Volume 3: Nightmare Attacks Chapter 0073 The Past

Since he got the book, his master's personality has become more and more strange. Not only does he do everything himself, but he also has three rules for him:
First, do not accept anything related to the dead.
Second, do not accept the work of exorcising evil spirits from the house.
Third, do not accept any religious ceremonies.
You have to know that his profession is nothing more than a few ways to make money. As for fortune-telling, few people nowadays believe in it. Besides, this is not his strong point, and it is easy to ruin his reputation that he has worked so hard to maintain. So after his master finished speaking, he firmly expressed his opposition.
If he couldn't do all these, he might as well retire, take off his Taoist robe and go to the construction site to carry bricks. But no matter what he said, his master just pulled his old face and said, "I don't care if you agree or not, I'm not dead yet, so you have to listen to me!"
So he spent a long time in his own hut. During this time, his master asked him to accompany him to a temple fair. Not only that, the master, who always looked down on monks, even asked for a string of Buddhist beads for him and kowtowed several times for it.
He was becoming more and more confused about his master, and even began to wonder if his master was suffering from Alzheimer's disease.
The days of having nothing to do were extremely painful. He had tried to ask the master for help several times, but all ended in failure. In fact, if he had been obedient, perhaps nothing would have happened later.
Early that morning, he suddenly received a call from an old customer, who said that his home seemed not very clean and wanted him to come over to take a look and perform a ritual to exorcise the evil spirits.
This old customer of his was very rich, but he seemed to have bad luck with his relatives. In the past two years, almost all of his relatives had died. He remembered clearly that he had just chosen a cemetery with excellent feng shui for his wife a month ago.
Someone had just died, and they needed to exorcise the evil spirits in the house and perform a ritual. The master had imposed all the rules on him. He did not want to disobey the master, so he hesitated and refused. However, the other party offered a huge price and begged for money. Even if he had great willpower, he could not bear it, so he agreed without telling the master.
He had a very good idea at the time, sneaking out to finish the job, then quitting his job and looking for another way to make a living. But before he could sneak out, he was discovered by his master, who locked the door without asking him what he was doing.
"Don't do this anymore, find another job to make a living."
"But I've already promised them, and they've offered me a huge sum of money. Even if I change my job, I'll need some capital! Over the years, I've donated everything I earned, and I don't have any savings left.
What happened to you recently? Are you getting old and confused? "
He regretted saying this as soon as he said it, because he could clearly see that his master's body trembled.
"Master, I..."
"Forget it. I am really old and confused. I forgot that you are an adult."
His master waved his hands, and the wrinkles on his face seemed to deepen all of a sudden. He sighed heavily and said:
"We won't donate the money we earned this time. I still have some savings. I'll leave it all for you to marry and have children in the future. Come on, I'll go with you."
"Master agreed?"
"What else can we do?"
So he and his master went to the customer's house.
The customer's house was very large and luxurious, a two-story villa with a yard. However, now he was the only one left in this luxurious villa.
The client's surname was Sun. He originally had two daughters and his parents were still alive, but they all died in the past two years. Even his concubine died with him.
When I saw Mr. Sun again, he no longer had the spirit he had when I first met him. His hair was messy, his eyes were dull, and he was even much thinner than his master.
When he saw them coming, he ran over immediately as if he had found a life-saving straw:
"Please save me. Only a master like you can save me."
"How can you say that? Isn't it just a ritual to exorcise evil spirits?"
The master looked at Mr. Sun sharply, obviously not believing that this matter would be so simple. He didn't know anything at that time, so he was still advertising for his master:
"My master is much more knowledgeable than me. If you have any problem, just tell him. I guarantee you will be cured."
Mr. Sun nodded repeatedly, and then he said:
"To be honest with you, I suspect this house... is haunted!"
Hearing this, he suddenly felt the surroundings became much colder, but the master did not react at all. Instead, he asked:
"Why do you say that? Did you see it, or?"
"Let's go back!"
