Volume 1 Princess Taiping Grows Up Chapter 23 War

In ancient times, because there were many children, the degree to which they were loved was of course different.
There is actually a simple logic here: I like whoever makes me happy!
Generally speaking, the one who makes parents feel most satisfied is the most favored child.
In the past, this child was Li Hong, then he became the youngest Li Lun, and now, he is Li Yuechen, who is the one who knows how to please his parents the most.
So now, even if she got angry with the emperor and the empress, they would not get angry, but would coax her humbly.
The meal took a long time. Even after finishing it, Li Zhi still had a bowl of hot pot soup and savored it in small sips.
Judging from the health ball spinning rapidly in his hand, he is obviously in a very good mood.
"This thing is good. I will introduce it to the ministers at the court meeting tomorrow..." Li Zhi said as he looked at the hot pot in the middle of the table.
Li Yuechen, who was sitting on his lap, grimaced. Well, the copyright fee is gone again.
Wu Zetian beside him also nodded: "There is also this high stool, it is really comfortable . Chen'er, what is the name of this thing?"
"The child hasn't been named yet, why don't you let mother give him a name?" Li Yuechen said as she reached for the cup next to her.
Wu Zetian thought for a moment and said: "It is slightly higher than a stool and can be used for leaning. How about calling it a 'stool'?"
Your naming method is really simple and crude! Li Yuechen secretly complained in his heart.
I used to see many people complaining online that Wu Zetian had a middle school syndrome and liked to change other people's names. I thought she was very good at this.
But now... Li Yuechen really wanted to raise his eyebrows and say, "That's it?"
Although he complained in his heart, he still smiled and said, "It's all up to you, mother."
The whole family enjoyed today's meal very much. Li Zhi even raised his glass from time to time to drink with his two illegitimate daughters. It was not at all as solemn as the New Year's Eve banquets of previous years.

Until the show ended late at night, Li Zhi was still beaming with joy and in high spirits.
If Wu Zetian hadn't taken him back to rest on the grounds that he was not feeling well, they would probably have chatted all night.
At the gate of Chengxiang Hall, several children bowed respectfully to see Li Zhi off, except Li Yuechen, who raised his hands above his head and made a heart shape with his hands.
Li Zhi was probably drunk as well, he also smiled, slightly bent his legs, raised his hands and made a heart shape above his head.
Such a cute contrasting scene almost made Li Yuechen laugh. It was the great social death scene of the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty.
Li Hong and others who saw this scene were stunned for a moment, struggling internally as to whether they should also imitate him.
But before they could react, Li Zhi was taken back by Wu Zetian and Zhang Chengxin, each holding one hand.
Li Yuechen was wondering if Li Zhi would call her over and give her a beating tomorrow when he remembered this socially fatal scene.
Several brothers were about to leave, and Li Yuechen also made a heart shape with his hands to them.
Unfortunately, they were not drunk, so they could not do such an embarrassing thing and just turned around and left.
The two sisters didn't care at all and also made a heart shape with their hands to say goodnight to Li Yuechen.
After seeing everyone off, Li Yuechen returned, washed up with the help of Xiaohe, and got into bed.
Well, it’s good to be a princess. You don’t have to wash the dishes after meals.
Li Yuechen put his hands behind his head and took a deep breath.
Now there is no doubt that I am favored. The next step is to wait and wait for growth.
Grow up to be a princess as soon as possible, then you don’t have to act like a child and be the funny guy every day, then you can relax and just eat and wait for death.
By the way, you can also take a good look at this history from the perspective of a future person.
If I could return to my original world after dying here, I might be able to become a history professor...
While thinking about all sorts of things, I fell asleep.
As for the grand court assembly the next day, Li Yuechen was too lazy to go and watch it. It was basically the same every year anyway.
Shortly after the hour of Chou, Li Zhi and Wu Zetian were awakened by Zhang Chengxin and asked to get up, wash and dress up to prepare for the grand court meeting.
Wu Zetian, who was letting her maid help her with her hair, saw that Li Zhi was still a little confused, so she asked tentatively: "Your Majesty, do you remember last night..."
"I don't remember!" Li Zhi was suddenly stunned, then shook his head violently.
"Oh?" Wu Zetian grinned, "Then why don't I help Your Majesty recall it a little bit? Last night..."
Li Zhi waved his hand directly: "Okay, don't say anything more, get ready quickly!"
Wu Zetian smiled and closed her mouth, but they were already an old couple, and one could tell from his expression that he must have remembered the shameful scene from last night.
