Volume 1 Hello, Lu Mingfei Chapter 44: Girl's Fantasy (Part 7)

If the senior sister came to the rescue out of chivalry and to let the younger sister who was about to enter school shine, then why did Ling help Lu Mingfei once? You know, she shouldn't be here at this time. She will report to Kassel College soon. At this time, normal people should be busy preparing plans to go abroad.
But Ling quietly took a plane and came to this small city from afar, and happened to arrive at the cinema to save the day. Lu Mingfei had no way of interpreting the meaning of her behavior. Could it be that the girl had fallen in love with her delicate body through the network cable? But she was not even as tall as herself, so she had to stand on tiptoe even if she wanted to kiss her.
"I just want to come to China for a look." Ling said lightly.
Lu Mingfei's heart skipped a beat, she seemed to know what he was thinking.
"Do you like China very much?" Lu Mingfei asked following her words.
"I don't like it, but I don't hate it either. My knowledge of China is limited to information and pictures on the Internet. The closest I came to China was in Blagoveshchensk, which is only 700 meters away from the nearest place in HH, China, and the two sides are separated by HLJ. It snowed heavily that day, and the river seemed to be across a white curtain. I walked along the guardrail by the river and looked at the country on the other side of the river, imagining what kind of life the people there were leading at that time. Later, I tripped over a stone and the hamburger bag in my hand slipped from under the guardrail into the river. That was my lunch."
Ling whispered about her fate with China, and Lu Mingfei felt that there was a very faint yearning in her words, which was not a longing for this country, but for some other reason, Ling wanted to come to China to take a look. So when she was still not capable, she would stand in Blagoveshchensk and look across the river at the country of her dreams, just like Lu Mingfei always sat on the rooftop, hoping that there would be a shining future for herself in the brightly lit CBD area.
"If you are planning to travel, China has many famous cities and attractions. There is nothing interesting to see in this small city. You have come to the wrong place," said Lu Mingfei.

"I'm not interested in those. What I care about is the country itself rather than a certain scenic spot." Ling looked into Lu Mingfei's eyes. "I used to have a very good friend. We agreed to go to China together. Later we lost contact, but I think she will definitely abide by our agreement. So China is a place I must visit. Only here can I see her again."
Lu Mingfei thought to herself, what a love-struck girl! The guy Ling was talking about was probably a scumbag who played with girls' feelings and then abandoned them, right? It was a pity that Ling hadn't forgotten about him until now, and even came all the way to China to look for him. But now, who knows where the scumbag was, having a good time, and had long forgotten the Russian girl in his hometown.
Looking at Ling's calm face, Lu Mingfei couldn't help sighing in her heart. There were thousands of scumbags in the world, but those kind and lovely girls were the ones who were deceived. If Lu Mingfei knew the name of that ungrateful bastard, she would definitely be the first one to rush up and kick his balls with the tip of her shoe.
"Then... have you seen him?" Lu Mingfei asked cautiously.
"No." Ling shook his head. "People always change. After so many years, maybe she doesn't remember me anymore. But it doesn't matter. As long as I still remember her, there will always be a chance to make up for the regret."
“Is it that serious?” Lu Mingfei slapped her thigh and lamented his misfortune. She couldn’t bear to see him still thinking about her after being cheated on. “What’s so good about that scumbag? He has already abandoned you, but you are still thinking about him! I guarantee that if he knows you are in China, the first thing he will do is buy a plane ticket and fly to the other side of the Pacific Ocean!”
"Scumbag?" Ling tilted his head slightly, wondering if there was something wrong with his expression.
"She's talking about your friend who said she would go to China with you." Nuonuo reminded her. She could tell that the two of them were not on the same wavelength at all.
"Oh, I forgot that the pronouns for men and women in Chinese have the same pronunciation." Zero reacted, "The person I'm talking about is a girl."
"What's your relationship with her?" Lu Mingfei was eager to know more.
"A friend of life and death." said Zero.
This is a very interesting Chinese idiom, often seen in the martial arts novels of Master Jin Yong. It says that two young heroes became acquainted through fighting, and together they went through the bloody storms of the martial arts world and survived many dangers, and finally turned their swords into plowshares and developed a friendship of life and death.
Modern people seldom say such things, because the world we live in is free of swords, guns, sticks, and martial arts secrets to be stolen. Even the closest of people would find it difficult to share life and death together for the rest of their lives.
But when Ling said this word, he stared at Lu Mingfei 's eyes, as if trying to see something from them. Combined with her expressionless face, it is convincing that these four words mean something. Maybe in this Russian girl's past life, she really had a life-and-death experience with a friend. Lu Mingfei couldn't help but imagine a drama of two peerless heroes, Xiaoyuer and Hua Wuque!
The black business car glided over at a rapid speed. The driver was definitely a top-notch driver who could make the car and the Ferrari line up perfectly side by side.
The three of them turned around at the same time. The window of the business car slowly rolled down, and the capable young boy waved and greeted Nuonuo: "My classmate, the beast you ordered is here!"
"Don't you even bother to check the fuel gauge before you drive out? This really suits your style, Nuonuo." Sitting in the passenger seat was a girl with a bob haircut and a sweet smile.
The boy's name was Ye Sheng and the girl's name was Jiude Aki. In the interview at the Regent Hotel, Lu Mingfei had faced these two interviewers and experienced their nonsensical questions as well as Nono's.
At this time, the rear window of the business car was lowered, revealing an old man with fluffy gray hair and a pair of thick glasses on his nose. He leaned out of the window and waved his hands like a fan calling his brother: "Finally I see you, Lu Mingfei!"

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