Volume 1 Deserter's Bloodbath Chapter 3 Gu Family Residence

The train stopped at Nanxiang, Shanghai. The 11th Division was ordered to gather here. The Death Battalion, the death-defying organization of the 11th Division, was the last to arrive. Under the leadership of the officers, the Death Battalion marched in an orderly queue to the death camp. At the headquarters of the 11th Division, Deputy Division Commander Mo Yushuo, Fang Tian, ​​Chief of Staff Mei Chunhua, Commander of the 31st Brigade Wang Yan, Commander of the 33rd Brigade Ye Peigao and the commanders of each regiment were already waiting for Peng Shan's arrival.
"Commander, you must have worked hard on the journey. Have a cup of hot water first. Does Nanjing have any special instructions for us?" Mei Chunhua asked Peng Shan, who was ordered to go to Beijing.
"Commander Chen has given us a death squad, and I brought it with me. They are all made up of prisoners from the military prison, but they are all veterans on the battlefield, so I guess this is a bit of a benefit for the 11th Division!"
Peng Shan took the hot water with a smile, took a sip, and the fatigue from the journey seemed to be swept away.
"Has there been any order from the Beijing-Shanghai Garrison Command? What is the mission of our division?" Peng Shan asked casually. He had just got off the train and was completely cut off from any news on the train. Now he urgently wanted to know his mission.
"Not yet. Commander Chen has just been informed that our division has assembled." Mei Chunhua shook his head.
"Then let the brothers rest for a while, but be ready to set out at any time. Have the logistics and ammunition been distributed?" Peng Shan asked.
"Except for the death squad you brought with you, the rest of the troops can set out at any time!"

"The Death Battalion only received rifles in Nanjing, and we will distribute bullets to them from the logistics department. In addition, each company will be reinforced with a Czech light machine gun. The battalion headquarters will be assigned a dynamic support platoon, and they will be assigned two heavy machine guns and two 60 mortars. We will do it now. The battle situation in Shanghai has not made any breakthroughs. I estimate that we don't have much free time!" Peng Shan looked at the situation map on the wall and fell into deep thought;
"By the way, transfer Han Yingbin, the deputy commander of the 62nd Regiment, to be the commander of the Death Battalion. I have already selected the company and platoon leaders of the Death Battalion from my guard company. Let Han Yingbin lead the Death Battalion for me. Although it is only a battalion, it has more than 620 veterans. If used well, the combat effectiveness will be no worse than that of a regiment! If he has any difficulties, try to solve them if you can!"
Mei Chunhua had already walked to the door when she heard Peng Shan's voice from behind her. Mei Chunhua stopped and turned around.
"Yes, commander! I will go to the 62nd Regiment immediately to let Han Yingbin take office!" Mei Chunhua saluted and strode away .
"Commander, telegram!"
A captain staff officer came in with an urgent telegram and asked Peng Shan, who had just sat down for less than half an hour, to stand up.
"I hereby order your 31st Brigade to transfer to the 87th Division for command. The 11th Division will command the 33rd Brigade to assemble in Dachang and advance towards Gujiazhai! Beijing-Shanghai Garrison Command!"
The telegram was very simple, without any complicated words, and Peng Shan read it through in two glances.
"Order all officers above the level of regimental commander to come to the division headquarters for a meeting, immediately!"
Peng Shan handed the telegram to the staff officer and gave the order with a serious face.
At this time, the Death Battalion, organized into companies, were collecting the ammunition distributed to Feng E in the military camp. The amount of ammunition distributed to Feng E was not much, fifty rounds of 7.92mm rifle bullets and four grenades, which was actually the standard carrying quantity for all riflemen. As for the machine gun ammunition, they had to have a little more, with three magazines for each Czech machine gun, so two hundred rounds of ammunition could still be guaranteed!
"Those who have received ammunition, go get food. Once you are full, be ready to set off at any time..."
Company commander Chen Sheng mechanically conveyed the orders of the new battalion commander Han Yingbin.
Although it was a temporary military camp, the food was not good either. The legendary meat and fish and the last meal before the war were not included at all. The kitchen staff prepared steaming multi-grain cakes that had just come out of the oven. Each person was given two, along with a bowl of soup with some unknown vegetable in it. Feng E squatted under a wooden pillar and ate them while they were hot. He had not eaten anything on the train, but now he felt like he could eat a cow.
The death squad, who had been hungry for a whole day on the train, could only make noisy eating and drinking sounds. No one was happy about the bullets and grenades they had just obtained. They were eager to lie down and have a good sleep after eating.
Accompanied by the snoring in the camp, most people fell into a deep sleep, but Feng E did not sleep. He ate one and a half whole-grain cakes, drank a bowl of vegetable soup, put aside the canteen, bayonet, rifle, bullet belt, and helmet that were in the way, loosened his leggings, and started boxing.

“Hoo, hoo…”
The Iron Wire Fist, a type of Southern Kung Fu, originated from Sichuan boxer Li Huzi and was promoted in Guangzhou by Shaolin monk Wang Yinlin. Feng E not only learned this style of boxing, but also learned Wang Yinlin's Shaolin boxing and breathing methods. From the boxing he practiced, it can be seen that this is not just a fancy street performer, but his powerful fists carry an inexplicable murderous aura.
"I didn't expect this boy to be the successor of Southern Fist. No wonder the military academy said that he is unrivaled in hand-to-hand combat!"
At the entrance of the battalion, the new battalion commander Han Yingbin smiled and nodded, then sighed and shook his head, as if lamenting that this man had become a member of the death squad.
In Han Yingbin's mind, no matter how good your skills are on the battlefield, a shell or a bullet can take your life, not to mention that he is just an ordinary private in the Death Squad. It is too difficult for him to survive!
"Battalion Commander, the division has ordered the Death Squadron to move toward Dachang. Once you arrive at Dachang, you don't have to stop there. Gather directly at Gu's residence and wait for new combat orders!"
A messenger ran over and conveyed the division's order after a military salute.
The Death Squadron was directly under the command of the 11th Division Headquarters. Peng Shan was reluctant to split this battalion of more than 600 people into two brigades.
"Now?" Han Yingbin asked.
The brothers of the Death Squad had just finished their meal and went to bed less than twenty minutes ago. Gathering and setting off at this time would add even greater burden to their tired bodies. A fierce battle was just around the corner, and Han Yingbin hoped to let the brothers sleep a little longer.
"Yes, the division headquarters orders you to set off immediately!"
"Understood, messenger, blow the emergency assembly call!" Han Yingbin nodded in response and gave the order to assemble.
"Beep, beep, beep..."
A shrill whistle sounded, waking up the brothers who had just fallen asleep, and also made Feng E, who was putting in his fists to feel his physical condition, hurriedly put on his leggings, then hung a water bottle, a grenade bag, a bullet bag and other odds and ends on his body, put on a German steel helmet, carried a rifle, and ran towards the open space where there were already people; he was now redeeming himself for meritorious service, and the military regulations were particularly strict for people like them, and he dared not be confused about such a small matter!
"Everyone, turn around and run!"
After a simple roll call, the company commanders of each company issued an order, and more than 600 members of the Death Battalion marched in disorderly steps, ran out of the camp, and headed north...

Jun 30, 2024
Jun 30, 2024
Jun 30, 2024
Jun 30, 2024
Jun 30, 2024