Volume 1 Hello, Lu Mingfei Chapter 61 Blue Bird (Part 3)

“Speaking of which, what’s wrong with your eyes, Senior Brother?” Lu Mingfei pointed at her own eyes. “When I saw you during the day, your eyes were golden.”
This was not the first time she had seen golden pupils. On that rainy night, the fighting god Odin on the viaduct, Chu Zihang's father Chu Tianjiao, and the little loli Lu Mingze, they all had such brilliant eyes. The only difference was the depth of the color.
Chu Zihang lowered his head and wiped away his black contact lenses. His pupils, as dazzling as the golden sun, were exposed to the air without reservation, mysterious and weird, like some ancient monster hidden in the darkness. The first thing you see would never be his face. Only when you see the shining light would you understand that it was the eyes of a monster.
“Golden pupils are a sign of the extremely high purity of dragon bloodline. Students in Kassel can light up their eyes whenever they want, but I can’t extinguish my golden pupils. I was only A-grade during the entrance examination, but now everyone calls me super A-grade. I usually have to wear colored contact lenses so as not to scare others.” Chu Zihang whispered.
"So beautiful..." Lu Mingfei praised sincerely. Chu Zihang said that every mixed-blood can do that, but Lu Mingfei didn't think she had any charming eyes. The only result of trying to open her eyes wide was dry and painful eyes.
"It's not a good thing." The people of Kassel are proud of the purity of their bloodline, but Chu Zihang doesn't think so. He knows very well what this feature of his means. "The never-extinguished golden eyes mean that the bloodline is unstable. If the proportion of dragon blood in a hybrid exceeds 50%, then he will no longer be human, and will gradually slide towards the dragon end. Compared with the dragon race, the human bloodline is very small, but extremely powerful. Dragon blood can reach 99.99% in the human body, occupying the vast majority, but there will always be that 0.01% of human bloodline that cannot be completely eliminated. In this case, humans will become monsters that are neither human nor dragon, with both human appearance and dragon vitality, just like the walking dead."
Chu Zihang looked into Lu Mingfei's eyes and said, "You have seen that kind of thing. We have experienced it together before."
"You mean... Deadpool?" Lu Mingfei's memory returned to the mysterious elevated road, those emaciated monsters that looked like evil spirits, their bone claws could tear steel plates, and they could follow the Maybach at a speed of 120 kilometers per hour. No wonder Chu Tianjiao said that as long as he went to Kassel, he would understand everything. That kind of thing is simply the worst ending for a hybrid with dragon blood.
"Everyone in Cassel has the potential to become Deadpool. The bloodline rating is not only based on the proportion of dragon blood in the body, but also takes into account the stability of the bloodline. In my condition, I am not worthy of being called a super A-level. Caesar is also A-level, but his bloodline is much more stable than mine." Chu Zihang said softly.
“You mean, Brother, you will turn into a monster like that? Everyone here?” Lu Mingfei was confused. It sounded like he was living in an academy where everyone around him could turn into a zombie at any time.
"No, bloodline will only change under very rare conditions. For most people, the bloodline of the dragon race is very stable. Just be content with the status quo and don't do anything unnecessary. I am a rare exception." Chu Zihang said lightly, "You are S-level, which means that your bloodline is extremely pure and very stable. In the future, your achievements are destined to be better than mine and Caesar's. Neither President Lionheart nor the President of the Student Union can stop you."
“Brother, please don’t flatter me .” Lu Mingfei felt a little embarrassed by Chu Zihang’s praise. “You said that everyone here can light up the golden pupils, but I can’t. I think that S-level may mean that my bloodline is rare rather than something very powerful, just like panda blood. Do you know panda blood?”
"The probability of RH negative blood type in the population is only 0.3%. "One of Chu Zihang's few hobbies is reading, so he knows a lot of unpopular knowledge.
"Ever since I opened the Gate of Cassel, everyone of you has been saying that I'm S-rank, I'm so awesome blah blah..." Lu Mingfei patted his chest and spread his hands, "But brother, what's so awesome about me? I'm not tall, my figure is average, and I don't even have a proud chest. I'm not a stunning beauty. For example, if Nuonuo and I confess to you now, you must choose one of us or the world will be destroyed. Who will you choose?"
