Volume 1: The Rise of Elanhill Chapter 0057 Naru Street Fight

Unfortunately, he still didn't expect that just when he was about to struggle to his death, the gate of Naru City had been pushed open by the defenders themselves. The soldiers standing on the city wall put down their swords and spears, and the green royal flag of the Alante Empire was thrown down the tall and heavy city wall of Naru in the wind.
Team after team of Elanhill soldiers poured into the city of Naru. After seeing the royal flag of Elanhill, the slightly nervous citizens retreated into the buildings. The empty streets were soon filled with densely packed M42 helmets.
In the wooden attic, a young man hung the black royal flag of Elanhill, which he had prepared outside his window, and was then pulled back into the room by his terrified girlfriend.
Soon, a butler hung a larger black royal flag outside the door of a luxury mansion with its own entrance and courtyard. Then the black royal flag spread throughout the streets and alleys of Naru City like a contagious germ.
"Long live Ailan Hill!" A woman watching the excitement at the door of a house on the street shouted to the Ailan Hill grenadiers passing by. She had been looking forward to this day for a long time. The greedy city lord had caused her family to be destroyed, and her daily prayer was that someone could overthrow all this.
"Go back into the house! It's dangerous here!" A grenadier with a grenade hanging on his chest stopped in front of the woman and stretched out his hand to make a pushing gesture.
His action instantly made the woman's eyes wet, because if her son had not been killed by that abominable city lord, he would have been as old as the young grenadier in front of him. She looked at him with tears in her eyes, crying hysterically: "Kill those bastards! Kill that bastard city lord!"
The grenadier was stunned at first, then nodded heavily, adjusted his equipment, and quickly caught up with his troops.
A corrupt empire would collapse in an instant like a castle made of gravel facing the waves with just a little external force. The Alante Empire had been corrupt for hundreds of years, and the only thing that maintained this empire was the equally corrupt Holy Demon Empire.
At the gate of the City Lord's Mansion, a group of elite infantrymen in grey armor had formed a square formation. Not all of them were followers of Ailan Hill. The Naaru with a population of hundreds of thousands was very large. As the City Lord Adam, it was actually very easy for him to cultivate a group of his own confidants.
After all, Adam, the greedy and corrupt city lord, was not stupid. These elite troops outside the city lord's mansion were the vested interests he had cultivated over the years, and they were also his most loyal troops.
"Draw your swords! Prepare for battle!" Adam's trusted general, who was leading the group, drew out the accessories on his waist and shouted to the soldiers who were also densely packed behind him. Following his shout, those fierce soldiers also drew out their weapons.
"Those useless city guards couldn't even defend the city walls and directly opened the city gates to let the enemy in! What a bunch of garbage!" The officer spat and cursed coldly while holding his sword.
He had every reason to look down on those city guards who didn't even get paid and had no combat capability. The elite soldiers behind him could easily face ten times the number of stupid city guards.
With just one charge, he could defeat the enemy approaching from the front, and then take advantage of the chaos to kill them and recapture the lost city wall. At that time, he would take the time to settle accounts with those damn city guards - this was what the general was thinking.
"Long live Ailan Hill!" Suddenly, he heard some shouts. At first, he thought it was the cheers from Ailan Hill soldiers who had occupied the city wall. But as the voices grew louder, the general of Alante also realized that these cheers might be coming from the citizens of Naru City...
"Damn it!" He clenched the long sword in his hand and cursed in his heart. Just as he cursed in his heart, at the end of the street in the distance, rows of Ailan Hill's grenadiers appeared.
"Let them see the true strength of the Alante warriors!" The general forced himself to remain calm, waved his sword forward, and issued an attack order: "Charge!"
Behind him, teams of Tarrant soldiers began to move forward. The sound of armor clattering against each other was loud, and the long swords reflected a dazzling light in the sun. Countless soldiers shouted, drowning out the cheers of Elanhill in the distance: "Long live Tarrant!"
"Hula!" The front row of Elanhill grenadiers stopped, knelt on one knee, and raised their Mauser rifles. Behind them, the second row of soldiers stood up and raised their weapons as well.
"Hua!" Almost at the same time, two rows of soldiers pulled the bolts of their guns and loaded the bullets into the chambers. Opposite them, the Alante soldiers holding up their shining swords were at least 40 meters away from them.
