Volume 1 Hello, Lu Mingfei Chapter 73 Dawn (V)

This made her feel that this scene was a little familiar. When was it? Where was it? She seemed to have experienced something like this before. Under the crystal lights of a kaleidoscope, she held a girl's hand and danced in the crowd. They didn't need to care about the worldly gaze, and even the fate that had already been written was forcibly rewritten. Holding her hands, she looked coquettishly in the dance steps, and cast unattainable mockery at everyone around her, like a princess blooming in despair.
Was it a dream? Or was it a reality that had happened?
Her body involuntarily followed Ling's rhythm, but her mind was briefly silent, which caused Lu Mingfei to make a momentary mistake in her movements. Ling tripped over her ankle and fell forward. Fortunately, Ling reacted quickly, holding Lu Mingfei's arms tightly, and fell into Lu Mingfei's arms like a willow leaf drifting in the wind.
"I'm sorry!" Lu Mingfei came to her senses immediately and apologized.
"Go on." Zero's voice was even. "One Step Away" is a noble song that looks down on everything. Caesar chose this song because he is that kind of person. You have to be like him, or you will be at a disadvantage."
They held hands again, and this time Lu Mingfei threw all distracting thoughts out of her mind, trying her best to cooperate with Ling to complete the journey of conquering the student union.
The dance entered its finale, and Lu Mingfei raised her arms as high as she could. As a dance originally performed by men and women, the height difference between the two sides would perfectly match in this part, but Lu Mingfei was just a little taller than Ling, so she could only stand straight like a clothesline, and her arms became sore.
Ling took strength from Lu Mingfei's hand, and used her palm as a fulcrum for rotation. Her skirt fluttered, and silver light spun on her shoes. The sound of her heels hitting the ground formed a series of quicksteps. This was a gorgeous ending to ten consecutive rounds. If Lu Mingfei hadn't held on and shivered a little, Ling would have become a spinning top that lost its balance.
It is difficult for a hero to accept the favor of a beauty, and it would be difficult for another beauty to bear the burden. The only thing Lu Mingfei can do now is to hold on and let Zero complete his farewell.
Ling completed her 3600-degree rotation, her skirt folded like a bouquet, and she slowly knelt down to salute Lu Mingfei. Lu Mingfei suddenly realized that she did not know the etiquette of court dance. As someone who had danced the entire male step, she should have held Ling's hand and kissed the back of her hand like a gentleman before standing up together. However, she did not have time to think or spy on others, so she quickly followed Ling's example and saluted. As a result, their heads bumped together, and the sound transmitted through the bones was like someone hitting her soul hard with a gong hammer.
Lu Mingfei grimaced in pain, but she didn't dare to make any sound. She must have felt the same way as Ling. She nodded and bowed in her heart, silently saying sorry a thousand times, and slapped herself hard. The two of them raised their heads at the same time, and Lu Mingfei still saw that calm face, as if Ling didn't feel any pain at all.
In all kinds of stories and animations, there must be a guy who always fails in the main characters, so as to trigger the plot or add jokes, just like the hobbit Pippin in the Lord of the Rings, Gandalf was so angry with him that he cursed more than once. Lu Mingfei felt that she was almost such a character now. If Ling was willing to talk, she would scold Lu Mingfei for being a stupid Lu family member.
The crisp applause came from far away. Caesar, the host of the ball, used the heartfelt applause to remove the competitive attitude not long ago. Ling and Lu Mingfei undoubtedly conquered everyone present with their perfect cooperation. The combination of two girls is far more dazzling than the combination of one man and one woman. Everyone in the world likes to see beautiful women. Even the abstinent bald donkey cannot escape the perception of beautiful things. Caesar is obviously a playboy. Although he has a girlfriend, he has to be restrained and reject all the kindness of girls, but this does not prevent him from enjoying a vivid performance.
"Excellent." Caesar actually smiled faintly, "It turns out that the S-class came prepared, and none of us could even detect it."
Lu Mingfei felt a chill on her back, because she could see the deep affection in Caesar's smile...
"I thought this was a Hongmen Banquet." Lu Mingfei tried her best to look less cowardly and spoke in the expressionless style of Ling.
