Volume 2 Hello, Xia Mi Chapter 174: Embracing the World with Warmth (VI)

"Nidhoggr is obviously your father, but your relationship doesn't seem to be very good."
"It's more than just bad, it's an irreconcilable hatred." Xia Mi nodded. "Kassel told you that Nidhogg was killed by humans, but have you ever thought about how Nidhogg, with his strength, could have died at the hands of humans? It was a bloody betrayal. All dragons inherited Nidhogg's nature, craving for power and strength. This was the biggest mistake Nidhogg made. An old Chinese saying goes, "An innocent man is guilty of possessing a jade." Nidhogg is certainly not an ordinary man. He is the supreme emperor, but like every emperor in history, the one sitting on the throne is destined to be overthrown by those who covet this position, not to mention that he holds power and strength in his hands, which is as coveted as the Heshi Bi."
"It was you, the four monarchs, who joined hands to betray Nidhogg, right?" Lu Mingfei asked.
The answer is not difficult to guess. In that distant era, the weapons in the hands of humans were still very primitive. The most likely reason for Nidhogg's death was not the power of human words, but the betrayal of the dragon clan that gave humans an opportunity . Before the war that changed history began, Nidhogg was already very weak.
"Yes, the great emperor had noticed it in advance, so he ordered Norton to forge seven swords to slaughter other monarchs. Under Nidhogg's supervision, Norton completed the pinnacle of these alchemical swords, but the weapons have not been put to use yet." Xia Mi's pupils seemed to be filled with dark blue rain clouds. "It started with the rebellion of the White King. In this rebellion, one-third of the dragons rebelled against Nidhogg. The war was extremely brutal. As the creation of the Black King, the White King was certainly not as good as the Black King Nidhogg, but the White King made up for his own shortcomings with the help of humans. Although he was defeated in the end, this reminded us monarchs that there are some unknown possibilities in those humans who we have always looked down upon in the past."
"Nidhogg divided the power of the four elements among us, and used the twins as a mutual restraint. The party with great power often has some fatal weakness. He thought that this was infallible, but forgot that after he took away these powers, he was left with the original Word Spirit Emperor. He was injured in the war with the White King, and our actions began. Among humans, each monarch supported his own descendants. That was probably the most glorious era for human hybrids. They no longer had to carefully covet the treasures of the dragon clan and could master the power of the Word Spirit openly."
“That’s why all the known words and spirits are divided so detailedly, because all the powers that have been passed down to this day come from you four monarchs.” Lu Mingfei said.
"That's right. The eight monarchs control the four elements, and their combined strength is enough to compete with Nidhogg, but they can't kill him. We just added more blood to his wounds, and the price is that many of the monarchs were injured and changed. Everyone left their original places of residence and went to various parts of the world. We don't have to do the task of the final blow ourselves. Humans will not miss this excellent opportunity. As we expected, Nidhogg was killed by humans on his throne, but the subsequent development was beyond our expectations. Just as Nidhogg gave us the power and was betrayed by us, the words we gave to humans were also turned against us. The hybrids don't just want to kill the Black King, they also need to eliminate monarchs like us who have ruling power, so that they can open up a new era of their own. Many dragon-slaying myths in the history of various countries started from this time."
"Those who betray will be betrayed."
Lu Mingfei briefly commented that the ancient history of the dragon race was not much different from that of humans. How many emperors throughout history died because of the kindness of their fathers and the filial piety of their sons? In the dragon race, there was probably no concept of family affection. Nidhogg's children were just like him, a group where the strong survived. The aging Black King would eventually become food for the new king, and the new king's position would not last long. There would always be someone who would overthrow him. History was just a circle that kept repeating the past.
