Volume 3 Hello, Eri Chapter 231 Breath of the Deep Sea (IV)

Schneider's voice channel was disconnected for a few seconds, and when his voice reappeared, the Cassell trio heard it in their headsets.
"Caesar team, Caesar team, please note that the Longyuan Project is about to start. I am using an encrypted channel. Only the three of you have the right to know what I am going to say now. The content will be kept confidential by the Japanese branch. Please reply if you receive it."
"Got it!" three people said at the same time.
"The mission plan has changed. I agree with Lu Mingfei's temporary judgment. In fact, in the academy, we have always been concerned about the Japanese branch. There is no problem with Lu Mingfei's choice. She will not directly participate in the diving mission. She will stay in the Xumizuo base to record the whole process and act as the eyes of the headquarters in the base. The diving mission will continue to be carried out by Caesar and Chu Zihang. This mission only requires you to locate the target, press the bomb launch button and then surface. But there are always exceptions. If you see a door or something similar to a door during the mission, you not approach it, let alone enter. Return immediately and unconditionally!"
At the end, Schneider's voice was extremely stern and left no room for doubt.
"How can there be a door under the sea? We are not going to film Doraemon." said Caesar.
"Don't ask why. Just remember that this concerns your life. Door is a taboo word in this operation. If you see anything like a door, you must return!" Schneider said sternly.
"I understand." Caesar had no choice but to answer. Schneider's attitude was very firm. After all, he was a professor and the person in charge of the operation. He was considered an experienced elite in the diving mission.
"Good luck to you." Schneider cut off the communication.
Caesar walked up to Chu Zihang and Lu Mingfei and asked, "Are you ready?"
"We are prepared, but the warning just now sounds a bit strange. What kind of door can there be in the deep sea?" Lu Mingfei said.
"A door or something like a door, perhaps referring to a door in a broad sense," said Caesar.
Chu Zihang did not participate in the discussion because he remembered one thing. They were going to face an embryo that was suspected to be above the Dragon King. Speaking of the Dragon King, we have to mention Nibelung. The medium of the Nibelung's gate is water. If Schneider was alluding to Nibelung, then the entire sea is a gate that can enter Nibelung in a broad sense.
The Night Watch forum often has people digging into professors' private affairs. The most common legend about Schneider is that he was not like this many years ago, but he became like this after he participated in the Greenland Ice Sea mission. The records of that incident are in the college's archive system, but no students can read it. Everyone only knows that there was such a thing. The reading permission of this file is SS, which means that even Lu Mingfei, who has the best bloodline among the students, has no right to view it. The only people who can read it are the two principals and the board of directors.
Lu Mingfei said that Chu Zihang was actually a gossipy person. For example, since Professor Schneider was his mentor, he would take a closer look at those posts. From all the signs, Professor Schneider was indeed a direct participant in the Greenland Ice Sea, but he was very secretive about that past in the academy and never mentioned it. This warning made Chu Zihang pay attention.
"Anyway, just be careful of the door, right? My vision is better than yours, I will pay close attention!" Lu Mingfei promised.
Not having to dive means that she can sit in the central control room and check the current situation through a direct cable. There are multiple deep-diving probes on the Trieste, while the field of vision of people sitting in the submersible will be very limited. The naked eye can only see an area as small as the observation window.
"We'll leave our backs to you." Caesar patted Lu Mingfei's shoulder vigorously. No matter whether they were men or women, they were all heroes on the same boat. "To be honest, I don't really like these Japanese, except for Yuan Zhisheng. It's a good thing to have someone watching them. Also, one last thing before we dive. I'm the leader of this group. Your job is to assist me. Don't act on your own. We are a team, and a team must have a core, OK?"
"Yes, Sir!" Lu Mingfei answered loudly.
"You are the boss, you have the final say." Chu Zihang also nodded slightly.
Caesar nodded with satisfaction and left with Chu Zihang. Chu Zihang turned his head to take a look and saw Lu Mingfei stretching out her hands, raising her thumbs and beating them up and down like drumming to cheer them on, with the ambition to protect the two Kassel male gods.
