Volume 1: The Battleship Yitian Changes into the Sino-Japanese War of 1894 Chapter 69: Beauty Recommends Herself

After the court meeting, Sun Gang told Li Hongzhang about the two battleships that the Japanese were building, and said that it was accurate intelligence obtained by the Military Intelligence Department (he did not dare to say that he was a "prophet" and had forgotten it). After knowing this, Li Hongzhang thought about it carefully and asked, "What are you going to do?"
"I want to send someone to keep an eye on it at any time to find out the date when , and then send our navy to rob them at sea." Sun Gang said.
"Not appropriate." Li Hongzhang shook his head and said, "These two ships are not part of the Japanese Navy. They are commodities. Unreasonably robbing British commodities will easily give the British an excuse to retaliate. Our navy is not strong enough to fight the British, so we should not rashly provoke them."
Sun Gang thought about it and nodded. Yes, when the Dingyuan and Zhenyuan were built and returned to China, it was during the Sino-French War. The French threatened that if the two ships left Germany, they would seize them midway. There was nothing Li Hongzhang could do, so he had to order the officers and soldiers who received the ships to wait on the spot until the end of the war. Only then did the two ships fly the German merchant ship flag and were driven back to China by officers and soldiers from China and Germany.
The French navy was stronger than the German navy at that time, so they dared to be so arrogant. China’s current situation is just the opposite, so the old man is right.
"It will take at least three years to build such a huge ship. I'm going to think of a way to take advantage of the Japanese when they come to negotiate the treaty." Li Hongzhang looked at him with satisfaction and said, "You are very effective. If you need anything, just ask me."
"I'm only thinking about how to get the navy a huge ironclad warship as soon as possible." Sun Gang said, "By the way, the navy has already made some progress. Regarding the army, does the Lord have any plan?"
Li Hongzhang laughed and said, "That's right. The old army is rotten and useless. The Xiang-Huai training army is old-fashioned and has too many problems. I am thinking of training a new army with German and French elements. The emperor also has this idea, but there are too many clues. If you have time, please help me keep an eye on it."
"I think that in this campaign to drive out the Japanese, although the army's artillery is sophisticated, its tactics are conservative and it still mostly uses the methods of suppressing the Taiping Rebellion. It doesn't know much about Western tactics. The navy has been training according to Western methods for many years, and each ship has a land force with better combat effectiveness. The navies of Western countries all have marine corps. I would like to try out a marine corps in the Beiyang Navy. If it is effective, we will promote it. What do you think, Lord Zhongtang?" Sun Gang asked.
"This is a very good idea, but the court may not agree." Li Hongzhang thought for a while and said, "How about this, you train this army as a branch of the Beiyang Military Intelligence Department. Don't call it the Marine Corps. You can give it a name of your own to avoid people finding fault with it. You can discuss it with Ruchang and ask him to help you. The number of people should not exceed 500 at first. We can talk about it after we have achieved results."
Sun Gang's heart was filled with excitement. Haha, this should be the Beiyang version of the "Navy SEAL Team"!
After leaving Li Hongzhang, he returned to the posthouse and found that his beautiful Korean secretary seemed to be crying again.
Sun Gang looked at Zhan Shuxiao with an inquiring look, and the little kid's face was immediately filled with innocence. Sun Gang understood what she meant. She had not been like this when we set out, so it definitely had nothing to do with us.
"You go and have a rest." Sun Gang nodded and asked Zhan Shuxiao and the guards to leave.
Jin Shunji sat on the edge of the bed, her beautiful big eyes staring blankly ahead, with traces of tears still on her face. She seemed not to notice Sun Gang coming in. Sun Gang walked to the chair opposite her and sat down. He was immediately stunned for a moment, as if he understood something.
Seeing that she hadn't come to her senses yet, Sun Gang coughed lightly. She was slightly startled, and when she saw Sun Gang, she unconsciously reached out to wipe away the tears from her face.
"Do you miss home?" Sun Gang asked.