Although it happened once in Yanying Palace last time, there were no outsiders around that time, only Wu Zetian and Li Yuechen.
And last night, not only were the children there, but there were also a bunch of palace maids and eunuchs around...
Taking a deep breath, Li Zhi turned his head slightly to glance at her, breathed a sigh of relief, and couldn't help blushing a little.
But it was also fortunate that it happened inside the palace. If that scene was seen by the ministers, Li Zhi would have been unable to help but shiver slightly.
After putting on the crown and robes worn for grand court meetings, Li Zhi went to court with Wu Zetian.
The New Year's Day celebrations are always extremely troublesome, but Li Zhi is already thinking about the gifts from envoys from various countries this year, and maybe he can pick out some interesting ones to give to his daughter to play with.
Li Yuechen got up early as usual, and started exercising without caring about how the court meeting was going.
After practicing yoga with my two sisters, I ate a few bites of food and prepared to go to the yard to practice again.
Shangguan Wan'er suddenly appeared outside the door and saluted very politely: "Your Highness, Happy New Year!"
"Well, Happy New Year." Li Yuechen agreed and prepared to go out.
"Your Highness will practice tomorrow. Can you bring Wan'er with you?"
Hearing her question, Li Yuechen stopped and turned his head to take a look: "Yes, but why are you interested in this?"
Shangguan Wan'er blinked her eyes: "Your Highness is obviously one year younger than me, but now he is taller than me... I see that your Highness's movements are slow, and it doesn't seem too difficult..."
Seeing her thinking seriously about her answer, Li Yuechen suddenly laughed.
"Okay, if you want to learn, start from tomorrow and practice with the two sisters behind me. I'll ask Xiao He to prepare an animal hide mat for you." Li Yuechen said with a smile, "But even if you practice with me, you may not be as tall as me!"
Shangguan Wan'er opened her eyes wide, her face full of questions: "Why is this?"
"Because I practiced before you." Li Yuechen touched her head with a smile, then ran to the yard to practice.
Shangguan Wan'er behind seemed to be confused. If that was the case, wouldn't she never be taller than His Highness?
Zheng next to her just smiled but said nothing. If her daughter could get along well with the princess, at least she wouldn't have to worry about being bullied in the future.
This year's grand court meeting was particularly interesting. Perhaps because the ministers did not stay up late with the emperor last night, they looked rosy and energetic when they attended the court meeting.
Li Zhi now basically never lets go of the health balls. Even during grand court meetings, he still has two iron balls turning in his hands.
Naturally, many foreign envoys saw it and asked him what it was.
Li Zhi proudly boasted that this was something the princess made as a gift to him, and that it had certain medicinal properties.
Foreign envoys thought this thing was great and expressed that they should imitate it when they returned.
No wonder when I came here and entered Chang'an City, I saw many people on the street holding two balls in their hands. It turned out that this rumor came from the emperor.
Not only that, Li Zhi was generous in praising his daughter and even mentioned her creative inventions such as the princess plow and punctuation marks.
It is conceivable that the name of this princess will probably not only be recorded in the history books of the Tang Dynasty.

On the second day of the Chinese New Year, Li Yuechen followed her mother to visit Mrs. Rongguo as usual.
It has to be said that strong genes are well reflected in this man over 90 years old.
She is not bald, her teeth are basically still there, and she still has an appetite for meat and fish.
Moreover, at this age, he still has the energy to play with his 25-year-old lover, which makes Li Yuechen admire him.
The old lady was very happy when the children came over and prepared some cakes to entertain them.
When he saw his granddaughter coming in, he wanted to hug her, but after trying a few times, he shook his head and let go: "Chen'er has grown up, I can't hold her anymore..."
Now Li Yuechen is almost as tall as his fourth brother Li Lun. He has indeed grown a lot.
"It's Chen'er's turn to hug grandma from now on!" Li Yuechen smiled sweetly and held her arm as they walked into the house.
"Okay, okay..." Mrs. Rongguo was very happy and let her support her into the inner hall.
The children had just sat down when Mrs. Rongguo took out some cakes and distributed them to them, regardless of whether they were hungry or not.
Li Yuechen knew this would happen, so she didn't eat anything in the morning. She picked a piece of food that was neither too big nor too small and took a couple of bites.
Just as he was listening to the mother and daughter chatting, Helan Minzhi suddenly walked in from the door and saluted respectfully: "Greetings to the Queen, Madam Rongguo, and all the princes!"
I haven't seen this guy for a year, and his handsome face hasn't changed, but the two ribbons behind his fuku have become longer, making him look even more flashy.