Her original intention was to make a joke and compare her excellence with Nuonuo, but she didn't expect Chu Zihang to stare at her face very seriously and even fell into a brief contemplation. This serious attitude made her feel a little embarrassed, and she couldn't control her expression and wanted to avoid Chu Zihang's gaze.
"...I will choose you." There is no maybe or maybe, Chu Zihang answered very confidently, although it was a little slow.
Lu Mingfei's heart skipped a beat. If there was an ECG monitor here, her ECG would definitely rise rapidly after reaching the bottom until it reached the upper limit.
"Why...why..." She asked softly while looking at Chu Zihang, her voice trembling uncontrollably. Chu Zihang's answer was like Cupid's bow and arrow, which could take away her heart that had been silent for a long time with one shot.
"Because Nuonuo and I are not very familiar with each other." Chu Zihang's answer was very logical, "And I have a lot of friendship with you. If I have to choose one person to survive on the day of the end of the world, it will be more convenient to carry out post-disaster reconstruction with you."
Lu Mingfei's mood, which had just soared, now sank to the depths of the ocean again. Guys from science and engineering majors have always been straight men. They always care more about logical thinking rather than emotional options. Brother, don't you think that the question of who you would choose between me and a certain beautiful girl is very much like a dying interrogation of a boyfriend by a girlfriend?
Well, although the thinking process may not be so sweet, at least Lu Mingfei found this answer very useful. Not every boy in the world likes pretty and cute little witches. There are also idiots like Chu Zihang who think Cinderella is more appealing, although he may be attracted by the fact that Cinderella's calloused hands are better at work rather than caring about her appearance...
Damn, what is this? Sooner or later, I will become a beautiful girl with a lot of blingbling, okay? When the time comes, I will just toss my skirt and lift my long legs, press you against the wall and forcefully kiss you without saying anything, saying that this road is opened by me and this tree is planted by me. If you want to live here from now on, you have to go back and become my wife first!
She angrily grabbed the chicken nuggets and stuffed them into her mouth, drinking down a bottle of Coke, completely forgetting about maintaining her cute little bird-like stomach while eating in front of her senior brother.
"Actually, I wanted to invite you today to join the Lionheart Club." Chu Zihang slowly ate his fried egg that was almost getting cold.
"Originally?" Lu Mingfei keenly noticed the meaning behind this sentence, which meant that Chu Zihang no longer planned to do so.
"I promised you a three-month boyfriend-girlfriend agreement, which means we have to avoid suspicion. If I continue to invite you to join the Lionheart Club, the members of the Lionheart Club will connect Finkel's post with our current relationship and take it seriously." Chu Zihang said, "This is not in line with my attitude towards work. It's a bit like nepotism."
“Senior Brother, you…are indeed a good candidate to be an honest official…” Lu Mingfei was very depressed, so depressed that even Coke couldn’t be happy anymore.
Why is this happening? She was still looking forward to the plot of the Lionheart Club in the future, where she could be Chu Zihang's diligent secretary, pouring him warm tea in winter and fanning him in summer. When Chu Zihang was working at his desk, she would sit quietly by his side, pretending to flip through books and sort out information, and take the opportunity to secretly count her senior brother's eyelashes from the pages.
Now all of these are gone! Just because she was so rude just now! Compared to that, being a nominal boyfriend or girlfriend for three months is nothing! When I'm really busy, I won't have time to take care of it! Joining the Lionheart Club is the most important thing, so that I can be with my senior brother every day!
"But it doesn't matter, you can still join the Student Union." Perhaps seeing that Lu Mingfei was in a bad mood, Chu Zihang hurried to make amends and tried to comfort his junior sister by saying that it didn't matter if she couldn't join the Lionheart Club, the Student Union was also a great place, "Caesar will definitely invite you, he won't let S-level freshmen join the Lionheart Club, he will definitely offer you many favorable conditions."
The face that had fought with his senior brother during the day gradually came to her mind. Lu Mingfei was rarely a fangirl, but she had to admit that Caesar did look like a tall, rich and handsome guy with a look that said "I'm awesome."
