Volume 1 The Wind Rises Chapter 40: Social Death Scene

Luo Youdu looked innocent, but a huge wave was rising in his heart.
This matter was so unbelievable that Luo Youdu once thought that Hu Bo was joking with him.
Just the night before, Uncle Hu reported to him slyly, "My dear husband, the horse you borrowed just now has been bred with our donkey."
Luo Youdu still remembers his first reaction at the time: "Is the old donkey a female?"
In his impression, he was riding a male donkey, but he had not done any research.
"Of course it's a female!" Old Hu said with a strange look on his face, "Can't you tell when she's peeing?"
Luo Youdu still remembers his speechless mood at the time and said: "This is a bit beyond my knowledge. I only know that male dogs lift their legs when they urinate, but I don't know what posture male donkeys use when they urinate."
In the south of later generations, donkeys are not common. At least Luo Youdu has never seen them anywhere else except in the zoo, and he has never paid attention to their urinating posture.
Lao Hu also introduced him: "Male donkeys are strong and suitable for carrying heavy objects, while female donkeys are short and gentle, and can be easily driven. They are suitable for plowing and grinding. The key is that female donkeys are cheaper and eat less."
Luo Youdu was in a very good mood at the time and even said, "Borrow a horse and you may get a mule as a gift. This is a good deal."
Old Hu gave him some scientific knowledge and said, "The offspring of a mare and a male donkey is called a mule, and the offspring of a male horse and a female donkey is called a mutton. There is a big difference between mutton and mule..."
Luo Youdu accidentally learned some unimportant little-known facts, but he didn't pay too much attention to it. He thought in his heart that he would just treat it as paying the rent for the horse.
But today, seeing that the horse did not listen to its original owner and did not want to leave, he suddenly had this terrible idea.
Is it infatuation?
Or... not enough fun?
Luo Youdu was so shocked by this terrible idea that he was burnt inside and tender outside.
Facing Fu Qing'er's questioning, Luo Youdu secretly glanced at the old donkey who was tied up beside him and could only say, "I really don't know."
Fu Qing'er thought about it and realized that no matter how skilled a horse trainer was, it would be impossible for him to tame Bao'er, whom he had raised himself, in such a short time. His expression softened and he asked, "You haven't fed him anything these days, have you?"
Luo Youdu said solemnly, "How could that be? In order to take good care of it, I asked Uncle Hu to buy the best soybeans. During the few days it stayed at my house, it ate better than me."
"Where?" Fu Qing'er didn't know what was going on, so she slapped Baoer's horse's butt heavily.
The horse Baoer felt pain and took two steps reluctantly, but he was still disobedient and turned his head as if looking at the old donkey tied to the side.
Luo Youdu said in a low voice, "How about trying to bring my old donkey here?"
Fu Qing'er raised her eyebrows, but she didn't realize the problem yet.
Luo Youdu also found it difficult to say it, so he simply stopped talking and quickly went to the side to bring his old donkey over.
Sure enough, when it got closer, Boa's horse made a happy "chirp chirp" sound.
He first rubbed his ears against the old donkey, and then put his head behind the old donkey's butt.
Luo Youdu looked up at the sky.
A blush flashed across Fu Qing'er's face. She was still on the horse, at a loss as to what to do, and hurriedly jumped off the horse.
The maid Feng Zhu took a furtive glance at her, then another, her face flushed and her hands clenched.
Luo Youdu felt that he had to break this awkward deadlock himself.
He coughed, handed the reins to Feng Zhu, and said, "Miss, how about taking my old donkey to the stable first?"
Feng Zhu also felt that it was a bit inappropriate to let the donkey and the horse have fun in public, so she shyly led the old donkey to the side door.
And that divine horse Baoer didn't need anyone to lead it. It just followed along happily , and from time to time it would stick its head out to act like a hooligan.
Fu Qing'er couldn't help but spit quietly.
Luo Youdu nodded slightly in approval.
Fu Qing'er obviously noticed it, and the rosy clouds on her face became even brighter, more beautiful and charming .
Luo Youdu looked around, feeling a little conflicted. He had brought the donkey with him so that he could ride it back. After all, the most luxurious area in Kaifeng was still some distance away from his residence. Without the donkey, he really couldn't handle it on his own two feet.
This guy went off to have fun on his own and left his master here. That was too much.
Fu Qing'er tried to remain calm and said, "How about we go to the mansion and take a rest first?"
She also thought of the same problem. Although she was alone in the house, it was not appropriate to invite a man like Luo Youdu into the house. She couldn't let him walk back.
The current relationship between men and women is not as strict as it was in the Song Dynasty, and still has some of the open customs left over from the Tang Dynasty.
Fu Qing'er herself was quite generous, and she was also somewhat curious about Luo Youdu, so she simply invited him into the house and let him leave after the two little beasts were done.
Fu Qing'er forced herself to remain calm and walked in front.
Luo Youdu followed obediently behind, seeming a little reserved.
Fu Qing'er's status and position are too high, and Luo Youdu is not sure what Guo Rong's attitude towards Fu Qing'er is.
What if it wasn't to appease Fu Yanqing, but he really liked Fu Qing'er?
Luo Youdu doesn't want to compete with an emperor, his boss, the ultimate boss who controls his own death, for a woman. He thinks his life is too long.
Except on TV, Luo Youdu had never seen a single example in history books of someone snatching a woman from the emperor, unless the emperor was dead, or a puppet, a coward.
Of course, if she is really your own woman, that is an exception.
Fu Qing'er is obviously not among them.
Fu Qing'er imitated the way ordinary people entertained guests, and asked someone to serve tea and invited Luo Youdu to take a seat.
Then he sat at the top somewhat awkwardly.
Don't be fooled by her usually heroic appearance. After this incident, it was hard for her to talk about it. And since she was alone with Luo Youdu, she really couldn't think of any way to ease the awkwardness.
Luo Youdu noticed Fu Qing'er's reservedness and took the initiative to start a conversation.
He guessed that Fu Qing'er would not like to talk about the general situation in the world. Thinking that Fu Qing'er had just arrived in Kaifeng Prefecture, he told her about the customs and folkways of Bianjing City and some interesting stories about folk snacks.
Luo Youdu's greatest ability is observing people's expressions and being good at chatting.
No matter who it is, he can always find a topic that interests the other person and chat .
This includes the emperor Guo Rong, a reckless man like Zhang Qiong, and a man with a strange temper like Li Chongjin...
Fu Qing'er is naturally no exception.
Fu Qing'er is active by nature and likes hunting and playing. When she first came to Kaifeng, she encountered a disaster. Refugees gathered outside the city of Kaifeng and she had no chance to go out. When she heard Luo Youdu talk about Kaifeng's customs and delicious food, she was naturally very interested.
Jun 26, 2024
Jun 26, 2024
Jun 26, 2024
Jun 26, 2024