She shook her head, then nodded and said, "I'm sorry to have embarrassed you, sir."
"Once the situation in North Korea is settled, I will send you home." Sun Gang looked at her and said.
"No!" A trace of panic flashed in her eyes, and she answered instinctively: "Shun Ji doesn't want to leave you, sir. Please help me."
"If you don't want to leave, I won't chase you away, right? What are you afraid of?" Seeing her face covered with rain, he felt like playing a prank and couldn't help but want to bully her. He stood up and walked to her side, putting his face close to hers, "You're not hiding something from me, are you?" He walked closer until their faces were close, and he smelled the faint fragrance emanating from her body, and couldn't help but feel his heart moved.
She looked at him steadily, ignoring his almost "indecent" behavior, and whispered: "If... Sunji accidentally did something to offend you, would you forgive me if you knew about it?"
"Then you have to tell me what you did first? What serious thing would you do that would make me unable to forgive you?" Sun Gang could no longer control himself at this time and said it without thinking.
She looked at him in amazement, as if she was meeting him for the first time.
"Who is it?!" A loud shout suddenly came from outside, and Sun Gang recognized it as Zhan Shuxiao.
Sun Gang was startled and was about to rush out, but Jin Shunji grabbed him and stood in front of him. She held his arm tightly and Sun Gang couldn't struggle. Only then did he realize that the beautiful woman in front of him was quite strong.
"He's already run away, sir." It seemed like a guard said to Zhan Shuxiao.
"Check each place one by one." Zhan Shuxiao said worriedly.
Jin Shunji was still nervously protecting Sun Gang. Sun Gang felt a little embarrassed to let a girl protect him, and couldn't help but ask loudly, "What's going on?"
"It seems there is an assassin, and he has already run away." Zhan Shuxiao answered from outside. This boy was very well-behaved. He knew that there was a woman in the room "communicating" with the Minister of the Navy, so he refused to come in.
"Now that everything is alright, let the brothers rest." Sun Gang said, and Zhan Shuxiao agreed.
After hearing what he said, Jin Shunji slowly loosened her hand and her face turned red. Sun Gang noticed that she seemed to be holding something in her right hand and couldn't help looking at her strangely.
"What's in your hand?" Sun Gang held her wrist and asked.
She looked at him with a red face and did not answer. It was the first time that Sun Gang had "intimate physical contact" with her, and he couldn't help feeling very happy. Her hands were soft, tender, and slightly cool. He became curious and mischievously pried open her slender fingers one by one. She did not resist and let him play with her fingers.
In the white and soft palm, there are four copper coins.
"I thought it was some kind of treasure. Do you want to buy some candied haws?" Sun Gang looked at her strangely and said with a smile.
There was a fleeting gleam of resentment in her eyes, and then a hint of mischief, just like the first time they met on the warship.
She did not answer him, but slightly broke free from his hand and raised her wrist. Sun Gang felt a flash of golden light before his eyes, followed by a few "snap" sounds, and the four copper coins were nailed to the beam.
Sun Gang opened his eyes wide in surprise. He had only seen it in martial arts movies before, but today he saw it for real.
It turned out that she was protecting herself just now. Once there were enemies, she would immediately greet them with these "Brother Kong Fang".
She looked at his face full of astonishment, a hint of amusement flashed in her eyes, and then she returned to normal. "It's just a trivial trick. I'm sorry to have embarrassed you, sir." She said.
"This is not just a trivial skill, it is a divine skill. It can be used against the enemy at close range and catch the enemy off guard. Xiao Li's Flying Dagger is no better than this." Sun Gang exclaimed.
"Little Li Flying Dagger?" Jin Shunji was stunned for a moment before Sun Gang reacted and couldn't help but coughed awkwardly.
"Your Excellency is joking. Shunji has read your notes. I admire your thoughts and ideas." She pointed to a line drawing of a British "Sovereign" class battleship drawn by Sun Gang himself and said, "Your Excellency's ship drawing is a real masterpiece. These ironclad giant ships are more powerful than the gunboats Shunji saw last time. Even if it will be useless when facing these battleships."
