Volume 1: The Rise of Elanhill Chapter 0071 They are too weak

"Prepare for battle!..." Facing enemies that are ten or a hundred times more numerous than him, the battalion commander of Ailan Hill was not intimidated at all. Instead, his heart was full of anticipation for victory.
His soldiers had formed three lines and stood in front of the countless enemy soldiers. They did not retreat, nor did they show any sign of panic. They just mechanically checked the weapons in their hands, preparing to give the enemy a big gift in a moment.
"1000 meters! The enemy is approaching! Prepare to fight!" This was the first time for the battalion commander to command a battle independently. He wanted to prove himself and also wanted to win the victory that was before him.
All the soldiers raised their weapons towards the huge crowd in front of them. They calmly loaded the bullets into the chambers and then used the rear sights on the guns to suppress the distant target. They were on a defensive mission this time, so they chose to fire and attack from farther away.
When the enemy was about 500 meters away from him, the battalion commander decisively gave the order to open fire - he did not dare to let the enemy get too close, lest his numerical disadvantage be exploited by the enemy.
"Bang!" A burst of gunfire rang out, and dozens of soldiers from the Alante Empire fell at once. Following the sound of the rifles, Alante Commander Zorn, who was riding on horseback, widened his eyes.
Like Alante Lumbak who saw the rifle for the first time, he was stunned by the terrible scene before him: the enemy could actually fire at such a long distance and knock his own soldiers to the ground.
If it weren't for the giant dragon of the Holy Demon Empire behind him, if this war wasn't related to Alante's life and death, if there weren't so few Elanhill soldiers on the opposite side, Zorn would really have turned his horse around and ordered a retreat.
"This! This is actually true!" Looking at the tiny Elanhill Infantry Phalanx in the distance, which was as small as a reef in front of the sea, Zorn thought for the first time of the possibility that he might lose this war.
As if to best explain his fear, dense gunfire was heard again from the Ailan Hill phalanx. After the gunfire, hundreds of soldiers from the Alante Empire fell.
Every time the enemy fired a gun, almost the same number of Alante Empire soldiers fell. When the distance between the two sides was shortened to about 300 meters, Ailanhill's attack became more and more fierce, and more Alante Empire soldiers fell on the way of attack.
Along the way, the enemy had fired 15 volleys, and each time hundreds of infantrymen fell. The number of soldiers who had been killed was about 2,000. The loss of so many troops outside the range of the bows and arrows made General Zorn shudder.
The enemy only had about 500 soldiers! Some of them seemed to be commanders, and they hadn't made any attacking moves so far. The enemy just stood there, shouting out commands, and letting those terrible short sticks emit deadly white smoke.
"Bang!" At a distance of about 270 meters, the grenadiers of Elan Hill opened fire again, and their firing seemed to make General Zorn hysterical. In Zorn's view, the enemy's continuous gunshots frightened him more than the death curse.
"Push forward! Let the three 10,000-man troops at the back push forward! Push forward! They only have 500 people! An army of tens of thousands cannot defeat 500 people, what are we going to do in the future? Huh? What are we going to do?" Zorn, whose voice had changed tone, loudly gave the order to continue the attack.
Under his orders, more troops of the Alante Empire began to slowly crawl forward. The continuous sound of trumpets represented the determination of the Alante army, once the most powerful army in the Mortal Empire.
Knight Commander Ildo, who was mixed in the crowd, remained silent. He looked at the 500 Elanhill soldiers opposite who were constantly causing trouble for the Alante Empire army, as if he was looking at his prey.
"It's been a long time since I saw such a powerful mortal army...Their weapons are very strong. Our dragons may not be able to withstand too many attacks from such weapons." After watching for about a few minutes, the knight commander spoke to his companions.
"I suggest launching an attack immediately and letting the dragon destroy this army. They are now insisting on staying here, and there must be reinforcements behind them... If we let them join forces, it may become more difficult." A dragon knight from the Holy Demon Empire suggested to his superior, holding his sword.
"You are right!" Irdo nodded and agreed with his men's opinion: "Go! Bring me victory! All the dragon knights in your team should be dispatched! Be careful and don't let anything go wrong."
"As you command! Lord Knight!" The knight nodded gently and slowly retreated down the hillside. In the distance, the dense gunfire continued to beat everyone's heart.
