Volume 2 Hello, Xia Mi Chapter 157 You in My Memory (I)

Chu Zihang felt like he had been "kidnapped" accidentally.
There is probably no one in the world who can kidnap him now. If he really has to die, he will turn into a humanoid self-propelled bomb and perish together with the other party. But when the other party is a cute little fairy, it is a different story... The fairy invites you to her home and says she wants to treat you to dumplings. You can't say that I am a Muslim and don't eat pork stuffing. You close your eyes and silently recite the dragon script, "Mommy, Mommy!" and blow the other person up to the sky.
There was a sound of two knives chopping dumpling stuffing on the chopping board. This reminded him of his childhood when Chu Tianjiao's rental house was also filled with the sound of fireworks during the Chinese New Year. His mother often asked why he had to go through so much trouble. It would be better to just go out and buy ready-made dumpling stuffing or freeze the dumplings. Chu Tianjiao always laughed and said, "You don't understand!" Dumpling stuffing tastes good only when you make it yourself. The meat should be big enough! It should be finely chopped and chewy. It tastes like a god when you eat it with vinegar!
Chu Zihang still remembers the taste of those dumplings. Last year, he saw Lu Mingfei making dumplings on the Moniah, and all of a sudden he recalled those past memories. It was like the fairy standing busy by the stove now, and he wanted to go and help, but was pushed back by his elbow, saying that since he was told to treat him, there was no reason for him to do it.
So he could only sit there blankly, looking at the thin strap of the light blue apron on the back of her waist clicking, and every time she tightened her ponytail, it would swing back and forth, as if sweeping away the dust on his heart.
The room was very small and faced a huge floor-to-ceiling window. The sunlight cast the shadow of the window pane on the ground. The metal window frame was badly rusted and several pieces of glass were broken.
There was a bed in the middle of the room, with a blue bed sheet, an old-fashioned chest of drawers in the corner, a gas stove and an old-fashioned double-door refrigerator in the other corner, a desk for writing and eating, and not even a chair to sit on the bed. That was all the furniture. There was not even a bathroom in the room, just one, and you had to go to the public bathroom outside to use the bathroom.
It was hard to imagine that this place would be Xia Mi's home. In Chu Zihang's imagination, this girl with a face full of sunshine should have a family that was doted on by her parents. Such a girl would of course be treated as a jewel in the palm of her hand, showing off to all relatives, intentionally or unintentionally saying, "Oh, our daughter was admitted to Kassel College in the United States, which is an aristocratic college! There are also tens of thousands of dollars in scholarships every year!"
Chu Zihang arrived here after leaving Liulichang yesterday. Because the entire capital was under martial law, large numbers of armed police appeared on the streets, and police cars were shuttling through the streets and alleys. It was unknown which guy standing in front of the convenience store was a plainclothes officer. Garrincha had successfully disrupted the situation in this ancient city by himself. Using heavy firepower weapons was an absolutely unforgivable atrocity here.
He couldn't go back to the hotel because many foreigners were seen at the scene and the hotel was the focus of the investigation. After going around in circles for many times, Xia Mi snapped her fingers and said, "Since we can't go back, why don't we go to my house?" Before Chu Zihang could agree, Xia Mi had already jumped and pulled him to the supermarket to buy some goods. She carried large and small bags and shuttled through the old community. The flipped sycamore leaves fell on her shoulders, but she didn't notice it at all. Chu Zihang could only silently brush them off for her, and then met the curious eyes that turned back.
Xia Mi always gave him a strange and vague feeling, like the dancing skirts on the green lawn in spring, the pointed grass and slender calves, and the unique freshness after the rain.
"Brother, how many can you eat?" Xia Mi's voice came from behind. She had already started making dumplings.
"About 20." Chu Zihang answered. He has always eaten 20 dumplings since he was a child. When he was a child, his belly was so full, but when he was growing up, he didn't have enough to eat. Now he is just 70% full. This number is like some kind of mark to him, representing the chopping board that always makes a clacking sound deep in his mind.
"So few? The dumpling sets outside have 18 dumplings in a serving, and they are so small, can you eat them?"
"Eating too much is actually not good, 70% to 80% is just right."