"A short-term victory is certainly gratifying, but don't forget that Nidhogg ordered Norton to create the Seven Deadly Sins because he sensed something. How could he not have prepared in advance? We couldn't find any powerful dragon bone crosses on Nidhogg's body, which means that he had already prepared his cocoon to infuse some of his strength and spirit so that he could make a comeback. No one knows where Nidhogg put his cocoon, deep in the trench? In volcanic magma? Or under the earth's crust where no one has ever been? The day he returns, he will vent the rage that has accumulated over the years. No matter whether it is human or dragon, all betrayers will be nailed to the deepest part of hell by the king's wrath."
"If that day is inevitable, and you want to survive so much, why don't you try to cooperate with humans again? Just like you did many years ago." Lu Mingfei said. There are such examples around her. Samson is now being a useless dragon with Norton's spirit and strength. She doesn't even have to worry about waking up one morning and finding that Samson beside her is suddenly interested in her and swallows her in one gulp.
"Cooperation?" This word seemed like a big joke, making Xia Mi laugh so hard that she couldn't straighten her back. "Don't be silly, my Senior Sister Lu. I am Jörmungandr! The king of the earth and mountains! I hold power and authority over you humans, so why should I talk to you about cooperation? Even in ancient times, we only took advantage of humans' desire for the secrets of the dragon clan, shared a small part with them, and drove them to make the most dangerous and fatal blow. We have never stood on the opposite ends of the scale. If I didn't need you and Chu Zihang as the key, I wouldn't give you any chance to speak now that I see you."
“But you just said that the White King made up for his shortcomings with the help of humans,” Lu Mingfei whispered, “You didn’t say what that was.”
"Your bloodline." Xia Mi said lightly.
"Human descent?"
"Well, this is very interesting. Dragon blood can modify the genes of other species, making them dragon-like. The same is true for humans, but dragon blood cannot completely crush human blood. A little bit of indelible genes will be left in humans, making them a deadpool that is neither human nor dragon. It is this that caught the attention of the White King. She should be said to be the first scientist in the dragon clan to explore the unknown. She has mastered the second characteristic of human blood, the ability to transcend evolution by breaking through genetic limitations."
Xia Mi squatted on the ground, drew a circle with the tip of her claws, wrote the Black King inside, and then pointed to the other four small circles, namely Fire, Earth, Water, and Wind, to refer to the four monarchs.
"You call us dragons, the perfect species evolved on the evolutionary tree, but this power cannot be passed on to future generations very well. With each generation, the power of the bloodline will weaken a little. After many generations, we can only be the geckos you see on the wall or the lizards that eat flies . This is reverse degeneration. But when dragon blood enters the human body, a completely different situation occurs. Although most bloodlines will become increasingly diluted with reproduction, and the offspring will generally not be stronger than the previous generation, there will be a rare bloodline evolution in the hybrids with dragon blood. Two B-level children can give birth to A-level children, and even surpass their parents!"
Xia Mi said, "No one can explain why this happens. It only appears in the human body. Maybe the White King was once the one who understood this best, but she is dead now. I don't know if there is still a cocoon. With Nidhogg's character, it would be difficult for him to hide the cocoon. So do you understand why the dragons look down on humans but appear as humans? The monarchs are trying to use the human body to understand the reason for this transcendent evolution. Whoever can control such a mystery may become another Nidhogg and ascend to the throne of the king."
"I really hope that such a secret will never be discovered by anyone." Lu Mingfei said softly. Just for the possible bloodline evolution method that Odin might have, the Dragon King has already gone crazy to this extent. If such a secret is made public by someone, even the hybrids will probably go completely crazy, right?
"Is there anything else you want to ask?" Xia Mi said. She had been kind enough to give Lu Mingfei a lot of time. If there was a professor from Kassel College standing here, he would definitely be able to ask a lot of unprecedented knowledge, but Lu Mingfei couldn't let go of so many things in her heart. She only cared about those around her.
"Are power and authority really that important to you?" Lu Mingfei said softly, "Suppose now is the time before you betray Nidhogg, and you don't have to worry about his revenge before you grab power, would you still want those things?"
