Volume 1: The Battleship Yitian Changes into the Sino-Japanese War of 1894 Chapter 3: A Beautiful Woman with a Lot of Money

Sun Gang felt a little embarrassed when she looked at him. He scratched his head and said, "I asked someone to find me a job in a bank after I graduated, but unfortunately I didn't work there for long because someone else squeezed me out. Lao Kong (his good friend from the same hometown, her boyfriend when she was in school) is with Yu Bin and others in Dalian. He has a good job. He got married two years ago and may have a child now. Aji works in the court and his partner works at the People's Bank of China. Anzi works in the Bank of China and his wife is actually my high school classmate... They all got married one by one and are busy now. We see each other less often..."
"What about you? You seem to be alone." Ma Yue looked at him and smiled, "I can tell by the way you looked at the beach."
She looked at him. "By the way, how did you fool those patrols? You're quite good at it."
Sun Gang told her what happened and the "National Security Bureau" story about the idea of ​​the dragon card. She almost laughed to death. "You are so talented." She patted her chest and finally stopped laughing. "Why did you hesitate there again later?"
"How dare you say that? You just left me there and left." Sun Gang glared at her. She smiled and stuck out her tongue. "I had something urgent to do, so didn't I ask Lao Ma to wait for you there?"
"What if I really feel so depressed that I jump into the sea?" Sun Gang pretended to be angry and said, " Are you really not going to care?"
"That proves that you have a way to go back, haha." Seeing that his expression seemed to have really changed, she shook his hand and laughed, "I was just joking . Old Ma will go to save you. Can you admit that I was wrong? I'll take you to my house now." Seeing that he seemed to have calmed down, she immediately changed the subject, "You haven't told me yet, why were you so melancholy at that time?" she asked again.

"It was my first time seeing Chinese battleships, and I was a little surprised," Sun Gang said. "I felt bad when I thought about the fate of this fleet."
"Oh, I forgot you're a military fan, and you're very familiar with history and military affairs." Ma Yue seemed to remember something, and a trace of worry flashed in her eyes. "When I went to Dalian, the tour guide told me that this place was once bloodbathed by the Japanese..." As she spoke, she couldn't help but hold his hand, and asked nervously, "Tell me, those things are not true, right?"
Sun Gang looked at her beautiful and lovely face, and he could not help but feel an impulse to protect her at all costs. A man who can't even protect a woman, that thing in his crotch is fucking useless! Yes, I don't have much ability, but I am also a Chinese! Every man has his share of responsibility for the rise and fall of the country! It's a fucking miracle that I can appear here, maybe there will be a butterfly effect! Since I already know the direction of history, I have to think of ways to change it! Although I am now poor and nothing, a soybean can sink a warship, and I am now this soybean!
"Don't worry, I'll give it a fucking try just for you. I don't believe I can't change this damn history!" Sun Gang said viciously. His weird expression scared her. She didn't understand why he said that. She looked at his serious face and laughed again. "Okay, let's not talk about these unhappy things. In fact, we really should celebrate, but it's inconvenient for us now." She looked at him expectantly and said in the Shenyang accent he loved to hear, "I can help you with whatever you want to do. I have plenty of money now."
"Then can I stay with you, a rich little woman, now?" Sun Gang looked at her with a smirk and said, "I have had this idea for many years. If it weren't for Old Kong occupying that thing and I had to keep our friendship..." He spoke incoherently and high-soundingly. Oh, the wish to marry a rich and beautiful woman that I made when I was in college while looking at the "Hale-Bopp" comet that rarely visits the earth in the sky has finally come true today. It's so damn cool.
"You're so good. You've just found a place to settle down, but you're already having wild thoughts." She rolled her eyes at him and said sternly, "You're so impatient to show your tail. Aren't you afraid that I'll sweep you out onto the street?"
Sun Gang was startled by what she said. She let go of his hand, walked up to him with a stern face, suddenly pinched his chin with her hand, gently lifted it up, and said seriously: "Come on, smile for me." After she said that, she looked at his strange expression, laughed happily, and said in the Anton accent he often used in school: "You are still hanging around me with this level, so don't tease me." When they were in college, she was always willing to learn the Anton accent to tease him, and he also imitated her Shenyang accent to respond. Thinking back now, Sun Gang felt particularly warm in her heart.
Sun Gang made her face blush with laughter, and he impulsively pulled her into his arms. She instinctively struggled a little, but did not seriously refuse, which made his heart flutter and he hugged her tremblingly.
After many years, at the Port Arthur Naval Base of the Qing Dynasty, on a beautiful evening in the winter of 1894, the impoverished and incompetent time traveler Mr. Sun Gang finally realized his great dream of marrying the beauty. However, he still feels a little puzzled.

"No! I won't wear it even if I die!" Sun Gang watched Ma Yue pounce on him and put a fake braid on her head. His scalp tightened involuntarily, but feeling the warm breath emanating from her that was unique to a mature woman, he couldn't help but hug her tightly. While he was dazzled, she had successfully achieved her goal.
"Be good, be obedient, look, this is pretty good." Ma Yue finished dressing him up, and looked at him with her hands on her hips, her charming big eyes smiling into crescents, "The rules are strict here, I tell you, if you keep your hair you lose your head, if you keep your head you lose your hair, be careful or someone will kill you with a knife when you go out on the street." She gently scratched her neck with her hand, made a graceful beheading gesture, and smiled, "Don't be like this, my little husband, haha, come on, smile for me."
Sun Gang looked at her with frustration. It was his fault that a wrong word he said that day gave her a handle, and he was doomed to be the object of "keeping" by this unscrupulous beauty. Although the actual situation was indeed like this, he always felt weird in his heart. It was his fault that he was not motivated. He had never seen her business and could not do it at all. Back in college, she majored in international trade and he majored in international finance. He did not expect that the effect of the difference between the two words would be shown in the Qing Dynasty today. This Ma family was actually a famous family, but there were few male descendants. After she traveled through time and space, she gave full play to the talents of her major and made the business of this big family a success. The business was very prosperous, and she was almost the head of the family. The Ma family had originally been in the business of raw medicinal materials, but after a few years in her hands, the business had expanded to porcelain, raw silk, tea, banknotes, etc., which really surprised him. He thought that what he had learned could only be used in the banknotes. He investigated for a few days and found that the banknotes of this period were not much different from the banks of later generations. Except for the lack of computers, even the accounting principles were almost the same, and the internal management was more stringent. After the investigation, he gave up his wish to become a bank president or a section chief here. He was really a useless scholar. Now it seemed that he was of no use except to be her pistachio.
"How dare you call me that? Your dad will beat you up if he finds out." Sun Gang grabbed her wrist and pulled her to his side. Perhaps it was because the days after she traveled here were too depressing. Since he came, she had been in an excited state like a child, which really gave him a headache.
In fact, he had been worrying about what would happen in the future these days. Whether or not to wear braids was secondary. He also knew that she was doing this for his own good. "Why haven't I seen your father these days?" he asked.
"He is with General Ding of the Navy Yamen." Ma Yue replied, "General Ding was injured while fighting against the rebels. My father cured him. The Ding family is very familiar with our family."

Jun 30, 2024
Jun 30, 2024
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Jun 30, 2024