Volume 2 Clouds Chapter 11 Recovering Two States and Leading the Army Alone

Wang Jing, Han Lingkun, Luo Youdu and the vanguard of this operation, Zhang Jianxiong, walked on the chaotic battlefield.
Luo Youdu watched the soldiers beside him cleaning up the messy battlefield.
Although he did not personally participate in the battle this time, it gave him a different feeling.
When these two armies clash, strength is the most important factor.
The army's own quality, combat effectiveness, fighting spirit and morale are what truly influence the outcome of the war.
No matter how many foreshadowings Wang Jing and Han Lingkun had laid before this, the key to victory was that Zhou Bing defeated four camps in one battle with his almost crushing combat power.
This is also the principle of military management advocated by military strategists of all generations.
Only when the army is strong can the tactics and strategies be implemented.
If the army is weak, it may not be able to seize even a great opportunity.
"In one hour, four camps were broken. In less than half a day, Han Jixun was forced into a desperate situation. It is said that when General Zhang was charging, the long spear in his hand accidentally broke, and he took the enemy's spear with his bare hands and continued fighting, killing more than 50 enemies. He really has the spirit of the great Tang Dynasty general Yuchi Jingde."
Luo Youdu did not hesitate to praise Zhang Jianxiong with effusive words.
As a military supervisor, his praise carries a lot of weight.
According to unwritten rules, the military supervisor would write a battle report on what he saw and heard in the army and submit it to the Privy Council to prevent the commander-in-chief from making unclear rewards and punishments and usurping the credit.
In addition to referring to the merit book written by the commander-in-chief, post-war rewards will also refer to the battle report of Luo Youdu, the military supervisor.
The value of this battle report is no less than that of a merit book and is the main reference for the promotion of generals.
The attitude of a superior often reflects the direction of his subordinates. Zhang Jianxiong had no intersection with Luo Youdu, but as Luo Youdu's relationship with Wang Jing and Han Lingkun became closer and closer, generals like Zhang Jianxiong who were subordinate to them naturally would not, and dared not, put on an aloof look.
Luo Youdu is best at making big promises. He doesn't have a close relationship with Zhang Jianxiong and the others. He just praises them a few words during the conversation, reveals that his battle reports will give them opportunities to show up, and asks them to perform well.
Who would be at odds with his own achievements and future?
There is no need for Luo Youdu to take the initiative to attack, they will come to him on their own.
When Zhang Jianxiong heard Luo Youdu compare him to his idol, he smiled even more and said loudly: "Thank you for the compliment, Supervisor Luo!"
Luo Youdu smiled but said nothing. He knew that Zhang Jianxiong was from Shanyang, Shuozhou, and was from the same hometown as Yuchi Jingde.
The ancients had deep feelings for their hometowns and admired the heroes of their hometowns.
He did not mention Lu Bu, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, or even Qin Qiong, but talked about Yuchi Jingde.
It really is more effective.
Wang Jing was very happy with the victory. He said with great joy, "Han Jixun was forced into a remote mountain area by us, and he is fighting stubbornly. Weiwu City was in chaos because Zhao Jizha fled from the battlefield, so our army occupied it. We also captured Han Jixun's nephew Han Meng, and are taking him to persuade Han Jixun to surrender."
"I can finally give an explanation to the higher-ups. I have let my brother take charge of the Privy Council for so long, and I have finally lived up to his trust."
Luo Youdu said without hesitation: "I have full confidence in Brother Wang's ability. By the way, Brother Wang can let Han's fierce general Zhao Jizha escape to Chengdu and tell Han Jixun. In this way, Han Jixun will have no choice but to surrender."
Han Jixun and Zhao Jizha have gotten to this point where only one of them can survive.
Someone has to take the blame for the failure.
The reason why Zhao Jizha ran so fast was not necessarily because he was afraid of the Zhou soldiers, but more because he was afraid of Han Jixun.
If Han Jixun really fled back to Weiwu City, the first thing he would most likely do would be to kill Zhao Jizha, put the blame on him, accuse him of giving reckless orders, and then defend the city.
