Chapter 042: Special Occupations that Exist Only in Theory 1

In fact, Chen She had noticed the two of them a long time ago, but it was not until they were about to leave that he finally mustered up the courage to speak.
Because Chen She also had an ideological struggle in his heart.
He has basically confirmed that these two people are most likely members of the Space-Time Knights, and they deliberately released Xia Lirong in order to follow the clues to find the real person.
But the question is, how did they know that Xia Lirong was a "vagrant"? How did they know that Xia Lirong was different from other homeless people? How did they know that the people who were investigating them were related to Xia Lirong?
These two people really have no plans to take action at the moment, but what about in the future?
If Chen She just let them go, he would completely lose the initiative.
The Time and Space Knights have come to his door, but he doesn't even know who are in the Time and Space Knights or what they are going to do.
So Chen She had no choice but to muster up the courage to keep the two men and test their strength.
In any case, we can't just let them come for a look and then leave.
Zhang Sirui regained his alert and looked at the two men carefully.
Their clothing is no different from that of ordinary passers-by, and it is impossible to judge their strength from the perspective of physical strength, mechanical prostheses, etc.
But if you look closely, you will find that there is a very dangerous aura in their eyes, and this crazy feeling is fundamentally different from that of a gangster like Zeng Hailong who pretends to be vicious.
"We thought our disguise was perfect, but we were still discovered by Boss Chen."

"In that case...we would also like to take this opportunity to talk to Boss Chen."
Zhang Sirui began to understand why these two people were tricked out by Chen She.
Because Chen She said it very clearly just now, emphasizing "the two of you", which shows that they are two people.
Moreover, these two people seemed to have the intention to communicate with Chen She, but at first they thought they had not been discovered, so they decided not to alert the enemy for the time being.
But now that we have been discovered, we might as well just come clean and make contact.
Chen She nodded, put the sculpture aside, and stood up: "Please."
Four people entered the reception room, and Zhang Sirui still stayed by Chen She's side to protect his safety.
Because he couldn't tell how strong these two people were, he didn't dare to take it lightly.
The leader smiled and said, "Boss Chen, your bodyguard doesn't need to be so nervous. Your store has a time-space activity inhibitor. We won't gain any advantage if we take action under such circumstances."
“What’s more, we are not here to seek destruction, but to seek cooperation with sincerity.”
"Let's get to know each other again, the priest of the Knights of Time and Space, Grantham."
Chen She nodded slightly: "Nice to meet you."
After confirming that the other party was indeed a member of the Space-Time Knights, Chen She felt more at ease, as if the big rock in his heart had finally fallen to the ground.
If it is a blessing, it will not be a disaster. If it is a disaster, it cannot be avoided. It is always better to understand the situation early than to be kept in the dark.
Grantham looked at Chen She and said with emotion: "As expected, you are someone who is destined to be with our Space-Time Knights. You have the demeanor to accomplish great things. The bodyguard next to you is a little too nervous."
"Is the reputation of our Spacetime Knights so bad?"
Looking at Chen She, who was calm and composed and had no reaction at all, Zhang Sirui couldn't help but sigh that the captain was indeed not an ordinary person.
Although he has lost all his fighting ability, his strong mental quality is still top-notch.
The reason why Zhang Sirui was nervous was simple: the priest was already the highest-ranking member of the Space-Time Knights in a city.
In other words, this Grantham is actually the supreme leader of the Dawn City Space-Time Knights!
In the structure of the Knights of Time and Space, the highest person is the chief priest, followed by the high priest and the chief knight, then the priests and knights, and finally the believers.
But after Epsilon's death, the position of the chief priest of the Knights of Time and Space has remained vacant. Currently, the highest-ranking person in the Knights is a very mysterious red-robed high priest.
As for what the priests are offering sacrifices to, of course, they are offering sacrifices to the creatures of time and space.
Anyone who can serve as a priest is a strong person with level four or five energy fluctuations. Dawn City is a big city, and anyone who can serve as a priest here must be at level five.
In other words, he is on the same level as Zhang Sirui.
However, Zhang Sirui is a sharpshooter, and he will inevitably be at a disadvantage when facing the priests of the Knights of Time and Space who frequently use strange methods.
Although the opponent's ability will be restricted due to the presence of the space-time activity inhibitor, Zhang Sirui will have no problem protecting himself, but it will be a bit difficult for him to protect Chen She under such circumstances.
That's why he was nervous.
Because he originally thought that the person who came to test him was at most a knight, and he could handle the energy fluctuations of level three to four. But he didn't expect that the first test from the other party would be the boss himself.
The Space-Time Knights are indeed a bunch of lunatics, they don't play by the rules at all...
But Chen She was very calm because he knew nothing about it.
There is a saying that knowledge is power, but in some special cases, ignorance can also be power.
Chen She asked: "So, are the Space-Time Knights interested in that homeless guy or in me?"
Grantham smiled slightly. “I saw a strong connection between time and space in that homeless man. And under his guidance, I met you, and I saw an even stronger connection between time and space in you.”
"Whether you are willing to believe it or not, whether you are willing to admit it or not, you are inextricably linked to our Knights of Space and Time."
“I saw it all.”
“Even if it wasn’t me, but other priests, they would make the same decision as me.”
Chen She laughed in his heart, this Space-Time Knights is really a charlatan...
This statement of "you and Buddha have a connection" is just an excuse. In fact, isn't it that they just like you and want to force you to become a monk?
No wonder I couldn’t figure it out, it turns out that the Knights of Time and Space found me through metaphysics and mysterious powers.
As for what they said about Chen She having a strong space-time connection with the Space-Time Knights...
Chen She felt that the other party must be talking nonsense. God knows what they are coveting.
Grantham saw Chen She's doubt and smiled, "I can prove it to you."
"If you'll allow me, I'd like to give you a simple, harmless test of your synaesthesia abilities."
“I believe this result will verify my statement.”

