Volume 2: Ghost Invitation Chapter 0025 WeChat

Do you know what you are chatting with?
Way to survive: Delete the photos sent by the ghost.
Survivors: Xiao Mo, Li Shuai.
Death: None.
The bus cycle begins.

Chapter 0025 WeChat

After getting the address, Xiao Mo started packing up and left the haunted building. Before going downstairs, he wanted to say goodbye to Aunt Wang, but he stood in front of the door and called many times but she didn't come out, so he had no choice but to leave.
When he came outside, Xiao Mo was blinded by the warm sunlight. The weather was great today, with a clear sky and a slight cool breeze, which made him feel very comfortable.
Xiao Mo lifted his backpack up, then hurried forward.
Let’s not talk about Xiao Mo for now and turn his gaze to an apartment building in Xu’an City.
At around seven in the evening, Cheng Ziliang finished a day's work and dragged his exhausted body back to the apartment he rented. His room was not big, less than 40 square meters, but it could be called a one-bedroom apartment.
He is a senior programmer in a game company. He has to face the extremely boring code every day and his fingers are sore from typing. What he can't accept the most is overtime, because he has to work overtime until late at night four days out of seven.
It can be said that work occupies most of his time, so much so that at the age of 27 he doesn't even have a girlfriend. He can only spend every day in a daze like now.
When he came back today, he didn't take a shower and fall asleep immediately as usual, but leaned on the sofa and played with his phone. Because tomorrow is the weekend, he can sleep in.
Playing with his phone, or more precisely, chatting on WeChat and Message, is a spiritual comfort for a single man like him. Like many other men, his ultimate goal is to have sex with a slutty woman.
There are many sex-hungry women on WeChat, and sometimes they are more proactive than men. In this era of increasingly liberated thinking, men only need to book a hotel, treat them to a simple meal, and then they can ravage them in bed at will.
Cheng Ziliang always heard his colleagues talk about what kind of women they had dated last night, what their figures were like, how their voices sounded... Whenever he heard it, he would feel envious because he had never been able to get a date with anyone successfully.
He turned on the location function and began to search among the people nearby, and then added all the women listed above. The following things were very simple, first greeting and chatting as a routine, pushing the plot forward little by little.
"Fuck! A bunch of bitches pretending to be ladies!"
After chatting for more than two hours, Cheng Ziliang was blocked by everyone, which made him furious. But he did not give up. He did not want to spend a rare weekend in front of a computer screen.
Since searching for people nearby doesn’t work, just shake your phone. Compared to searching for people nearby, the possibility of hooking up with someone this way is higher.
I don't know if it was because it was too late today, Cheng Ziliang shook the phone vigorously for a long time, but he didn't shake anyone out. He continued shaking it, and he did shake two people, but they turned out to be gay men. He shook his arms until they were sore, but he didn't shake out a woman.
Although Cheng Ziliang was very unwilling, it seemed that there was no hope for today, so he planned to end the day by sleeping. Perhaps it was the anger in his heart that made him toss and turn in bed for a long time without falling asleep. He had no choice but to pick up his phone and find something else to do.
Cheng Ziliang originally wanted to play some small games, but he accidentally clicked on the WeChat page, especially the "drift bottle" under the "shake" button that caught his attention.
The bottles in the drift bottle come from all over the world. Unless you are extremely lucky to meet a local person of the opposite sex, it is obviously impossible to hook up with someone by relying on the drift bottle.
But Cheng Ziliang didn't want to think about these things at the moment. He just wanted to find something to play with so that he could sleep when he got tired. So he simply picked up the bottle, which was actually quite interesting.
The first bottle contained a piece of text that read:
"What should I do if my husband cheats on me?"
Cheng Ziliang immediately replied to her after reading it:
"You also cheated on me. You had a threesome with two men."
After sending it, Cheng Ziliang laughed with his hands on his stomach. He continued to fish it out. The second bottle looked like a girl who had been heartbroken. It said:
"He left me and I feel like I'm dying. What should I do?"
Cheng Ziliang also replied to her, "Go to the supermarket and buy two cucumbers. I guarantee you will forget about him in three days."
After replying, he laughed for a long time.
However, he was not as lucky as before. He only caught the annoying starfish. It was not until the tenth time that he caught a bottle. This time he caught a voice message. The speaker had a very sweet voice:
"Is there a brother in K City? If so, please reply to me."
Cheng Ziliang listened to it over and over again, and kept cursing how slutty this woman was, but he still replied:
"Is the best big black man from the Philippines okay?"
The next few bottles were voice messages, and he responded to each one, but no one responded to him. Seeing that there was only one chance left to retrieve the bottle, he also planned to go to sleep after retrieving this bottle, regardless of whether he could sleep or not.
I tapped the net bag above lightly, and a voice message appeared on the screen. The voice message was not long, only 6 seconds.
Cheng Ziliang clicked on the voice message with some anticipation.
“Woo… woo…”
He was startled when the voice started playing, because he heard a woman crying. He swore that he had never heard such a heart-wrenching cry.
In addition to the crying, there was also the almost inaudible murmur of a woman:
"Who...will come...to accompany me..."
Cheng Ziliang was already sleepy, but hearing this crying sound in the middle of the night immediately dissipated most of his sleepiness. This time he replied as usual, with a hint of ridicule in his reply:
"Why are you crying, sister? How about I go and accompany you?"
There was no address on it, so Cheng Ziliang didn't know where the woman was from. He just said it as a joke and didn't expect the woman to reply to him at all. But to his surprise, he received another reply from the woman not long after. This time the woman didn't cry, on the contrary... she was laughing!
Amidst the eerie laughter, she asked indistinctly:
"Will you really...come...to accompany me...I'm so happy!!!"
This laughter made Cheng Ziliang shudder. He felt that this woman must be a lunatic, or she was deliberately trying to scare him. He didn't want to reply to this woman, but just when he had this thought, the woman spoke to him again. This time she sent a picture and a voice message, and the voice was still unclear:
"Do you...think I'm...beautiful?"
Cheng Ziliang nervously opened the picture. The picture showed a woman who looked to be in her early twenties. She had a figure that was not concealed, and her face was absolutely fascinating. He looked at it carefully and found no trace of PS, and it was a photo without makeup.
Seeing this photo, Cheng Ziliang immediately gave up his previous idea and asked in uncertainty:
"Is this you?"
Finally, he added:
"Where are you from?"
The woman quickly replied:
"Of course it's me. I'm in...Xu'an City."
After hearing that this woman was also in Xu'an City, Cheng Ziliang's heart became completely restless. His mind was now full of how to go to bed with this woman and how his colleagues would envy him if they knew.
"Whichever location you are, I am also in Xu'an City, I can go there to accompany you right now."
After saying this, Cheng Ziliang swallowed his saliva and waited.
"You can come to me, but I want to see you."
"How to watch it? QQ video?"
The woman did not reply to him, but soon a video window popped up on the phone screen and Cheng Ziliang accepted it without hesitation.
Immediately, the phone screen fell into absolute darkness.
Seeing that the phone crashed at the critical moment, Cheng Ziliang started cursing and smashing the phone. At this moment, he suddenly heard a "hissing" sound coming from the phone. He thought the phone had returned to normal, so he looked at the screen again, but he saw... a blood-red eye!
This eye completely occupied the screen of the phone and it was blinking constantly. Cheng Ziliang was so scared that he fell to the side. He felt that the eye was always staring at him!
At the same time, the woman's unclear voice sounded again on the phone:
"I saw you!"
Cheng Ziliang's heart was pounding, and he didn't react until the sound disappeared for a long time. He picked up the phone again and found that the phone had returned to normal with a voice message on it that had not been opened.
Cheng Ziliang hesitated for a moment, but still clicked it, and then a very vicious roar came out from it:
"You are dead!!!"
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