The master's face suddenly turned cold, which also made him stunned. He immediately asked:
"What's wrong, Master? I..."
"Didn't you hear me? Come back with me!"
Although he didn't understand what was going on, he had no choice but to follow the master in disgrace when he saw that the master was angry. Seeing this, Mr. Sun hurriedly stood in front of them, as if he had made up his mind:
"It was my ex-wife. I saw it. It was taking revenge on me. It killed my parents and Xiaoyu."
"Then let me ask you, how did it die?"
"If you want us to do something, you might as well tell us the truth. Then we'll have to take our leave."
"Don't go, I told you! I killed her! But she's mentally ill. She strangled her own child to death and wanted to kill me. I... I did it to protect myself."
Hearing Mr. Sun's words, his heart suddenly sank. It was hard to imagine that this senior official who looked well-dressed in front of others had such a dark side behind him.
"I really have no other choice. It killed all my relatives, and now it's coming to kill me. I can really feel that it's about to attack me. I have worked so hard to achieve what I have now. I can't die!"
"Mr. Sun, you have to know that everyone's life is the same. It doesn't mean that your life is precious and others' lives are worthless. We can help you, but we have to make it clear in advance that after we help you, you have to go to the police station and admit everything.
Because this is clearly a fierce ghost. If you don't appease its grievances, it will never give up and will torture you until you die. As for us, we can't destroy it, so we can only try to drive it out of this house first."
"Go to the police station and turn yourself in. This..."
Mr. Sun is still hesitating, which is normal. If he really wants to surrender himself, he should have gone there right from the beginning. Why wait until now?
"Forget it, you should just go back. It would be better to kill me directly than to let me go to jail in disgrace."
Mr. Sun unexpectedly refused. He also felt that his master would not care about this matter anymore, even though it made him confused. But his master also compromised, which was also unexpected. Now he thought that his master compromised for him. Because the income was not bad, he could save some money for him.
"Well, let's do our best."
The master did not let him do it himself, but just asked him to draw a lot of symbols from the book on yellow paper. As for where to paste them and what kind of symbols to paste, these were all decided by his master himself.
It all seemed simple, and no different from his usual bluffing. But when his master pasted the last symbol on the outer door, he clearly heard a shrill scream coming from the villa. It was a woman's voice.
"There are ghosts. There really are ghosts in this world!"
It was at this time that he realized that ghosts existed in this world.
After doing all this, Mr. Sun paid them a large sum of money and made a solemn promise that if they could find a way to solve this matter perfectly, he would give them half of his property.
But after leaving Mr. Sun's house, his master smashed his mobile phone, completely destroying his idea of ​​keeping in touch.
On the way back, he had many questions to ask the master, but the master obviously didn't want to talk and just walked forward with a staggering gait. He could see that the master was worried, so he was very tactful and didn't ask any more questions, and just followed him back quietly.
But what he never expected was that his master fell ill two days after returning. He also heard news that Mr. Sun had died in such a miserable way that not even a complete body was left.
This made him feel terrified because he knew it was done by an evil spirit and they had also offended it.
The master's symptoms were very strange. It was not a cold or fever, or any of those old age diseases. It was just a pain in the neck, or it was very itchy, as if new skin was growing after an injury.
Moreover, this trend was getting worse day by day. His master's temper became more and more violent. He scratched his neck desperately, leaving blood marks all over it. He couldn't help but shed tears with sadness.
Many doctors came, but none of them knew what was going on. He even took his master to a hospital in a big city, but they still couldn't find anything. In the end, his master didn't want to go through all this anymore, so he simply asked someone to make him a set of clothes and prepared to leave.
During those days, his master's temper was extremely bad. There was no intact skin on his neck left. His nails even pierced into his neck.
He was terrified and tried desperately to stop her, but his master was incredibly strong and threw him out. After a long struggle, his master finally calmed down, called him to the bedside, and weakly told him:
"Listen, what I'm about to tell you is very important, you must remember it completely!"
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