Volume 1: The Golden Years Chapter 054 Beer and Crayfish

At the same time, in the living room of the Jiang family.
Zhu Suosuo, who had just returned home from get off work at Jingyan Group, returned to Jiang's house with Jiang's mother and helped Jiang Nansun pack some clothes for replacement and daily skin care products. Seeing the two of them carrying two boxes of luggage down the stairs, Grandma Jiang, who was sitting on the sofa in the living room, said with an unhappy look on her face:
"The little girl didn't come home at night, and now she has to move out to live alone. This is not nice. It will become a habit. It's okay for boys to live outside, and girls should just stay at home and wait to get married. Don't let your heart be wild. Which father-in-law or mother-in-law likes to see their daughter-in-law move out at every turn?"
After that, she looked at the expressionless Mother Jiang and said:
"As a mother, you should take care of her. Last time she lost her temper and threw things around at home, you could have stopped her if you were at home. All you do is play mahjong and dance all day, and you don't care about anything at home. Do you treat your home like a hotel?"
Hearing her mother-in-law say this, Mother Jiang couldn't help but say something pointedly:
"After a while, I'm afraid there won't be any hotels left to stay in. There's nothing good about staying in this home. Nansun is different from me. She's still young and can't be dragged down by this home for the rest of her life. It's better for her to move out as soon as possible!"
Seeing that her daughter-in-law dared to contradict her, Grandma Jiang slammed the table and said:
"What do you mean? Are you going to rebel?"

Seeing that his mother and daughter-in-law were about to clash, Jiang Pengfei was afraid that his loss of money in stock trading would be exposed. He hurried to his mother, comforted her, looked at his daughter-in-law and asked:
"Nan Sun is moving out. Is she going to live with Zhang An Ren?"
Without waiting for Mother Jiang's response, Zhu Suosuo quickly said with a smile:
"Grandma, Uncle, Nansun is not moving out to live with Zhang Anren. She is going to stay with me for a few days and talk to me. Don't worry!"
Hearing Zhu Suosuo say this, Jiang Pengfei's expression changed slightly and said:
"Nan Sun lives with you, but Xiao Yuan..."
Thinking that Jiang Pengfei was worried that his daughter Jiang Nansun would live under the same roof , Zhu Suosuo explained with a smile:
"Uncle, don't worry. Nansun and I live in the same room. Yuan Xudong rented the house next door. I asked him to move in and live there alone. If anything happens, he can take care of Nansun and me."
Hearing that his daughter Jiang Nansun was not going to move out and live with Zhang Anren, but to live with Zhu Suosuo, and could also be neighbors with Yuan Xudong, as the saying goes, those who are close to the water get the moon first. Thinking of this, Jiang Pengfei nodded slightly, and then comforted his mother:
"Mom, girls have to move out sooner or later. She lives with Suosuo, and Xiao Yuan is taking care of them. There won't be any problems. Don't worry!"
Unexpectedly, her son Jiang Pengfei would say this. Grandma Jiang rolled her eyes and said:
"She is your daughter, and you as a father have agreed to let her move out. What else can I say? That's it. I'm tired. Help me go back to my room to rest."
After saying that, she stood up and raised her right hand towards Jiang Pengfei, then looked at Zhu Suosuo and said with a smile:
"Suosuo, Nansun is in your care. She has always had everything she wanted and has never had a hard life. You and Xiaoyuan should take better care of her."
"Got it, Grandma!"
Seeing Jiang Pengfei helping Grandma Jiang up to the second floor, Mother Jiang curled her lips, then looked at Zhu Suosuo and smiled:
"Suosuo, let's go. I'd also like to trouble you to help me clean up Nansun's house and buy some home appliances. I'll send those old appliances to the recycling station to see if anyone wants them."
Zhu Suosuo nodded slightly and smiled:
"It's okay, Auntie. Nansun and I will live together, and let Yuan Xudong move next door. Otherwise, Nansun will be scared to death at night if she lives in such a big room by herself."
Unexpectedly, Zhu Suosuo was serious. Mother Jiang thought she was just trying to please Grandma Jiang and Jiang Pengfei. Seeing Zhu Suosuo treating Jiang Nansun better than her own sisters, Mother Jiang said with a complicated expression:
"Suosuo, Nansun is so lucky to have a friend like you. In fact, she is a few months older than you, but you are the one who takes care of her like a sister, while she is more like a younger sister who knows nothing and only knows how to hang around Zhang Anren."
"It's okay, Auntie!"
Zhu Suosuo pulled Mother Jiang out of the house, smiling and saying:
"I have never had a mother by my side since I was little, just like a blade of grass. Nansun is different from me. She has you and uncle to protect her from the wind and rain, and she has her own home, just like a vine clinging to a big tree. Naturally, she doesn't need to be so sensible."
Hearing Zhu Suosuo's analogy, Mother Jiang said with a sad face:
"It's a pity that the big tree of the Jiang family is about to fall, and the vines clinging to it will also be implicated."
Knowing that Mother Jiang was talking about the situation of the Jiang family and Jiang Nansun, Zhu Suosuo comforted her optimistically:
"Auntie, don't worry. I will definitely let Yuan Xudong help Nansun. If he is unwilling to help, I will live with Nansun and work hard with her to pay off all the debts of the Jiang family."
As they were talking, the two walked out of Jiang's house, hailed a taxi on the side of the road, and started heading towards the rental house.
Songjiang boutique hotel construction site.
Yuan Xudong finally finished laying the plastic carpet and felt his nose itchy. He couldn't help but sneeze. Jiang Nansun took the opportunity to tease him:
"Yuan Xudong, you said I was spoiled, but look at yourself. You feel uncomfortable after laying such a small area of ​​plastic carpet. If you don't have money, I think it will be difficult for you to work and support yourself."
Hearing Jiang Nansun's mocking voice, Yuan Xudong took out his phone to order beer and crayfish for Lao Wei and the others, and joked as a matter of course:

"Your assumption is not true. I will become richer and richer and will be able to support myself without working. On the contrary, the money you earn from working so hard all your life may not be as much as the interest my assets generate in a year in the bank. Also, my sneezing may not necessarily be because I am feeling unwell. It may also be that some beautiful woman is saying bad things about me behind my back."
After that, he looked at Jiang Nansun and asked with a smile:
"Your boyfriend Zhang Anren came all the way to Songjiang to bring you coffee and snacks, so why do you look so bad? And you let him go back alone without waiting for you to get off work together?"
"Do I look bad?"
Jiang Nansun couldn't help but touch her face, then glared at Yuan Xudong and said angrily:
"What's the matter between me and Zhang Anren? What does it have to do with you?"
After that, without waiting for Yuan Xudong's response, Jiang Nansun hesitated and said:
"Yuan Xudong, if Suosuo's family encountered difficulties and you had to spend all your money or even go into debt for the rest of your life to help her, what would you do?"
Knowing the underlying meaning of Jiang Nansun's words, Yuan Xudong said directly and confidently:
"I will run away overnight. This is too scary. It will cost billions to help her. I can't afford such a spendthrift woman."
Jiang Nansun rolled her eyes at Yuan Xudong who was playing a prank on her and said seriously:
"Yuan Xudong, please be serious. I want to hear your true thoughts."
Seeing Jiang Nansun asking him seriously, Yuan Xudong restrained his expression slightly and said seriously:
"You want to ask me what I think of Zhang Anren?"
Without waiting for Jiang Nansun to respond, he continued:
“Generally speaking, the more wealth a person has and the harder it is to come by, the more they value or find it difficult to give up their hard-earned wealth, because it is real and can give them confidence and a sense of security.
If I give up all my assets or even go into debt for Suosuo, I will lose this sense of security and confidence. Can I still talk to you like I do now?
No, I will only work diligently at a construction site or in an office like Master Wei and others, running around for the daily necessities of life. When buying things, I will compare prices and choose the one with the best value for money, instead of just buying whatever I like.
I believe that Zhang Anren is the same. He is a smart man who plans every step carefully. He has already made plans for his life, including becoming a university teacher, buying a house, getting married, having children, and obtaining a household registration, etc. He has been gaining a firm foothold in a big city like Shanghai step by step.
If he is willing to give up all these for you, you will be the variable and stumbling block in his life. The result is obvious. Zhang Anren is not a person who acts on impulse. He will consider the proportion between gains and losses and leave a way out for himself.
Obviously, your Jiang family is a dead end for him. Compared with him, I am lucky to be rich. His dead end is just a small matter to me. This is the most fair and unfair part of fate! "
After that, seeing Jiang Nansun's dazed expression, Yuan Xudong asked her to think calmly for a while. He put away his phone and walked towards Lao Wei and the others and said:
"Old Wei, I ordered some beer crayfish for you. They are on the way. Nansun and I have something to do so we will go back first. You should also go to bed early and remember to start work on time tomorrow!"
"Got it, Mr. Yuan , you and the girl can go first. We'll finish the work at hand before leaving work. Thank you for the beer and crayfish!"
"You're welcome. See you tomorrow!"
"See you tomorrow!"
After leaving the construction site and coming to his BMW, Yuan Xudong opened the door for Jiang Nansun and asked:
"Do you and Auntie like to eat beer crayfish?"
Jiang Nansun sat in the passenger seat and responded:
"It's okay. You can have some. Suosuo really likes beer crayfish. Do you want to take some back?"
Yuan Xudong opened the car door from the other side and got into the driving seat. He started the BMW and drove towards Zhu Suosuo's rental house. He looked at Jiang Nansun and smiled:
"I rushed back to the city center from Songjiang and bought some beer and crayfish from afar. Does that make me think my gift was insignificant but my feelings were profound?"
Without waiting for Jiang Nansun to get angry, Yuan Xudong raised his phone and said:
"I want to bring some beer and crayfish to Suosuo. Just tap your finger on your phone. You don't need to go that far in person. A kangaroo can help you deliver it home. Isn't it convenient?"
Jiang Nansun rolled her eyes at Yuan Xudong and said viciously, gnashing her teeth:
"Thank you, it's really convenient!"

Jun 24, 2024
Jun 24, 2024
Jun 24, 2024
Jun 24, 2024
Jun 24, 2024