This kind of conversation was somewhat natural and smooth, like that of an old couple. Even Chu Zihang himself found it strange, as he and Xia Mi had not known each other for very long.
He stretched his slightly stiff body, having slept on the floor all night. He didn't know how long the martial law in the capital would last. Perhaps if it was relaxed a little, he could return to the hotel to get some things and do what he needed to do.
"If you're too bored, there are some novels in the drawer to entertain yourself." Xia Mi roughly guessed Chu Zihang's thoughts.
Staying in such a small place does make people feel helpless and depressed. Chu Zihang opened the drawer of the desk and was stunned. It was not the published magazines as he had imagined, but several neatly folded notebooks.
He picked up the top one, and there was a light and graceful six written on the title page. He continued to open the others, five, four, three, two, one, and the story outline was written seriously on the back of the title page. It can be seen that they are one after another, a total of six books. The most interesting thing is that the hero's name is Chu Zihang, and the heroine is a fantasy character named Xia, a witch who has lived for thousands of years. Because of some accident, she lost her precious memory and was picked up by Chu Zihang. It is a bit like the popular light novels recently.
This was a novel she wrote herself. After a few years, the edges of the pages had turned slightly yellow, not as white as when it was first published. This kind of thing should probably be someone's dark history, but Xia Mi said that if he was bored, he could pick it up and read it, as if it was a gift she had prepared for a long time and wanted to give him.
"A surprise?" Xia Mi was grinning, but Chu Zihang could only judge her current state from her back and tone of voice.
"I didn't expect someone would write me into a story." Chu Zihang started reading from the first book. The male protagonist who used his name was also a character with expressionless face like him. He never talked to people around him. He always sat alone in the cafeteria slowly. He would stand on the street corner with an umbrella and stare at a kitten curled up in the bushes. It seemed that how the world turned had nothing to do with him. Yesterday, today, or tomorrow that has not yet come, they are all the same to him, no matter good or bad. It is indeed a protagonist that even the current reader Chu Zihang finds very boring. If this was a publication, would an emotional loser like him be worthy of dating the beautiful witch Xia? He would be criticized by readers.
"Because I cared about you a lot at that time." Xia Mi said, "Have you ever tried to observe someone silently in a crowd? Watch him shoot alone on the basketball court, watch him stand in front of the window for hours watching the rain, watch him go home alone after school, clean up alone, and practice piano alone in the piano room. You can't find any gossip or highlights in his life. It's so boring. You will think, damn! If I were him, I would be depressed to death? Wouldn't I be so lonely? Why is this guy pretending to be cool! He will die if he is happy and giggles! To be honest, I just noticed you by chance at the beginning, but after noticing you, I couldn't take my eyes off you anymore, and I felt sympathy for your stupid life."
"So you wrote this story?" Chu Zihang was doing two things at once. He read very quickly. Xia Mi was still very young when she wrote these stories. Her writing style was immature and the structure was simple. The story development was a plain straight line and she could get to the point very quickly.
"I feel like a mother, thinking that you should live a normal life. I am just looking for trouble." Xia Mi stuck out her tongue. "It's not just virtual. I was your classmate at that time. I was the cheerleader when you were on the basketball court. I was dancing behind you when you were listening to the class teacher and tutoring everyone one by one. It's a pity that I have a low sense of existence, and you, my senior brother, are expressionless and emotional. You probably threw me to the bottom of your memory as a passerby and didn't remember me at all."
"I'm sorry." Chu Zihang apologized honestly. He really didn't remember someone like Xia Mi appearing in his life. It turned out that someone had been watching him at such a close distance. He had to recall many things every night, but none of them had anything to do with her.
"So I don't care about you anymore." Xia Mi turned her head to look at Chu Zihang, "Think about it, after working so hard but getting nothing in return, anyone would be sad, right? But I never thought about asking for any reward, I just hoped that you could live more like a human being, but you haven't changed at all, it's really discouraging. So I sealed this unfinished story, it has no ending, because no matter how powerful the witch is, she can't save that idiot. If you feel you owe me, take them back and have a look, but remember not to let Senior Sister Lu see them. Tsk, why do you say it like you're having an affair."