"It sounds like Caesar is like Cao Cao who loves to spend money to recruit talents." Lu Mingfei commented.
"He is indeed very generous. The school board should pay for Free Day every year, but he pays for all the damages and incentives for the student union. Compared with boys, he is more generous to girls. The student union has a White Lace Dance Troupe, which brings together beautiful girls from all over Kassel. Nuonuo is the leader, and all of them are recruited by Caesar himself." Chu Zihang looked at Lu Mingfei's face carefully, "You are beautiful and S-level, Caesar should be happy to see you join."
Lu Mingfei was stunned. She remembered that this seemed to be the first time Chu Zihang praised a girl's beauty in person since he went to Kassel from Shilan Middle School. If she was asked why she knew this, it was because in Shilan Middle School, if there was a girl who was close to Chu Zihang, she would show off to her girlfriends the next day. At that time, Chu Zihang seldom said good things to anyone. He always came and left the crowd like the wind in a very cold manner.
Damn, what kind of honor is this? Brother, what's wrong with your eyes?
If someone who is not interested says compliments thousands of times, the only response he or she will probably get is a thank you. But if it is someone you like, it will be different. Lu Mingfei was sitting in the restaurant, but her soul was flying in the sky, because she was made beautiful by this sentence.
The door of the restaurant suddenly opened. Professor Guderian looked around and when he saw Lu Mingfei, he immediately showed a look of joy. He strode over and patted her on the shoulder.
"Finally I found you, kid! I'm so proud of you! Your name has spread all over the campus in one day. Everyone calls you the Guns N' Roses of Cassell!"
"If you bomb the Pentagon, your name will spread all over the United States within a day..." Lu Mingfei was not interested. Doesn't this old guy have any sense? In the dead of night, a man and a woman are having a tryst in a restaurant. You have no part in either the meal or the relationship! If you disturb others' love, you will be burned at the stake by the FFF group who don't burn true love!
"You are still looking for Lu Mingfei so late at night. Is there something urgent?" Chu Zihang was always polite to professors, even though Professor Guderian was not his mentor.
"I just went to your dormitory, but couldn't find you, so I had to ask Norma to look for you everywhere on campus." Professor Guderian handed Lu Mingfei an envelope. "I'm here to give you your student ID card. I'm too busy during the day. With this card, you can enjoy S-level treatment within the full range. It is also a Citibank platinum credit card with a limit of $100,000, but remember to spend within your means. Also, tomorrow is the day for the entrance exam. The physical fitness test, shooting test, bloodline reassessment and 3E exam are all piled up together. It will be very busy. Are you ready?"
"So many things for the first time?" Lu Mingfei was dumbfounded. She had always heard that universities abroad were more relaxed, but this seemed to be a lie, even more annoying than the compulsory military training in China! "I can still understand the previous part, but what is this 3E exam?"
"This small test may be a bit of a headache for others, but it's a piece of cake for you who is an S-level." Professor Guderian looked very happy, as if it was not Lu Mingfei who was about to take the test but himself, and he was the rumored S-level.
"What's the test? Is it an interview or a written test? Are there multiple-choice questions and true-or-false ?" I ask this because if you don't know the answers to these two types of questions, you can still rely on guessing. If it's all essays, then you're screwed. Lu Mingfei's English is pretty good, but she's not very good at this. She often fails to grasp the key points in the essays in the liberal arts and gets low scores.
"The Dragon Language Test is the language of dragons," Chu Zihang said. "Don't worry, it's not a foreign language. Dragon Language is one of the native languages ​​of all hybrids, and there is no need to learn it. The language of the dragon race is a memory passed down through the bloodline. The purer the bloodline , the better the understanding of Dragon Language. On the contrary, if the bloodline is not pure enough, you can only understand a fragment of Dragon Language."
"Kassel College will evaluate the bloodline of each student before they enroll. This work is performed by the principal himself, and there has never been a mistake over the years." Professor Guderian said, "But there are always exceptions. Bloodline is not always a static thing. Even for old students, they will take the 3E test again every year to investigate the changes in the students' bloodline based on their resonance with the dragon script."
Jun 20, 2024
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Jun 20, 2024