Volume 1 The Long Night Will Dawn Chapter 75: Careful as a Hair Zhang Zehu

Luo Feng used a telescope to observe more than ten monsters appearing on the edge of the street and shouted, "Captain, look, it's a beast general-level tiger cat."
These dozen monsters all have spots on their bodies, a bit like tigers, and are from the tiger-cat family among monsters. One of them has twin tails, which is a sign of a primary beast general level.
The rest of the Fire Hammer Squad rushed over and looked carefully with binoculars.
"It is indeed an ocelot. No wonder this kind of monster doesn't like to live in groups. There are only sixteen ordinary beast-soldier monsters around the beast commander. It is easy to deal with!" Captain Gao Feng was very happy and immediately decided: "Brothers, let's take action against them!"
"Set off!"
They did not fire their guns this time. There were only a dozen or so beast general-level monsters, which were rare in a small county. If they scared it away by firing their guns, they would have to find other prey again.
While the Fire Hammer Squad was fighting the tiger cats.
A six-story residential building five hundred meters away.
The Tiger Fang team is using binoculars to observe the surrounding environment.
A one-eyed middle-aged man frowned and said, "According to the tracking signal, the location of the 'hunter' Silver Moon Wolf is ten miles away from us, but there are many monsters here. If we want to pass through, we will definitely alarm them."
Their Tiger Fang Squad is quite powerful, much stronger than the Fire Hammer Squad. It has a total of four generals and two high-level warriors, and they cooperate well and are all experienced veterans.
They usually hang out in urban areas, where there are more monsters, lone beast generals are easier to find, and it is more convenient to make money. If they had not found this seriously injured high-level beast general hunter on the road, they would not come to a county town like this to kill monsters.
Tiger Fang Captain Pan Ya thought for a while, wondering how he could pass safely without alerting the monster. Suddenly, his eyes fell on the Fire Hammer Squad who were fighting with the tiger-cat monster in the distance.
He is a mid-level general with amazing eyesight.
Although he was not familiar with the Fire Hammer Squad, he could still recognize them.
"Is that the Fire Hammer Squad?" Pan Ya was a little confused: "Why are they in this county?"
A sturdy man carrying a giant machete had his eyes light up, and immediately took out a telescope and said, "It's really the Fire Hammer Squad. Luo Feng in their team is a newcomer. They must have come to the county town because of him."
The Fire Hammer Squad usually hangs out in the urban area.
"Captain, I have a grudge against this Luo Feng because my nephew offended him, and he forced me to spend 100 million to settle it!"
The sturdy man carrying a machete is called Zhang Zehu. His nephew Zhang Haobai is Luo Feng's classmate. Zhang Haobai comes from a wealthy family and has a spoiled personality. He is extremely resentful because he is superior to Luo Feng in both academic performance and fighting skills.
But when he tried to take revenge on Luo Feng, he hit a wall. Luo Feng had already become a quasi-warrior at that time, so how could he afford to offend him?
As a result, Zhang Zehu spent 100 million to buy his nephew a one-star citizenship to save him , and he still has to spend several months in jail!
Zhang Zehu said: "This is a rare opportunity, why don't we take the opportunity to kill him!"
The other members of the Tiger Fang team were all shocked.
Captain Pan Ya smiled and said, "Hu Zi is usually reckless, but I didn't expect him to be a careful person. This is a great idea. Let's do it!"
Zhang Zehu was stunned.
What's wrong with me? What did I say?
I can’t fix it at all!
Pan Ya said: "Aren't we thinking about how to pass through here without alerting these monsters?"
"This Fire Hammer Squad has arrived just in time!"
"Ah Xiao, Ah Dong, the two of you use sniper rifles to deal with the important members of the Fire Hammer Squad first, and then immediately shoot at the two groups of monsters around us! We are far away, and if we shoot suddenly, the monsters won't be able to find where the bullets come from."
"These monsters are not very intelligent. They will definitely be attracted to the Fire Hammer Squad and besiege them. We can just wait for the opportunity when the monsters are attracted and pass through here easily!"
The Tiger Fang team was silent for a moment, but no one objected.
This is not the first time they have attacked other warrior teams.
Pan Ya looked indifferent: "It's bad luck for the Fire Hammer Team to meet us!"
The cruelty in the wilderness is not just about the monsters. It is not uncommon for warriors to secretly attack in order to snatch prey, but it is rare for them to do such a thing just to attract the attention of monsters.
Zhang Zehu was happy, and gnashed his teeth and said, "Dongzi, remember to aim at Luo Feng and shoot him dead, so that I can vent my anger!"
A Dong touched the gun in his hand and smiled coldly: "I will do the job, don't worry."
Two sniper rifles were set up, and two team members using thermal weapons chose to use high-powered armor-piercing bullets and began to aim. At a command from Captain Pan Ya, the two men pulled the trigger at the same time.
Two low muffled sounds were heard, and two bullets tore through the sky, aiming directly at the Fire Hammer Squad who were dissecting the body of the two-tailed tiger cat to obtain materials.
The bullet traveled at several times the speed of sound. Before they even heard the gunshot, the bullet had already arrived!
One was aimed at Luo Feng's head.
Another one was shot at Captain Gao Feng.
Because of the good harvest today, Luo Feng was originally happy with his teammates.
Suddenly, his eyes widened, and his reaction ability was almost like a conditioned reflex - the blurry phantom causing the air vibration in front of him was a bullet!
He didn't have time to shout a warning.
The extreme tension caused a large amount of adrenaline to be produced in his body instantly, and the hairs on his whole body stood up and his nerves were stretched to an unprecedented limit!
Life and death crisis!
The survival instinct made his body and spirit reach the peak instantly!
The armor-piercing bullet tore through the air and shot towards Luo Feng's head!
Luo Feng swung his Blood Shadow Blade out like a conditioned reflex, and all his strength burst out to the limit. Moreover, the power center of his body, the waist and hips, released this force again, and there was still enough strength to burst out a second time in an instant!
Nine-Layer Thunder Blade — First Layer!
Under the acceleration of the first level of the Nine-Layer Thunder Blade and mental power, the speed of the Blood Shadow Blade soared!
And his mental power also acted on the armor-piercing bullet flying at high speed without hesitation, slowing down its speed. With a "clang" sound, Luo Feng's Blood Shadow Saber directly chopped on the armor-piercing bullet!
The top of the armor-piercing bullet caved in and the entire projectile was ejected.
Luo Feng breathed a sigh of relief and immediately looked at his teammates to see what was going on.
He saw a black flying knife floating quietly beside him.
Luo Feng was naturally not unfamiliar with this, as he had six flying knives of similar style pinned on his thighs.
Another spiritual master?
Friend or foe?
The flying knife suddenly moved and struck towards the distance like lightning.
Luo Feng also looked in the direction of the flying knife. In the dark night sky, the flying knife merged into five other black streams of light. If you didn't look carefully, it was almost invisible and inaudible. It rushed directly towards a six-story residential building in the distance.
"It's the Tiger Fang Squad!"
Gao Feng saw the six-story residential building, which was where the gunshots were. The Tiger Fang team disappeared on the roof. He gritted his teeth and said, "Tiger Fang!!"
Just now, he was just a little bit away. If the black flying knife hadn't broken through the air and directly split the armor-piercing bullet, he would have been hit in the head and lost his life!
At this time, Lin Yan appeared and asked, "Are you okay?"
In the distance, the six black streams of light returned and hovered behind Lin Yan.
Luo Feng only felt that the color of the flying knife seemed to be brighter, and he didn't know if it was an illusion. He was shocked and said: "You are... a spiritualist?"
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