Volume 1 The Wind Rises Chapter 44: Five Generations of Champions

On the way to the palace, Luo Youdu looked at the eunuch walking quickly with his head down and started chatting with him: "Where is the eunuch from?"
The eunuch who summoned him paused and said timidly, "I am from Nanyang."
His tone was a little unsure, but there was a hint of pride in his voice.
Luo Youdu raised his voice a few degrees: "What a great place! It's blessed with talented people. The Prime Minister Zhuge, whom I admire the most, is from Nanyang. It would be a lifelong regret if I could not visit Zhuge Lu in this lifetime."
The summoned eunuch said softly, "My family lives near Longzhong. When I was a child, I often heard stories about my father, Prime Minister Zhuge, and I admired him very much. When I was ten years old, my father took me to Wolonggang to pay homage to the Prime Minister... I also saw the stone tablet where the exiled immortal Li Bai left his words. What was it called... It's a pity that I don't know who destroyed it."
Luo Youdu said, "It's "A Trip to the Southern Capital", right? The Southern Capital is famous for its beauties, and the Wu Palace lies across the Western Gate. The White Water Immortal resides there, and all the merchants are busy here. The tall building faces the purple road, and the mansion is connected to the green mountains. Haha... I can't remember the next few lines, but I remember the last line, 'Who knows the Sleeping Dragon Guest, who chants with sorrow and gray hair?'"
The summoned eunuch said with some excitement: "It is 'Nandu Xing'."
Then he looked nostalgic again and whispered, "'Nandu is famous for its beauties, Wuque crosses the west gate. Baishui Zhenren lives there, and all the merchants gather here. High buildings face the purple streets, and the mansions are connected to the green mountains' is really well written! Nanyang was like this before those Khitan dogs came. Judge Luo is really knowledgeable. I have learned this poem before and can write it. It's just been so long that I have forgotten it."
Luo Youdu said softly, "If you are really knowledgeable, you won't forget the words." He took a few steps and then said, "Khitan? Are you talking about the time when Yelu Deguang entered the Central Plains and proclaimed himself emperor nine years ago?"
The summoned eunuch gnashed his teeth and said, "Yes, the Khitan thief Yelu was reluctant to pay the soldiers and let them forage on their own. One of the troops entered Nanyang and abducted me to Kaifeng. My father and mother are both dead..."
Luo Youdu said: "Sorry!"
The eunuch who summoned him was a little terrified and said, "No, no, no, I can't bear the responsibility."
Luo Youdu said, "There is nothing we cannot bear. Don't be too sad. Your Majesty is a wise ruler. Nanyang under his rule must have recovered its original appearance. It may even become more prosperous. As for the Khitan, this is a national hatred, yours and mine. One day, we will lead the Northern Expedition under your Majesty's leadership. We will take back the Sixteen Prefectures of Yanyun and even Liaodong, and fight all the way to their Shangjing, making them pay the same price."
The summoning eunuch's eyes flashed with a strange light, and he said, "Will there really be such a day?"
Luo Youdu was silent for a moment, then said, "Everything depends on human effort. No matter what happens, I will keep moving towards this goal."
The two walked all the way to the vicinity of Yanhe Hall.
He summoned the eunuch and said, "The judge can go on his own. I will go and report to Eunuch Yan."
Luo Youdu waved his hand and walked into the hall.
I had just taken two steps when I heard a call from behind.
"Judge Luo!"
Luo Youdu turned around and looked at the eunuch who summoned him curiously.
The eunuch who summoned him was a little reserved, but he mustered up the courage to say, "My surname is Fu, and my name is Fu Yu."
Luo Youdu smiled and said, "Fu Yu, what a good name! I'll remember it!" He waved his hand again and walked into the hall.
Fu Yu glanced around. Due to his cautious nature, he did not dare to stay any longer. However, he was surprised in his heart. He had not spoken as much as today in the past few months in the palace, and he did not feel uncomfortable at all. He was secretly happy.
