Volume 2: Living with Ghosts Chapter 24: Matchmaker's Selection

Because once Wang Lin's question worked, it would most likely expose some of the evil ghosts, after all, they wanted to use this to select humans as matchmakers. If an evil ghost really exposed his identity, they only needed to remember the features of the person he disguised himself as, and they could avoid these ghosts in their future pursuits, thus reducing their chances of marrying a ghost.
That's why the mission played such a trick on them, making it impossible for them to distinguish the women from their appearance. The only thing that could prove their identities was the badges on their waists. So now they could only hope to rely on the badges on their waists to distinguish the authenticity. But from the obvious precautions of the mission, it was difficult for them to find this loophole.
The sharp screams of ghosts continued, and every woman answered fiercely: "I think love is when two people like each other and eventually get married!"
"I think love is love, and there is no definition."
"I don't know. I can't answer that."
"Love that is consensual is love to me."
“I think love is…”
The hundred women finally finished answering this question. Among the four, except Zhang Feng who was still at a loss, the other three all focused their eyes on one of the women. Compared with Wang Lin and Chen Ping, although Zhang Fengyu couldn't see their appearance, everyone's answers were in order. Therefore, Zhang Fengyu determined his choice of Yue Lao based on the order of their answers!
After waiting for a while, the sharp voice started again and asked everyone, "Choose the matchmaker you think is right!"
Without any hesitation, the three of them answered in unison: "No. 88!!!"
Seeing Zhang Fengyu and the other two shouted "88" in unison, Zhang Feng was completely confused, but he still cooperated and shouted: "88!!!"
In this way, the problem of choosing the matchmaker was solved. As for why they chose the woman with the "No. 88" waist badge as the matchmaker, it was related to a problem of exclusion.
The so-called elimination problem is actually similar to the process of elimination in mathematical deduction, and this method is the main basis for them to choose Yue Lao.
Because the questions raised by Wang Lin were very targeted, the answers given by the women could be roughly divided into five categories.
The first answer belongs to the true meaning of love, the second answer belongs to their respective views on love, the third answer belongs to some women who imitated the answers of other women, the fourth answer belongs to simply not knowing, or simply being unable to answer, as for the fifth answer, it is too unbelievable, to put it bluntly, it is off-topic.
These five types of answers included all the answers of the 100 women. The next step was to classify these types of answers and eliminate them to get the candidates. According to Zhang Fengyu's mental statistics, 25 of the 100 women's answers belonged to the fourth type, 36 belonged to the second type, 24 belonged to the fifth type, 2 belonged to the first type, and 14 belonged to the third type.
After arranging the answers given by these women, a clear pie-shaped statistical chart was formed. From the proportion of the answer types, it is not difficult to see that among the five types of answers, the first answer has the smallest proportion, with only two people answering this answer. Because of this, there is a nearly 90% probability that these two people are human.
It is easy to think that since the hint of this supplementary task gives such a method, it is enough to prove that the identity of a person and a ghost can be quickly distinguished with just one question. Even if it is not possible to distinguish them completely, it is definitely possible to safely select the human matchmaker!
Ghosts cannot understand human emotions at all, so the answer they might give could be the fourth answer, that is, they don't know at all. They might also choose to copy the answers of most people, which is the third answer. Or they might just say something incomprehensible, which is the fifth answer. With this calculation, the answer that ghosts are most likely not to be able to answer is the answer that is closest to the real answer to this question. However, there are two people who give this type of answer, and it is inevitable that the ghosts will copy and paste to fill in the gaps between the two. But the reason why they are so sure of No. 88 is because No. 88 is the first of the two to answer.
Although their speculation is not certain, it is all they can do unless this option is unsolvable.
The three people who came to the same inference looked at each other, but the meanings in their eyes were very different.
Now that the matchmaker has been chosen, they have not been wiped out, which shows that the matchmaker they chose must be a human. After waiting anxiously for a while, the matchmaker they just chose slowly walked out of the crowd.
"Hello, guests from Men's Village. My name is Xiaoling. Since you have chosen me as the matchmaker for your marriage, Xiaoling hereby promises that I will definitely help you find your own marriage. Through your previous performances, you have correctly followed the customs of our village. For us women's village, these customs passed down by our ancestors are all we are waiting for. Of course, you have followed them very well, so I now declare that you have won the recognition of the women in the village!!!"
The words of Yue Lao Xiaoling made the women behind her cheer continuously. Xiaoling then continued, "You have passed the first round of the test to enter the village. The next step is the second test of marriage!
When a man and a woman are together, it depends on fate, and this fate can also be understood as a coincidence, or a kind of luck. For some reason, at today's marriage ceremony, only four of you came to propose wives, while we have a hundred people on the female side, which led to this second round of marriage test.
The test is very simple. The women standing behind me will cover the number tags around their waists and then throw them down. What you four need to do is to pick up 25 number tags each. The number tags you pick up represent the range of people you will pursue in the future.
This is also a custom in our village. When the number of men seeking wives is far less than the number of women, there will be a test of marriage. Simply put, it regulates the range of your wife selection. For example, if the number plate you picked up is from 1 to 25, then in the future, you can only choose your favorite person within this range.
If you did not choose within this range, but chose number 26, then according to the customs of the village, the violator will lose the qualification to choose a wife! "
Everyone was very happy to see this custom, but before they could express their joy, Xiaoling's next words shocked them! Xiaoling raised her hand and pointed forward, then shouted to the women behind her, "Ladies, hand over your waist cards!"
Xiaoling actually used the word "beauties" to describe these hideous-looking women, which really shocked everyone. Then, they saw waist badges falling from the sky.
The women threw out their badges and everyone left the corner where they were originally and came to these "beauties" who made them shudder. Everyone's heartbeat began to speed up and their legs couldn't help but become weak.
No one wanted to approach them, but this was the custom in the village, and unless they really wanted to die, they would not dare to disobey. Gritting their teeth, Zhang Fengyu mustered up his courage and slowly walked towards the center of the square.
As he was walking, a light yellow waist badge happened to fall at his feet. Zhang Fengyu stopped and hesitated whether to pick it up. Gritting his teeth, Zhang Fengyu was about to bend down to pick up the waist badge, but at this moment he suddenly shuddered and felt a strong palpitation in his heart.
He slowly raised his head, and saw a terrifying woman with her face turned outward and her eyeballs bulging, standing in the distance, staring at him motionlessly!
This was also the first time that he saw the faces of these women, and Zhang Fengyu was almost frightened to death. He quickly turned his head to the side, and suddenly pulled back his hand that had reached for the badge.
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