"Bang! Bang!" There was a crackling sound of gunfire, and the bullets crashed into the human wall formed by the Alante soldiers. The huge impact force tore through the thin armor, and the bullets were severely deformed and sank into the flesh and blood inside the armor.
The Alante soldiers in the front fell down screaming, and the Alante soldiers in the second row were stunned on the spot. Many of them did not see what the other side did, they only heard a sharp sound and saw their companions in front of them fell in a pool of blood.
The next second, they saw the Ailan Hill soldiers on the opposite side, in a thin cloud of smoke, pulling the bolts in unison and ejecting the metal shells from the chambers. Then, ignoring the steaming shells rolling under their feet, the soldiers pushed the bolts back to their original positions.
Along with their seemingly rhythmic movements, there was another "clatter" of friction from the bolts, representing death. Because the distance was so close, there was almost no need to aim, and the Ailan Hill Grenadiers began their second round of firing.
"Bang! Bang! Bang!" There was another burst of gunfire. The Alante soldiers in the second row, who had finally seen the enemy clearly, were hit by a new round of bullets before they could even step over the bodies of their comrades in the front row.
Fear did not spread easily, because the powerful soldier on the other side had already fallen to the ground, holding his chest and stomach. The Alante soldiers who were crowding forward had no idea what was happening. They only knew that their team seemed to have stopped and could not move forward any further.
"What the hell is that sound?" A soldier asked his comrade with some concern. As he listened to the sound getting closer, his courage seemed to be slipping away from his body. But it was useless to ask, because his comrade was also confused and nervous at this moment.
When the fifth shot was fired, the first two rows of Irish Hill infantry immediately gave up their positions. Behind them, the other two rows of soldiers who had been prepared stepped forward and took over the shooting position.
Before their eyes, there was a sea of ​​blood and corpses. Countless soldiers of the Alante Empire fell on this street, and blood flowed along the cracks and veins of the stone-paved street, and finally flowed into the drainage ditches on both sides.
These Elanhill Grenadiers, who had trained countless times, ignored the disgusting scenes. They just mechanically operated their weapons according to their daily training. Some of them didn't even raise their eyes.
A few seconds later, the Alante Empire soldiers, who had already lost a large part of their strength, finally realized the situation they were in. The Alante army, with at least seven or eight rows of soldiers lying down, finally lost the little bit of courage they had left.
Countless people pushed back, hoping to exit this alley that symbolized death, while those behind them kept moving forward under the urging of the generals and officers. The chaotic scene made retreat and advance a joke, and the army of the Alante Empire blocked itself in a narrow road.
"Let me go! We've already lost!" A soldier who was pushed backwards by his own people screamed and begged the soldiers behind him. The soldiers behind him couldn't even turn around, so they could only explain their miserable situation to the people in front of them: "I can't turn around, someone is pushing me from behind!"
"Back off! Back off!" The Alante soldiers in front saw the Elanhill grenadiers moving forward with the black muzzles of their guns passing through the thin mist raised by the shooting, and pleaded with pale faces.
Beside him, the desperate man knelt on the ground, begging the soldiers on the opposite side, hoping that they would spare his life. However, regardless of surrendering or retreating, the rhythmic gunshots continued to ring again and again, as if it was the doomsday bell rung by the devil.
"What's going on?" The general of the Alante Empire, holding his sword, looked at the stagnant army, frowned, and didn't know what to do. He thought that the enemy might be difficult to deal with, but he really didn't think that his well-equipped and well-trained elite troops would be stopped so easily by the enemy.
At this time, soldiers from Ailan Hill also appeared in other directions. These soldiers compressed the defense line of the elite soldiers of the Alante Empire gathered around the City Lord's Mansion from all directions, shrinking the encirclement little by little.
"Hold on!" General Alante, who sensed danger from the dense gunfire, no longer had any hope of retaking the city. All he was thinking about now was how to regroup and break out of the encirclement.
Just as he was about to gather his confidants and take his troops back to the City Lord's Mansion to continue the resistance, a black shadow fell from the sky and landed right at his feet. He was startled and looked down to see a black cylindrical iron lump connected to a light yellow wooden handle, with white smoke spewing out from the end of the wooden handle.
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