Volume 1 Deserter's Bloodbath Chapter 57: The Riverbank of Life and Death (Part 1)!

The thirty remaining soldiers stopped in disgrace. Now they had to admire Feng E's foresight. It was not that they did not want to continue running backwards, but they were afraid; not only were they afraid of the supervision team's machine guns, but they were even more afraid of the enemy's artillery fire.
"Fuck, I'm glad I didn't stay in the house!"
The surviving soldiers were covered in cold sweat, looking at the ruined house, and threw the only remaining glimmer of hope to the back of their minds.
"Don't gather in groups, check your weapons and ammunition, and keep your eyes on the river!"
Feng E still had his rifle on his back and continued to wield the shovel in his hand, messing around in the ruins. He wanted to make a better cover for himself.
"Those who are still alive are ready to fight, the Japs are coming soon..."
The officers' shouts began to be heard behind him. Feng E looked back and saw Hu Lian, wearing a helmet and bathed in smoke and dust, striding forward to inspect the defense line.
"Don't listen to me anymore, listen to him; this guy has something, if it wasn't him, I'm afraid we would have died several times today!"
The Northeastern man who led the riot moved his lips and spoke to the dozen or so criminal soldiers who followed him.
"Big Teeth, give me your machine gun and load the magazine for me. Then I'll shoot at the Japanese!"
The man from Northeast China crawled to the side of the machine gunner and spoke to the criminal soldier whose front teeth were sticking out of his lips.
"Brother Big Rice, there is no tripod!"
The brother holding the machine gun handed it over and spoke with a leak in his mouth.
"How many times have I told you that my last name is Min, and my surname is Min. Not Mi!"
The big guy from Northeast China placed two stones in front of him while cursing, picked up the machine gun, and placed the muzzle of the gun in the middle of the gap formed by the two stones.
He crawled down with his whole body, pushed the bullet up, held the grip with his right hand, put the butt of the gun on his shoulder, and grabbed the drooping machine gun handle with his left hand to fix the muzzle.
"Who is in charge of the Death Company now?"
Hu Lian's voice sounded behind him. Feng E turned his head and found Hu Lian squatting twenty meters behind him, yelling.
"It's me, Captain Lin died in battle!"
Feng E turned around and shouted,
"The Second Company next to us has suffered heavy casualties. Your Death Squadron's defense line will extend twenty meters to the left. Do you understand?"
Hu Lian frowned and gave the order. He really wanted to send someone else to command the death squad, but he didn't have many officers left.
"Yes, sir!"
After Feng E finished answering, he turned around and looked at his own defense line with a sad face. After adding the original fifty meters, now thirty people were responsible for a seventy-meter defense line. The key was that he only had one machine gun with a missing leg.
"Min Da Ge will be in charge of the machine guns. You can pick two brothers to cooperate with you and be responsible for the five-meter defense line."
"Chen Hua, you take eight brothers to be responsible for the additional 20-meter defense line on the left."
"The rest of you, spread out, keep at least two meters between each person."
Feng E began to set up a defense line. Now he had no other choice but to defend as best as possible and hope that reinforcements from behind would arrive soon.
"The devils are coming!"
The smoke and dust caused by the explosion finally dissipated slowly in the morning breeze. The brothers who had been observing the river bank shouted and pointed in the direction of the river bank.
"Fire, damn it!"
Feng E picked up the sniper rifle and looked through the sniper scope. In just a moment, the Japanese had built a simple floating bridge on the Qi Lian River, and a large number of Japanese were rushing across the river.
"Da da da……"
“Boom boom boom…”
Without waiting for the defenders to open fire, the Japanese soldiers who came ashore set up light and heavy machine guns and began firing at the ruins on the river bank.
“Click, click…”
The Japanese soldiers' military boots kept trampling on the bridge deck. The Japanese soldiers who jumped off the bridge began to build positions on the river bank to cover the Japanese soldiers behind them as they crossed the river!
“Bang, bang, bang…”
Almost at the same time as the machine guns sounded, countless heads emerged from the ruins on the river bank, and the brothers of the 66th Regiment finally opened fire!
"Da da da……"
Czech-style sounds rang out, and a swarm of bullets poured towards the Japs on the river bank like a tide.
"Puff puff……"
The Japanese soldiers who were squatting or crawling on the river bank were constantly shot, and a large number of them fell on the river bank screaming.
The Japanese commander on the other side of the river waved his sword and ordered the artillery to continue shelling.
“Boom, boom…”
At this time, it was time to demonstrate the power of the Japanese 75 mountain artillery and infantry artillery. Shells kept falling on the firing line, and the brothers in the ruins were constantly blown away.
Screams continued to ring out along the Qi Lian River, including those of the Japanese and those of our fellow soldiers in the National Army.
"Kill him!"
“Bang, bang…”
The Japanese sergeant began to command his troops to attack forward. Dozens of Japanese soldiers held guns, squatted down and fired continuously, then stood up, pulled the bolts, and moved forward.
Something even more terrifying happened. The Japanese grenade launchers joined the battlefield. Their grenade throwers were all veterans and their accuracy was impeccable.
"Big Min, change your position! Don't just lie there and wait to die!"
Feng E shouted anxiously. In a few minutes of exchange of fire, several machine guns on the defense line had been destroyed by the Japanese artillery fire!
“Bang! Bang!”
Feng E kept shooting. When he was less than two hundred meters away from the river bank, his marksmanship was fully demonstrated, but he still could not stop the Japanese charge.
The 33rd Brigade in Luodian Town suffered heavy casualties in the Japanese naval artillery bombardment. Hundreds of brothers were killed. The remaining brothers are now treating the wounded in the ruins with red eyes.
Meanwhile, on the northwest defense line of Luodian, by the Qilian River, the fighting was now in full swing. The Japanese kept shooting in front of the positions of the Kuomintang brothers, and they covered each other and took turns rushing towards the positions.
"Kill him!"
The Japs were getting closer and closer, and the brothers who were leaning forward to shoot could even see the hideous faces of the Japs as they charged.
Feng E was trying hard to shoot. As his index finger bent, the trigger was pressed to the bottom. The high-speed rotating bullet instantly penetrated the muzzle and pointed at the body of the Japanese soldier. The charging Japanese soldier fell on the river bank, and blood kept gushing towards the river bank.
"Min, fire your machine guns! Stop running!"
"Everyone, open fire! Get your grenades ready! If the devils come charging at us, they'll all be killed!"
Feng E cursed as he fired. He didn't need to look, as he could tell from the gunshots on both sides that these criminal soldiers were not firing at full speed, but were firing when they had time, for they were afraid of attracting the enemy's machine gun bullets .
"Fuck you, Mr. Feng, you want to kill me!"
“Da da da… Da da da…”
Hearing Feng E's curse and calling out his name, the big guy Min finally pressed the muzzle of the machine gun and started firing long bursts. The rhythmic rhythm of the machine gun's continuous firing sounded.
"Puff puff……"
"This must be an old machine gunner!" Feng E labeled Min Da Ge in his mind, watching the several Japanese soldiers who rushed within a hundred meters being shot one after another!
"Dead! Dead!"
The machine guns continued to fire. The criminal soldiers scattered on the front line shouted that they were going to die. They all pulled the trigger with grief and anger on their faces. The 7.92mm bullets kept firing at the Japanese.
"Puff puff……"
The Japanese soldiers running in the front were constantly being concentrated, and the sudden firepower caused the Japanese attack to pause slightly.
Jun 30, 2024
Jun 30, 2024
Jun 30, 2024
Jun 30, 2024
Jun 30, 2024