The diving dock at the bottom of the Sumeru pedestal was opened, Caesar and Chu Zihang entered the Trieste, the hatch was closed, and the entire submersible fell into the black sea. A large number of white bubbles could be seen pouring out from the bottom of the Sumeru pedestal. That was the air discharged by the submersible.
Frogmen wearing diving suits jumped into the sea and hung the safety rope on the safety hook . The other end was connected to the wheel on the pedestal. This huge wheel, which is comparable to a water wheel, is wrapped with a 12-kilometer-long safety rope, which can recover the submersible from the deepest part of the abyss to the surface of the sea within 20 minutes. It is the life guarantee of the Trieste.
Lu Mingfei stood in the central control room high up, watching this scene through the surveillance probes. The large screen here was divided into dozens of different camera blocks, some of which showed the situations on various pedestals, some of which were monitoring of important components of the Trieste, and the rest were internal and external camera probes of the submersible. She could clearly see a large number of bubbles rising, which was a sign that the Trieste was diving. Chu Zihang and Caesar squatted in a small space, and Caesar gave a thumbs up to the monitor to indicate that everything was OK.
"Report to Xumizu! A member of the mountain group disappeared after entering the water!" The screen showed that a frogman who surfaced was reporting .
"Lost? Go find that person! Everything proceed as usual!" Yuan Zhisheng immediately gave instructions. It was hard to say that a swimming athlete would not be able to find his way back after diving in such a short time. He became a little suspicious.
Lu Mingfei remained calm. She did not see the person's face on the surveillance video, but judging from her figure, the female frogman who jumped last was probably Xiyue herself. After entering the sea, no one could track her down. She was diving with the Trieste to fulfill her promise.
Chu Zihang turned on the external light source of the Trieste. High-intensity spotlights were installed on all four sides of the submersible, which could illuminate the space about 10 meters around it. This light source was the eyes of the Trieste. Even in the depths of the abyss, they could only see things clearly with the help of these lights. It was absolute darkness there. No light in the world could reach the 8-kilometer-deep seabed, and the huge amount of sea water would absorb all the spectrum.
"Brother, are you lonely?" Lu Mingfei's voice was heard in the Trieste. This somewhat strange question made everyone speechless, but Lu Mingfei did not react. She was communicating with Chu Zihang using the communication cable mounted on the safety rope, because after entering the water, he and Caesar each stayed on either side of the submersible, and there was no conversation between the two, and the atmosphere was particularly heavy. She wanted to liven up the atmosphere of the team.
"Are you going to come down to accompany him?" Caesar raised his eyebrows. As soon as Lu Mingfei spoke, it seemed that the feeling in the whole submersible was different. The air was filled with the smell of happiness. To be honest, he was a little happy, because if Lu Mingfei didn't show up, it would be really difficult for him to find something to talk about with Chu Zihang during the entire dive. It would be too boring to keep it all the time.
"I'm accompanying you two." Lu Mingfei corrected, "I think it would be more comfortable for everyone to chat. The entire dive is estimated to take 4 hours."
"I remember that the journey of the Trieste took 9 hours last century." Chu Zihang finally spoke.
"If you still need to spend so much time, I'm afraid you should take a deck of playing cards and go down to play turtle. We only have 12 hours in total." Yuan Zhisheng also joined the chat channel. "This is the result of scientific and technological progress. The strengthened safety rope and new power system allow the Trieste to dive faster without wasting so much time."
"Two hours makes this mission sound particularly simple." Caesar said this but became serious. He exhausted more air to allow the Trieste to speed up and move to deeper water. His hands switched rhythmically between different valves and knobs, and his eyes swept across the various complex dashboards to ensure that the machine was in perfect condition at all times.
No one had received any training on submersibles before, and Caesar only got a brick-sized operating manual. But after that night, he operated as skillfully as a captain with 20 years of experience. It seemed that he even had the leisure to stew fish on the ship, but in fact, he undoubtedly stayed up all night to memorize the operating manual.
Lu Mingfei felt that the saying "If you don't pretend to be cool you will die" was very suitable to describe Caesar. No matter how hard he worked in private, once he stepped into the public eye he would be energetic and calm, and everyone he looked at seemed to reveal a sense of laziness.