But now Zhao Jizha had escaped and returned to Chengdu. It was obvious that Zhao Jizha would complain to Meng Chang and pass on the blame.
As an outsider, Han Jixun was not as favored as Zhao Jizha. If he was allowed to file a complaint first, even if Han Jixun managed to escape their blockade, he would not be able to escape the sanctions of defeat.
There is no way out except surrender.
In the past, Wang Jing would either refuse to obey or demand to hear the reason.
Now Wang Jing arranged it without thinking.
Upon learning that Zhao Jizha had fled back to Chengdu, Han Jixun also understood his situation and chose to surrender.
At the same time, he also took the initiative to persuade Fengzhou Governor Wang Wandi to surrender.
Han Jixun was more enthusiastic than anyone else in changing his appearance, doing good deeds for his new master and proving his worth.
Fengzhou's military strength was not enough to resist Zhou's army, and Wang Wandi also knew that his son had married Han Jixun's daughter. Now that Han Jixun had surrendered, even if was trapped in an isolated city, he would no longer be trusted by Meng Chang.
What's more, are Guo Rong and Meng Chang comparable?
Wang Wandi had almost no extra thoughts and chose his own place to live and surrendered to the Great Zhou.
Qinzhou and Fengzhou were recovered almost at the same time.
If you don't make a sound, you will be a surprise when you do.
Meng Chang, who was far away in Chengdu, finally began to panic and finally made the correct response. He sent generals Li Tinggui and Gao Yanchou to support Chengzhou and Jizhou respectively.
Li Tinggui and Gao Yanchou were new generals in Shu, far from being comparable to Han Jixun.
Fengzhou Town is located on the southern slope of Qinling Mountains, at the confluence of Anhe River and Jialing River. To the east is Fenghuang Mountain, which is said to have been named after the phoenix that flew here in ancient times.
During the Three Kingdoms period, this place was called Wudu County. When Zhuge Liang launched a northern expedition in the seventh year of Jianxing, he captured Wudu and Yinping counties. Fengzhou was a fortress in Wudu County.
The remaining Chengzhou and Jiezhou that the Zhou army had not attacked were exactly Yinping County during the Three Kingdoms period.
As long as Chengzhou and Jiezhou are taken, the border between Later Zhou and Later Shu will be like the defense line set up by Cao Wei in Shu Han during the Three Kingdoms period.
Wang Jing, Han Lingkun and Luo Youdu gathered in the meeting room of Fengzhou government office.
The heavy rain fell in front of the hall, occasionally jumping over the threshold and splashing into the hall.
The relationship between the three is now very harmonious, especially this big victory, which is the result of their mutual cooperation and further promoted their friendship.
Wang Jing said: "Jiezhou is mountainous, and most of my soldiers are from Qinchuan, so leave Jiezhou to me!"
Han Lingkun also said: "Then I will go and take Chengzhou."
Wang Jing looked at Luo Youdu and asked, "How about staying in Fengzhou, Brother Luo?"
Luo Youdu understood what he meant and said, "Leave the rear to me. Conquering Qin and Feng states is just the beginning. The real test is waiting for us."
"As the rainy season approaches, the road to Chencang becomes difficult to travel. Transporting food is a big problem. As I said before, you two brothers should just focus on defeating the enemy in the front, and don't worry about anything else behind."
Wang Jing and Han Lingkun had no objection to this, and they unanimously recognized Luo Youdu's abilities.
Han Lingkun continued, "We must guard against the Shu army attacking Fengzhou directly from Xingyuan Prefecture. If Fengzhou is lost, our retreat will be cut off."
Wang Jing said: "This is easy. You and I can each send a portion of our troops to Brother Luo. With your talent, it is more than enough for you to defend Fengzhou."
Han Lingkun also had no objection.
Luo Youdu smiled and said, "My two brothers, you think so highly of me, how dare I disobey your orders?"
Wang Jing continued, "I'll leave Zhang Jianxiong to you as well. You have a good relationship with him. It will be easier for you to command him."
Luo Youdu was even more delighted: "Thank you, Brother Wang."
Jun 26, 2024
Jun 26, 2024
Jun 26, 2024
Jun 26, 2024