Synesthesia is one of the five different forms of power in this world, that is, the ability to communicate and interact with creatures in time and space. It is the ability that the Knights of Time and Space value most.
As Grantham spoke, he took out a delicate vial from his bosom, which contained a light golden substance that looked like sand.
The feeling of desire in Chen She's heart reappeared, because the small bottle contained space-time particles!
Grantham opened the bottle and said to Chen She, "Please stretch out your right hand with your palm facing up. I will pour the space-time particles into your hand."
"Don't worry. Although space-time particles are slightly harmful to ordinary people and may cause skin aging, there won't be too many problems in the short term. Moreover, space-time particles will not only not harm people with synesthesia, but will actually be beneficial."
"The higher your affinity with space-time particles, the closer your connection with our space-time sect is."
After thinking for a moment, Chen She stretched out his hand.
Although the space-time particles were slightly harmful, he also wanted to figure out what the desire deep in his heart was. If he really had the so-called synesthesia, it wouldn't be a bad thing.
After all, he couldn't always ask Zhang Sirui to be his bodyguard. In this dangerous world, he still had to find a way to gain some self-protection ability.
The original owner's path was no longer feasible, so he could only find a way to change it. Although synesthesia sounds a bit evil, it is better to have it than not.
Space-time particles poured out of the vial and landed in Chen She's palm.
This was his first time observing space-time particles up close.
The space-time particle is not only special in appearance, but also seems to be special in nature. It looks very dense, but it is very light and does not feel too heavy.
Moreover, the space-time particles in the vial may not seem like much, but after pouring some out, the vial still looks full.
The poured-out space-time particles seemed to slowly react with everything around them, as if speeding up the passage of time on the objects they touched, except that this effect was much smaller than that of time snow.
Moreover, the space-time particles seem to be gradually solidifying into crystals and cannot remain in the suspended particle state in the container.
Just when Chen She was worried that this small pile of space-time particles would solidify in his hands, he suddenly felt a warm and comfortable feeling in the palm of his hand, as if he was being massaged.
At the same time, the space-time particles began to slowly disappear, as if they were merging into Chen She's palm.
An inexplicable sense of satisfaction emerged in Chen She's heart.
"It seems that my inexplicable desire for space-time particles is not because there is something wrong with the space-time particles themselves? Because other people don't seem to have this desire either."
"Do I feel this way just because I have a certain degree of synesthesia? Is that why I have an inexplicable desire for space-time particles?"
Chen She couldn't help but think of the scene when he first saw the space-time particles, and came up with some new speculations.
Grantham was also staring intently at the space-time particles in Chen She's hand, even more serious than Chen She.
He watched helplessly as these space-time particles naturally seeped into Chen She's palm, without even a single particle remaining.
Grantham's expression changed instantly. He seemed to have everything under control just now, but now his face was full of shock.
It seemed that this was the result he expected, but it was also completely beyond his expectations.
Grantham immediately stood up, performed a special ceremony towards Chen She, and then said very respectfully: "Please forgive my previous offense. You will always be the most distinguished guest of our Spacetime Knights."
"I sincerely hope that you can join the Knights of Time and Space and complete the unfinished work of Master Epsilon with us!"
Chen She froze.
He was silent for a moment, then said, "What if I don't want to for the time being?"
Grantham was not angry, but still said respectfully: "Then I will persist in introducing the beliefs and purpose of the Knights of Time and Space to you until you change your mind."
"Because the unbreakable connection between time and space will firmly bind you to the fate of the Knights of Time and Space, and no one can break it."
"Goodbye, we'll see you soon."
Grantham turned and left with another member of the Knights of Time and Space.
Chen She and Zhang Sirui both fell silent.
They were originally still immersed in the pain or joy of the popularity of "Embers Are Out", but the emergence of the Knights of Time and Space instantly drew their attention in other directions.
In fact, neither of them had ever dealt with the Time and Space Knights before, and their knowledge of the Time and Space Knights was all hearsay. They only knew that it was a very crazy and very evil organization.
But unexpectedly, this priest, who was obviously a powerful person with level five energy fluctuations, was so easy to talk to.
He was even a little too respectful to Chen She.
But Chen She felt that this was obviously not out of politeness, but for some unknown reason.
It could be awe, or it could be something else.