But of course, I can't say such words. That's Caesar's style. He is very nice to everyone around him. Even if you think he is a dandy, this dandy always gives you gifts every time he goes on a business trip. He doesn't steal your girlfriend, nor does he despise you for being poor and not being able to play with her. What else can you do except willingly recognize him as your big brother? Some people are born this way. You can't catch up with them no matter what. It's too ugly to be jealous without reason.
Caesar turned around, and the dictator on his waist touched Chu Zihang's village rain. The two looked at each other and fell into awkwardness again. This scene was like two strong men taking a shower in the bathroom, and a piece of soap fell between them. Everyone stared at each other, wondering whether to pick up the soap or not. Maybe it would develop into fencing.
"It's such a small place, and you two came here with knives!" Lu Mingfei sighed.
From the outside, the Trieste is more than ten meters long, but the cockpit inside is pitifully small, only slightly larger than an elevator room. It is surrounded by various valves, instrument panels and operating tables, and there is not much usable space.
Lu Mingfei couldn't help but regret not participating in the diving mission. Otherwise, she could have justifiably used the space to get into Chu Zihang's arms and said, "Brother, don't move. I'll give you some Jade Maiden Qi! I guarantee you'll be very energetic when you blow up the Dragon King later!" She didn't know if Caesar, who was driving next to her, would be dissatisfied if it developed to that point, and Yuan Zhisheng might even record the scene and broadcast it to Cassel in anger.
"You have to bring some weapons when you go to meet the dragon clan, right? Otherwise, the dragon clan will feel embarrassed and say that you just sent me away with a bomb? You look down on dragons!" said Caesar.
"Boss, your sense of humor is getting better and better! But are you sure that two knives can fight against something that might be the Dragon King? You are at the bottom of the sea, inside a turtle shell, and you can't even stick the turtle's head out. If that thing really wakes up, two knives may not be enough to fill the gap between its teeth."
"We can hold the knife upright, so that when he eats us, he will be stabbed to death, just like when you eat fish and two hard fish bones attack your upper jaw." Caesar stretched out his diktatsu and knocked on Murasame twice, "We are those two fish bones."
"It's like a tiger jumping up to attack me, and I slide and use the momentum and inertia to cut the tiger's belly open." Lu Mingfei covered her mouth, "Boss, tell me the truth, have you been surfing the Chinese Internet every day recently?"
"There are a lot of talented people on Tieba. I think the people there are more interesting than those on the Night Watch Forum." Caesar laughed.
"Congratulations, you've fallen too."
Chu Zihang silently listened to Caesar and Lu Mingfei's jokes. Lu Mingfei was right. Deep diving is a long and boring journey. If there is nothing to liven up the atmosphere, you will slowly feel isolated from the world, as if you are dead. At this moment, the data on the dashboard showed that they had reached a depth of 300 meters. The searchlight saw only darkness, as if everything in the world no longer existed, leaving only the lonely submersible suspended in the center of the chaotic world.
I should really be grateful for her laughter. I had been taking this mission very seriously and felt that it was a huge burden and pressure. But after listening to her and Caesar chatting away, I actually relaxed a little.
"Brother, why don't you say anything?" Lu Mingfei suddenly turned the conversation to Chu Zihang. From her perspective, she could see Chu Zihang squatting opposite Caesar with Murasame in his arms. This was a very novel angle. Due to her height, Lu Mingfei had no chance to see what was above Chu Zihang's head. Now she always felt that the boy squatting there was a very interesting boy. She could just hold his head with one hand and use the Nine Yin White Bone Claw to mess up his hair into Mei Chaofeng's.
Some people say that boys must be taller than their girls, so that they can always be in their sight, with their fluttering hair occasionally revealing their fair necks, and the crystal pendants dangling from their earlobes, which will be scenery that only belongs to them. But Lu Mingfei actually always had a desire to be a controlling sister in her heart. She hoped that she was taller than Chu Zihang, so that she could press him against her chest when she went to bed at night, and laugh at his embarrassed expression of fear and helplessness on his abstinence face.
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