Volume 1: Student Life Chapter 60: Mock Exam Results Released

After the mock exam, the school quickly organized teachers to speed up the marking of the papers.
Because there are still three days until the 100-day oath-taking ceremony for the college entrance examination, all paper marking and score statistics must be completed within two days.
Then there is only one day left to prepare for the various matters of the Hundred-Day Oath-Taking Ceremony.
On the morning of the second day after the exam, the math test paper was the first to come out.
Wang Xuehui hurriedly came to the classroom with the still-hot test papers. He handed them to the math class representative and asked him to pass them out, saying, "The mock exam papers were just scored in the computer room, and I took them from our class. I didn't check carefully to see if they were all in order. If any of you didn't get your papers, tell me after class and I'll find them for you."
Then, Wang Xuehui briefly talked about the results of the mock exam: "This time, the overall test results were good. The grade average score was 112 points, and our class average score was 121 points, which is very good! In addition, the highest score in the grade was 145 points. A total of three students got the highest score, all in our class. Well done..."
While Wang Xuehui was speaking, the math class representative quickly handed the stack of papers to their owners.
Zhang Yifan got the test paper before Chen Zhou and scored 138 points, which is quite high.
Then Li Xiang got the test paper, with a score of 140, which was even higher.
Then there are Chen Haining and Chen Zhou. Chen Haining’s math score is the same as Li Xiang’s, also a high score of 140.
And Chen Zhou, the bright red three-digit number, 145!
Highest score in the grade.
Chen Zhou successfully scored excellent in mathematics in this exam.
Looking at this score, Chen Zhou really wanted to close his eyes and go to the system space to see if the small goal had been achieved.
If this small goal has not been achieved, then he really doesn't know how many exams he will have to take to achieve it...
However, the current conditions do not allow him to do so.
Chen Zhou had no choice but to suppress his impulse and listen to the class attentively.
When Chen Zhou wasn't paying attention , Zhang Yifan, Chen Haining, and Li Xiang exchanged glances quietly: "The boss is still the boss, please teach me more in the future!"
Chen Zhou found that Wang Xuehui's lecture today was more detailed than before. He wrote almost every question on the blackboard and then expanded to explain the knowledge points related to the question.
Wang Xuehui had his own purpose for doing this.
This math test paper was not that difficult to begin with, and after such detailed explanations and extensions, it was easy to help students strengthen their memory of the knowledge points.
The day of the college entrance examination is getting closer and closer, and this is all Wang Xuehui can do to help students by explaining the questions.
After math class, it’s Chinese class.
The Chinese test paper is the slowest to be graded, so it has not yet been completed.
However, this does not hinder the explanation of the test paper. After all, what is handed in is the answer sheet, and the original test paper is still in the hands of the students.
The feeling of not being able to see the score but still having to listen to the test paper explanation is the most frustrating.
After enduring the Chinese class, it was time for the physics class.
Chen Zhou scored 100 points out of 110 in the physics test.
My physics scores barely reach the excellent level. It depends on whether my chemistry and biology scores are strong enough to push for the excellent level.
After the exam, Chen Zhou did not look through the collection of wrong questions, nor did he go shopping in the system space.
So he didn't know how many points he could get in each subject, or whether he could get an excellent grade.
As for why I didn’t look through the collection of wrong questions, of course it was to maintain my anticipation, and it definitely didn’t mean that I didn’t want to see the collection of wrong questions.
Why didn't he go to the system space? It was because after the mock test, Chen Zhou didn't hear the system prompt sound that the second stage of the pre-task was completed, which meant that at least one of the subjects, mathematics and comprehensive science , was not achieved. Or maybe he failed both subjects...
Chen Zhou no longer wanted to go shopping in the system space.
However, the two papers just handed out today, 145 points in mathematics and 100 points in physics, immediately gave him the urge to take a look.
However, if you want to watch it, you have to wait until school is over at noon and find a time when you won't be disturbed.
Anyway, in the classroom, with Chen Haining and the other two present during the break, there was no chance at all...
However, Chen Zhou did not wait until noon. The last biology class in the morning gave him the answer.
The full score for biology was 90, but Chen Zhou did not reach the excellent line and only scored 79 points.
2 points lower than the excellent line.
After seeing this score, Chen Zhou probably understood that he definitely did not reach his small goal in comprehensive science, and now the only thing he could look forward to was mathematics.
I listened carefully to the biology teacher's explanation and focused on memorizing the knowledge points of each question .
It was also in this class that Chen Zhou promoted biology to the necessary level.
After school at noon, Chen Zhou quickly finished the rice bowl he had ordered and then ran back to the classroom.
After returning to his seat, Chen Zhou lay down on the table, pretending to take a nap, and his consciousness entered the system space.
Skillfully click on the "Tasks in Progress" column on the display screen.
Then quickly find the "Goal" column in the detailed task information.
“Goal: Chinese 140 (excellent, achieved), Mathematics 140 (excellent, achieved), English 140 (excellent, achieved), Comprehensive Science 270 (excellent).”
When Chen Zhou saw that he had achieved excellent results in mathematics, he felt like tears welling up in his eyes. After taking the exam for so long, I finally passed it!
This proves the saying: "Take more exams, and you will eventually pass them..."
Thinking of this, Chen Zhou couldn't help but look at the only subject that hadn't reached its goal: "Take more exams, you have to pass it too!"
After exiting the system space, Chen Zhou sat up straight, took out the materials, and prepared to finish the questions before going to sleep.
After all, it’s not yet 12:30, and my biological clock is not right for a nap.
Zhang Yifan also came to the classroom. Seeing Chen Zhou getting up again, he asked, "Did you sleep well?"
Chen Zhou: “Not asleep.”
"So you're not going to sleep anymore because you're getting the information?"
"It's not time yet, I'll go to bed later..."
"Fuck... You're different, Boss. Others fall asleep on the table when they're tired, but you're the opposite. You even take a nap at a set time..."
Chen Zhou didn't say anything. He wanted to refute Zhang Yifan, but he felt that Zhang Yifan was right. It seemed like he was just trying to keep track of the time and didn't want to waste any time.
Chen Zhou simply opened the materials and started doing the questions without responding to this question.
Zhang Yifan glanced at Chen Zhou, took out a math book with five years of college entrance examination and three years of simulation, and started writing.
After writing until 12:30, Chen Zhou immediately put away the materials, lay down on the table again, and started to take a nap.
Zhang Yifan looked at the time, wrote one more question, and then lay down on the table to sleep.
In the afternoon, the English and chemistry test papers were also distributed.
Chen Zhou's English has completely grown into a reassuring subject. When he got the test paper, his score was not much different from usual.
The score is the same as last year’s joint entrance examination of six schools, 142 points.
However, chemistry is still a baby who has not grown up. In the eyes of the three excellent big brothers and sisters in Chinese, English and mathematics, chemistry still needs to be pulled and helped to grow.
Chen Zhou only scored 89 points in chemistry, one point short of perfection .
The results of the three subjects of physics, chemistry and biology were released, and the results of the comprehensive science were added up. It was 268 points, just two points short...
Jun 24, 2024
Jun 24, 2024
Jun 24, 2024
Jun 24, 2024
Jun 24, 2024