Is it true that in the Knights of Time and Space, people with strong synesthesia naturally have a higher status?
Obviously, Chen She's synesthesia ability is definitely not weak, and it may even be very strong, otherwise Grantham would not have shown such a surprised expression.
Zhang Sirui asked: "How should we deal with this matter?"
There are actually many ways to deal with the Knights of Time and Space.
You can try to contact them, draw a line in the sand, or even report them directly and use the power of a big consortium or DCPD to take down the Time and Space Knights.
Of course, each of these options has its own risks.
The fact that the Space-Time Knights have been able to hide in Dawn City for so long and have grown better and better is enough to show that they have many cards up their sleeves. If you act rashly, there is still a great risk of failure.
Chen She fell into deep thought: "No hurry, let me think about it..."
Monday, April 7th.
Internal meeting of the rebels.
In addition to the furnishings, everyone's face was filled with happy smiles.
Make a lot of money!
Last weekend, "The Embers Are Going Out" swept the entire Internet at an almost incredible speed!
Li Yunhan's Mewtwo can be seen as a pilot version of Mewtwo. After experiencing the free Mewtwo, players all developed a strong interest in "Embers of Demise".
So, those who are a little timid will play the coward version, and those who are a little stubborn will play the death version.
All the problems that caused "The Embers" to be unpopular before have been solved.
The Coward Version and the Death Version are a bit of a mockery to the players? It’s okay, Li Yunhan said that these two names are mocking on the surface, but actually complimenting.
Too many negative emotions in the early stage and too discouraging? It’s okay, this is all for a greater sense of satisfaction in the later stage.
Too difficult, too painful? Don't worry, not only will it become more and more fun the more you play, but this Mewtwo can really make you stronger in real life!
The key is that many Mewtwo producers have also begun to study "Embers of Demise" and put forward many of their own speculations.
Everyone is trying to figure out how "The Embers Are Going Out" achieves such excellent training results.
Thus, it instantly led to a trend!
Although "Under the Blade" also cost a lot of money, it was like encountering a dimensionality reduction attack when it met "Embers Are Out", and was directly crushed from all angles.
And when "Embers of Demise" replaced the rules created by Mewtwo and became the new rules, all the criticisms and doubts about it naturally disappeared.
Many people played "Embers of Demise" before, and when they saw that Mewtwo had such low popularity and poor sales, they would sneer at it: No wonder no one plays it, it's so rubbish, it's not my problem, it's this Mewtwo that's not good!
But now, those who felt miserable or unable to play "Ember of the Dead" will no longer think so.
They will only think that there is something wrong with them, that they are too inexperienced, or that they have not kept up with the trend.
Those who complain about the difficulty of "Ember of the Dead" will also be ridiculed.
Those who can quickly complete the game and play well in "The Embers Are Going Out" will be regarded as gods and worshipped.
Under such circumstances, orders for the physical version of Mewtwo in "Embers Are Out" increased greatly, and Lishan Technology was almost working around the clock in production. The enthusiasm of the resistance fighters was also extremely high, because every physical version of Mewtwo produced was worth a lot of money!
Because there were too many orders, we had to cut some of them. Those who settle with credit points will stand back; those who settle with corporate bonds will be considered; those who trade directly with space-time particles can be given priority!
In short, everyone in the company was obsessed with making money and had no time to care about anything else.
But Chen She was in a bit of a difficult situation.
Although he had prepared himself mentally for "Embers of Demise" to make a small profit and had made corresponding plans in advance, plans could not keep up with changes!
He just couldn't figure out why "The Embers Are Going Out" became so popular.
Why is it better than those Mewtwo that are specially trained for it? Are the Mewtwo producers in this world just there to do nothing?
If this kind of setting were placed in the world of plagiarists, it would be pretty cool.
After all, if you do nothing and just mess around, you can beat the whole world.
But this world is different!
A tall tree attracts the wind. Even though Mewtwo can’t beat you, can’t he destroy you physically?
This not only affected Changye Entertainment Group's interests and created a mortal enemy with this top chaebol, but also made the name of Lishan Technology Group popular on the Internet overnight. By then, countless eyes would be cast in this direction.
This is totally inconsistent with Chen She's strategy of keeping a low profile and making progress in a stable manner...
Therefore, Chen She was very worried and had been racking his brains to think of his next plan these days.
At least he had to find a way to spend the money somewhere appropriate, and not just use it all on buying arms and equipment.
Apart from that, a series of issues including the Knights of Time and Space were enough to give him a headache.
Zhang Sirui said with emotion: "When the captain first said that "Embers Are Going Out" was a Mewtwo with a moat, I was a little skeptical. But I didn't expect it to be true!"
"Captain, what is this moat all about? Tell us about it. Even Li Yunhan wants to know."
Chen She laughed in his heart.

Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024
Jun 19, 2024