Volume 1: Wrath of the West Chapter 44: Disciples of the Blood Hall

Xu Rui instantly realized that having someone who could understand his intentions really saved him a lot of effort.
"No wonder even those wise and intelligent emperors always have a few sycophantic ministers under them."
"That's right, Boss Xu, we listen to you."
Shi Fei is not the only smart one.
After waving his hand to calm everyone down.
"Like you, I am also from the lower class and have no one to rely on in Xiangling. We are truly one family. If we want to live a prosperous life in Xiangling, in Xingcheng, and in the entire Sanxiang, we must unite together."
"…So, starting today, I will lead you in martial arts training. But considering that you also have personal matters to attend to, you will also need time. From now on, you only need to come here in the morning, and you can do whatever you want in the afternoon and evening."
Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.
If it were the same as before, they would suffocate to death.
I can't agree to anything.
"Thank you, Boss Xu."
"Boss Xu, we all listen to you."
A chaotic response was heard.
Tu Feng watched all this from below, frowning, with a hint of displeasure flashing in his eyes. But the situation was stronger than the person, he was no match for Xu Rui, so he had to obey his orders.
Otherwise, you will be beaten, which is not only miserable but also embarrassing.
More importantly, compared to him, Xu Rui is more valued in the entire Xiangling.
"Okay, everyone, follow me and stand still."
Half an hour passed quickly.
After finishing the exercise, it is time for breakfast.
Shi Fei came over quickly.
"Boss Xu, yesterday the head steward Liu of the villa has informed us that we can no longer eat here. Instead, we have to go to the dining hall in the east with the people from the villa."
"do you know how to go?"
"Yes, Manager Liu took me there once, and I remember the route by heart."
Xu Rui glanced at him.
"This guy is quite a character."
No matter where or in which world, people who are good at observation and eloquence will always do well.
"You lead the way, and we'll go eat together."
Shi Fei was overjoyed and immediately greeted him.
"Come on, follow me, let's go eat together."
Seeing Xu Rui following, the others also followed.
The guard at the door had changed shifts, and no one stopped them from coming out.
Under Shi Fei's leadership, they soon arrived at a large yard of several hundred square meters.
Nearly a hundred large wooden tables were lined up in the yard, and hundreds of disciples, dressed in black Xiling uniforms and wearing red and yellow belts, were eating here.
Under the eaves on the south side of the yard, the aroma of steaming food fills the air.
A large group of people including Xu Rui rushed in, instantly attracting everyone's attention.
"Who are they? They look unfamiliar."
"Judging from their attire, they should be from the Blood Hall."
"Blood Hall? There are four halls and nineteen rudders in Xiling. When did the Blood Hall appear?"
"Stupid, have you forgotten what the captain said a few days ago? "
"The tall guy in front is Xu Rui?"
"He has such a strong aura, it must be him."
"Indeed, he is extraordinary, but can he really fight on par with that pervert Kunlun Moler?"
"So many people saw it yesterday, how could it be fake?"...
Ever since they showed up, there has been non-stop discussion in the yard.
Xu Rui looked calm, he had seen this kind of scene many times before he traveled through time.
But the people behind him did not have his confidence. Under the attention of hundreds of people, they could not help but shrink their heads and look wandering.
I strode to the dining table and saw that it was all big pot dishes.
There were Chinese cabbage, green radish, dried tofu, and some meat, but it was very little. There was a big bucket of rice next to it, so there was no need to worry about food.
His brows were slightly furrowed.
“Do you have a bigger bowl?”
Although the large coarse porcelain bowl was not small, it was much smaller for him.
"No, all our bowls here are this big."
The servant in the grey short-sleeved shirt said hurriedly.
"If you don't have it, go find it quickly. You're delaying our Boss Xu's meal...!"
He stopped Shi Fei who was about to continue, looked at the servant with a pale face and trembling with fear, and pointed to the vegetable bowl with only half of the cabbage left.
"Fill me up with rice and use it."
Looking at the group of fierce-looking men, the servant did not dare to be negligent and quickly filled the bowl with rice.
The others didn't have as big an appetite as he did, so they just used large coarse porcelain bowls.
When Xu Rui brought a large bowl filled with rice, which was 60 cm in diameter and 20 cm deep, and sat down at a table, everyone in the audience was stunned .
This is too much to eat.
Regardless of other people's looks, he took the spoon, scooped up rice and cabbage, and put them into his mouthful one by one.
No chewing required.
With the improvement of the physical body, the digestive ability has also increased several times.
No need to worry about indigestion at all.
Just when I had eaten half of it, a short and fat middle-aged man wearing a gray gown came over in a hurry.
He walked up to Xu Rui with a flattering smile on his face.
"Master Xu, how can you eat here? Please come in."
"Who are you?"
"You see, I am just too anxious." He clasped his fists and said, "Next year, Zhou Lao San will be the manager of this canteen."
"It turns out to be Manager Zhou. I am so sorry."
"You're welcome. Master Xu, the young master personally instructed yesterday that all your meals must be provided according to the villa's top standards, so please go inside and eat."
"Can all our brothers in the Blood Hall go in and eat?"
"Well... the young master said that only you can do this."
"That's fine."
Xu Rui smiled and directly rejected the proposal.
Coming from the era of information explosion in the future, I know very well how to control a force.
"Sharing the joys and sorrows" is the best strategy.
If he went in to enjoy those delicious food , the little prestige he had just established would be completely lost.
Before he has the power to sweep away everything, he still needs power to protect his own safety.
The Blood Hall cannot give up no matter what.
"You'd better go in. Otherwise, I won't be able to explain to the young master."
Although Zhou Laosan is not considered a senior executive in Xiangling, he is also one of the middle-level executives. He was the one who organized the banquet at the martial arts training ground yesterday.
He knew very well how much the chief and deputy chief valued the person in front of them.
"How about this, you take out my share of food and I'll eat it here. That way you can explain it."
"go quickly."
Seeing his determined expression, Zhou Youguang had no choice but to ask someone to go inside and take out the food.
There was a large pot of mutton and no less than thirty pounds of braised beef, as well as carefully prepared chicken soup and rice made from the finest fine rice.
The tempting aroma made everyone drool.
"Manager Zhou, thank you very much."
"Master Xu, you are so polite. If you need anything else, feel free to tell me."
"Haha, no problem."
He turned his head and said loudly.
"Come on, all the brothers from the Blood Hall, come here."
When you are hungry, no one can resist the temptation of meat.
Hearing this, everyone gathered around.
"I can't finish all this meat, let's help."
"Thank you, Boss Xu."
Everyone cheered and started to take action.
From their excited expressions, Xu Rui felt that his prestige was being built up bit by bit.
After finishing his meal, the new disciple of the Blood Hall held his head high and looked at the envious eyes of the people around him, which was in stark contrast to his timid appearance when he first arrived.
Return to the training ground.
Xu Rui asked everyone to continue practicing Meishan Boxing. He played the role of Master Chen and corrected others' movements.
I originally thought that it would delay my own cultivation, but unexpectedly, while teaching, I was able to review what I had already learned and gain more insights.
Jun 29, 2024
Jun 29, 2024
Jun 29, 2024
Jun 29, 2024
Jun 29, 2024