Volume 3: Nightmare Attacks Chapter 0068: Different Paths for Humans and Ghosts

"Li Shuai... Li Shuai!"
In his dream, Li Shuai seemed to hear someone calling his name. Judging from the voice, it should be a woman, and that voice made him feel extremely familiar and nostalgic.
"Wake up, don't sleep anymore!"
Li Shuai slowly opened his eyes, and what he saw was a blurry darkness. In a trance, he saw a person standing in front of him.
"Li Shuai?"
The woman called out timidly again, and Li Shuai's vision had also adjusted at this time, and he finally saw the person's appearance clearly. Li Shuai's heart twitched violently, and he sat up from the bed suddenly, shouting in disbelief:
"Fang Qing? You...why are you here?!"
As he spoke, Li Shuai took another look at the surrounding environment and couldn't help asking:
"This is not the Great Wilderness Mountain. Where am I?"
"What nonsense are you talking about? What Great Desolate Mountain? Why am I here? Are you okay?"
The woman named Fang Qing asked in a trembling voice. Although Li Shuai didn't understand what was going on, he could tell that something was wrong with Fang Qing at this moment. To be more precise, she seemed very frightened.
Before he could ask more questions, Fang Qing came closer and said in even more fear:
"Did you hear any noise? It sounds like someone is mopping the floor in the living room!"
Li Shuai seemed not to have heard anything. He just stared at Fang Qing blankly. Although the darkness prevented him from seeing the other person's face, he couldn't stop tears from falling from his eyes.
Is this a dream? At this moment, my body is just like Zhang Tianyi, lying straight on the cold ground. It must be the ghost's doing. It was afraid that I would hurt Lin Dangdang, so it made me fall into a dream.
"Fang Qing... I'm sorry, it's all my fault. I blame myself for not believing you at that time..."
Li Shuai suddenly choked up, which frightened Fang Qing, who was already nervous. She looked at Li Shuai blankly and asked in confusion:
"What the hell are you doing? Are you having a nightmare?"
After saying this, Fang Qing seemed to hear some terrible sound again. She shuddered and said in even more horror:
"Listen! Listen! There's that noise coming from the living room again!"
Li Shuai waved his hand to wipe the tears from his face, and then held his breath and listened carefully. After a while, he heard an inexplicable sound, which was exactly the same as what Fang Qing said, as if... someone was mopping the floor in the living room!
"Listen, do you hear that?"
Seeing that Li Shuai didn't speak for a long time, Fang Qing asked tentatively.
"Well, there was indeed a sound in the living room."
After answering with a choked voice, Li Shuai swept across the room again with a look full of reminiscence. It was indeed as he thought. No wonder everything here seemed so familiar to him, because this was his home!
It seemed as if a part of the memory in his brain was loosened, and those things that he never wanted to be remembered suddenly poured out like crazy.
One night a year ago, he was suddenly awakened by his fiancée Fang Qing in his sleep. She said she heard the sound of mopping in the living room. However, he did not pay much attention to it at the time. He ignored Fang Qing's words and continued to sleep. Not long after, he heard a shrill scream...
Li Shuai gently stroked Fang Qing's cheek, then he rolled off the bed and carried Fang Ting to the bed.
"I'll go to the living room to check. You stay in bed and don't move. If anything happens, call me loudly."
Seeing Fang Qing nod, Li Shuai smiled, then he closed the door and walked out.
His house is very big, a duplex-style villa with two floors. His parents live on the upper floor, and he and Fang Qing live on the lower floor.
He didn't remember what happened that day. He just found himself in his parents' room when he woke up. The whole house was in a mess, with shocking bloodstains all over the floor. His parents were dead, and Fang Qing was also dead.
A rich and happy family was over just like that.
Thinking of this, Li Shuai couldn't help but dig his nails into the flesh!
To get from his room to the living room, he had to go through a corridor. Li Shuai turned on the light in the corridor and walked forward with heavy steps. As he approached, the sound of mopping the floor became more piercing.
Finally, he reached the end of the corridor.
He pressed the switch in the living room, and for a moment the bright light was a little blinding. There was nothing unusual in the living room, only his father was standing there, mopping the floor with a mop.
But it looked... a little different from what he remembered. Why was the floor red?
"What are you doing? Why are you mopping the floor in the living room instead of going to rest so late? Have you forgotten that you are still a patient?"
At this point, Li Shuai's throat seemed to be stuck and his eyes widened instantly.
His father had a severe cerebral hemorrhage due to the bankruptcy of his company. He could only stay in bed and had no ability to walk. But now, the father standing not far from him did not look sick at all!
"It's okay, your mom said she wanted to go out for a walk, so I came down to keep her company for a while."
His father was talking to himself, but his hands were still mopping left and right. Li Shuai's heart sank, because his father's face was pale! The mop in his hand... was clearly his mother's bloody head!
Li Shuai felt like he was in an ice cave, missing her day and night in reality. Now they can meet in their dreams, but what they see is such a heartbreaking scene!
Li Shuai let out a heart-wrenching cry and rushed forward, waving his inky black arm.
Seeing Li Shuai rushing over recklessly, his father laughed twice, then picked up his mother's head and ran upstairs. Seeing this, Li Shuai also followed him, but just as he reached his parents' room , the door of the room closed with a bang!
"Open the door! Damn it!"
Li Shuai desperately rammed the door with his body, and finally, he pushed it open. But as soon as he stepped in, a dark figure rushed out from the darkness and grabbed his neck fiercely.
“Hehehe—— !”
The chilling laughter once again reached his ears. Li Shuai struggled desperately. In a panic, his hand seemed to touch something hard. He didn't have time to see what it was, and he stabbed his father's body fiercely. Due to the great force, his father's body was nailed to the wall.
The hot blood splattered all over his face. In addition to the salty and bloody smell, there was another kind of smell mixed in, which was the human taste of family affection and blood relationship.
That thing was not dead yet, and was still smiling strangely. Li Shuai looked at it numbly and heard it say:
"I forgot to tell you that your father is not dead yet. I am just borrowing his body. He clearly saw that his son killed them with his own hands!"
Li Shuai's heart was shocked. He looked down and saw that his mother's head was still on the sharp spike! His mother's expression was full of disbelief. Her body was still intact underneath and had not been separated from her body!
"I killed my parents myself... No...!"
"Your parents' hearts are bleeding. You killed them, so they want you to die too!!!"
Li Shuai suddenly felt his neck tighten, it was pinching him again, and this time the force was so strong that his life force was rapidly fading away, and he even gave up struggling.
Just when his consciousness was about to completely fade away, a slender figure suddenly appeared in his sight. That person was Fang Qing. However, she showed no fear at all in the face of this bloody scene.
Fang Qing's warm lips gently touched his cheek. It was a farewell kiss to the person she loved most.
"This is not real, it's just a dream. Wake up, Li Shuai, you have to live well..."
"Fang Qing..."
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