"Yes, this is my innate nature. I can't resist that kind of temptation." Xia Mi raised her face, her golden eyes became more and more blazing, and her face was flowing with the majesty of a monarch. "You are born to like beautiful and sparkling things. This is also your nature. No matter whether you are a man or a woman, when you see a peerless beauty walking on the street, you will take a second look. This is also nature. In novels, there are often characters who are invincible in the world and just want to find an opponent. If I can ascend to the throne, I will probably be that kind of person, but I won't feel empty, even if after that, there are only the corpses of all living things except me. I just want that feeling, holding the illusory power and strength that can make the world tremble. This is the nature of all dragons, to be competitive, to fight until death, and to like destruction."
"I don't understand." Lu Mingfei shook her head. "It does sound grand and awesome... For me, the ultimate dream in life is to find someone who likes me and I like him, who can have enough food and clothes three times a day, who won't get seriously ill and won't worry about money. When I'm tired, I can lie on his lap and watch him smile and scratch my nose, calling me a lazy bug."
"People with dragon blood flowing in their bodies cannot live an ordinary life. Some things are destined from birth. We will eventually come together, living outside this society and keeping each other warm, or we will turn swords against each other." Xia Mi looked calm.
"I really hope there is no second half of the sentence." Lu Mingfei untied the strap with a wry smile and put the Seven Deadly Sins Sword Box on the ground. Judging from Xia Mi's performance when they first met, there was no chance of winning against Xia Mi with such a heavy thing.
She drew out Greed, a Scottish broadsword. Just as most people imagine the word "sword", it was like the weapon in the hands of a traditional swordsman. It had no frills, only the faint flowing silver light told of its extraordinary quality.
With Taotie in his left hand and Greed in his right hand, Lu Mingfei dual-wielded two dragon-slaying swords. According to the purpose of building the Seven Deadly Sins, the most appropriate use should be to target the character weaknesses of each Dragon King. However, Lu Mingfei was not sure which of the Seven Deadly Sins Xia Mi and Fenrir were. Anyway, Old Tang was stabbed to death by lust, so it probably wouldn't matter if he used other ones, especially since some of the swords in the latter were too big and not so handy for humans.
"This is the scene I hate the most." Lu Mingfei looked quietly at Xia Mi's golden eyes. They were so bright and brilliant. No other gem in the world could compare with them. In the underwater world, she had also met such a special pair of golden eyes.
"Are you talking about friends turning into enemies?" Xia Mi raised her claws and made a fighting gesture.
"Yeah." Lu Mingfei nodded lightly. "I once knew a friend named Lao Tang. At that time, I was still in Shilan Middle School and we were online friends. Lao Tang was in the United States. We often played StarCraft together. Every time I played with him, I used Red Dot. When I applied for college, he taught me English pronunciation online. Later, when I reported to Kassel, he was the first friend I met when I got off the plane. He drove his AE86 to Chicago to pick me up, and we went to eat fried chicken together."
Her description was straightforward, without any rhetoric or exaggeration. She just used the calmest voice to mourn her former friend, as if everything happened yesterday.
"Later I found out that Old Tang was the Dragon King Norton. I shot his brother and had a big fight with him. I even went to the bottom of the reservoir to blow up his hometown. He was eventually hit by a torpedo and fell into the darkest depths of the water. At that time, the only thing I could see was his golden eyes, which were the brightest light around."
Lu Mingfei said softly, "I thought that would be the end, but it was just the beginning. You're right, having dragon blood means saying goodbye to ordinary life. My friends have either disappeared inexplicably or turned into dragon kings, so much so that even when I see Fingel, I find his face particularly pleasing. I still remember that before I entered school, Nono asked me if I would feel lonely, and I told her no, that's what I thought at the time. But now I know that I'm really afraid of being alone. Before we set out for Nibelungen, I couldn't contact anyone in the two dragon-slaying teams. All kinds of weird ideas popped up in my mind, and I simulated all the accidental kidnapping and murder in my mind. I was scared to death. To be honest, I feel relieved to see you now... I really feel relieved. At least you are still alive, even though you have become a dragon king."
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