Volume 1: The First Battle Chapter 8: Unexpected Gunmanship

The hail of bullets brought up patches of blood. The bullets of the volunteers were like a razor, knocking down the South Korean soldiers running in the front rows one by one. Occasionally, some volunteers threw a few grenades down. With a few loud bangs, more than a dozen enemies rolled away screaming in different postures.
The advantage of the Volunteer Army in being high above the enemy was soon apparent . They could throw grenades far away with just a flick of their hand, but the situation was completely the opposite for the South Korean Army. The Volunteer Army soldiers were hiding in the trenches and could shoot at the South Korean soldiers as targets, while the South Korean soldiers could not even see where the Volunteer Army was.
"Bang!" It was me who fired the shot. Because of the previous battle, I was not afraid to shoot now, but... where did the shot go? I looked angrily at the enemy I had aimed at just now. He was still alive and kicking, as if I hadn't hit him at all.
I secretly looked around, luckily everyone was busy fighting the enemy and had no time to pay attention to me!
"Bang!" An enemy fell down. I was delighted and couldn't help but admire myself in my heart. Not bad! The hit rate was 50%.
Hey! Something is wrong... The enemy I was aiming at just now doesn't seem to be that person...
When I was about to fire the third shot, I found that the South Korean troops had already retreated like a tide. Some were carrying bodies, some were carrying wounded soldiers, and the speed of retreat was much faster than when they attacked. Some were probably scared and slid down the mountain directly along the snow. It was fast, but I was afraid that if they didn't die at the foot of the mountain, they would be half dead.

In the blink of an eye, the battlefield was reduced to a mess. The bright red and black blood clots were particularly . Dozens of corpses that had not been moved away in time lay in front of the position, adding a bit of deathly atmosphere to the position. Rifles and helmets were scattered all over the ground. When a gust of cold wind blew, several helmets rolled down the mountain with a clang, like a loyal BMW chasing after its owner.
"Coward!" Hu Zi laughed and said, "I thought you guys who came all the way here to fight were some kind of soldiers, but I didn't expect you were just a bunch of weaklings! You're worse than the Kuomintang. With your cowardly appearance, you still want to fight to the Yalu River!" As he said that, he started to wipe his gun.
I held the gun and looked at it from left to right, but I couldn't figure out what was going on. Why was it that in the first battle, this gun seemed to come alive in my hand, and I could hit the enemy's forehead without even aiming, and I could chop left and right. I even doubted whether I was born a warrior. And just now, why did this same gun stop obeying me?
"Comrade, comrade!" The familiar and kind face of the old squad leader appeared in front of me again. He walked up to me with his back bent and handed me a white cloth bag: "Here, a bag of dry food, enough for three days, eat sparingly. Ah! There is also a kettle and a quilt..."
"Old squad leader." Xiao Shandong, who was watching from the side, laughed and said, "What's the use of that kettle? When I opened it when I wanted to drink some water, it was all iced up. It would be better to throw it away as soon as possible so that I don't have to worry about it. I might as well grab a handful of snow and eat it!"
"Go, go, go...what do you know?" The old squad leader put the equipment next to me one by one, glared at Xiao Shandong and said, "Without the kettle, it's hard to drink hot water in this freezing cold weather. If you can't stand the cold, throw the kettle into the fire, and you will have hot water, right?"
Although I felt bad about the old squad leader's concern, I didn't know what to say to thank him. I just looked at him gratefully and silently took the equipment he handed over.
After the old squad leader left, I opened the dry food bag and was stunned. There was nothing in the long cloth bag except fried noodles.
At this moment, I couldn't help but think of what was said in the movie "Who Are the Most Lovely People", that when the volunteer soldiers were hungry, they would eat a handful of fried noodles and a handful of snow...but now it is really happening to me.
I originally thought that this would happen only after the food routes were bombed by American planes after entering North Korea, but I didn't expect it to happen just after entering North Korea .
And...this amount of fried noodles is for three days? I lifted the bag of dry food in my hand, and I couldn't help but groan in my heart. This is not a life for a human being. Not only do I have to worry about my life every day, but I can't eat enough, I can't wear warm clothes, and I can't sleep well...

Well, I'm really a little sleepy. I traveled all night last night and started fighting early in the morning. My nerves were tense and I didn't feel sleepy at all. Now that I relax, I realize that my eyelids have been fighting each other.
Looking around, he saw many soldiers sleeping simply wrapped in quilts. He did not care that they looked like beggars sleeping on the streets. He untied the quilts and wrapped them around himself, grabbed a handful of fried noodles, ate a few mouthfuls, and then leaned back in the trench to sleep.
The sound of "boom..." woke me up from my sleep. I knew without looking that the enemy was bombarding again. I hadn't even slept for a while! Who cares! I was so angry that I ignored it and hugged the quilt tightly around me and went back to sleep. I was so sleepy. These South Korean soldiers were like flies. I couldn't kill them, and I couldn't drive them away... If this continued, I would die of exhaustion before I was killed.
"Comrades, comrades! The enemy is coming!"
Suddenly, I was pulled out of the quilt by a strong hand. I knew it was Hu Zi, the reckless guy again. The cold air outside made me shiver involuntarily, and I became much more sober.
"Comrade," Hu Zi grinned and said, "The enemy is here and you are still dreaming. You won't even know how you will die in a moment."
Looking at Hu Zi and other volunteer soldiers who were still full of energy, I opened my mouth and asked with my eyes wide open: "You haven't slept since last night, why aren't you tired?"
"What do you mean one day? Hasn't it been five days since I left the country?" Xiao Shandong replied, "When I was fighting the Kuomintang, it was common for me to not sleep for three days and three nights!"
"Oh, so I'm used to it." I smiled bitterly. It turned out that this is how iron men are trained. Habits become natural. It's just a pity for me who used to live a life of luxury in the modern world. Now my head is so dizzy that I can't think.
I leaned my head towards the crosshairs and aimed at an enemy who was crouching towards the battlefield, thinking bitterly in my heart: "Damn it... You kept me awake, so I'll let you sleep well!"
"Bang, bang, bang..." As the battle started, I fired all five bullets in the magazine in one breath, aiming, shooting, raising my gun, aiming and shooting again, all in one go. Five bullets were fired at the enemy like a machine gun burst. Five enemies fell down, and each of them was shot in the head.
I was stunned. When did my shooting skills become so good? Hu Zi beside me also looked in my direction, and was obviously attracted by these five shots.
Confusedly, I hid in the trench to load bullets, but found that fatal awkwardness appeared again. The bolt could not be pulled open several times, and the bullets slipped from my hands when I was loading the bullets... Until the enemy was repelled again, I still couldn't load five bullets!

Jun 30, 2024
Jun 30, 2024
Jun 30, 2024
Jun 30, 2024
Jun 30, 2024