"That can't be generalized, haha." Sun Gang laughed. Her words reminded him of the famous movie with the battleship "Missouri" as the background. Didn't the inconspicuous chef on the ship, relying on a flying knife, turn a perfect "ship hijacking plan" formulated by a group of professional terrorists into a mess, killing the terrorists and making them run for their lives, thus saving the world? But if he told her about it now, this beautiful student would definitely faint.
It seems that this beautiful student is also very interested in boats. He thought about his future plans and was in a very good mood.
After the court meeting, he learned from Li Hongzhang that the harassment of Japanese warships caused great damage to the lives of residents in the southeastern coastal areas, but also awakened the numbness of local officials and people to the threat at sea. Countless relatives who died in the sea of ​​fire made them realize the importance of coastal defense. The memorials from provincial governors requesting the expansion of the navy actually represented some of the people's voices. The provinces that had always been reluctant to help with coastal defense funds have become active this time, and a large number of merchants and gentry have also contributed money. The navy funds collected by the people amount to as much as 10 million taels of silver! Taiwan alone has collected 3 million taels! If Li Hongzhang was not afraid of the court's suspicion and did not want to make too much noise, it would actually be enough to buy it temporarily.
Is the awakening of people’s ocean awareness another result of the butterfly effect?
With financial support from the court and support from the people, Sun Gang was really excited.
The Chinese Navy is about to get out of trouble!
After being busy for so many days, he was finally able to have a good sleep tonight.
Thinking about the days since he traveled through time until now, every scene flashed through his mind like a movie, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.
I don’t have the scenery and glory that other time travelers have. I am just doing the best that a tiny butterfly can do, but I have brought exciting changes to this ancient country!
In fact, he is already very satisfied with what he has achieved now.
He lay alone in bed, too excited to sleep.
He had become accustomed to having his beloved wife by his side, her soft whispers and her fiery passion. Her soft and beautiful body had brought him so many dreamy and happy feelings, and tonight he missed her especially much.
Oh, forget it. When I get back, I’ll ask her to give him all the money, including the principal and interest, in one night.
He was about to fall asleep when the door of the room suddenly opened.
He was startled and was about to take out his revolver from under his pillow, but when he saw who came in, he immediately froze there, stunned.
Kim Sun-hee was wrapped in a snow-white tight-fitting dress, with her long black hair hanging down like a waterfall. She looked like a fairy in a painting. She stared at him who was in a "frozen" state on the bed, and slowly walked towards him.
He was still looking at her in surprise until she gently lifted the curtain, pulled back his quilt, and lay down beside him, then he reacted.
"Shun Ji's heart has already belonged to you, sir. I am willing to serve you with my body. I beg you to grant my wish." She slightly leaned sideways and spoke softly.
Without shyness or fear, she looked at him calmly. Sun Gang saw only a hint of sadness in her eyes.
Sun Gang finally came back to his senses. His mind was blank for a moment. He stared at her blankly, not knowing what to say. Indeed, he already felt that he liked her very much. He subconsciously hoped that such a beauty would belong to him one day. Although he always felt that it would be too unfair to his beloved wife, there seemed to be something wrong with her today, even though the current scene was something that every normal time traveler yearned for very much.
He stared at her, the sadness in her eyes deeply moved her. He then realized that his hand had unconsciously reached out to her, and his body had responded honestly to such temptation. She looked at him silently, watching his hand on her shoulder, and she slowly closed her eyes.
There was no undressing or rough force as she had expected. She was gently held in his arms, and he pressed his whole body against her soft body, wantonly feeling the warmth and fragrance she brought him.
She let him hold her. After an unknown amount of time, she opened her eyes with some surprise, and just met his gaze. When their eyes met, her face turned slightly red, and Sun Gang couldn't help laughing.
Jun 30, 2024
Jun 30, 2024
Jun 30, 2024
Jun 30, 2024
Jun 30, 2024