Li Yuechen munched on the pastry slowly and expressionlessly, secretly complaining in his heart.
"No need to be polite!" Wu Zetian raised her hand slightly, "Hello, resident. I haven't seen you for a long time. You have grown up a lot!"
Helan Minzhi showed a professional smile and bowed slightly: "Thanks to my aunt, everything is fine."
"Please sit down and chat with us." Wu Zetian waved her hand casually.
She couldn't say she liked or hated her nephew, after all, they had little in common.
As for the things between him and his mother, Madam Rongguo, she was too lazy to care now and just pretended not to know.
"Thank you, auntie!"
Helan Minzhi agreed and sat in the last row of chairs, sitting diagonally opposite Li Yuechen who was sitting next to Mrs. Rongguo.
Li Yuechen, who was chewing on pastries, glanced over casually and happened to see Helan Minzhi also looking over here.
The moment their eyes met, Helan Minzhi could be seen blinking his right eye at him.
Oh shit!
Li Yuechen was shocked. What did this guy mean? Was he flirting with me?
Then I felt a chill in my heart. I’m only five years old this year!
But if I think about it carefully, maybe I misunderstood. What if this guy is using this method to amuse children?
Li Yuechen, who came from modern society, was unwilling to label a person as a pervert just because of a small action , so she looked at him again.
But this time Helan Minzhi didn't do anything special, he just smiled at her.
Li Yuechen didn't think much about it. Anyway, he only saw this guy a few times throughout the year, so out of sight, out of mind.
When leaving, Mrs. Rongguo still pulled Li Hong and the others aside to talk a few more words.
After all, they seldom come to visit, and only Li Yuechen would come over every now and then when she had nothing to do to chat with the old man.
Firstly, it is to maintain one's own personal image and prevent it from collapsing. Secondly, in this era without the Internet, the best way to enrich one's life is to keep oneself busy.
There was very little snow this year, and there was hardly any snow until the Lantern Festival. To people of that era, there was a high probability of drought this year.
In March, Li Zhi and Wu Zetian discussed it and issued an edict of amnesty for the whole country, changing the reign title to Xianheng.
Also in this month, Xu Jingzong, the Prince's Junior Tutor, submitted a memorial requesting retirement due to his old age.
Wu Zetian actually didn't want to let him go, but she was really old and there was no way she could disagree, so she had to allow it.
He appointed several officials and gave them retirement benefits, and also gave them a pair of health balls as an extra gift.
When he left, the emperor ordered Zhao Renben, Zhang Da'an and others to come out to see him off, which could be considered a successful retirement.
Li Yuechen stood on the city wall of the imperial city, looking at the huge Chang'an city with a smile on his face.
In this era, many people will leave their names behind, and whether good or bad, they are also indispensable punctuation marks of this era.
For the royal family, a peaceful life never lasts long.
Less than a month later, when Li Yuechen was playing with the couple in Yanying Hall, Zhang Chengxin suddenly walked in: "Saint, Madam, Lord Zhao wants to see you!"
Li Zhi waved his hand and asked his daughter Li Yuechen to sit aside obediently. He tidied his clothes and checked to see if the tea was ready.
Seeing Zhao Renben hurriedly walking in, Li Zhi waved his hand and said, "My dear Zhao, come, sit down and have tea with me."
Zhao Renben hurriedly saluted and said, "Your Majesty, Madam, urgent news has just arrived that Tubo has invaded the Western Regions on a large scale. They have now captured eighteen vassal states! The battle report from the front says that they have joined forces with Khotan and are aiming at Bohuan City in Qiuci!"
As soon as Li Zhi and Wu Zetian exchanged a glance, they stood up at the same time and said, "Come on, let's go to the Purple Palace!"
When Li Yuechen saw that something big was happening, he hurriedly stood up and said goodbye, not wanting to cause any more trouble.
After I came out, I was muttering to myself that it seemed that the Tang Dynasty had never stopped fighting since its founding, with wars happening every few days.
Goryeo has just been pacified, and now we have to fight again.
Li Yuechen was actually also thinking about whether he should contribute the formula of black gunpowder, which would also increase the safety of the soldiers on the front line.
But she didn't dare. How could a little girl like her know the formula of such a powerful weapon?
It is better to take care of yourself first. At least it is better to make contributions when you will not be suspected.
Anyway, the Tang army is so powerful that there is no need to worry.
As for now, it’s better to just be a good child and not get into any trouble.

Jun 26, 2024
Jun 26, 2024
Jun 26, 2024
Jun 26, 2024