Volume 4: The Sea and the Ship Heading North Chapter 240 Dawn

Voldemort gasped violently, and he pulled out the dagger that was stuck in his hand bones with all his strength!
Blood spurted out and the blade was thrown to the ground with blood flowing.
Dumbledore appeared in front of him silently, the wand in his hand glowing with a faint blue light. It was a temporary anti-Apparition spell that could temporarily block the space around the user.
Voldemort's bloodshot eyes looked at him with resentment, and his voice, which had become hoarse, trembled with exhaustion.
"It wasn't Grindelwald! There was no way he could get the contract from that useless old man! Even if he found it, he couldn't destroy it! Who did you let go to that tower! Who was it!"
Dumbledore had a smile on his face and he looked Voldemort in the eyes.
"Someone many times better than you, Riddle."
Blood kept dripping from his palms along his fingers to the ground, but Voldemort seemed to have no mood to care about the damage caused by this self-harm.
There was a gleam of hatred in his pupils.
"They sneaked into Hogwarts Castle to rescue those students, captured those two idiots on Azkaban Island, and now they tore up the contract on Starr Tower. They are all the same person, right?"
Under Voldemort's feet, the ordinary rubble silently scattered and gradually merged into one piece. However, Dumbledore never looked at the rubble, but just stared at Voldemort without blinking.
"I can tell you the answer, but this is obviously not the right place. Riddle, are you interested in taking a trip with me?"
He said this, but in fact he had no interest in capturing Voldemort alive. Dumbledore would not kill people in most cases, but that did not mean that he would suddenly show mercy and spare Voldemort's life at such a great opportunity.
Under Voldemort's feet, the wall made of connected stones had silently grown to the level of his calves.
As soon as Dumbledore finished speaking, the stones suddenly grew in size! They surrounded Voldemort's body, as if they wanted to wrap him up and turn him into a "stone man"!
This high-end application of transfiguration is the fastest casting and also the most inconspicuous magic. For normal wizards, there is no time to react at all!
However, just when the stone was about to completely cover Voldemort's entire body, the black robe on his body suddenly fell down, and there was no trace of his body under the robe!
Only the sentence that seemed fierce, but in fact was more like the harsh words that a loser would drop to save face when running away, remained there.
"Don't be complacent for too long! Dumbledore! Tell that man! I'll remember him! I'll make him pay the price! A price that will scare everyone!!!"
The moment he saw the black robe falling and the sound was heard, Dumbledore suddenly moved forward and grabbed the black robe that was about to fall to the ground among the stones.
He frowned and saw the faintly fluorescent magic runes on the ground where Voldemort had originally stood.
While Dumbledore was attracting his attention, he was also secretly planning an escape route. Even if the problem of the soul was temporarily solved because of the life and death situation, the chaotic magic power could not be calmed down in a short time.
So even though Voldemort hated the person who secretly destroyed his plans one after another, he also rationally knew that Dumbledore would never reveal this person's identity.
He had to escape from here first. The impact of his defeat at the hands of Dumbledore tonight was bad enough, and he absolutely could not let the situation get any worse.
Holding the black robe, Dumbledore raised his wand and tapped various parts of it several times, trying to find where Voldemort had escaped, but he could not find any trace no matter what he did.
Such a situation was completely unexpected. Even Dumbledore himself had never thought that things would develop to this point. Therefore, he was not prepared to keep Voldemort from the beginning. Instead, he had been planning how to leave after the wizards on the Wizarding Horizon successfully liberated the Muggle-born wizards in prison .
In the correctional facility, under the leadership of Iniesta, the wizards of the Wizarding Horizon have found the floor where the hemp-born wizards were imprisoned, and have untied the magical restraints on it, releasing all their compatriots.
The rescued hemp-blooded wizards had expressions of bewilderment and helplessness on their originally numb faces. Only after they were actually taken out of this "prison" did they reveal the joy of being reborn as if in a dream!
The warm atmosphere soon swept everyone. The sea breeze was still blowing, and the waves were hitting the rocks on the shore. However, the dark clouds covering the sky had dissipated at some point, revealing the bright and shining starry sky.
No matter who they were, they were cheering . No one knew whether Voldemort was dead or alive, but everyone knew what this victory meant to them.
It is like a ray of dawn that flickers in the darkness. It only illuminates a corner, but countless people believe that this is the morning glow before the sun rises!
Less than three minutes after the fall of the correctional facility, nearly two-thirds of the French Ministry of Magic received this earth-shattering news.
Without prior agreement, everyone returned to this most central power institution in the entire French magical world late at night, and an impromptu and urgent meeting was held.
The whispers in the conference room were like the buzz of flies, filling the entire venue.
Sitting at the front, Bella, who is not only the Chief Justice of Wizards but also the Deputy Minister, still has the appearance of Adele Roland. She is the nail that Voldemort has planted among these French wizards, a nail that no one can shake.
But at this moment, the nail has obviously begun to loosen, because the owner who hammered her into this place in France is now missing!
"You want to betray the Minister!"
Her sharp and cold voice suppressed the whispers of everyone present.
Faced with her questioning, no one dared to be the first to speak out their thoughts directly when no one knew what Voldemort was like now. Only some people stood up and spoke in a tactful way.
"Our loyalty to the Minister will never change, ma'am, but that is why we need to ensure his safety."
Suddenly, an extremely cold voice sounded.
"What if I die?"
There was only silence in response to this voice, and everyone looked in the direction where the voice came from.
The man wearing only a tattered shirt and with blood dripping from his palms appeared silently in the conference room. He looked at everyone expressionlessly, holding the magic wand in his other intact hand.
The congressman who was stunned by Voldemort's sudden appearance was about to explain in a panic that he had absolutely no other bad intentions just now, but he was greeted only by a dead green light!
"Avada Kedavra!"
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