The height difference between her and Caesar was indeed a bit too obvious. Facing the 1.85-meter-tall Italian nobleman, Lu Mingfei had to look up to him. As a result, even if she put her hands on her waist and acted like a lion, Caesar could just stretch out his hand and play with her head, and she would lose all her fighting spirit in an instant.
"I'm not Xiang Yu, and you're not Liu Bang. Our S-level students have proven her brilliant talent. Why should I refuse such a girl? This is a huge increase in wealth for the entire student union." Caesar took out a key and placed it in Lu Mingfei's hand. "Don't rush to reject this gift for you. Come back to me when you've made up your mind. You're always welcome to join us."
It was a leather key ring with a line of crimson English words "BUGATTI" on it. Lu Mingfei always felt that it looked familiar. As a homely gamer, she paid special attention to the word "BUG", but what Caesar sent was obviously not a program error.
Lu Mingfei looked up at Caesar, his sea-blue eyes revealed the arrogance and flamboyance of a playboy. In Caesar's view, money offensive is not necessary but must be used, especially for girls. Lu Mingfei's family background is not good, so this trick will be particularly useful. It seems that Lu Mingfei has accepted this gift, because after she got the key, her expression suddenly became more lively. It only took a second for her to go from frowning slightly to suddenly enlightened. In fact, Lu Mingfei just didn't understand what this thing was used for.
Caesar always easily thinks that Lu Mingfei is too good, because he is not very familiar with this S-level girl from China. In his opinion, Lu Mingfei may become Chu Zihang's second rival in the future. He is happy to train an S-level who is more awesome than Chu Zihang, and then defeat her to prove that bloodline is not the only way out. So he is willing to be more generous to Lu Mingfei than usual, making her blingbling and shining, with awesome written all over her body. In this way, when he wins in the future, how dazzling Lu Mingfei is, Caesar Gattuso will make people feel even more awesome, and commemorate the birth of the new emperor with a great poet-like song.
Caesar was very satisfied with this plan, so much so that he liked Lu Mingfei too much, which turned into affection in Lu Mingfei's eyes, and he felt cold all over.
The loud bang made the people in the ballroom lose their hearing for a moment. The student union cadres came to their senses and ran to the gate to look out. Dazzling flames bloomed in Kassel College.
That was obviously not the work of the Equipment Department, because the headquarters of that gang of blasting geniuses, Watt Alheim, was hidden deep underground, and they could only cause a small shock at most. That came from the ground, and judging from the direction, it looked very much like the gate of the academy.
"Red alert status! Red alert status! Dragon invasion! Dragon invasion! Freshmen stay in the dormitory. Students who have passed the battlefield survival course must immediately collect their weapons and load them with Frigga bullets. Live ammunition must not be used. Block all entrances and have the right to shoot at unidentified persons." Norma's voice spread to every corner of the campus. The red alert lights in Amber Hall kept flashing. Everything showed that this was by no means a sudden actual combat exercise like Freedom Day.
The students who were dancing in their dresses just now immediately revealed their steely and heroic posture like soldiers. The girls simply tore the hems of their expensive dresses and tied them around their legs, kicked off their annoying high heels, and rushed barefoot to the outside of Amber Hall in an orderly manner. The boys had already arrived outside and coordinated with the vehicles that had just arrived in front of Amber Hall to distribute the automatic guns neatly placed on the weapon racks to everyone in an orderly manner.
"Is it really a dragon invasion? Doesn't there only one free day a year?" Lu Mingfei turned her head and was dumbfounded. Zero, who had just stood beside her, had quietly disappeared at some point. Only Caesar and Nono were left standing side by side in the entire Amber Hall. Judging from their solemn expressions, this was not a joke from the academy.
"You should go back to the dormitory." Caesar was loading a pistol. God knows where he got that thing from. Just like Nono once said, as long as you join Cassel, you will become 007 who will sleep with a gun under your pillow.
"Come on, I don't even have a weapon with me!" Nono pouted, "Since they have invaded the academy, we might as well sneak out and play now, that way we'll be safe."
The little witch's train of thought was indeed different. She spread her palms towards Lu Mingfei and blinked cutely: "Junior sister, do you mind if I drive your new car out for a while?"
