Volume 1 Deserter's Bloodbath Chapter 98: Concussion!

With a hard multi-grain cake in his mouth and a kettle full of water next to him, Feng E half-sat in the trench, replenishing his strength.
The battle had been going on since dawn and it was almost noon now. The continuous fighting consumed calories quickly and Feng E was already rumbling with hunger.
“Click, click…”
Feng E chewed the multi-grain cake and felt that it was not so bad. Maybe it was because he was used to it. After Feng E finished the half multi-grain cake left over from the morning, he felt unsatisfied and not full!
“Gurgle, gurgle…”
Feng E drank big gulps of water. He didn't know what the next battle would be like, and he didn't know when the regiment's kitchen staff would deliver food. He could only hold on to the water for now.
A shell landed in front of the position, raising a large cloud of dust.
"Fuck, the devils are starting!"
Feng E hurriedly put down the kettle, screwed on the lid, and put it on his back. Holding his gun, he squatted at the edge of the trench, waiting for the bombardment to come...
“Boom, boom, boom…”
Less than a minute after the first shell landed, a large-scale artillery bombardment arrived and the entire position was engulfed in a sea of ​​fire. The high-explosive shells fired by the Japanese mountain artillery were very powerful, carrying a large amount of heat energy and shrapnel. The blown-up dirt and gravel flew in the air along with the shrapnel, but there was no movement from the position. The only living person squatted beside the trench, covering his ears and muttering something. No one knew who Feng E was praying to.
Restraining the fear that was bursting in his heart, Feng E tried hard not to run. Most of those who ran during the bombing died, and those who were lucky enough to survive would lose some part of their body forever. He had never seen anyone who was unscathed.
“Boom, boom, boom…”
"Swish, swish..."
As the bombardment accumulated, sand, dust and gravel continued to fall on Feng E's body, and the helmet on his head made a crisp sound. It was not just gravel that fell from the sky, but also Feng E who grimaced in pain.
Feng E finally let out a scream, he couldn't bear being hit any more!
"Little devil, I'll fuck your ancestors..."
Feng E looked up at the sky, which was filled with shrapnel and rubble. He felt it would be safer to stay in the trench.
A rare event occurred, and a shell landed directly in the trench where Feng E was...
"Puff puff……"
The shrapnel hit the soil of the trench savagely, and a large amount of gravel and sand passed through the trench and swarmed towards Feng E's position...
"I'm gonna fuck you!"
Feng E, who was squatting in the trench, was scared to death. He didn't know what was in the sandstorm. Feng E didn't dare to gamble. If he lost the bet, he would lose his life.
There was no other way, Feng E had to flee, but he couldn't run too far. He couldn't outrun him by running backwards, so he had to escape from the trench.
Feng E climbed onto the trench with his rifle in hand, then rolled over and over. He hoped that his luck would not be so bad and that the shells would not hit him. As for what was on the ground, he no longer cared!
“Boom, boom, boom…”
The Japanese shelling was still going on. In Feng E's memory, it seemed as if the Japanese had been shelling for several days. He now regretted very much staying in the position!
While rolling in panic, Feng E rolled into a bomb crater. The bomb crater that had just been bombed still had a huge amount of heat, which made Feng E feel warm all of a sudden!
Feng E finally stopped, crawled in the bomb crater, and roared madly.
The shaking of the earth quickly made Feng E realize that he could not crawl like this. He screamed wildly, lifted his chest and abdomen from the ground, and put his limbs on the ground.
The bombing is still going on, and Feng E is still alive. The most fortunate thing is that the Japanese did not use heavy artillery above 100mm this time!
"Weng, Weng, Weng..."
His hands could no longer take care of his ears, and he could no longer take care of his rifle, which was shaking with the ground beside him...
"Swish, swish..."
As the last piece of dust fell, the battlefield finally became quiet. However, the roar in Feng E's ears continued. The human body cannot adapt to changes in the external environment so quickly.
"Damn it, the shelling has stopped?"
However, the shaking of the earth had disappeared, which Feng E could feel. In order to make sure that his feeling was correct, he pressed his body back to the bottom of the crater!
Feng E confirmed it, grabbed the rifle beside him, and tried to bend down and stand up to return to the trench.
He underestimated the concussion that the prolonged bombardment would cause to his brain. After he stood up, he felt dizzy and fell headfirst.
He could only return to the instinct of a human being coming to this world, get on all fours, and start crawling on the ground. Then he reached the edge of the trench and fell down with a plop. Because he had misjudged the edge of the crater, it was not an edge, but loose soil. The loose soil carried Feng E into the crater!
Feng E pushed the loose soil out of his mouth, and the first note he heard was a scream, because falling into the trench was really painful!
Feng E, who was eating with a grin, climbed up, then sat down again because he felt a little dizzy.
“Puff , puff…”
Turning the rifle, Feng E blew hard, trying to blow away the dust on the scope.
It really works, the layer of dust on the scope is almost gone...
"Beep, beep, beep..."
After climbing to the edge of the trench and sticking his head out, Feng E no longer needed the scope. The densely packed Japanese soldiers were already three hundred meters away. In Feng E's impression, there were already quite a few Japanese soldiers in the 200-meter crater, and now there were so many of them, the Japanese soldiers were definitely not here for a picnic.
"Beep, beep, beep..."
Feng E, who was blowing the whistle hard, felt more and more dizzy, and finally sat down in the trench again. He felt so dizzy.
"Heavy machine gun, ready to fire!"
"The Japs are coming, get in the trenches!"
When Zhao Liang rushed out of the heavy machine gun bunker, he ordered the heavy machine guns to prepare to fire, and then ran frantically in the trenches and communication trenches, urging the soldiers in the anti-artillery holes to come out quickly...
"Hurry up! Bring the ammunition! The Japs are not here to give gifts!"
Seeing some brothers coming out empty-handed, Zhao Liang kicked one of them angrily and told him to go back and bring his gun.
"Feng E, how are you? Where are you injured?"
Under Zhao Liang's urging, the brothers of the first company rushed into the trenches one after another. Even the Czech machine guns were put back on the earthen mound. The suggested fortifications made of sandbags on the earthen mound had been leveled , and the remaining craters were natural fortifications.
"It's nothing, I just feel dizzy and want to vomit!"
Feng E frowned and answered painfully.
"Then you rest here for a while. Here, drink more water!"
Zhao Liang handed his water bottle to Feng E, then climbed up the trench, raised his telescope, and began to observe the attacking devils...
Jun 30, 2024
Jun 30, 2024
Jun 30, 2024
Jun 30, 2024
Jun 30, 2024