"What does it have to do with her?" Chu Zihang was puzzled.
"Hey, I won't hide it anymore. Anyway, we are all in a state of confusion right now, and anything I say is a secret that only you and I know." Xia Mi smiled, but she didn't forget to stop the work in her hands. "Silly senior brother, Senior Sister Lu likes you! It's not the kind of love between the so-called good brothers in the martial arts world or the kind of love between senior brothers and junior sisters. It's the kind of love that thinks you are the super Superman in her destiny, the kind that she can entrust her life to, and give you half of the rest of her life!"
Chu Zihang was stunned. There were a lot of rumors about him in Kassel Academy. This was the first time that someone told him seriously and face to face that Lu Mingfei really liked him and wanted to stay with him.
"How do you know that?"
"Perhaps only someone with a negative EQ like you doesn't know..." Xia Mi almost didn't know what expression to use to face this guy, "Perhaps everyone around you can see it. Senior Sister Lu herself knows it very well. She is so loving that she almost melts into water by staying by your side. But the person involved, Master Chu, is the only one who doesn't know."
Chu Zihang was silent, perhaps more likely ashamed. He suddenly remembered many things he had never noticed, such as why Lu Mingfei said that he had applied too much hand cream and asked him to have some too, and then she took his hand and kissed him. Why did Lu Mingfei always smile sweetly when she called him "senior brother", as if those two words alone could make people happy. Why did Lu Mingfei, who was now being cared for by many people in Cassel and was a member of the student union, always go to the Lionheart Club for no reason?
No matter how expressionless he is or how stupid he is, he should come to his senses in the face of such straightforward words without any exaggeration. Those little expressions and intimate actions will only be shown to a special person, but because he has long been accustomed to them, he does not think there is any special meaning in them.
"Although I have confessed to Senior Sister Lu, I think she would feel uncomfortable if she saw these dark histories. In terms of emotional intelligence, the two of you combined are not enough to fight me." Xia Mi put the dumplings into the pot, covered the pot, and went to the desk to look through the sweet and sour stories she wrote. As she read, she laughed to herself. Many of the words that she thought were profound when she was young turned out to be so ridiculous when she looked back many years later. But after the ridiculousness, she remembered the self back then, how much she cared when she was writing these things seriously on the desk.
"What the hell is this? I won't read it anymore! You are not allowed to read it either!" She regretted her bold words just now, because Chu Zihang had found some inappropriate plots for children. Adolescent boys will get horny when they see a faucet, but adolescent girls are not necessarily honest. Xia Mi was a little bit drifting when she wrote, and the plot also developed from getting to know each other and gradually becoming familiar with each other to being on the erotic sheets. It was really not a good thing to read these words with Chu Zihang, so she quickly covered Chu Zihang's eyes with the back of her hand and covered the notebook with her backhand.
Chu Zihang still hadn't recovered from the shock. Hearing Xia Mi say that Lu Mingfei really liked him was no less than Lu Mingfei confessing to him in person. Now his mind was full of thoughts on how to deal with this relationship. But with his understanding of girls and his basically zero concept of love, let alone thinking of some tricks, he didn't know what to say if Lu Mingfei stood . It was like the embarrassment of a young lady in ancient times who had never been out of the house when she first met her promised husband.
"Senior Sister Lu is a great girl. Even though she may seem carefree or gentle when she's with you, she actually wants you to see her best side. She's so serious and cute, and I really want to help her just by looking at her." Xia Mi said softly, "Maybe I'm just like that. I'm like this when I see you, and I'm like this when I see her. I always hope that the people around me can be happier. Remember to treat her well! No matter what the outcome is, you must not make her sad! And you must not make her cry! Men who make girls cry are the most shameless!"
Xia Mi waved her fists, her face full of ferocity. She was indeed a good girlfriend, and even a good wingman. She knew that if Lu Mingfei continued to tangle with Chu Zihang, Caesar and Nuonuo next door would probably have a baby, and they were still trying to figure it out, so she simply took the opportunity to push him from behind and do something drastic. Just as she commented on Chu Zihang, the wooden fish had to be struck hard to have a loud echo.
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