Volume 1: Student Life Chapter 4: Persistence brings rewards

Chen Zhou originally thought that his father would consider the issue of repeating a grade seriously, and even convince him not to do so, taking into account the family conditions, his younger brother, and his own health.
After all, objectively speaking, being able to get into a top university is already a great success.
But unexpectedly, after hearing my answer, my father agreed immediately without hesitation.
Even on my mother's side, it was my father who did the ideological work.
In the following days, the Chen family seemed to have not celebrated the fact that Chen Zhou was admitted to a top university, and returned to the state of Chen Zhou preparing for the college entrance examination a year ago.
This action not only shocked the neighbors, but also confused Chen Zhou's uncles, aunts and other elders.
The day before, your husband, Chen, called and boasted that your son had been admitted to a top university and that he would treat everyone to a farewell dinner for the teachers. But there was no news the next day. When I asked again, was Xiaozhou planning to repeat his grade?
Regardless of how his relatives and friends outside view the fact that he is repeating a grade, Chen Zhou has already started according to his plan.
I went to a used bookstore and bought back the books and review materials that I had already sold, and also bought a brand new Five-Year College Entrance Examination and Three-Year Simulation Book - English.
According to Chen Zhou's analysis, among the small goals set for him by the system, English, which has never scored above 100 points, is too difficult.
In order to achieve the small goals set by the system, Chen Zhou must change his attitude towards learning English.

In the past, I only knew how to memorize words in my English textbooks. As a result, I would forget the words I memorized the day before within a week, and when we met again, no one recognized each other.
After thinking about it, Chen Zhou decided to start by memorizing words.
However, Chen Zhou set himself a sustainable study plan of 100 words in two days, 300 words a week, and a comprehensive review on Sunday.
I don't ask for speed or quantity, I just hope that I can recognize who is who in two days.
As for other subjects, Chen Zhou started to practice questions.
The tactic of doing a lot of questions may not be the most effective, but it is definitely useful!
With this belief, Chen Zhou began a cycle of words and test papers.
"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing his study plan on the first day. Well begun is half done. Come on, young man!"
As soon as Chen Zhou closed the book, the system's voice rang in his mind.
"You're right. I'm one step closer to success!" Chen Zhou smiled and drank the bowl of chicken soup.
With a little satisfaction, Chen Zhou went to bed.
"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing his study plan on the 10th day. The formation of good habits lies in self-persistence. 10 days of persistence is the starting point for habit formation. Come on, young man!"
"Huh, 10 days?" Chen Zhou glanced at the draft paper full of words, thinking and calculating in his mind, "Yeah! 350 words, I did remember them."
"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing his study plan on the 30th day. Good independent study habits will benefit you for life. After 30 days of accumulation, the host has taken a small step. Don't let your laziness drag you back to the starting point. Come on, young man!"
"You are so punctual, even more punctual than my mom calling me to eat!"
Chen Zhou couldn't help but complain about this crappy system. He didn't know who learned it from, but it kept sending chicken soup voice messages once a day without interruption.
He's about to vomit!
I have filled up many sheets of draft paper and many test papers, and everything I look at looks like ABC.
"Sure enough, what the system said is right. Laziness wants to drag me back to the starting point!" Chen Zhou lay on the bed, muttering like a dream, "Then drag me back. I want the game, I want..."
Perhaps out of a sense of responsibility, Chen Zhou, who usually likes to work hard for three days and rest for two days , this time rarely maintained it for more than a month.
Looking at the test papers piled up over a month and the draft papers filled with words, Chen Zhou couldn't believe that he had actually persisted in following the study plan for so many days.
This is the first time that I have consciously and actively studied for such a long time.
When so many evidences were placed before his eyes, a genuine sense of happiness emerged in his heart.
After waiting silently for a while, the expected voice sounded in my mind.
"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing his study plan on the 50th day. Although persistent self-discipline is hard, the joy of the harvest day will be returned a hundredfold. Come on, young man!"
It’s that familiar chicken soup voice again, that damn cheering boy.
Chen Zhou curled his lips: "I feel the bitterness, but where is the joy?"

He felt that this was a deliberate reminder from the system, and the daily cheering was like a countdown to becoming an idiot.
After all, if the mission was not completed, he would have his consciousness erased and would probably become an idiot even if he didn’t die.
He sighed softly, thinking about how Huang Jiayi was about to start his happy life as a college student, he felt more and more that he was really miserable.
"Free internet speed, delicate girl, cute teacher, here I come."
Chen Zhou remembered that this was what Huang Jiayi said after he learned that he was going to repeat a grade. This was originally the life he was going to have, but now, he felt envy and jealousy.
"Oh..." With another heavy sigh, Chen Zhou stood up from the desk, packed up his book drafts, and counted his luggage again.
I have to report to the repeat class tomorrow.
The unexpected system voice sounded again.
"Do I have to drink chicken soup twice to celebrate my 50th day of perseverance?"
As Chen Zhou was thinking this, the system voice in his mind gave the answer.
"System reminder: The host will start studying at a repeat school tomorrow. The study plan during this period is no longer suitable for the host's next stage of study. Please make a new study plan as soon as possible according to the school's schedule and stick to it."
Chen Zhou was about to complain, but the system's voice did not stop.
"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the pre-hidden mission. Learning is about perseverance (uniqueness)."
“Task description: Study in an orderly manner according to your own study plan without the supervision of teachers or parents, develop the habit of independent learning, and gain something.”
"Completion status: For the first time in the host's life, he persisted in self-study for 50 days, formed a preliminary study habit, and successfully memorized 986 words, deepening his proficiency in answering questions."
"Get the hidden reward: a collection of wrong questions (unique)."
"Fuck, persistence pays off? Is that so true?"
This feeling of being slapped in the face instantly was really refreshing. Chen Zhou even had the illusion that he was being targeted by the system! Otherwise, how could a hidden task suddenly appear?
I just feel that it’s a bit shabby to only reward a collection of wrong questions as a reward for a hidden task?
Don’t hidden quests in general games reward special items?
Thinking of this, Chen Zhou closed his eyes, and his "consciousness" came to the system space. A backpack-like pattern appeared on the display screen, with a red dot on it.
Chen Zhou opened his backpack and saw an exercise book lying quietly inside.
“Is this really a collection of wrong questions?”
After thinking about it, something is better than nothing, so it would be a waste not to take it.
Chen Zhou stretched out his hand to "take out" the collection of wrong questions, but when his fingers touched the exercise book, there was only a paragraph of explanatory text.
"Wrong question collection (uniqueness), automatically records the wrong questions in the host's 50-day study plan."
When I saw this instruction, it seemed quite powerful. It actually automatically recorded the questions I got wrong.
But how do I take it out?
"Host, please exit the system space and take a look at the backpack."
Following the system voice prompt, Chen Zhou exited the system space and soon found a brand new exercise book in his backpack.
"Fuck! Is this a magic trick? So cool! "
In order not to disturb the family, the sound has been suppressed, but it is still a bit ear-piercing.

Jun 24, 2024
Jun 24, 2024
Jun 24, 2024
Jun 24, 2024
Jun 24, 2024