"New car? Do you think I look like I can afford one..." Lu Mingfei patted her skirt. If she had pockets, she would turn them out to show that she was a penniless Cinderella. Her princess-like clothes were just borrowed from others. When the clock struck twelve, she would return to her original form.
"Stupid, it's that key!" Nuo Nuo patted Lu Mingfei on the head. "What Caesar gave you is a car key, a Bugatti Veyron made by Volkswagen in Germany. It was a gift from his father. But he doesn't like anything his father gave him, so he doesn't mind giving it to you as a small treat to invite you to join the student union."
Lu Mingfei's eyes almost popped out. This was the second time she suffered a dimensionality reduction attack from the rich second generation tonight. The first time was Princess Zero, and the second time was Prince Caesar. Please, can you rich guys stop being so arrogant! The look of being in need of everything except money is really depressing to ordinary girls!
"I don't think I'm ready to put my feet, a lowly person's, into the prince's car..." Lu Mingfei trembled and handed the key to Nuonuo. Happiness came too suddenly for her to believe. The value of that car was even greater than the total wealth she had spent at her aunt's house since she was a child.
"It's okay, you'll get used to it in the future! Every beautiful girl in Kassel should have a sports car of her own." Nuonuo patted Lu Mingfei's shoulder vigorously, sounding like comfort, or perhaps praising the generosity of the little sister, "Do you want to go out for a stroll together?"
"I'll forget it... I don't want a bullet to hit me when I'm out for a while and use it directly on the will I signed." Lu Mingfei crouched down with her head in her hands, "It's better for me to hide in my turtle shell."
She had once shot down the top two in the academy with two shots, and killed elite snipers and squads with a hidden gun while squatting in the pit, but those were all simulated exercises, and the feeling was completely different from now. Just by listening to the power of the explosion, she knew that the other party had used a good weapon. With her small body, she couldn't even take a bullet. A deadly invasion attack and a free day are two different things! She has to be timid! Didn't Norma say that freshmen can go back to the dormitory? Does this mean she doesn't have to participate in the war!
"If you need it, I can find someone to take you back to the dormitory." Caesar glanced at the huddled little sheep. It was hard to say how she stretched out her claws and scratched everyone on a free day. Did she actually have a dual personality? It reminded me of a famous saying of an old thief - the man who hides his eyes is a lion. Oh no, it was a beautiful girl with a lion in her eyes. When she exploded, no one could stop her.
"I..." Lu Mingfei wanted to agree, but she suddenly remembered what Ling said. Caesar was as proud as he was in choosing songs. If she showed weakness in front of such a person, he would definitely look down on her. It was Ling's rescue tonight that gave her the opportunity to be equal to Caesar. She couldn't show her true colors immediately after Ling left, making Caesar feel that he had given the car keys to a wimp.
"Please give me a gun." Lu Mingfei stood up, but she was not a beautiful girl with a lion in her eyes. If Caesar could stand in front of her, he would find that her eyes were still as cautious and careful as a cat's, and a little timid, as if she was trembling. But cats are never afraid, they just carefully consider every step, whether to evade or fight, and when they show their power, anyone who comes over will have to eat a meal of Phantom Wushuang Claw, even the cat owner.
Caesar whistled and threw the gun he had just loaded over: "Remember to return it to me."
Lu Mingfei grabbed it without even turning her head. She was a little bit overwhelmed before she could show off her coolness for half a second, because Caesar's gun was much heavier than the PPK she was used to. She lowered her hand for a second before she realized that she had to hold it tightly. If she dropped it, Caesar would laugh at her to death. She was stunned when she took a look at it in front of her. There was a skull angel with wings spread out engraved on the huge gun handle, as if it was smiling at her.
What the hell is this? Caesar, are you in the second grade of junior high school now? Are you the kind of street kid who thinks skulls are so cool that he wears a skull-printed T-shirt and walks in a zigzag manner? Do you even have to have a skull on your underwear?
She couldn't help but complain in her heart. Caesar had no idea that because of a weapon, his status in Lu Mingfei's heart dropped by ninety-nine percentage points.
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