Volume 2 Clouds Chapter 46: Luo Youdu's Military Administration

Luo Youdu walked up to the platform step by step, facing the five hundred soldiers. Looking at this group of spirited soldiers, his heart was filled with heroic spirit. These were his soldiers.
"I, Luo Youdu, don't care what your previous identities were or what you did. From today on, you are soldiers of the Imperial Camp. Before recruiting you, I said that as long as you become soldiers of the Imperial Camp, I will solve your household registration problems. Do you want military household registration or registered household registration? After the disbandment, you can report to me and I will solve such problems within five days."
Hearing Luo Youdu's words, the soldiers, who were already in high spirits because of their new clothes and armor, suddenly became excited.
Luo Youdu added: "Regarding the military pay and salaries, I think we need to set a rule to avoid procrastination and confusion. Let's do it on the eighth day of every month. Eight is pronounced the same as "fa" in Chinese, so getting rich should start from the eighth day. Unless there is a war, all the military pay and salaries of the Imperial Camp Division will be paid on the eighth day of the month. If anyone has not received any, they can directly contact me or the warehouse of the Imperial Camp Division in the future. Anyone who dares to privately withhold military pay and delay the payment of pay will be considered a serious crime in the Imperial Camp Division."
"At the same time, the Imperial Camp Division has a special reward. A performance award. Regarding training, I will order people to divide the training intensity into three levels. If someone completes the training every day within a month, they can receive different rewards."
"These rewards are not just money, they can also affect your future promotion..."
"To put it bluntly, if you are capable, you can eat meat, but if you are not capable, you can eat shit!"
"In the Imperial Camp..." Luo Youdu raised his voice: "Whether you eat meat or shit, it's up to you to decide!"
The clever ones raised their weapons and shouted, "Eat meat!"
Once someone takes the lead, others will immediately follow suit.
From the chaos at the beginning to the shouting in unison at the end.
“Eat meat…”
“Eat meat…”
The cheers of "eat meat" echoed over the Imperial Camp headquarters at the West Water Gate of the Imperial City.
Luo Youdu looked at the howling soldiers and knew that he had taken the first step.
In order to deepen the soldiers' impression of him as the commander, Luo Youdu was personally responsible for registering the soldiers' household registration requirements.
In general, there is a greater demand for military households.
Compared with registered households, military households have significantly better benefits, but the descendants of military households have to bear certain obligations to join the army.
However, in these chaotic times, joining the army is indeed a good choice.
After registering all the places, Luo Youdu pulled Pan Mei aside to chat and instilled his own military ideas in him.
Although Pan Mei was responsible for the training of this army, Luo Youdu had no intention of giving him autonomy.
The training had to be done according to his wishes. All the soldiers in the Imperial Camp were his, Luo Youdu's, not Pan Mei's.
Even if Pan Mei was unhappy and unwilling to do it, Luo Youdu would not compromise.
This Imperial Camp Division is of great .
"Zhongxun, I thought for a long time last night about how I should make my speech today. Should I set rules or talk about military regulations? In the end, I chose to say these. Do you know the purpose of what I said on the school platform today?"
Pan Mei said: "I guess it's because of 'sufficient salary'."
Luo Youdu exclaimed: "The one who understands me best is Zhongxun! Any military rules are meaningless in the face of adequate pay. A soldier with pay is a soldier, and a soldier without pay is a bandit. Military rules can restrain a group of satisfied soldiers, but they cannot restrain a group of hungry soldiers."
There have been many powerful armies in history, but to sum up, they can be summed up in two points.
In terms of animals, they are wolves and jackals.
The wolf pack has a clear discipline and travels thousands of miles to eat meat.
The jackal has fearless courage. Although it is brutal and ferocious, it is not afraid of death.
Most of the powerful soldiers in the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms were jackals. They robbed wherever they went and left chaos wherever they passed.
This kind of soldier is strong, but only strong for a while.