"Bang!" After firing off five rounds of ammunition from his magazine, an Elanhill grenadier retreated behind his comrades and calmly reloaded his rifle with new bullets. He still had a lot of spare bullets in his ammunition bag, thanks to the increasing production of bullets.
While he was loading the bullet, the soldier in front of him who was ready to pulled the trigger and fired a bullet that had been prepared long ago. The bullet flew about 260 meters and hit an Alante Empire soldier who had just walked here.
Without any time to appreciate his achievements, the Ailan Hill grenadier pulled the bolt and let the shell fall to his feet, hitting the shells on the ground, making a crisp sound. He continued to aim and pulled the trigger at the target in front of him.
From the beginning of the war to now, they have killed about 3,000 soldiers of the Alante Empire, but there seems to be no casualties on their side - just like the usual defeats, the enemy is really too weak.
What's the point of having more people? War has long since changed beyond all recognition. Now having more people does not necessarily mean strength and victory. Now, whoever controls the future of this world, whoever represents the most powerful productivity, is the one closest to victory!
"You are too weak!" He muttered as he fired the third shot, causing another unlucky man to fall down, holding his chest. The Alante drums were beating loudly, but the Alante soldiers had not advanced a single step since then.
"Yes! Alante's soldiers are too weak!" The soldier who was ready to replace his comrades at any time nodded in agreement behind his comrades and said, "I'm ready!"
Then, in the next second, on the opposite reverse slope, behind those distant hills, a huge shadow suddenly rose into the air. All the soldiers of Ailan Hill stopped shooting, staring with their eyes wide open, watching the black shadow soaring into the sky, making a piercing roar.
"Roar!" With a shuddering roar, another black shadow rose into the air from the reverse slope. Then the third and fourth shadows rose into the air from thousands of meters away, so the soldiers of Ailan Hill could easily see those huge shadows hovering in the sky.
"It's a dragon! It's a giant dragon!" A soldier shouted in a trembling voice. He felt his calves trembling constantly. Even his hands, which had been firm and strong and holding the rifle, were shaking uncontrollably.
"The Magic Empire is coming!" The battalion commander held up his sword and looked up at the figures hovering in the sky. The expression on his face was indescribably wonderful. He knew that he might not see victory today, which seemed a bit of a pity.
"Keep fighting!" The first captain to come to his senses drew his pistol from his waist and shouted to encourage his men: "Long live His Majesty Chris! Long live Ailan Hill!"
"Elan Hill will win!" All the soldiers continued to shoot, harvesting the lives of the Alante Empire soldiers who took the opportunity to shorten the distance between the two sides 200 meters away. After another round of intensive gunfire, the Alante Empire's human wall was knocked down again.
"Hoo!" However, in the sky, a giant dragon flapped its wings, rushed down from the clouds, and opened its bloody mouth towards the phalanx of Ailan Hill. The Ailan Hill soldiers in the back row also instinctively raised their weapons to the sky, ready for a desperate fight.
"Whoosh!" Before it could get close, a stream of fire gushed out of the dragon's bloody mouth, like a giant flamethrower, forming a huge flame in the sky. This ball of fire kept falling, like a falling meteorite, and hit the phalanx of Ailan Hill.
"Bang!" The Elanhill soldiers who had seen the flames above their heads closed their eyes and pulled the trigger in despair. Because of the sunlight and the fireball, they could not see their targets and could only fire hastily.
The next second, the ball of fire hit the crowd. Dozens of Ailanhill soldiers struggled in the sea of ​​fire with screams, and then turned into broken charcoal, breaking and collapsing in the flames.
"Help!" After all, the soldiers of Ailanhill are also flesh and blood. The battle records they have achieved along the way were all achieved by relying on advanced weapons. In terms of courage and perseverance, they are not much stronger than the soldiers of the Alante Empire on the opposite side.
Therefore, when a real test of blood and fire came, the soldiers of Ailan Hill also collapsed. They saw their companions turned into ashes and charcoal, ignited by the flames, jumping and twisting, and finally died, just like the soldiers of the Alante Empire.
"Keep firing! Keep firing!" The battalion commander stood at his command post, holding his pistol and pulling the trigger repeatedly. He was too far away, and his bullets could not hurt the giant dragon a hundred meters away, so when he used up all the bullets in his pistol, he still did not create any miracle of slaying the dragon.
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