Volume 4: The Sea and the Ship Heading North Chapter 245 Destiny's Compensation

In the restaurant, the bright yellow fire quickly turned into a cluster of green flames after the Floo powder was sprinkled on it.
Then, the flames turned into human faces, and Dumbledore's face, which had not changed at all, appeared in the furnace.
For this meeting with Dumbledore, Jon did not gather all the students together.
It would not be beneficial for them on the sea to know in advance about some of the things that were happening on land, and the issue of the contract on Voldemort also needed to be kept confidential until everything was clear.
So for this meeting, only Jon and Nick were in the restaurant, and the other students were in the classroom.
"You should have read the letter I asked Fox to bring to you, Jon, but let's not talk about the content of the letter for now. There is another very important thing you need to do."
Dumbledore looked serious.
"On the desk in the principal's office in the cabin, I placed a crystal ball that is commonly used for divination. However, there is no divination information left on the ball. Instead, it plans the route of your voyage. The entire ship is sailing according to this route. But according to the changes that have taken place now, you must change the next route."
Jon also frowned. Yesterday's letter described the attack on the reformatory very clearly, especially what Voldemort and Dumbledore said.
He could imagine why Dumbledore made such an arrangement.
"Is the Dark Lord going to send someone to find us?"
"No." Dumbledore corrected him and said seriously, "He must have sent people over. After we publicly announced the two Aurors in Azkaban, he should have discovered the problem. At that time, he probably started sending people to look for you, and he guessed that you were someone else, a very powerful person."
Jon could tell what Dumbledore was trying to emphasize.
"The men he sent out were based on the standards of the powerful opponent he guessed?"
Dumbledore nodded.
"Not only that, after this incident, he will most likely come to find you in person. Of course, this also depends on how well he recovers and how important the things hidden behind are to him."
"But no matter what, we have to be extremely careful about this, because the situation in France requires us to expand our victory. In addition, the Hogwarts itself has been protected by an age limit imposed by me, so I can't send more people to protect you on the ship. But I will let Fawkes stay with you from now on. If the worst situation occurs, you must let Fawkes come to me immediately, and I will find a way to deal with these things."
Jon and Nick looked at each other and had no objection to Dumbledore's arrangement.
John did not fall into blind self-confidence due to his achievements after going to sea. Even though he had just tricked Voldemort, he would not gain much benefit if he faced the elite Death Eaters head-on, especially when he did not know how many people there were on the other side.
Of course, after Sir Stoke kept his promise and gave him the stone tablet with a lot of magic runes left on it, as long as the magic power in the gem was sufficient, it would be worth it even if he really met him in the end.
"Then how should we change the course?" Nick asked Dumbledore.
"As long as you erase the magic power on the crystal ball, the automatic navigation of the entire ship will disappear. Jon, you should be able to do this easily. After that, you can determine the final destination according to the nautical chart on the crystal ball, and then choose the direction of travel by yourself. However, this can only guarantee your safety during the journey. There is a great possibility that you will encounter danger after arriving at the destination. At that time, you will have to act according to the circumstances. If you encounter a problem that cannot be solved, contact me immediately."
Dumbledore had already arranged everything, so all Jon had to do was follow his instructions.
After explaining these things, Dumbledore looked at Jon, blinked and smiled.
"Now that we've finished talking about the main things, we can talk about what has happened. So can you tell me what you've been experiencing these days?"
Jon naturally did not hide anything about this. He started by telling the story of how they arrived at the tower, then met Sir Stoke, discovered the decryption stone tablet, and the final confrontation on the top of the tower. He narrated the whole story.
Dumbledore listened very carefully. When he heard that Sir Stoke was killed along with the tower by a rocket launched from under the sea, there was obvious regret in his eyes.
“He’s a great man.”
Dumbledore said quietly.
"But the Dark Lord buried his ideals and greatness of embracing the wizarding world and all wizards for his own sake."
"If he applied to you and wanted to be a professor at Hogwarts, would you agree to his application?" Jon asked.
Dumbledore answered without hesitation.
"That's for sure, Jon. Talent in magic may attract the attention of most wizards, but Sir Stocker himself has ideas that most wizards don't have. Professors in magic schools should not only teach students magic, but also teach them the correct ideas about magic and the world.
This is something that Hogwarts didn't have before. Ever since I lost Hogwarts Castle and started my exile, I have been thinking about whether magic education has not changed much since ancient times. If it is wrong, then what are we missing? I really want to make improvements in this regard, but because of the turbulent times, I have never had the right opportunities or people.
Sir Stoke is obviously a very suitable candidate. If he is willing to teach at Hogwarts, I have no reason to refuse him. "
Jon said a little sadly.
"But the ser is already dead. I had a chance to save him, and his house-elf also had a chance to save him, but he chose to give up his life completely."
Dumbledore sighed.
"You've done well enough, Jon. This was his own choice. You said that what he did was never recognized in his life, but didn't you praise his idea in the end? This may be fate's final compensation to him."
Finally Dumbledore talked about the contract.
"Lucky is on our side. You broke the contract at just the right time. If it had been earlier, the Dark Lord would most likely not have faced me head-on. If it had been later, my own life would have been in danger."
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