Therefore, Luo Youdu wanted to build an iron-blooded force with strict military discipline like Yue Family Army and Qi Family Army.
But if in this era, you use "We would rather freeze to death than demolish houses, and we would rather starve to death than plunder" as a military slogan, people will only regard you as a fool, and it will not have any effect at all.
Why did Yue's army and Qi's army have such military discipline?
The extraordinary military level of Yue Fei and Qi Jiguang was of course the key, but the core still lay in their sufficient funding.
When Yue Fei was stationed in Xiangfan, he also served as the ambassador of the military farm. The army's rice income finally reached more than 180,000 dan, which could supply military rations for about two and a half months. History records that "the soldiers worked hard in the fields during their spare time. No one was idle. The system of ditches and canals in the border areas was well organized."
While farming, Yue Fei was also exploring other sources of profit.
At that time, it was legal for the government and the military to engage in business for profit and open wineries.
Liu Guangshi and Zhang Jun even used this method to enrich themselves. Especially Zhang Jun, although he was a coward in fighting, his ability to make money and do business was extraordinary, comparable to the wealthy businessman Tao Zhugong.
Yue Fei appointed Li Qi to be in charge of the business operations of Yue's army, which could make a profit of 1.6 million strings of cash a year, which was enough to pay Yue's army for three months.
With the support from the imperial court, Yue's army was excited at the sound of drums and gongs, and they packed up their food and put on their armor, ready to attack the enemy.
If not, how could they defeat the cavalry with infantry and make the arrogant Jurchens call them grandpa?
The situation was similar for Qi's army. Qi Jiguang was a very good person and received full support from Zhang Juzheng and Hu Zongxian, so he didn't have to worry about military pay at all.
If there were no such conditions, Yue Family Army and Qi Family Army might be able to possess extraordinary combat effectiveness relying on the abilities of the two military masters, but they would never be as terrifying as in history.
One of them beat the Jurchen cavalry, who had never lost a field battle, and made them call him grandpa; the other treated the Japanese pirates, who had troubled the Ming Dynasty for many years, as his sons.
Sufficient pay, these two simple words are the key to building a strong army.
Luo Youdu never mentioned military discipline or military regulations, but he believed that as long as the soldiers of the Imperial Camp enjoyed sufficient benefits, they would respond to military regulations for their own benefit, instead of shouting out an unrealistic slogan from the beginning. Let a group of soldiers fight with you on an empty stomach.
Pan Mei looked at Luo Youdu and said, "I have no objection to your training methods, and I will strictly follow them. But I don't understand why you have to set aside some time every day for them to learn to read and write. They might as well use this time to practice more physical strength."
Luo Youdu said, "No, reading and writing must be strictly followed. Learning can open people's minds. I don't need a group of reckless men who rush forward to fight one-on-one when they hear the horn. I need a group of people who know how to fight with their brains, who know how to use their advantages anytime and anywhere, and who know how to cooperate with each other on the battlefield and fight with more people against fewer people. Even if he is on the battlefield, even if he is a small soldier, I want him to know what he is doing, what his mission is, when to fill in, when to advance, and when to retreat."
"If a Du Yu Hou dies in battle, there is no need for any arrangements. The Du Tou will take his place on his own initiative. If the Du Tou dies in battle, the Deputy Du Tou will take his place on his own initiative. If the Deputy Du Tou dies in battle, the ten generals will take their place on their own initiative, until the Du Yu Hou is the General."
Pan Mei's eyes flashed with shock, and he swallowed and said, "This is difficult!"
Luo Youdu looked at Pan Mei without hesitation and said, "So I wrote to you for advice as soon as possible . I believe that no one can help me do this except you."
Although Pan Mei felt that her teacher was flattering her, she still felt really excited!
“Students try their best to live up to the trust of teachers.”

Jun 26, 2024
Jun 26, 2024
Jun 26, 2024
Jun 26, 2024