Volume 2 The Second Battle Chapter 3: Lure the enemy deep into our territory

Boom... There was a series of continuous loud noises. The forest where we were hiding just now had become a sea of ​​fire under the bombing of enemy planes and artillery. I couldn't help but look back, thinking that if I hadn't retreated just now, I wonder if we would have been burned by now.
However, the volunteers did not react much to this, and continued to run freely on the mountain road, most of them did not even turn their heads. Because they were walking on the mountain road with dense forests for cover, they did not have to worry about being discovered by enemy planes.
"Boy! Tell me now..." Hu Zi urged impatiently, "Didn't you say you knew the reason? Tell me now!"
"Oh!" I almost forgot about it because I was interrupted by the enemy's bombing. It was then that Hu Zi reminded me that I realized everyone was waiting for me to say it.
"I, I am just guessing." I smiled sheepishly and said, "According to me, the superiors' intention is to lure the enemy deep into our territory."
Actually, I am not guessing. The second battle in history was to lure the enemy deep into the country, hide their own strength, and then take advantage of MacArthur's excessive optimism to send the coalition forces with advanced equipment in to encircle and attack...
"Oh, I heard it!" Captain Zhang quickly understood what was going on after I said that. The unhappiness he had just felt because of the slow retreat soon disappeared, and in a short while he seemed like a different person, full of energy again.
"Luring the enemy deep into our territory!" Only Hu Zi still looked confused and asked, "Hey kid, can you explain it more clearly? What does luring the enemy deep into our territory mean?"
As soon as Hu Zi said this, there were a few laughs from all around, which made Hu Zi feel a little embarrassed.
"Brother Huzi!" I hurriedly came to Huzi's rescue and said, "This is to lure the enemy deep into our territory. We are afraid that the dog will escape. Let's put the dog inside our house first and then close the door and fight!"
"So that's what happened." Hu Zi also understood: "I thought he looked down on our group, but it turned out to be because of this. Why didn't he just tell us? Why did he make us hold our breath?"
"What do you know? Can you tell me?" The old squad leader glared at Hu Zi and said in a low voice, "For this matter, the fewer people know about it, the better. Think about it, if someone is captured and confesses in front of the Americans, wouldn't that be a big deal?"
"Oh..." After the old squad leader said this, everyone quickly understood what he meant. A large group of people in front and behind just hurried on their way without saying a word. The team suddenly fell into an awkward silence.
"Rest where you are!"
After running for more than three hours, we had left the enemy far behind, and Captain Chu finally stopped running.
Not to mention that the Volunteer Army's two legs could not outrun the four wheels of the UN Army. Not to mention the winding and bumpy roads in North Korea, and the fact that they had to be careful of ambushes along the way, it was not difficult to get rid of them.
It's just that we don't want to leave them too far behind. When we lure the enemy deep into our territory, we have to act more realistically and pretend that we were chased away by them. Then they will be excited and bold to chase us.
Otherwise, if there was no soldier in front of them, even MacArthur would have thought that there was a trap ahead, not to mention that the Eighth Army was led by the always suspicious Walker.
I found a branch as big as a bowl, cleared the snow off it and sat down. I grabbed a few handfuls of fried noodles from my dry food bag and carefully put them into my mouth.
Speaking of the Volunteer Army's fried noodles, Walker, the commander of the Eighth Army, also knew that when he launched this campaign, he ordered his subordinates: "As soon as you smell the smell of Chinese fried noodles, retreat!" If it weren't for MacArthur's military order, this old fox would never have been fooled...
"Comrade, are you injured?" As soon as I heard the female voice, I knew it must be the female translator. When I turned around, she immediately recognized me.
"It's Platoon Leader Cui!" She smiled and pointed at my forehead. I touched it and found a cut from shrapnel. Maybe it was because the temperature was too low and I was freezing, so I didn't feel any pain.
If it was a little more off, my head would be… I couldn’t help but shudder at the thought. But I still pretended not to care and said, “Hey, it’s okay! It’s just a minor injury. I’ve fought in wars for so many years, this little injury is nothing!”
"That won't do!" Jin Qiulian laughed and said, "Let me bandage you!"
As he spoke, he put down his bag and skillfully took out bandages and disinfectant from it...
"You also know medicine?" I took off my hat cooperatively.
"I don't know much." Jin Qiulian said as she bandaged me, "When I was a kid, I went hunting with my grandfather and learned some herbs. Most of the military doctors in the army died, so I, a barefoot doctor who knows a little bit, also got the chance to become a military doctor."
"Ah?" I was stunned when I heard that. I glanced at my forehead, secretly worried that she would wrap me up like a dumpling because of this minor injury! Maybe I would be wrapped up like an Arab with a big hat on my head.
But fortunately it wasn't as bad as I thought. She was quite skilled and quickly wrapped it up for me and even put a military cap on me.
"I'll come and change your bandage tomorrow." Jin Qiulian instructed, "Be careful when fighting, don't let dirt or snow get on your head, it will be difficult to treat if it gets inflamed, and we are in urgent need of medicine now!"
"Hey! Comrade!" I called out to Jin Qiulian who was turning around and about to leave.
"This looks like yours!" I pointed to the shoulder bag she left beside me.
"Oh! Look at me." Her face suddenly turned red, and she smiled embarrassedly: "I have been careless since I was a child, and I always drop things!"
"No way!" I couldn't help but grin as I watched Jin Qiulian gradually walk away: "Did you mistake arsenic for disinfectant? Why does my forehead hurt so much now!"
"Set off!"
Not long after, with an order, the troops set out again, and I lifted my feet, which had already been blistered, and stepped forward. What made me helpless was that this road was exactly the road we had taken to chase the enemy a few days ago, the only difference was that we walked here that day, but today we were walking back.
This is mobile warfare, fighting on the move, annihilating the enemy on the move, but it's hard on my feet.
Jun 30, 2024
Jun 30, 2024
Jun 30, 2024
Jun 30, 2024
Jun 30, 2024