserve your own strength. If you find that you are still far behind the big financial groups after 10 years, then continue to survive.
If it is discovered in the process that the rapid development of the resistance forces really has the strength to defeat the big capitalists, then the plan can be changed at the appropriate time.
Everyone reached a consensus.
For the next period of time, the rebels continued to hide themselves and focus on doing three things well.
The first is to solve the problem of the source of troops and try to establish a screening mechanism that can continuously cultivate manpower.
The second is to further strengthen the daily training of the rebels, especially targeted training beyond conventional combat skills.
The third is to invest a lot of energy in the construction of field bases, and to establish an impregnable defensive position as much as possible as a retreat route when special situations arise.
Of course, these three goals must be achieved under the leadership of Captain Chen She.
Seeing everyone's reaction, Chen She nodded with great satisfaction.
It seems that his transformation of this rebel army is proceeding in an orderly manner, and his own life safety is finally further guaranteed.
Chen She gave a few more instructions, asking these leaders to popularize this idea among ordinary resistance fighters, and then officially adjourned the meeting.
Zhao Zhen and Zhang Sirui stayed behind.
Chen She asked, "How is Du Guanqi's base in the wild? Is he used to it?"
Zhang Sirui nodded: "Everything is fine over there, no problem. Now that the Fujido Group's branch base has been destroyed, the Naraku Plan has completely failed, and Mr. Guanqi should be completely safe."
After thinking for a moment, Chen She said, "I want to continue to run the space-time broadcasting and let Du Guanqi be responsible for the daily ideological education of the resistance army. In addition, I also want to create an education industry, with Du Guanqi as the person in charge, to subtly spread some advanced ideas."
Zhang Sirui and Zhao Zhen nodded: "Captain, you can handle these matters as you wish. We will definitely support you wholeheartedly."
Obviously, after a series of events in the past few months, everyone has become very trusting of Chen She's various decisions.
Although another possibility is that this Mewtwo has not performed well so far, no one will say anything. After all, on the one hand, the blame should be put on Li Yunhan, and on the other hand, this military operation has yielded a lot of results, so the success or failure of a Mewtwo is not a big problem.
Chen She stood up and prepared to leave.
But at this moment, he suddenly had a very strange feeling.
The power in his body continued to surge, and Chen She felt that some special restrictions in his body seemed to be broken, and the energy fluctuations suddenly increased to a level!
At this time, Chen She's world of consciousness continued to expand rapidly around him. Yu Jin, who was still fighting against various powerful enemies, also upgraded to the third level of energy fluctuation.
The surrounding black tide surged up at an extremely fast speed, and a large amount of synesthesia power poured into Chen She's world of consciousness from the world of time and space under the mysterious connection.
Zhao Zhen and Zhang Sirui both had shocked expressions on their faces, they found that Chen She had upgraded!
At this moment, the energy fluctuations on Chen She's body increased significantly, reaching the level of the third level of energy fluctuations.
Zhang Sirui and Zhao Zhen were both very shocked. Although they didn't know what Chen She's true combat ability was, they knew that it had only been more than a month since Chen She acquired this ability.
It took only one month to reach the third level of energy fluctuation. This speed can only be described as incredible!
What's more, apart from carving things in the experience store, Chen She usually plans the next development of the company and the resistance army at the headquarters. He has never been seen to undergo any targeted training. How did he get upgraded inexplicably?
It's really shocking that you can upgrade quickly without doing anything.
However, there was not the slightest bit of happiness on Chen She's face. Instead, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he felt extremely upset.
He left the meeting room without saying a word, returned to his room, and then entered his own conscious world to check the current situation.
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
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Jun 19, 2024