After being informed, Luo Youdu walked into the Yanhe Hall.
The Great Zhou Emperor Guo Rong sat at the top, and near him sat a pale-faced scholar dressed in a dark crimson official uniform.
This was the first time that Luo Youdu met him, but from his expression, it seemed that he had a very close relationship with Guo Rong.
"Haha!" Guo Rong walked down from his seat: "I have finally waited for you to come. Come, let me introduce you..." He pointed at the scholar who followed him and said: "This is Wang Pu, Wang Wenbo, from Dongping, a counselor, who has followed me for many years and is my most trusted confidant." Then he pointed at Luo Youdu and said to Wang Pu: "Wenbo, this is Luo Youdu who I have told you about many times, the unicorn son of the Great Zhou Dynasty given by God."
After listening to Guo Rong's introduction, Luo Youdu exclaimed in his heart, "As expected."
Wang Pu, also known as Wang Wenbo, was the only .
Before Guo Rong was made the crown prince and was serving as the military governor of Zhenning Army, Wang Pu became his secretary.
The two men knew each other well at this point. For the sake of Guo Rong's great cause, Wang Pu wrote "The Strategy for Pacificating the Border" and set a strategic goal for the Great Zhou to conquer the world.
"The Strategy for Pacificating the Border" is also known as the Five Dynasties version of the Longzhong Strategy.
It is a pity that Wang Pu died young and passed away suddenly in the sixth year of Xian De.
Based on "Plan for Pacificating the Border", Guo Rong started to conquer the world, but unfortunately died early.
After his death, the Zhao brothers seized the throne of the Great Zhou Dynasty and still used Wang Pu's "Plan for Pacificating the Border" as the strategic basis for the Song Dynasty to unify the world.
Historical records also record that when Zhao Kuangyin suddenly saw , he stood still, straightened his imperial robe, bowed solemnly, and said, "With this person here, I have no chance to wear the dragon robe."
Some people in later generations also praised him as "among the talents of the Five Dynasties, Wang Pu is the best."
"I have met Mr. Wenbo . Although I have never heard of his name, Your Majesty has a keen eye. To be so highly regarded by Your Majesty, Mr. Wenbo must have great abilities. I only regret that I was not able to meet him earlier and listen to his teachings."
Luo Youdu did not say anything polite, but was pragmatic. He had always thought that Wang Pu had not yet appeared on the scene, and that the historical records were wrong. Now, after listening to Guo Rong's introduction, he realized that Wang Pu had already followed Guo Rong for many years. The fact that he had never been famous was naturally not a problem of ability, but that he had been helping Guo Rong with strategies behind the scenes.
Luo Youdu now even suspects that Wang Pu contributed a lot behind the scenes in order for Guo Rong to obtain the position of crown prince as an adopted son.
It would be hypocritical to say that I have long heard of your name. It would be better to answer truthfully and praise both Guo Rong and Wang Pu.
Wang Pu smiled and returned the greeting, "The name of Luo Youdu is well known to me."
Luo Youdu hurriedly said he dared not.
"Haha!" Guo Rong laughed. "Gentlemen, please stop being so modest in front of me. Wenbo is my left arm, and Youdu is my right arm. You are my left and right arms! With your help, I will accomplish my great cause. Come, take a seat quickly. I asked you to come here today because I have something important to discuss."
He walked to the main seat and asked Wang Pu and Luo Youdu to sit down.
Luo Youdu took a quick step to the right.
Wang Pu smiled indifferently and sat on the chair on the left.
Guo Rong saw the two men sitting down and said, "You should know my ambition. The world has been divided for more than ten times, and I want to be the one who unifies it and make my Great Zhou present the splendor of the Han and Tang dynasties. I have discussed with the civil and military officials in private, whether to fight or respect the national policy of seeking stability set by the previous emperor.
The three ministers all prioritize stability, and as for the military officials, naturally everyone wants to fight. Wen Bo has expressed his opinion a few days ago, and today I want to hear your opinion. "
He looked at Luo Youdu with a smile.
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