Volume 3: A Tombstone Stained with Sin and Blood Chapter 142 Brotherly Conflict

"His final exam results were much better this time, and he received the highest ratings not only in his major courses, but also in many of his elective courses. It was because of this performance that he got the position of student male president in his last year of school."
Ron didn't seem very happy for Percy, instead he looked full of disgust.
"He is so arrogant. He hasn't even become the president of the school yet, but he has already declared at home that George, Fred, me and Ginny have to listen to him. It's ridiculous that my mother still speaks in his favor and regards him as a pride."
Neville comforted him as always.
"Senior Weasley is indeed excellent. He has the best grades among the seniors and has always been the student who abides by the school rules the most. If he is not the head boy this year, no one else will be qualified."
"Of course I know that." Ron said dissatisfiedly, "I don't deny that he is indeed excellent, but his temper is really annoying. I guess when he becomes the student president in the school, everyone will have to listen to him!"
At this moment, an abrupt and somewhat cold voice suddenly sounded from behind Ron.
"Am I so terrible to you, Ron?"
At the dining table, the second grade students were all stunned, and then they all pretended nothing had happened and ate the food in front of them, but out of the corner of their eyes they were secretly looking at the boy behind Ron who also had red hair, glasses , and a dark face.
When Ron heard the voice, he couldn't help but shudder, but he quickly calmed down and turned to look at his third brother.
"I'm only telling the truth, Percy!" There was no sign of retreat on his face. In the family, he had the least respect for this brother, although the same may not be true for the others.
Percy, who had the badge of male president on his chest, looked frighteningly ugly. The entire second-year table fell silent. Everyone felt uncomfortable being stared at by his gloomy gaze.
Hermione unconsciously leaned towards Jon's seat; Hamton seemed to be studying whether the pattern on his plate was exquisite; Neville wanted to speak to ease the atmosphere, but when he opened his mouth he didn't know what to say; Lavender and Justin both lowered their heads, trying their best to pretend they didn't exist in the face of such an embarrassing situation.
The atmosphere here even attracted the attention of students at other tables. The two brothers George and Fred, who were sitting nearby, looked over here.
"Hey, what's going on?"
Percy didn't let the situation remain deadlocked. His face was still bad, but he just said something lightly.
"Then we'll just have to wait and see."
Then he turned around and left the restaurant alone.
After he left, the atmosphere at the second-year table gradually returned to normal. Neville sighed and tried to persuade Ron.
"You should have apologized to him just now. Saying this will embarrass him. After all, he is the male chairman after the school starts."
"You haven't seen what he's like at home." Ron also looked angry. He said loudly, "He always thinks that others should listen to him and that he is better than others, but I only see his stupidity!"
Neville didn't say anything else. After all, although this was at Hogwarts, it was also Weasley's family affair.
John was watching the scene silently. He didn't say anything to persuade Percy. He was already very clear about Percy's attitude towards him, so John naturally didn't take the initiative to jump out and get involved in these things.
He didn't think it was a big deal. Originally, the younger children in the Weasley family didn't like their brother who had excellent grades. He was too eager for power and followed the rules to an extreme, which made people feel uncomfortable to get along with him.
After dinner, John did not go back to the dormitory directly, but went to the office of Lupin, the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts who had just arrived at the carriage this year.
Remus Lupin was a very good Defense professor.
He only officially started teaching in the carriage in early March this year, but he was well-liked by the students. At least his teaching level was no worse than Slughorn's, and he was easy-going. He would help students solve any difficulties they encountered.
When John just returned to the carriage from the castle, he learned from Dumbledore that the reason why he was able to successfully rescue Hermione and other students from the castle was largely because Lupin and Sirius Black, who had sneaked into Azkaban, jointly organized a prison escape plan that attracted the attention of the Ministry of Magic.
They stayed there for three years, delivering wands to members of the Order of the Phoenix imprisoned on the prison island, trying their best to help them reduce the influence of Dementors, and teaching them the Patronus Charm. Finally, they chose noon on Thursday, the day Dumbledore had determined for Jon, to start the escape.
Lupin and his companions' actions attracted the attention of most of Voldemort's Death Eaters, including Snape and Barty Jr. in Hogwarts, who all went to reinforce.
Dumbledore had no way to give John more help, and could only send Kingsley and McGonagall to support him, because Moody wanted to bring other members of the Order of the Phoenix to assist in the escape plan from Azkaban.
In the end, without any communication between Azkaban Island and Hogwarts Castle , the prison escape was successful through Dumbledore's arrangement.
Jon knew very well that he, Hermione and the other children who were rescued from the castle were indirectly helped by Lupin and his friends, so in the first few days after returning to the carriage, he took some free time and took a dozen students who escaped from the castle, including Hermione, to find Lupin to thank him.
Lupin received them warmly, without any professorial airs, and even gave each of them a magic book on Defense Against the Dark Arts. This made Hamton and his friends, who had not yet recovered from the contempt and indifference of the professors in the castle, feel more favorable towards this professor.
During the rest of the second year, Lupin admired Jon's talent in magic and gave him a lot of guidance .
However, his identity as a werewolf has not been announced yet, although most of the students on the carriage probably don't care much about his identity. After all, in today's wizarding world, the status of "Mudbloods" is not much better than that of werewolves.
But perhaps out of Lupin's own consideration, he asked everyone who knew about this matter to keep it secret.
Every full moon, he would get off the carriage alone, find a quiet place, drink the wolfsbane potion prepared by Lily, wait for the transformation to end, and then return the next day.
After the summer vacation began, he did not organize any interest clubs. Instead, at Jon's request, he taught him some knowledge about the Patronus Charm.
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